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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 512x524, brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52968668 No.52968668 [Reply] [Original]

>Total supply - 1.5b BAT

We thought that actually mattered, meanwhile they ran a fractional reserve system of vBAT and stacked it to infinity.

>Brave buys BAT off the open market for each ad purchase

Turns out, the majority of the ad buys on brave.com/transparency are verifiably fake just by looking at the volume on Gemini. The fake buys were them adding extra vBAT to the supply and dumping on us from the UGP

>Once the demand for ads increase, Brave will need to buy increasing amounts of BAT into a decreasing pool of supply

Oops. Turns out the ads on the search engine won't pay BAT. Well, maybe someday they will add it. Just like self-serve! Oh and by the way, overall MAU is stagnant, and now you are forced to KYC to earn any BAT, so the buys will decrease even more (even though they were mostly fake anyways).

Sorry guys. Turns out Brave robbed US and got rich off BAT. Eich should be in jail for being a scamming NIGGER.

>> No.52968713

Brendan should unironically be in jail for this. I cannot believe how badly they fucked us. The "transparency" page what a joke. They were laughing at us the whole time while they dumped.

>> No.52968726

Anyone who thought this would make them money was deluded.

>> No.52968745

Yeah, this needs to be investigated by the SEC...

>> No.52968760

>Anyone who thought this would make them money was deluded.
If Brave wasn't unironically fucking us the entire time then things would have been different.

>> No.52968792

I thought they were buying all this BAT that they listed and it was all a total lie. There is no way that this is legal.

>> No.52968815
File: 793 KB, 1565x1594, image_2022-12-21_231335136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to short it and get your money back?

>> No.52968823

>This page is intended to help you, the visitor, understand the growth, development, and ongoing impact of the Brave Rewards program, and the associated Basic Attention Token. This page will communicate the size and scope of the Creator community, activity within the Brave Ads platform, routine conversions of advertiser dollars into BAT tokens, and more. The information presented here is updated regularly, and will encompass additional data points in the future.
Doesn't seem like this is exactly legally binding. They just lied to us lol

>Is it too late to short it and get your money back?
Unfortunately yes

>> No.52968831

Too late to short, too scammy to ever pump.

>> No.52968856

>muh kyc

without kyc, brave would be rinsed by botfarms

>> No.52968883

Fuck you Luke

Oh really? Without KYC then surely BTC would be rinsed by botfarms too? Oh, right, so it is possible to have a functioning payments system that isn't wrekt by bots. Cool.

>> No.52968886

Well I just shorted it anyway cause of this thread I'm sure it can down a bit more.

>> No.52968890 [DELETED] 

Men can be women

>> No.52968908

I have been off the board for over a year, first post I see is a fucking tranny with some BAT FUD
>You will never be a woman
>Black lives do not matter

>> No.52968934

Fucking NIGGER coin.

>> No.52968978

He'll go to jail for this, right alongside SBF.

>> No.52968986

so do I sell it now is it over

>> No.52969060

I'm ready to unironically start a lawsuit against this company for defrauding investors. This is right along the lines of what XRP is being sued for but even worse, because they lied about everything their transparency page and utility that they would be providing for the token.

>> No.52969071

KYC your privacy browser bro lmaooooo still can't believe that's a real thing

>> No.52969085
File: 358 KB, 512x512, 1666824792634326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i thought we were the ones robbing brave??? how could this happen???

>> No.52969167

I hope Brendan and that faggot jogger who hides up in Canada go to federal pound me in the ass prison for misappropriation of customer funds

>> No.52969180

They still hold lots of tokens. What Brave was doing these last 5 years is nearly the same to what Ripple was doing.

>> No.52969189
File: 63 KB, 512x512, tmpaqsz8x95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out, Brave had other plans.

>> No.52969242

Wow /biz/ finally figured out what everyone else knew all along. Where did you think Brave got their money from? Scamming retards like (you)
The browser is literally just chromium integrated with ublock origin. The "token" is a premine scam controlled completely by brave.

>> No.52969251

I thought for sure if there was one thing I wouldn't get scammed with it was BAT. Jesus fucking Christ. Guess I should have just went all in DOGE, or BTC, or literally anything.

>> No.52969275

>Where did you think Brave got their money from?
I thought that Brave got the money from advertisers and then bought BAT with the money, like they reported the whole time??? You are going to say that we are all stupid for believing a blatant lie from the seemingly most reputable company in crypto? Don't act like it was all so obvious in hindsight that BAT holders were getting scammed.

>> No.52969279

We all made mistakes.

>> No.52969332

I cannot fucking believe I held 26k of this shit. Fucking. Piece. Of. SHIT. Parker was right to destroy these threads. He probably knew it was a scam was trying to save us.

>> No.52969346

Affiliate links and those stupid exchange widgets were huge red flags for me. Then they went full retard with ftx, solana and nfts. That's when I knew they were scammy like the rest of this shit 'industry'.

All altcoins are worthless, including ETH.

>> No.52969395

Who is this Parker guy btw?
I never heard of him before.

>> No.52969424

>Affiliate links and those stupid exchange widgets were huge red flags for me. Then they went full retard with ftx, solana and nfts.
Yeah that's pretty bad. I didn't even want to mention the rest of it. They were very close to launching an FTX custodial partnership. They launched their NFT on SOL (after the FTX collapse) and were going to launch THEMIS with them. They wasted tons of time and resources and this shit, not to mention the wallet. Nobody uses the Brave wallet, and now they are desperately dumping UGP to fund ads for it. They keep adding shitcoins and doing "partnerships" for it. Do you think metamask has to do a partnership with every single website that allows connectivity with it? No lmao, metamask has a ton of users so the website are forced to integrate. Metamask doesn't go chasing down customers. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.52969445

>Who is this Parker guy btw?
He's a pedophile 4chan moderator that hates BAT and was deleting all the threads.

>> No.52969500

It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Just 4chan drama. Some guy that BAT thread viewers have now latched on to and will fill the entire thread with hundreds of posts calling him a pedophile for potentially spreading lies about BAT/Brave.

At the end of the day, who gives a shit if he did. I'm just here to see Brave and BAT win. The game is way bigger than /biz

>> No.52969526

>I'm just here to see Brave and BAT win.
Well, can you refute anything that has been said about BAT lately? Or are you just here to defend Parker? Wait, you wouldn't happen to be a resident of the Communist state of Canada would you.

>> No.52969549

>They keep adding shitcoins and doing "partnerships" for it
Yeah, that shit is fucking pathetic. When I filled my BAT bags in 2019 I never expected them to sink that low.

>> No.52969669

Listen, nigger. I know BAT is shit. I know it was bad to hold it and trust the Brave team and take them for their word. We all know. Now STOP FUCKING POSTING ABOUT IT. We know. I don't want to fucking hear about it anymore. If I see one more fucking thread complaining about this stupid fucking shitty ass shitcoin I'm going to lose my shit. Just sell it and move on. We got scammed. Yes, you heard right, batties got scammed. The copy pasta was correct the whole time. NOW STOP POSTING ABOUT IT AND FUCK OFF.

>> No.52969787

I guess people have been gaming the browser rewards for sometime now? If they're publishing it on youtube you know it's at least 6+ months.


>> No.52969789

Fuck off luke. You helped facilitate the whole fucking thing and you will be investigated too. If I were you I’d keep my fucking mouth shut and seek legal counsel.

