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File: 407 KB, 1077x1065, usa_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52989802 No.52989802 [Reply] [Original]

What's more important for a country's economy: Having superior technology or more energy resources?

>> No.52989841

Exactly the same importance.

>> No.52989871

Superior technology
African continent has many energy sources loke oil but what good did it do them other than being openly exploited by both US/West and China?

>> No.52989920
File: 1.17 MB, 4288x2848, What backs up the Dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior technology. If you need resources, you use that superior technology to that effect. how the fuck is that even a question.

>> No.52989928

This isn’t 1950 grandpa, that steel shit can get sank in 2 minutes

>> No.52989932

Sorry for trying to learn

>> No.52989940


It depends.

If you're already technologically advanced (like Russia) then it's better you have lots of natural resources.

If you're not technologically advanced (like most of Sub-Saharan Africa) then it doesn't really matter, because other technologically advanced countries will just enslave you and take your natural resources.

>> No.52989945

>What's more important for a country's economy: Having superior technology or more energy resources?

technology is utterly useless without energy. energy is far more important.

>> No.52989946
File: 110 KB, 244x248, 1664522180821573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With what, fucking diesel submarines? """"hypersonic""""" mememissiles wunderwaffe that crash by themselves in fields?

>> No.52989953

>Superior technology. If you need resources, you use that superior technology to that effect

yeah we have invented wind turbines and solar panels with our technology, look how well they work.

>> No.52989961

>""""hypersonic""""" mememissiles wunderwaffe that crash by themselves in fields?

you have any evidence of one crashing by itself in a field?

>> No.52990043


"Technology" you imply is expensive and cannot be mass produced, especially without forementioned resources and China-like industry. Cheap, mass-produced weapons backed by civilian industry win wars. This is the lesson we learned. Having 100 cheap Iranian drones is much better than having one expensive with a lot of features (which will be shot down in first day anyway). Mimicking modern US army only leads to problems in actual modern wars.

t. Ruskie

>> No.52990057

>Cheap, mass-produced weapons backed by civilian industry win wars.

oil wins wars. if you have no oil you lose.

>> No.52990085


Oil is a resource too.

All I am trying to say is that modern China has both the resources and actual technology to win. Technology not in "has night vision and pattern recognition software installed" way, but in "advanced enough to deal damage and cheap enough to be mass produced".

>> No.52990088

That's because some orange retard imposed tariffs on EU goods.

>> No.52990097

Honestly a good question to pose for this board

I say technology wins over resources because yeah high tech means you can take the resources. I mean think back like 50 years before a lot of Africa even met the western world, many of them likely viewed us as borderline alien human versions of themselves.
But also if you have both, it's obviously a good thing too. I genuinely believe the only reason Russia isn't nuked off the earth yet is because they sit on mountains of oil and other natural resources, they get to grift because they may not be a wealthy country overall but are sitting on a goldmine of resource leverage over the entire world.

"Haha I will go to war over Ukraine and you won't nuke us because then you can't get the resources for hundreds of years :)"

>> No.52990105

>Oil is a resource too.

oil is the master resource. if you have no oil you cant do anything including mine metals or coal.

>> No.52990109

>I say technology wins over resources because yeah high tech means you can take the resources

you need resources to build the tech. resources come first.

>> No.52990113

>. I genuinely believe the only reason Russia isn't nuked off the earth yet is because they sit on mountains of oil and other natural resources,

russia has nuclear weapons you mong. thats why we dont nuke them.

>> No.52990119
File: 152 KB, 960x638, 1667562513546138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they though? we also thought they had a real military and we see how that has played out

>> No.52990149

>Mimicking modern US army only leads to problems in actual modern wars
The fuck am I reading. Not disregarding your statement about cheap Iranian drones, it's right. But how can you say modern US army leads to problems, when you have the very example live right now where a mere 18 fucking HIMARS and a bunch of Ceasars were sufficient to completely change the course of a war. We're seeing right now what a few pieces of precise modern armament do against hundreds of dumb soviet era artillery. And it's not pretty for the owners of the cheap armament.
You need both modern and both cheap saturation armament.

