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52994676 No.52994676 [Reply] [Original]

I have a crush on a chick at my local coffee shop (not in SF, NYC, or LA). How do I manifest what I want which is a night out with her. I'm not a manlet, have a head full of hair, secure job, not fat, and Mexican.

>> No.52994716

be a fun person to be with

>> No.52994729
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I am, now what

>> No.52994731

we need more details Anon, does she work there? is she a regular? age difference? there are so many variables to fuck up your first impression/approach
good luck though!

>> No.52994766
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works there, i'm 30, she's prob 22. shes nice and we have similar vibes and aesthetics. i just get that feeling anon.

>> No.52994770

you havent convinced me yet frogfaggit
how can you convince this goddess of the espresso steamer? She gets hit on 50 times a day, no bs. You need a plan.

>> No.52994782

You're doing it all wrong. Ignore her, hate her.

>> No.52994795

stand outside with middle fingers raised

>> No.52994796

Just fap thinking of her and switch to different porn videos, there is no hope, that's the closest you'll be with her, anon

>> No.52994802

Be a rich white chad. What? You didn't make it from the 2019-2021 bull market?

>> No.52994812

non-defeatist thread this, Ser
its Xmas, we making an op miracle here

>> No.52994814
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I'm one of the best meme-ers on /biz/. Aside from crypto, I am so autistic that I have about 7TB of music that is not on Spotify, and I work at FAANG.

>> No.52994824

Any girl thats 7/10 or over is most likely taken. Even if they aren't they're talking to like 10+ guys on dating sites

>> No.52994838
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>have a crush on a chick thats working at the Mall near me
>think all day and all week and an entire month how to ask her out
>one day finally get my shit together and approach the store
>as I walk in I see her talking to some guy
>want to walk up to her after they are done talking but watch them from afar
>she kisses him very passionate
>leave store and go home
>never go to that store again and just order everything online

>> No.52994846

Put all that on a bizness card and hand it to her with your number on it. Done.

>> No.52994859
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based, we're going to make it bros

>> No.52994869

yeah but those guys are probably lame and don't own any BTC

>> No.52994885
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interesting idea, i actually could get a business card

>> No.52994893

hit the gym

>> No.52994941
File: 7 KB, 211x239, FC938288-E945-4FC9-BC90-15F6E93E05E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a job at an office (pre covid)
>one of my coworkers is a really beautiful blonde goddess
>perfect long legs, perfect ass and perfect tits, a face like an angel
>fall for her on the first day of the job
>valentines day is coming up
>ask her out during lunch break and if she wants to go to the sushi place next door
>she bursts out laughing and tells me her boyfriend wouldnt like if she met with other guys
>its been awkward since and I got fired eventually because I couldnt really focus on the job
>later find out she cheated on her boyfriend with some manlet from that office and is now pregnant
>its been 6 years now and I still think almost daily about her
>34 now and still a kissless hugless virgin also didnt make it to another job so been NEET for 6 years too

>> No.52994954

anon, hit the gym.

also how the fuck do you NEETs get by, are you living at home?

>> No.52995017

Thanks to crypto and defi I have some passive income now. Its not much but I can live relatively comfy with my parents who dont force me to pay rent or food.
>hit the gym.
I cant for medical reasons, I‘m not super obese or anything but have Heart problems.

>> No.52995036

Based and densha otoko-pilled

>> No.52995042
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jfc that's good! damn!
w/e you do for money you should be doing this instead. do it

>> No.52995061

Its over. Your people ate themselves into being 5'2''. Sorry anon, better luck next life.

>> No.52995087
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6 foot retard. Seethe more.


>> No.52995105

She’s already getting blacked bred daily
It’s over op

>> No.52995107

Height means nothing, I‘m 186cm tall and still a kissless hugless virgin, from up here I saw many manlets with gfs.

>> No.52995201

I've fucked many girls. real insider here. Consider yourselves blessed with my presence, you fucking nerds.

have you had a conversation with her? you got the feeling right? then you have to go for it. just ask her out straight and stop fucking around. ask her out on whatever. something light, like a beer or a walk and then you see where it leads. don't expect it all in one go.

>> No.52995275

Use the law of attraction

>> No.52995321

>I have about 7TB of music that is not on Spotify,
Whoopdy-do zoomer. show her your pokémon collection while you are at it.

>> No.52995327

nigger are you me? i have a crush on this chick at a coffee shop too. she said hi to me today when i entered. does this mean she wants to marry me?

>> No.52995332

yup i'm moving slow. i've also fucked a ton of girls (but i'm a little rusty lately).

>> No.52995345

buy low, sell high

>> No.52995346

she wants you to cream her. shes been creaming you (your coffee) for so, she now wants to give back. tell her how big your link stack is and tell her about CCIP.