>> No.52969827

>Fuck off luke.
I fucking wish I was Luke. Imagine how much money this fat nigger made off of us, sitting their shilling this shit "gm BAT brigade" every morning on Twitter, meanwhile he knows that Brave is literally scamming us? There's no fucking way that he couldn't know. Luke pretending that he didn't know what was going on at Brave, is akin to the top FTX employees claiming they didn't know Sam was misappropriating funds and scamming. It's a lie. It's not possible. Fuck Luke. He's the WORST of the scammers in my book, because he directly shilled the actual coin to people. At least Brendan never shilled BAT to people afaik, he only shilled the browser and said BAT wasn't supposed to be an investment.

>> No.52969867

>looking at the volume on Gemini
Help me out here bros, I want to investigate for myself. When I open Gemini and go to the advanced trading page, I can only see a limited amount of transactions on the bottom right. Where can I see the complete orderbook over time?
>turns out the ads on the search engine won't pay BAT
Search ads are in beta and opted-in Rewards users literally cannot see them.

>> No.52969875

Cool so it's not just Brave that's been scamming us, but jeets publicly gaming the system on YouTube. Awesome. So glad I paid actual real money for this token!

>> No.52969903

It's been known for a while

>> No.52969906 [DELETED] 

>Help me out here bros, I want to investigate for myself. When I open Gemini and go to the advanced trading page, I can only see a limited amount of transactions on the bottom right. Where can I see the complete orderbook over time?
What you will want to do if you don't already have an account on TradingView, is right click on a volume bar on the bottom right and select "move to - new pane below". That way, you will be able to see the exact volume for it. From there, you can match up the volume on the transparency page (or lackthereof) with the volume on Gemini.

Awesome. Scammed again.

>> No.52969936

>Help me out here bros, I want to investigate for myself. When I open Gemini and go to the advanced trading page, I can only see a limited amount of transactions on the bottom right. Where can I see the complete orderbook over time?
What you will want to do if you don't already have an account on TradingView, is right click on a volume bar on the bottom and select "move to - new pane below". That way, you will the volume will be on the bottom with the appropriate labels so you can see the exact amounts. From there, you can match up the volume on the transparency page (or lackthereof) with the volume on Gemini.

Awesome. Scammed again.

>> No.52969937

I like BAT FUD threads. At least they stay alive.

>> No.52969974

August 18-19 purchases, and October 25th appear to be real. the rest (the majority) are fake. I haven't bothered to go back much further than that, but i was following them for a while and did realize the majority are fake. I don't care to look back further than this.

>> No.52970025
File: 135 KB, 1920x982, Screenshot (849).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>volume bar on the bottom
Sorry for the hassle but I'm totally new to TradingView and I don't think I see the option you're describing. Also, are you working under the assumption that each listed buy on the Transparency page represents a single, large market purchase?

>> No.52970052

“The BAT purchases don’t show up on Gemini because although we posted them in large amounts, they were the culmination of many smaller purchases around that timeframe”. Fucking lying faggots will never in their lives admit to it.

>> No.52970056

Right click any volume bar and select move to New pane below. And no they don't need to be one singular daily volume bar. You can go lower to 30m bars and see it's still not there. I check it too.

>> No.52970068

>“The BAT purchases don’t show up on Gemini because although we posted them in large amounts, they were the culmination of many smaller purchases around that timeframe”.
They didn't actually say that did they? If they did they are lying. You can add up the volume on Gemini for entire weeks and they won't equal the amount Brave claims they purchased on one day. That's how little the volume is on the exchange there for BAT. They literally cannot lie their way out of it.

>> No.52970085

>Also, are you working under the assumption that each listed buy on the Transparency page represents a single, large market purchase?
here we go

>> No.52970096

>You can add up the volume on Gemini for entire weeks and they won't equal the amount Brave claims they purchased on one day. That's how little the volume is on the exchange there for BAT. They literally cannot lie their way out of it.
I didn’t know that but I’m glad you brought that up. I figured that’ll be their default response

>> No.52970120

That's why I deposited all my bat into gemini.

>> No.52970132

His name is literally (((Eich))).

>> No.52970158

Ah thanks, that helped. I see what you mean. Do we have any idea what or who is responsible for the large green shoots on Dec 17 or Nov 22nd for example? And if Brave isn't purchasing as much BAT as described where are they getting the BAT from, just their reserves? I don't think the vBAT narrative, even if true, can allow them to distribute rewards to 12M users a month, even if only a fraction of those are active and receiving only a couple BAT each. Where does it come from.

>> No.52970188

Hey piss off Eich is just "Oak" in German.

>> No.52970237

>Do we have any idea what or who is responsible for the large green shoots on Dec 17 or Nov 22nd for example?
Dec 17th was the day of a big drop and about 600k BAT which is natural organic volume for an active day. Nov 22nd looks like someone market sold a bunch of BAT, see how there is a large wick. In any case, you can see that even those amounts of BAT stick out on Gemini. October 25th was their last "real" buy and you can see it clearly.

>> No.52970306

Yes, they take BAT from their reserves. If you've got time and energy you can look it up with Etherscan.

Here is one of their wallets: https://etherscan.io/token/0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef?a=0xc65901fbb5482f01273e607b51b074fb9a3cade0

>> No.52970369

>BAT Transparency page
>Recent Brave-Initiated BAT Purchases
Hmm, that's strange anon, it seems like the entire time they were claiming that these were Brave-Initiated BAT Purchases from the open market, listing the exact date and amount of purchase. Just to be clear, you are saying that they are vindicated because they were actually dumping BAT on us instead of purchasing it?

>> No.52970477

>vindicated because they were actually dumping BAT
well I want users to get paid first and foremost. whatever this purchase fuckery boils down to, if they can keep paying out, good.

>> No.52970478

Luke and Jimmy are the only ones here defending this shit. Eich pops in occasionally to make sure we haven’t entirely figured his scam yet

>> No.52970489

Sources for any of this? Wtf is vbat?

>> No.52970633
File: 35 KB, 369x314, braverewards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf is vbat?
The BAT held for users in the browser

>Sources for any of this?
Eich's own words, the transparency page, etc.

>> No.52970691

>Sanjeet is big mad he can't mass farm BAT from his call center's computers

>> No.52970728
File: 18 KB, 472x565, brainlet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply do not understand vBAT and how it works, or how Brave was using it.

I need someone to straight up explain vBAT and how Brave uses it. And I need you to explain it to me like I'm a retarded midwit retard nigger. From there I will use my midwit knowledge and determine the legal implications of vBAT.

>> No.52970741

I got scammed on this coin too. I bought in, 260k BAT at 42c avg. And thought that I was too smart to get scammed because I was putting my money into a blue chip crypto company, the only real one that really existed at the time. Turns out, all cryptos are a scam and this turned out to be a bust too! I'll stick with stocks, thanks.

>> No.52970777

>need someone to straight up explain vBAT
You thought that when Brave paid out for ads viewed, they were giving people BAT? NO NO NO NO NO NO, Unless you were verified on Gemini or Uphold (which only a small percentage of people were) they were paying you 'vBAT". vBAT = virtual BAT. It's not real. It's an IOU promise from Brave that if you do in fact ever verify your Brave wallet, they will be able to convert it to real BAT for you at that time. Turns out they were leading people on by having them assume that every "BAT" that was paid out for ads, was a real BAT. It wasn't. It was a "vBAT" and they don't actually have all of the BAT in reserves to back up the fake BAT. But don't worry, they are deleting all the vBAT from existence soon so it won't matter. Nobody will expose the same this way.