>> No.52990151


Russia isn't "nuked" because Russia can nuke you back. Another important lesson from war in Ukraine is that having nuclear weapons prevents other nuclear powers from intervention. Yes, they can try to supply Ukraine with weapons, money and intelligence, but that's pretty much it.

Resources and "advanced enough, but cheap" technology is better than just "technology" or just resources or both of them. Modern conflict is a conflict of massive mobilized armies consisting from both professional soldiers and drafted civillians. Same as 20th century. Also, I expect draft to return (or at least western governments will try) in some way for Western countries as well.

>> No.52990167

>do they though? we also thought they had a real military and we see how that has played out

they are winning the war. Ukraine's power grid has been almost destroyed. Ukraine is finished as a country unless or until that damage is repaired.

>> No.52990169
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2 more weeks right Ivan?

>> No.52990175

Of course that dumb pinktard had to be an Ivan.

>> No.52990187

>a mere 18 fucking HIMARS and a bunch of Ceasars were sufficient to completely change the course of a war.

what? they didnt change the course of the war

>> No.52990191
File: 897 KB, 1286x788, kazakhstan_playlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior technology, so you can genocide the people with resources.

Sadly, women can vote, and they think genociding Africans and mudslimes is 'le bad', so instead we are importing shit to our places.

Superior technology
Civilized people
And women in their place

>> No.52990209


They changed nothing. Yes, they provide some "lower-limit bar" offensive/defensive abilities to Ukraine, but that's it. Western artillery isn't immortal, it gets destroyed or needs repairs. Russia still has 10 times more artillery (both rocket and ordinary) than Ukraine. And since this war is waged mostly by artillery, Ukraine has more loses. Main problem of Russia in this conflict is that we tried to wage this war with the force of 150K professional soldiers against the country of 37mln who drafted 1 mln of its citizens. You just can't hold such extensive Frontline is these conditions. But surprisingly, we were able to fight until September. After that, the draft from our side was initiated.

tldr US would have had the same problems in this war as we, because our army was modeled after US army since 2000s. Russia has 300K ground forces and US has only 400K.

>> No.52990216

this is unironically their own fault

>> No.52990218

>Superior technology, so you can genocide the people with resources.

doesnt work if you have no fuel.

Japan tried it.

>> No.52990231
File: 403 KB, 970x1024, 1670639808594025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not talk to or acknowledge Russians. They will never again have an empire or be considered a great power. The smart Russians have already left the country and it's just Vatnik retards left.

>> No.52990241

This pic is the sole reason for the urkaine war

And probably covid

>> No.52990279

Being American

>> No.52990287

lmaao the CNN brain if a mutt, gentlemen

>> No.52990695

You need to understand that this sustained war effort is a very profitable scheme for both sides.

>> No.52990757


War is never profitable. Independently how this war ends, Ukraine is basically destroyed. It will need more than a decade (maybe several decades) to simply rebuild its economtly to pre war levels independently from money spent, because production speed is limited. You cant build a commieblock faster if you spent even 1 trillion USD on it, real life is not a video game. Besides, there are 10 million refugees from Ukraine so fat, most of them are children and women of birthing age. Most of those refugees will never return, and the longer the war lasts the less the amount of returnees will be.

>> No.52990772

With regular fucking mid-range missiles and/or torpedos. Carriers are just for projecting power by being like a mobile base. Missile spam can still take them out.

>> No.52991207

>War is never profitable
for you

>> No.52991263

>Ukraine is basically destroyed. It will need more than a decade (maybe several decades) to simply rebuild its economtly to pre war levels independently from money spent, because production speed is limited.

it's going to probably be impossible to replace the Soviet era electrical equipment. Since the rest of the system that still exists works on Soviet voltages, that will all have to be replaced as well.

Ukraine would have to be re-electrified from scratch.

It's such a huge and expensive job that nobody really has the resources for it.