>> No.52995353
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go on

>> No.52995402

Show up fuckin pissed, but not mad, passionately, visibly upset, during a time when its slow. Show up to the counter and say "Im sorry but today I need something special, I had to break up with my girl, what would be a good break drink?" If she has any personality, she will recommend something, if shes hollow inside she'll be like "I dunno durrr" either way you say "Fuck it, give me the biggest hot coco you got and a big ass cinnamon bun." Pay, and when you get your shit say "Wait!" check your order, take a big bite of the bun and say "Oh hell yeah! thanks babe, you might be next" wink, turn around and leave.

come back the next day, ask her for "the usual" maybe she will remember, maybe shes hollow, "Big ass coco, big ass cinnabon." get your shit, pull out a dollar, grab the receipt, write your Twitter and kik, put dollar and receipt into the tip jar.

get a response, schedule a date ASAP, go from there.

>> No.52995442

easy, you go up to her and talk to her.

>> No.52995458

Casually mention the holocaust in a conversation then ask for her number

>> No.52995511

Just marry a chick from the 3rd world and get it over with. It sucks that the goblins will inherit the earth, but attractive white women are delusional in their expectations, it's over demographically for beckies and stacylites

>> No.52995704

Any good sites to meet them? Ones that won’t result in lying in an alley with your kidneys removed?

>> No.52995758

Unironically talk to her and when she starts to like you ask her to kick it with you.
Every other answer is stupid.

>> No.52995775

Cringe dont do these op.

My advice dont be a beaner and go back to Mexico
Having music and holding link doesnt make you special or attractive

Bring up the holocaust and how its fake though. Thatll work to break ice

>> No.52995787

Damn I new Abby had big bazungas but nobody showed me fertility goddess pictures before. Sorta funny her womb was auschwitz for some little Jew fetus when she got jabbed

>> No.52995811

You mean.

>> No.52995832

Stop by >>>/x/
They have a law of attraction general.

>> No.52995843

its shopped anon

>> No.52996009


>> No.52996158

aww i remember when i had a crush on a cafe barista but was too scared to talk to her. I'm a multimillionaire now so it all worked out.

>> No.52996196

Say “wow you are beautiful” when she takes your order. Later, give her your number on a card and invite her to dinner. Don’t wait for a response. No text means she’s not interested and to act like nothing happened from then on

It’s not a crime to tell a woman you think she’s beautiful and to invite her on a date. Plus it’s good practice for conducting business. You need to be assertive and able to handle rejection without blinking

>> No.52996243

Kek do this OP. And after every sentence call her "toots".

>> No.52996293

>i have a crush
it's over already idiot

>> No.52996302
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Start by flirting with her. Make bad jokes with confidence and look at her like you want to fuck her. If she laughs at your bad jokes, she wants to fuck you too. Then ask her out.

Note: There is a fine line between a flirty chad joke and and an awkward incel joke. If you used more than 2 brain cells to make the joke, then you failed. Go home, jerk off and try again with the next girl.

>> No.52996333
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>> No.52996416

Walk up to her
"Come here often?"
"I work here..."
"yeah, you too"
"wanna go out btw? or do you have a bf? you do have a bf right, I mean you look good, would be weird if you didnt have a bf already, like some kind of retard xD"
"yeah, tomorrow maybe?"


Also, wanting something to much will likely make it slip out of your grasp, the less attachment you have to the outcome the bigger chance of good outcome.

>> No.52996567


also after reading your post I've come to the conclusion that you must infact be an autist, which is why excluding yourself from the gene pool would be the most sensible decision

>> No.52996663

I agree its cringe, but this is how you communicate and flirt with a woman out in public. in the example you communicate
1. your single, but you get girls. girls don't want to be your first, they want to be next.
2. you love passionately. your breakup affects you because you love deeply, girls hear you had a bad break up, they interpret that as a whirlwind romantic dramafest.
3. You can afford to love yourself. you spend recklessly on what you love and right now thats yourself.
4. Your looking for a girl and it could be her.
5. your presenting a window of opportunity to get in with you ASAP. the girl is forced to take the receipt out of the tip jar out of playful embarrassment and her coworkers will egg her on to contact you.

If you have ever been in a relationship, half the time is spent reliving how you got in the relationship. Women, like comic geeks, crave a good origin story, it cant be "he walked up to me and asked my number" there has to be more too it than that. You fucks spend 8 hours researching MW2 loadouts, think of what she will tell her friends about your encounter, will it be another lame fuck saying she's pretty and giving his number? Or "Gurrrrl you know Mr. give me a big everything? ever since he came by saying he was single, I hoped he would ask me out, but he just came by and pinned his red business card on the job board and dared me to call him!"

Of course its cringe. romance is cringe. practice on other females in the area, its not about getting the girl, its learning how to get girls.

>> No.52996864

I always felt like straight asking if they have a boyfriend is beyond cringe, it makes me very uncomfortable

>> No.52996907

So be the guy who stand out?
Come check out the man mindset on YouTube and Tykwondoe, without game you'll be played !

>> No.52996908

Women like men who know what they want and have self confidence. Rape her.

>> No.52996939

>and Mexican
Verification not required.

>> No.52997001

That... is actually pretty based.

>> No.52997738

Fuck out of here beaner