>> No.52970789

Nobody will expose the scam this way*

Typo at the end. It was a scam. They should be in jail for this. I think the FTX bust and coming regulations scared some sense into them so they are covering up their crimes.

>> No.52970812

I was just going to say, aren't they changing this? So now they'll have to hold all the BAT in reserve?

Why would they do that when they could just continue the infinite money hack with vBAT?

>> No.52970816

Not gonna lie, former BAT whale here. This is fucking hilarious watching Eich crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this homophobe cut into Google AdSense.

>> No.52970824

Seriously? Please explain.

>> No.52970842

The subtle damage control in this thread makes me sick. Brave fags are all fat substance abusing trannys with no moral values. Fucking die faggots. May god strike you down

>> No.52970858

What did you expect? You clearly bought an unregistered security. Now you want the legal protection securities provide? Tough luck.
Maybe go ask Gary to stop carrying water for the shitcoin industrial complex and actually do something to protect consumers from this kinda bullshit. It's why securities law even exists in the first place

>> No.52970859

These people, or perhaps just person, aren't arguing in good faith. It's a further evolution of fud, since they got tired of linking the Geocities page.

>> No.52970915

Right, all one person. How am I arguing in bad faith by the way? Refute any of the arguments I am making. I'll wait.

>> No.52971015
File: 141 KB, 381x369, 1615693403819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't arguing in good faith
Sure. And which part of my arguments do you believe to be in bad faith? I would love to take some time and hash them out with you. I've been bagholding this shitcoin for years now, so I have plenty of time

>> No.52971036

Of course they were dumping on you. How do you expect a non-profitable company to not go out of business? Dumbass. But a real coin, preferably one that is decentralized and that isn't pre-mined. Otherwise you get dumped on.

>> No.52971105

Another one bites the dust tshh

>> No.52971171

My profile got flagged too right when I tried to withdraw. Fucking faggots. 480 BAT, years worth of it. Fuck Brave.

>> No.52971192

I mean I am talking literally pre-pandemic I had these fucking ads on. Over 3 years I think now. Flagged for nothing. I'm a 1st world user living in Texas that never tried to cheat the system in any way. I actually bought 2-3 products from the ads I saw over the years. Literally suck my fucking dick brave. I'm switching to ff

>> No.52971199

So the numbers on transparency are actually the real Bat purchased + the vBat printed and issued?

>> No.52971239

>So the numbers on transparency are actually the real Bat purchased + the vBat printed and issued?
Well, they certainly aren't listing the amount of real BAT purchased. Are they listing the amount of fake BAT printed and served? Who knows. Only Eich and a handful of people know the truth I guess.

Why would the page say that these are the BAT purchases from an open market, and then list the exchange and date they were purchased on, only to find out it was fake? If this was a combo of UGP stimulus and/or fake vBAT prints, then why bother putting a purchase amount/date/exchange on the "transparency" page?

>> No.52971339

Hmmm...in other words, blatant fraud.

>> No.52971375

You anons didn't actually BUY BAT did you? I just enjoy the functional browser and meagre bonuses.

>> No.52971388

I'm almost 100% certain you can debug this and get your BAT. Contact Luke or someone on the BATproject Rebbit

>> No.52971407
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You anons didn't actually BUY BAT did you?
N-no! Definitely not!

>> No.52971597


>> No.52971709

Please tell me you faggots have active shorts on BAT. I really don't want to believe its just some turbo nigger making these threads with the same shit gargled over and over again.
Anyways this BAT shit isn't even about making money for me anymore, i just want to see the number of BATs in my wallet go up.

>> No.52971966

>i just want to see the number of BATs in my wallet go up.
Hopefully you are KYC'd. Otherwise your BAT will go flat

>> No.52971990

Fuck both of you faggots. I hope the anon who DM’d coffeezilla gets a consumer investigation off the ground. BAT is the most obvious scam in the top 100 market caps. No wonder Eich would rather talk about covid. His company is a piece of dogshit

>> No.52972129

Dawg everyone knows bats a scam, this thread is redundant. Even the browser is scammy now, I see ads on biz lately.

>> No.52972251
File: 185 KB, 600x900, 1593799778029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. You hold BAT.
2. vBAT (if it exists) will be eliminated through mandatory KYC for every Rewards user. This is a good thing for BAT in terms of tokenomics.
3. In the meantime, Brave continues to payout as usual, as always. I've even stopped getting the partial estimate payouts that were a thing for long time. Now the estimate accurately reflects what I get at the end of the month.
4. Point #3 also makes it harder for me to accept vBAT as ubiquitous, given that if Brave is actually strapped for BAT/cash, it would behoove them to keep the janky and inaccurate estimates in place so can payout less and kick the can down the road, but they aren't doing that.
5. Whether the Rewards BAT is genuinely all from their UGP reserves or from their dubious Transparency page purchases, or a mix of both, doesn't matter to me if I get paid. If those purchases are indeed (mostly) bogus, is that not indicative that Brave is in rather bad shape? The transparency page is already a voluntary initiative of theirs, so the idea they would go to such lengths to lie about its contents doesn't pass the smell test. If they're actually in dire straits then great, in another 6-12 months Brave will be dead and I won't have to suffer debating you fags anymore. But that's not going to happen. Brave and BAT will be around for a long time.

Suck my dick, cope, seethe, dilate, etc.

>> No.52972298

Of course real BAT was never in the custodial wallet Brave Rewards "wallet" it was never an actual wallet, if it was an actual wallet it'd be Sybil attacked so hard Brave wouldn't exist in a week.

Then Brave is also a partner with Gemini who is handling their withdrawals, couldn't they just be OTCing so there wouldn't be a sign of onexchange volume. and leaving the BAT on the exchange as a treasury for withdrawals?

>> No.52972354

>vBAT (if it exists)
Dawg...the team at brave has been directly talking about it for a long time. I'm disregarding everything you just said.

>> No.52972400

>1. You hold BAT.
>2. Blah blah blah it's a good thing
Yeah it's a good thing because they are hopefully burying the dead body that is vBAT. Hopefully the feds don't dig it up.
>3. I get my 10 BAT per month so it's all good
Yeah, you are one of the 10 people that actually KYC'd for this. Congrats.
>4. If they were scamming they would never end the scam
They are literally watching Sam about to get ass fucked in prison for the rest of his life. Brave was doing the exact same thing with BAT as Sam was doing with FTX. They are in clean up mode
>5. I'm a nigger
Yeah, we know. Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Keep holding bat.

>> No.52972413

And (you) have no idea what you are even talking about, but I'll still give the gratification of a response for trying.

>> No.52972431

>the team at brave has been directly talking about it for a long time
Can I get sauce with that. A twitter link or a community call VOD? Anything?

>> No.52972467
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>> No.52972497
File: 498 KB, 1080x2178, Screenshot_20221221_233719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally talk about it all the time man lol https://brave.com/state-of-the-bat/

It's the virtual BAT or non verified wallet BAT that you earn in the browser. It doesn't become real BAT until you verify with Gemini and withdraw it.

>> No.52972577
File: 253 KB, 1080x1111, Screenshot_20221221_234552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, let me just clarify what they say here. The Brave team, and even Eich specifically, have been using this word "reify" when referring to the act of claiming BAT in exchange for vBAT.