>> No.52991403

Oh wow the shills are out and they're already spamming the Swedish psyop woman. Cope, is all I will say

>> No.52991513

>403 KB
> Do not talk to or acknowledge Russians. They will never again have an empire or be considered a great power. The smart Russians have already left the country and it's just Vatnik retards left.

Russia is clearly much stronger than either we or they thought. They shook off our sanctions like it was nothing while our economies are collapsing.

>> No.52992151

Pfff. Nigger, do you even Rothschilds?

>> No.52992252

>being openly exploited by both US/West and China?
They wish they were exploited, the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of all economically viable sites for ressource extraction - are not being used. They literally sit on the largest gold reserves, unable to engage in anything other than pick axes and open field mining. Oil, rare earth, metals, everything really.. being locked away beneath the surface.
Why? it's obvious if you look at China, the only country engaged in "pillaging", they bring their OWN army to protect their mining operations.

At least breadcrumbs and jobs open by the Chinese pillage.. i think most of Africa secretly wish for some pillaging.

>> No.52992276

hilarious map as most of those countries are like China 11% US 10%. It's a completely misleading map and gets completely destroyed when you add the EU to it. Brainlets still repost it

>> No.52992638
File: 158 KB, 1176x1280, 1668989302691013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They shook off our sanctions like it was nothing while our economies are collapsing

>> No.52993026

If they like boobs or butt more

>> No.52993281

>leader by abortion
the heck you talking about? not even in top-5 in europe
inb4 still wanking to 20 years old data.

>> No.52993507

Without infrastructure how do gather the energy? Without energy how do you build the infrastructure.

>> No.52993587
File: 95 KB, 1017x720, 1668262985088919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52993619

US exports didn't actually fall too significantly in a any particular year except 2020. Chinese exports just increased by like 30x.

>> No.52993659

>50 years before a lot of Africa even met the western world
The fuck are you talking about? Even if you thought that most Africans weren't in contact with Europe before the colonization, those colonizations still took place over 150 years ago.

>> No.52993714

During world war two it took the Germans 12 months, and the Soviets 18 months, to conquer the entire nation of Ukraine. Russia has conquered 11 percent of Ukrainian territory in the last 10 months.

>> No.52993742

Cut the amount of territory seized in 2022 nearly in half, that's a pretty big change.

>> No.52993801
File: 76 KB, 724x1024, 1666527909817950m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Betting against 2 time world war winner.

>> No.52993874

Also us exports doubled in that time, it's just that Chinese exports 30x'd over the same period.

>> No.52993995

>It's not top 5
Because it's number 6 per capita? Just say six.
It's still the leader absolutely by the way.

>> No.52994004

You're asking what's more important, food or water.
Yeah you'll die quicker without one but you ultimately need both.

>> No.52994914

number 7, not 6
the point was that its not the leader, not even close, what is this pointless argument?

>> No.52995542

i will continue to talk to russians
cope and sneed

>> No.52995654

>They wish they were exploited,
>Doesn't know anything about African history.
They did get exploited, tardo.

>> No.52995664

>oil wins wars. if you have no oil you lose.
He said he was Russia, dildo.

>> No.52995673

Why isnt Antartica on here?

>> No.52995674

Russia has all the oil.

>> No.52995709

>it's just Vatnik retards left.
So white trash? Man, you guys are pretty edgy.

>> No.52995721

you are losing the only war youre engaged in (against your little brother)

>> No.52995724

The Russians also armed Africans when Africans were killing white south Africans, what's your point? Russians don't care about you.

>> No.52995736

>The fuck are you talking about?
Africa isn't as developed as modern America? The west is going to Africa for raw resources and its bringing money and infrastructure?
The fuck are you talking?

>> No.52996941
File: 110 KB, 671x462, amerilard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China, the only country engaged in "pillaging", they bring their OWN army to protect their mining operations.
Read this patriot, you are the bad guys
stupid storilet, don`t worry i`ll destroy your faggot narrative in two months

>> No.52997035
