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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52989830 No.52989830 [Reply] [Original]

>trading at $5 after half a decade
>hiring woke leftist HR whores
>released staking after 5 years for a measly 4% APY
>CCIP no where to be seen
>team actively dumps 140 million tokens between 2020 and 2021
>Sergey gets scolded on stage by Eric for the poor price performance and lack of work ethic
>biggest achievement is posting infographics on Twitter
Chainlink is dead, it was fun while it lasted

>> No.52989833

>>Sergey gets scolded on stage by Eric for the poor price performance and lack of work ethic

>> No.52989848

The phrase "half a decade" surely popped up a lot here lately, are you sure you're not a tranny from discord?

>> No.52989867

how many hr whores? are we at 5000 yet? how many of them did serGAY get impregnated by black bulls while he was watching

>> No.52989877

>team actively dumps 140 million tokens between 2020 and 2021
>think 2021 was the end

>> No.52989883
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It was during last SmartCon


Eric basically told him to stop doing ZOOM calls because a successful business cannot rely exclusively on WFH, wipe out all possible competitors and also talk about the price of the token.

That pathetic faggot of Sergey was just stuttering “y-yes” the whole time

>> No.52989885
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makes sense

>> No.52989888

This is awful news. I wish I could sell my Chainlink tokens

>> No.52989898

>ICO was in September 2017
>we are now in December 2022

That’s actually more than half a decade you deranged schizophrenic, or do you get triggered by the word “decade” ?

>> No.52989998

You all work from the same script.
First it was chainst1nk which is literally now marked as spam, now chainshit, then it was 90% vs ETH, now half a decade, calling it specifically Chainlink Labs etc. All from the same script

>> No.52990314

They stick out like a sore thumb. The best part is they think they blend in. Bunch of retards

>> No.52990330

>nooo u cant call it chainst1nk
you guys are so butt hurt that you have to banned a word

>> No.52990337


Kill yourself chainshit baggies. Losers like you convinced people to hold from $50 to $5

>> No.52990348

Youre responsible for your own decisions. Retard

>> No.52990361

enjoy bagholding to $1 faggot

>> No.52990364

He is the next sbf

>> No.52990373

I love how in 2018-20 we never called the team CL Labs, now these retards arrive trying to poison the well and they couldn’t be more obvious.

>> No.52990421
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Chainshitters make SafeMoon and GME bagholders look like sensible investors

>> No.52990486

Sell and leave.

>> No.52990811

>spread positivity muhrines!!11

>> No.52990818

Sell and leave.

>> No.52990988

hold and seethe

>> No.52990989

i wish i sold and left

>> No.52991041

Sell and leave

>> No.52991071

>Eric Schmidt associates himself with Chainlink
>"how do we spin this into a negative?"

Link fudders are certifiably insane.

>> No.52991081

i think you're the tranny. Why isnt it when anyone has a legit point no one answer the question. has it been a decade since ico?

>> No.52991131

wagmi fren

>> No.52991281

maybe it would be best to just ignore the fud threads and not post in them?

>> No.52991290

>"how do we spin this into a negative?"
sergey did that himself with his pathetic responses to erics good advice and his pointing out where they have failed.
that fireside chat shouldve been the launchpad we have all been waiting for, yet here we are.
i dont know who it is you think youre talking to here with this bollocks about scripts kek

>> No.52991309

>reality is FUD
dumb nigger detected

>> No.52993499

I'll give you a couple of answers I've filtered over the years to be true, from the few times I've gotten a fudder in a rare moment of clarity:

1) Turbo autists who figured out the need for externally connected smart contracts very quickly, and who now seethe at the entire world for failing to understand it like they do. Chainlink is sort of like a metaphor for their general inability to integrate with society, where they are rational and right and it's the world's fault it's so irrational and dumb..
These people fud because in their mind the world should have figured out LINK in 2019 at the absolute latest, but failed to, and so they'll seethe and rage at everyone and everything as a way to express this frustration.

2) People who had LINK stacks but lost them swinging, or gambling, or in a CeFi collapse, or who simply got fudded out of LINK back in 2018 and have been furious ever since. They will never buy LINK because they can't buy it at $0.30 like they had the chance to back then, and then basically rage at people continuing to hold because "if I can't make it then neither can you".

3) People who try to profit off taking an oppositional position to LINK. Usually grifters like the CLCG/Honeycomb/API3 guys, or NEXO, who are charlatan fraudsters and basically parasitic animals to Chainlink just like there are many fraudster teams that are parasitic animals to ETH. They fud because muddying the waters about Chainlink lets them shill themselves, it doesn't go much deeper than that.

4) The seriously mentally ill, like Michael, who also fits in category 2) but has now made a large part of his online identity "being a link fudder" and can't really distance themselves from that because it's the only way they can consistently get attention online, which they crave.

>> No.52993502
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>> No.52993634

you forgot to add the part where they will be selling another 50m tokens in 2023

>> No.52994139

Everyone is not the same poster, that being said, I only FUD chainlink because I like trolling you faggots. I don't care about the token at all, I don't even know what it does and I simply do not care.