The literal definition of "reify" is to treat NOTHING as if it were something. They're literally telling you to your fucking face that it's a scam and it doesn't exist lmao. Somehow we were too stupid to see it.

>> No.52972592

Sorry should have been clearer, I don't mean that "vBAT" as a concept unto itself is in doubt (I'm entirely familiar with your sources), but the question as to whether all the vBAT in the wild is actually backed 1:1 by Brave's holdings, which Luke has repeatedly stated they are. I'm looking for evidence to the contrary, from Brave. The presupposition of much of the fud in this thread is that vBAT is NOT backed 1:1.

>> No.52972620

>but the question as to whether all the vBAT in the wild is actually backed 1:1 by Brave's holdings, which Luke has repeatedly stated they are.
That is actually untrue. He was evasive about the question and only said that Brave would be able to cover all user withdrawals. He never stated it was backed 1:1.

SBF thought he could cover user withdrawals up to the end as well. Luckily for Brave, many people do not want to KYC to withdraw their earnings. Or should I say, reify their BAT, aka turn nothing into something.

>> No.52972668

Hah I thought it meant the same thing as verify. Reify as in to REverify that the vBAT is yours and turn it into real BAT. That's nuts.

>> No.52972690

I wish I could provide you the YouTube VOD link to the particular community call where this was addressed (one of several overall, no doubt), but yes, Luke at some point unequivocally, 100% said they are back 1:1. Not just that "all withdrawals can be covered".
I listen to the Tuesday calls on my commute home from work.

>> No.52972745

Let's pretend for a moment that they do in fact have vBAT backed 1:1. Is this better than the other scenario? They already said that they are targeting the "dead BAT", so they will surely claw it back to the UGP, (which, if you have been listening to community calls, you know has been stated by them before). So now they take god knows how much BAT back from dead wallets, add it back to their stash, and dump it on us all over again. That's not a much rosier scenario than them doing a bit of scrambling to hope they can match user withdrawals if they weren't backed fully 1:1.

>> No.52972764

In fact, I would argue that it would be better if they DIDN'T have full BAT reserves. At least then they could use what reserves they do have, and maybe a bit of UGP, and then take care of the remainder of people that are going to "reify" their BAT and then just delete the rest and pretend like it never happened. At least then we don't get fucking dumped on massively. I can't imagine how much dead BAT there is out in the wild, if God forbid they do in fact have full reserves backed.

>> No.52972955
File: 21 KB, 266x189, SmartSelect_20221222_064512_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe i shilled this to my mum.
/g/ was right.
A fucking privacy browser where you have to kyc to earn their token with gimmicky ads.
It's so over, I'm moving back to opera

>> No.52972982

BAT was such an obvious grift idk how you idiots fell for it. Token was literally not needed. When they force it into the ecosystem for the sake of profit its never a good buy.

>> No.52973078

Lol that guy is so fucked. He looks like he saw a ghost.

>> No.52973212

>Unless you were verified on Gemini or Uphold (which only a small percentage of people were) they were paying you 'vBAT". vBAT = virtual BAT. It's not real. It's an IOU promise from Brave that if you do in fact ever verify your Brave wallet, they will be able to convert it to real BAT for you at that time
This is unironically fine though

>> No.52973279

once again your attempt at demoralization is pathetic

>> No.52973308

The shits at 18c already. If you aren't demoralize by now then you will never be

>> No.52973319

Then refute it luke. Integrate bat in any of your products. Drop the kyc shit and risk lawsuits like odysee. Eich will always be a cuck it seems.

>> No.52973471
File: 465 KB, 854x600, 1669929581755014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care, i like the browser.
its literally all i use lmao

>> No.52973548

>the $5 I earn a month isn't real
>business is also making money

>> No.52974139

Did you guys see their telegram today?The telegram groups Brave had got hacked. I kept getting pinged all day to click some scammy link on the official brave telegram. That's when I knew I got scammed.

Fucked up. I wasted so many opportunities bagholding this shit. 2017 til now. Fml.

Somehow I managed to avoid all the scams until now. Fuck Brendan Eich.

>> No.52974259

Yeah, they are incompetent.
I just downloaded opera gt and I already noticed an improvement, with brave when you click on the follow button in twitter it sometimes rejects it. With opera it never happens. That's just one thing that frustrated me
>Free basic VPN
>Game optimizing
>Adnauseam in their extension website
>Opera has an extension website compared to the copy paste brave extensions
>has a default cache cleaner
>has a default snapshot
>bunch of sidebar extensions
I also noticed that it works much faster than Brave.
Let's just face it.
>Nobody cares about privacy anymore and just prefer convenience over security. And people that do just use the better ones like ungoogled chromium.
>BAT and Brave ads looks like a shitty gimmick. Who the fuck will enable it now with KYC, so you can earn 5 bat every month.

>> No.52974416

I hope everyone actually does KYC whether they continue to use Brave or not. I wanna see them go broke trying to fix their ponzi. This shit is so egregious it’s unreal. There’s not another crypto that I know of running a fake money printing scam on this level besides FTX. No wonder they were trying to suck SBF’s cock so bad. I hope they all burn in hell.

>> No.52974791

>I hope the anon who DM’d coffeezilla
I emailed Joe Biden about BAT. Its over for you all. I suggest you all sell your tokens before BAT goes to zero and holding any amount of the token is a federal offense.

>> No.52975075
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x1024, 167167954840385092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that only verified users will be able to use rewards? If i'm not verified, my vBAT will just expire?
The only way to verify is through Uphold and Gemini, both of them do not operate in Germany. I hoped they would come to an agreement with an exchange that operates in Germany, maybe even one where i'm already kyc'd. But this hope is gone now, all i can do is donate the vBAT to someone.
Thanks for playing, i guess

>> No.52975220

i made it through the ridiculous interview loop at brave for a senior security engineer earlier this year. it was 2 weeks and spanned 7 people including 2 VPs who were actually quite personable and for sure people i would have gotten along with great. anyway on day #1 i met my manager: a 25yo tranny he/her/it with shaved head on one side, neon red long hair on the other and shit sticking out of its nose. for 30 grueling minutes i battled with what awaited me in the future, constantly tiptoeing around unintended fauxpa's, sacrificing actual progress for hard-won apologies to it and my inevitable mistakes on accidentally assigning gender to pronouns. i'm a really friendly guy /biz/ and honestly have no real hate in my heart, truly, but dealing with this thing in the awful future that no doubt awaited me was too much. so i politely ended the meeting and sent my resignation. head of HR wanted to know what was wrong and I just never replied.

sorry not sorry.

>> No.52975227

>Just wait and see
>Two weeks bro
Good luck with that. Don't be surprised if they end up taking your BAT for not having a verified wallet that they won't let you have

>> No.52975253

Trannies fucking disgust me. They are a net loss for any company. You would think Brave would be a company that didn't fall for that shit. Probably Eich still trying too hard to prove that he doesn't hate faggots because of his donation that got him fired from Firefox.

What's wrong with just unapologetically hating faggots, or ESPECIALLY trannies?

>> No.52975256

With jews you lose
With chuds you lose
Just go for the average freetarded Bitcoin.

>> No.52975275

Even a chud like Eich knows you dont hire someone who cant even be polite with a tranny for 30minutes, they’ll inevitably harm company reputation if you dont test their ability to be polite.

>> No.52975286

Yaaas qweeen pls regulate crypto Mr gov totally not a glowy fuck here

>> No.52975289

Nah. You just don't hire trannies. Then you just have a company full of people that actually get work done.

>> No.52975306

If you have a company with expected 100 people it’s a high IQ move to hire exactly 1 tranny for A) max diversity points for minimal people B) filter out 10 seething assholes who would hurt the company reputation and atmosphere by seething too much.
Of course you HAVE to stop early, if you get more than one you’ll have bigger problems. It’s a careful balancing act of filtering retards.

>> No.52975313

1 tranny is too many trannies.

>> No.52975320

Sounds about right. Fuck this company.

>> No.52975339


>> No.52975391

Seethe harder tranny

>> No.52975414

Sell bat. It's not coming back.

>> No.52975832

Batties got scammed

>> No.52976109

is this actually true LMAO

Pretty sure trannies have invaded literally every tech/crypto project.

>If i'm not verified, my vBAT will just expire?

that can't be what happens, I refuse to believe they'll just disappear people's BAT that they've earned over the past few years. I think that would literally be theft

>> No.52976178

It's not doing any worse than the rest of my alts though. AVAX, LINK? Lol

>> No.52976238
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Here i was thinking that all the lost bat was gone forever, but it actually was just vbat that never meant anything. No wonder this shitcoin has barely moved in price.

>> No.52976336

>I refuse to believe they'll just disappear people's BAT that they've earned over the past few years. I think that would literally be theft
they will take it back/delete it. they have already talked about this before.

>> No.52976372

>Is this actually true?

That's the problem with this page. I've learned a lot about Brave/BAT from /biz but then it seems the new information presented gets misinterpreted ("dumping" on us from UGP implies they're selling BAT in the open market instead of distributing from the UGP to opted-in rewards users) or there's potentially made up experiences about the company.

>> No.52976395

umm no sweaty, eich himself even talked about clawing back dead bat. you are coping.

>> No.52977671
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>> No.52977919

>Also, are you working under the assumption that each listed buy on the Transparency page represents a single, large market purchase?
doesn't matter you can tell they are fake

>> No.52978024

Browser seems to work ok though, no issues there and no token seems to be needed.

RIP batholders though

>> No.52978059

Been messing around with every browser on android, and only Brave and Vivaldi seem to have the best adblocking

>> No.52978343

>RIP batholders
Thanks bruv. We tried batbros. From the outside BAT seemed like one of the wisest crypto investments there is. A project that was used by millions of people daily. A CEO with a long resumé. A robust GitHub etc. They lied to us and we took them at their word. It’s sad and embarrassing. I shilled Brave and BAT to my family and friends. Once the scam goes public they’re gonna roast the fuck out of me for being dumb.

>> No.52978380 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52978735

>I shilled Brave and BAT to my family and friends
Yet the browser remains great and continues developing and Rewards users are still getting paid real BAT. What part of the "scam" are they going to roast you for?

>> No.52978752

ill give vivaldi a shot

>> No.52979002

For believing that BAT was an extremely undervalued asset, because Brave would revolutionize the way the internet is monetized.

>> No.52979065

>For believing that BAT was an extremely undervalued asset
oops lmao

>> No.52979436

Do you think Brave will (a) go bankrupt, (b) abandon BAT as a feature, (c) stagnate and crab BAT forever, or (d) other?
Personally I don't think any of those things will happen. Even if development halted almost entirely, right now, BAT would rise with the other ships in a bull market as it did before, even in the absence of any exciting development.

>> No.52979524 [DELETED] 

>(c) stagnate and crab BAT forever
I pick this one. BAT never pumps on bad or good news. Nothing can move this shitcoin.

>> No.52979604

But it made me money? I tripled my initial investment. Which is great btw.

>> No.52979865

>Even if development halted almost entirely
we could only dream of such a bullish scenario. everything they do is actively working against BAT because they are phasing it out.

>> No.52979894
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lmao, /biz/ were the trannies all along

>> No.52979896

It’s a good question. I actually think your hypothesis is possible, but it’ll never actually pump with Brendan and Bondy at the helm. I think they actually despise us and would never wanna see us happy, so they’ll probably just keep taking shits on us and keep scheming their way up towards billionaire status, while remaining openly hostile towards the BAT community. Especially more now since we they’re caught.

>> No.52980041

Ok, so they'll go bankrupt to uhh... become wealthy. Got it.

>> No.52980167

No. They’ll keep things at an even keel while they slowly embezzle as much money as they possibly can while trying not to throw up any red flags

>> No.52980310

Anyone have an idea what the transaction records represent? Is it just some fake numbers they put up to make them look real?

>> No.52980321

bankrupt? the search ads have nothing to do with BAT. its just a hinderance to them now, thats why they want to get rid of it

>> No.52980357

either gemini is faking their volume to make it look worse than it is (which is stupid, exchanges want more volume)


the numbers are fake

>> No.52980418

Nobody was talking about search ads (again, in beta) bub. They're not getting rid of BAT. If they were motivated 100% by profit, why would they bother starting with a revshare model in the first place? Or indeed, why wouldn't they have at least made the revshare cut lower, if they're so greedy?

>> No.52980540

Right, but what’s the deal with the transaction records? they must have some internal accounting records of those transactions if they did indeed take place, right? Could they have possibly incriminated themselves by creating a bogus unverifiable receipt?

>> No.52980542

>If they were motivated 100% by profit, why would they bother starting with a revshare model in the first place? Or indeed, why wouldn't they have at least made the revshare cut lower, if they're so greedy?
because they wanted to sell their ICO obviously. that is how they fundraised for Brave. then, they kept 500m of the supply and kept BAT alive just long enough for them to dump the entire thing on us for extra funding. now they are almost out of BAT, they have about 30m left and the search engine is done and now has non-BAT ads on it so they dont need it anymore. thats why they are forcing kyc because they know that people will just stop using BAT. they cant just cancel BAT all at once, but they can slowly phase it out and let it whither away. that is obviously what they are doing with it.

>> No.52980627

>non-BAT ads
How many times do you have to be told what a beta is

>> No.52980692

>How many times do you have to be told what a beta is
how many times do you have to hear brave tell you how brave search will work? the majority of people using brave do not have ads enabled. they will still see ads on brave search. brave gets 100% of the revenue for those ads.

brave will also release BAT search ads (eventually, maybe, after self-serve) and then the few people that want to KYC for that can earn a portion of the money. Brave will make LESS money for every ad served to a BAT enabled viewer, because they have to share some of the money. why the fuck would they want to do that? but yeah, im sure they will work REAAAAAAALLY hard on getting those BAT search ads out ASAP for ya.

>> No.52980713

I hate to say it but you just described the most plausible outcome for BAT and that’s coming from a delusional baggie that I am.

>> No.52981267

sad but true

>> No.52981397
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>> No.52982268


>> No.52982486

You sound like a uneducated 19 year old with nothing better to than fud, at least make it less schizo

>> No.52982544 [DELETED] 

SO obvious you are a dumbass kid, you are literally raging and FUDing based on your own perceived notions and your own personally jewish greed you little dumb nigger

dude stfu and kys, you must a learning disability

>> No.52982569

SO obvious you are a dumbass kid, you are literally raging and FUDing based on your own perceived notions and your own personally jewish greed you little dumb nigger

dude stfu and kys, you must have a learning disability

>> No.52982778


"you are a dumbass but i wont directly try and refute any of your points because i cant."

very good insights, a large bat bagholder no doubt.

>> No.52983006
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>Basic Attention Token

>> No.52983121
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Why did people buy a shittoken that you get for free for shitposting? I dumped it every time they payed out.

>> No.52983245

Cuz they thought it would go up, obviously. And it might have too, if Brave weren't a bunch of scamming niggers.

>> No.52983422

I think you're missing some critical details about the differences in the ways these two entirely separate payment systems work.


>> No.52983483
File: 59 KB, 629x557, EICHMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Eich to reply to my tweet. Says its OTC

>> No.52983572

I’ll believe it when there is receipts and Brave unironically won’t moon unless:
>Eich steps down as CEO and the company goes full woke for the BlackRock/WEF gibs
>Eich doubles down and starts to pander to Q-schizos and/or Elon Musk buying them out

>> No.52983589
File: 227 KB, 500x913, 1631603691430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free tokens paid out each month
>attracts pajeets and your average cheapskates to dump it
>"i think it will go up"
Absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.52983615

Your points are pure schizo, you should understand to the rest of us you look like a spazzing little bitch child making hypotheticals
>go ahead post more and prove my point

>> No.52983629

strong account name anon
thank you for being our spokesperson to brendan

>> No.52983638

kek well I guess the combined 45 posts of
can be thrown in the bin

>> No.52983684
File: 2 KB, 124x125, 1619139557370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are low IQ niggers under 24 that will never make it and live on the board.
>they will never even feel the fires of 6 figure hell
>definitely wont ascend into 7 figure - finally I can start my life

>> No.52983712

Damn, looks like the FUD is over.
How will we recover from this, FUDbros?

>> No.52984113
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>he listened to an e-celeb
You deserve this and worse

SBF will walk, he's a gud boy

>> No.52984580

Thanks just bought another 10k stack

>> No.52984703

>strong account name anon
that made me genuinely blow some air out of my nostrils a bit

>> No.52984716

as far as bat search ads? i will believe it when i see it. it can turn into another selfe-serve moment for brave.

>> No.52984750

>Trust us got, self-service system in 2 weeks right after BAT search ads.

>> No.52985012

It's recovery time! Don't forget to dump all your BAT once we get close to 20 cents.

>> No.52985158

its up 2 10/ths of a penny

>> No.52985250

Fuck all of this FUD, where’s the thots at?

>> No.52985267

all banned

>> No.52985315
File: 484 KB, 1126x1135, Screenshot_20221222_170509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I heard you keep it. But I think there is an expiration if you stop using that device. But I could be wrong.

Also if you keep ads on and aren't verified it will automatically go to creators. It will be similar to how it is on iOS.

I think people here tend to jump to the most extreme conclusions often.

I could see Brave potentially going bankrupt if the ESG or WEF shit takes hold and someone gets a personal vendetta and decides to destroy Brave. Eich shits on the WEF almost every single day on twitter. We've seen how coordinated "individuals" can be with what they did to Kanye. I still unironically think BAT will eventually moon and getting rid of vBAT was a good thing. Although I would love to have no KYC ultimately vBAT being gone removes any trust issues I used to have.

>> No.52985320
File: 144 KB, 660x832, E546F4CB-5A9C-4264-874A-9DD39062F67F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm delicious coordinated FUD

>> No.52985418

TP should be unbanned by now. I need some holiday thots damnit

>> No.52985468

And they don't relent even when presented with direct refutations of their claims, which tells you all you need to know.

>> No.52985494

that thing is so fucking fat

>> No.52985827

Don't fat shame you racist nigger

>> No.52986029

you're right, hes big boned like eich

>> No.52986148
File: 31 KB, 742x212, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ffs batbros...they are spending the next 2 quarters doing more retarded fucking afrodao nigger partnerships and nft shit. there goes half the fucking year wasted on nothing again.

is this token ever going anywhere? and this is him attempting to dispel fud too.

>> No.52986295

Did our fud really get busted or we still taking Brave at their word that they bought said BAT?

>> No.52986316

Change your coffee filter it's dirty.

>> No.52986459

It's funny, everything on 4chan is eventually a scam lmao

>> No.52986508

Browser chad here I have like 300 bat in my browser I will never do anything with.

>> No.52986520

yeah the same company that said that self-serve was in 2 weeks 3 years ago, lets take them at their word

>> No.52986534

this time its different

>> No.52986691

Someone should let him know that no one cares about NFTs. It only enrages us.

>> No.52986698

calling DILDOMASTER5000

let him know.

>> No.52986765

>calling DILDOMASTER5000
And tag the Winklevoss bros and ask them to verify the OTC buys

>> No.52987028

I thinks its time to DOUBLE my stack once more.
Is $2.50 a reasonable price for BAT?

>> No.52987213


>> No.52987278
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>DILD0BOY5000-MEGA activated
im surprised he answered the first one, but then again, he isnt exactly working on bat

>> No.52987421
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>no one cares about NFTs

objectively false, but I do agree with >>52986148 that nobody cares about the fucking afrodao nigger partnerships they're choosing to focus on. Ironically Brendan Eich fucking hates ESG bullshit yet it seems like BAT is fully on board with putting faggot tranny goodboy points above actual utility and increasing the value of BAT. Let's face it, increasing BAT's value is one of the most important things Brave could possibly do

sometimes I wonder if Brendan sees the way things are headed in tech/crypto with LGBTQKEKTRANNY+ and other absolute nonsensical faggot libshit taking over and he just sort of gives up altogether. Flashbacks from Mozilla or something. Brendan is smarter than I'm even capable of comprehending but it has to be nearly impossible to lead an idea/company when it inevitably gets infiltrated by literal demons who want you to fail

also I'm 99% sure Brave is just deathly afraid of SEC/other Federal rogue orgs moving their Eye of Sauron onto Brave (inevitably due to BAT increasing in value) and Brave would be crippled before it even gets a chance to really fly. It's sad but it's true. Trannies won't agree with me but I could literally tell Brave was starting to warm up to the idea of promoting BAT and even market it somewhat at the tail end of the Trump admin, when we had Jay Clayton in charge at the SEC. Once old man Joe was elected SEC (including Clayton to be fair) did a 180 and the crackdown on Crypto began. True corruption. Brave/BAT can never flourish in an ecosystem where only the most corrupt ESG-promoting demons give their pound of flesh to the freaks in charge. Eich doesn't have the stomach to compete in that environment, guaranteed

>> No.52987675

It is, but not in the bear market.

>> No.52987734

I'm really tempted to sell my whole stack, swap it to bitcoin, then just DCA my BAT stack back up over the course of the bear market. But idk. I suppose I'll wait until at least ads search comes out of beta to make moves.

>> No.52987740

eich might be good at coding, but he sure as fuck doesnt know how to run a company, and definitely has no idea what hes doing in regards to being the face of a publicly traded asset. yeah yeah call it a utility token if you want, doesnt change anything. if brave did an IPO and it was a publicly traded stock, it would probably being doing total dogshit just like bat is.

>> No.52989334
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It has a dumber name than Icy Piss
generic word could mean anything
Because ads, get it... Ads need your attention
Most other coins have names after planets, elements, or interesting wordplays. Brave picked the most boring generic name out there.
Just turn it into a Bat animal coin and people have more interest in it.
Because it's not even a real crypto coin and just build on ETH.
>I'm really tempted to sell my whole stack, swap it to bitcoin, then just DCA my BAT stack back up over the course of the bear market. But idk. I suppose I'll wait until at least ads search comes out of beta to make moves.
I moved everything in ETH 2.0. and maybe buy back BAT with the interest.

Have to admit that Brave is still the best browser out there, though. On mobile without a doubt, and on pc in the top 3.

>> No.52989374

>Anyone who thought this would make them money was deluded.

how could you possibly think you were going make money by watching ads?

why would advertisers pay to advertise to losers like that?

>> No.52989440

>KYC your privacy browser bro lmaooooo still can't believe that's a real thing

you dont have to kyc to use the browser.

>> No.52989450
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>kyc to use the main feature of the browser

>> No.52989466

Wtf, I thought Brave was the based browser against trannies, they wouldn't fuck us over like this right?

>> No.52989498

>>For believing that BAT was an extremely undervalued asset
>oops lmao

a digital token that someone created millions of for free is an undervalued asset. ok.

>> No.52989507

I'm not in Bat and just watching this thread for the keks but bro you just said every BAT holder needs to be KYCd to get their rewards and this is a good thing, holy shit lol

also you don't seem to be denying they sold a virtual supply, that is literally called fraud my dude

>> No.52989526

>kyc to use the main feature of the browser

the main feature of the browser is blocking ads. thats all anyone cares about.

nobody gives a fuck about earnng pennies to watch ads. they turn that feature off.

>> No.52989543

>they turn that feature off
If they force you to KYC to earn bat, even for donating, then they should turn BAT off by default and remove the icon.
Especially in countries with no way to KYC.

>> No.52989663
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>> No.52990254

I just sent in a support ticket and it was fixed same day, calm down.

>> No.52990627

>nobody gives a fuck about earnng pennies to watch ads. they turn that feature off.
All they had to do was make BAT able to knockdown paywalls for shit the average internet user wants to read online without paying or subscribing, like WSJ, NYT articles, onlyfans etc. Your average person will view the ads if it equals immediate benefits and that could also extend to a pay with BAT marketplace.

They’re literally sitting on a goldmine and they’re either too lazy, drunk and high to build it out. Instead we get a wallet that nobody uses. If Brave truly believes it can be the next Google they’re going about it all wrong. The Fed isn’t gonna be able to push CBDC by making it more restrictive than the current system from the start. They have to entice users by making it better before they put the clamps down. The same goes for BAT. Give the people what they want before making it a mass surveillance tool of the quasi corporate/government elites

>> No.52990793
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If you don''t buy and hodl BAT you will miss the next bullrun, just leave the lambo's and bitches to me.

>> No.52990794

> How do you do force companies to accept BAT as a payment option though? Brave tried to do this and the companies weren't interested and wanted to stick with typical subscription methods.

>> No.52990938

It’s me, at work. I agree it’s tough to get the bigger companies like the ones I mentioned, they can’t get something like gumroad, bandcamp or some onlyfans knockoff in the meantime? You gotta collect small wins first. Let’s aim at hitting singles before we start cranking homers.

>> No.52990956

Something seemed off, but couldnt figure out what. I asked a long time ago, well if people earn BAT and never cash it out, just leave it on the browser, what happens? They said that it just stays on the browser, reducing the number in circulation over time. Even if the browswer is deleted, they said yeah, those coins are lost forever. So many lost coins sounds pretty fucking good, but it was just a fucking curly hair scam all along. Holy shit. That is fucked. that is why this pos will never go up, the insiders already made their money.

>> No.52990990

And if they can’t get those smaller companies to play ball why not just acquire Bandcamp or some other platform with an already decent userbase and BATify it. They originally separated BAT from Brave so they could use it elsewhere, right?

>> No.52991866

>BAT off by default
Rewards are off by default retard

>> No.52992105

>All they had to do was make BAT able to knockdown paywalls for shit the average internet user wants to read online without paying or subscribing, like WSJ, NYT articles, onlyfans etc.

that means they would have to spend real money so it would never happen.

>> No.52992116
File: 53 KB, 976x549, _121317396_gettyimages-1236282806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this actually bullish for BAT? I mean every other schizo thread like Monero claim that deleting the IOUs from existence (in their case, the fake XMR on exchanges) would create a short squeeze.

On a second thought, the fact that Brave relies on Gemini and Uphold doesn't really eliminate vBAT because we've known for a long while that exchanges operate on fractional reserves. So vBAT will never really be elimininated.
How do you see the dollar value of BAT doing?

>> No.52992124

>How do you do force companies to accept BAT as a payment option though? Brave tried to do this and the companies weren't interested and wanted to stick with typical subscription methods.

of course they werent interested. no company would accept some fake money someone created for free.

>> No.52992245


>> No.52992313

It was a scam dude, get over it. Gemini doesn't have a fucking OTC desk for BAT. There isn't enough volume to warrant it. Who the fucks buying BAT OTC?

>> No.52992410

I didnt say anything, numbnut. Just posted a link. Why does this make you seethe so much?

>> No.52992680

>Gemini doesn't have a fucking OTC desk for BAT.
So Brave unironically wants our passport, ss# and a selfie with a menorah stuffed up our asses for 19¢, but they can’t verify their own transactions?

>> No.52992686

LOL when his shitty fud is threatened, he takes the only defense left: call the authoritative source an outright liar.
Brave CHOSE to have the transparency page, no one was forcing them to provide it in the first place. And said purchases were already quite modest to begin with, yet you still insist they had motive to fudge the numbers? Neck yourself brother.

>> No.52992941

>Brave accepts USD from advertisers
>gets converted to BAT
>BAT given to users
>BAT sold for USD to pay for subscriptions
Publishers probably would accept it if it was a stablecoin. BAT itself is a barrier to adoption

>> No.52993129
File: 248 KB, 1051x1098, SmartSelect_20221223_174301_Brave - Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you have the worst takes on biz braindead mongoloid. Fuck off with your strawmans.

>> No.52993154
File: 62 KB, 378x357, 1671570525949119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neck yourself brother.
Kek, you are such a pathetic manchild

>> No.52993182

Arguments: 0

>> No.52993211

I refuted them special needs petson

>> No.52993270


>> No.52993277

Good thing other people can read this thread then

>> No.52993299

>thread still alive

>> No.52993330
File: 5 KB, 250x140, 1670172775449242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah your kys comments are hilarious cope and seethe.
It's like I'm back in 1st grade, good times.

>> No.52993418

BAT is still the best web3 project, despite all that FUD.

>> No.52994005
File: 1.25 MB, 1439x3986, Screenshot_20221223_120457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't OTC by usually for large transactions? Like large transactions for when there isn't enough volume on the exchange?

>> No.52994393

After reading this thread I have decided to change course and buy more bat

>> No.52994560
File: 2 KB, 125x112, 1668069473352565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple has an ongoing SEC case holding its development back. You can't compare the two ever. My quest is to accumulate solid gems that can give me one hell of a profit in a few years and since Metaverse, AI and Crypto payment are now beginning to trend, I'm picking out the MultiverseX ecosystem to be my starting place. BAT was fucking with us all this while and we just realized it now.

>> No.52994633 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 974x1919, D8ED2AEE-5645-4BDE-9E28-217B3C3D82CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you fud BAT you are a faggot

>> No.52994650

I have been holding UTK and despite not being in profit, I can say it is 10x better than being a BAT holder right now as it is one of the leading web3 payment gateways with much room for growth.

>> No.52994725

Facts. Over a browser. Retarded. These rugpulls, exploits and hacks prove that only audited projects should be taken into consideration. Those and 1:1 backed stables during volatile market. Been staking USDC on SpoolFi for months with no issue, even bought into this crap for a while before I sold

>> No.52994843

>UTK one of the leading web3 payment gateways
Really nigga? You’re at least 3rd or 4th in market cap for the same function. BAT has no close competitor in terms of users or market cap. They’re just clueless about where they need to direct their time, energy and resources, so they continue to fuck everything up and piss everyone off.

>> No.52994988

They have no close competitor yet they are joking around. Maybe they need to get some good dev to get them going and yeah, I think Utrust is one of the projects that is taking development damn serious.

>> No.52995053

SBF won't be in jail. He's a Jew.

>> No.52995416

Oh really? Did you change locations or switch VPN’s by accident while shilling this jeet scam? At least we’re getting fucked over by white Americans.

>> No.52995761

Wow, this thread is fag city. They are growing revenue and would probably get an investment from VC's if they raised. One of the few working projects in crypto. So this shit can't fail.

>> No.52996211

It can fail if they continue to treat BAT like shit. It's slowly dropping out of the top 100.

BAT has to pump hard to remind people of Brave and regain traction. If Brave continues to waste time and effort on some retarded NFT shit, dodge 'unpleasant' questions and basically ignore BAT then they can say goodbye to their lavish CA lifestyle because Brave will fail.

>> No.52996347

We'll go on another bull run and hit $1 again after SBF is convicted.

>> No.52996704

>why not just acquire Bandcamp
Epic (yes Fortnite Epic) already did

>> No.52997475

Well then SoundCloud, which was briefly a tippable site with BAT. Don’t know what happened there but it’s not anymore.

>> No.52997563

>also I'm 99% sure Brave is just deathly afraid of SEC/other Federal rogue orgs moving their Eye of Sauron onto Brave (inevitably due to BAT increasing in value) and Brave would be crippled before it even gets a chance to really fly.
I agree with most of Brendan’s positions on a certain medical procedure, but if he’s that terrified of the SEC Zionists maybe he should just shut the fuck up and play dumb.

>> No.52997620 [DELETED] 

Post reported for anti-semitism

>> No.52997621

Wow $1 how exciting you faggot

>> No.52998180

Nigger coin.

>> No.52998507

It is exciting you god damn heterosexual

>> No.52998523

i don't understand. should i buy this or not?

>> No.52998605

Did you even read the thread? It’s a scam

>> No.52998825

Says the guy so desperate for BAT fud to be true he plainly refuses to accept that Gemini has OTC for BAT pruchases

>> No.52998873

You got the wrong guy. I merely requested receipts from the Winklevoss account so that we don’t have to just take Eich’s word.

>> No.52998961

Dude, it's a fucking scam. Brave has been scamming us since the beginning. Get over it.

>> No.52998990


Alright for real I gotta go to bed for my flight back home tomorrow morning
I wish all my BATty boys a merry Christmas and happy New Year, and hope your holidays are filled with warmth and jubilation and strong Belgian trappist ales. Miami yacht party 2024 TBD.

>> No.52998992

Come on fellas, it's Christmas Eve. Let's put aside the hate and get some holiday cheer going. Money isn't important when we've got joy in our hearts.

>> No.52999061

Fuck you.

>> No.52999265

I just dumped 660k BAT. Check the chain sent it to Coinbase 47 minutes ago. I held this through the entire bull run and am now literally in the red on it. Unacceptable.

>> No.52999550

Wow what a coincidence I just bought 660k BAT on Coinbase.

>> No.52999568

proof or LARP

>> No.52999850

Yeah we'll get right on that for you

>> No.53000356

Hah can't believe ppl but this big scam coin

>> No.53001394

Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye.

>> No.53001453 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 593x601, wake up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUB $0.2

>> No.53001864

This. Even though I’m completely demoralized and pissed at Brave for all the bullshit lies over the years, I’m not hitting the sell button. I just want them to stop the ponzi, get back in the office, stop sipping söi lattes, grow some fucking balls, and do some fucking work on BAT. Covid is over, you fat lazy fucks!!!!

>> No.53002114

Are most of the Brave search ads for Brave products? Like VPN, etc?

I'm only bullish about actual utility tokens becoming a trend in the next bull market. If you follow Tascha she talks about that too. Otherwise, I'm not feeling great about the growth.

>> No.53002422
File: 168 KB, 828x475, D2EAB883-DEBC-45E0-8C8A-630E6B5A2A9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm only bullish about actual utility tokens becoming a trend in the next bull market
Who da fuk is tascha? Shkreli names BAT directly.

>> No.53002479

She's not a scammer. An intellectual / thoughtful person. She was linked in Tyler Cowen's blog once. That's where I first saw her.

>> No.53002668

>Brave would revolutionize the way the internet is monetized.

But you can't pay people actual money just to watch ads. The kind of people who would want to be paid to watch ads probably arent the target market for whatever is being sold.

>> No.53002844

Right. The ads need to be coupons and possibly gamified. All people like to win contests and get deals.

>> No.53003463

They're all brave ads, shitty crypto companies and then a CBD websitr

>> No.53004009

I will continue to buy large quantities of BAT just to spite the pathetic faggot constantly bitching in this thread.

>> No.53004042

stop talking to yourself faggot. buying more BAT right now.

>> No.53004064

>Brave doesn't block this faggot music from playing


>> No.53004384
File: 64 KB, 885x915, 1668875909812775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. BAT scammer or bagholder
Get Bobo'd nigger AHahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.53004510

Don't forget that MrBeast is a verified BAT user.
Just one word from him and BAT could explode.

>> No.53004535

I had to start FF to hear this music. Brave completely blocks it.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.53004667

Daily remind it's over for bat

>> No.53004923

BAT is the lowest market cap of all the primary /biz/ shitcoins. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing but it’s definitively one or the other

>> No.53005226

Oh yeah, what about dog with bat

>> No.53005255

>dog with bat
That’s just the latest pajeet call center scam, right?

>> No.53005290

It's a revolutionary product actually

>> No.53005310

At least they know how to market themselves

>> No.53006522

>Be me
>Accumulate 780 BAT from having ads turned on since day 1
>Account flagged for no reason

Fuck Brave.

>> No.53006664

File a support ticket and make sure you sell them a nigger

>> No.53007029

Did y'all hear the latest scientific study published by Dr. Eich?

It's so nice having a medical professional that's running Brave

>> No.53007335

Him and Brian Armstrong are supposedly working together on researchhub.com

>> No.53007360

Says who. And to what end.

>> No.53007604

An anon posted it months ago in a BAT thread. I found the concept interesting. Not sure if it was a larp, but it seems like the next obvious step for Eich.

>> No.53007727

It was a fake and gay larp, obviously

>> No.53007876

One of these days it's gonna moon hard and you will all cry

>> No.53008101

Bat thread reaching bump limit? Boolish

>> No.53008198
File: 342 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20221216_211056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never sell my bat.

Some people say $40

I will not sell at 40. I will hold forever. And ever. And ever. Just to spite bat bears