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File: 59 KB, 900x900, C0C91F54-B67B-45DC-82E8-24303A3669B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52988536 No.52988536 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to impregnate my 19 y/o girlfriend as a 32 y/o and there's nothing society can do about it.

>> No.52988581

You better be black and her white

>> No.52988582

Do her parents live far away? If so, get ready to move.

>> No.52988613
File: 317 KB, 569x450, a80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf is 18
>normies don't say shit because I look 24 because be /fit/
>feels good mang

>> No.52988657

May I say that this is the most based post I've seen all week?

>> No.52988668
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>be 25
>date 38 year old
>mad can’t impregnate her

>> No.52988691
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>> No.52988695

came here to say this

>> No.52988732

do it OP. god fucking dammit do it or else someone else will. you have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

>> No.52988736


>> No.52988745

Why would you. 19 year olds are bad moms and the sex will get (at least temporary) worse. Bad business decision.

>> No.52988792

this is normal, so what?

>> No.52988810

no man can handle the mental and emotional trauma of a single woman (the average single woman) in her 30's. Its not a joke, they have ample opportunity to get fucked up way more than most guys at that age.

>> No.52988931

>they have ample opportunity to get fucked up way more than most guys at that age.

Story time?

>> No.52988960

kek, I'm 38, just in my dating experience it seems like the 30+ ones are a mess but they do a cool aunt routine -- acting like the coolest chick you've ever met, and they're all so "nice." The minute you reject/deny them the nastiness and bitterness comes out and they start calling you gay and all sorts of other bullshit.

Women in their 20's generally are who they are, they don't need to put on an act. Not a hard and fast rule because life happens but generally this is the pattern.

That's why guys should figure out what matters to them and go for that. There will always be angry and bitter women who expect men to fix their mistakes or reward them for existing.

>> No.52988974

based. I plan on doing something similar but in my 60s

>> No.52988981

age has nothing to do with a mothers prowess

>> No.52988986

business and finance

>> No.52988987


program executed.....

Cells dividing, good luck anon! ncswic... lolz nothing

>> No.52988993

you have to be rich af to do this

>> No.52988997

>open thread
>not even 2 posts after someone talks about his shit cuck fetish

>> No.52989010

Pregnancy is an investment retard

>> No.52989015

I plan to do this in my 120s

>> No.52989063

She was half your age when you were 26

>> No.52989157

its a retirement plan

>> No.52989189



>> No.52989244


>> No.52989258

groomer post. I hope her dad beats the shit out of you at some point

>> No.52989264

Find another site to sully.

>> No.52989284
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>courting an adult woman is considered grooming
can a fren explain this liberal logic to me?

>> No.52989288

>you have nothing to lose
except 50% of your net worth and a liability for over 30 years, who will never leave your house because muh real estate market.

>> No.52989306

It has alot to do with her maturity and emotional intelligence, though

>> No.52989325
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>the distant sound of a trumpet fanfare in the woods is heard proceeded by neighing and galloping

>> No.52989350

i'm 39 and my 19 yo "gf"/sugarbaby dumped me. when will i ever get over this curse of being attracted to teenage women

>> No.52989358


lol how did you get dumped by a sb

>> No.52989371

she wanted to be my gf but at the same time she's lying over insignificant stuff because of her avoidant personality so i called her out on it several times. i should have just given a fuck

>> No.52989377

This is the way. Start putting babies in her when she’s 19 and continue until she’s 33 and you’ll have many strong , happy children to continue your bloodline.
Aim for 12.
After the first 3 it gets easier to have more kids because they’ll train each other.

>> No.52989378

i think the lack of a teenage love and all those years browsing for jailbait pics in my 20s has inoculated me against older women. i married and bred my first wife (separated) when i was 29 and she was 19

>> No.52989383


well im in a similar situation. 31 with a 19 year old sb.

dont get why attraction to young girls is a curse.

The curse to me is to be attracted to very pretty girls, and that very pretty girls are mentally ruined from the attention they get

>> No.52989391

>After the first 3 it gets easier to have more kids because they’ll train each other.

>> No.52989395

>her avoidant personality
Oh boy...
Believe me, anon. As someone who has long dated all kinds of crazy bitches and finally started dating relatively sane women, let me tell you that dodged a fucking bullet.
Now am 34 dating a 21, she's relatively normal (outside of some moodiness, but that's women in general) and lemme tell you, I dont miss the mind games, the constant cold/hot and back and fourth.

A breakup with one of those crazy chicks might feel bad at first, but believe me, you won't look back when you get a taste of the good stuff.

>> No.52989399
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>women are independent and powerful and can make decisions for themselves

>> No.52989418

I've got 2 and the second ones lack of adult attention due to the existence of the first is already seemingly offset by their interactions.

>> No.52989422

I got my 16 year old fucktoy pregnant when I was 30. She had the kid and was perfectly fine and happy. I put another one in her when she turned 18, also totally fine and happy about it.

Maybe try living in a part of the world where people understand children are a blessing them and raising them is a privilege?

>> No.52989429
File: 37 KB, 1042x312, C9F448C3-430A-42B2-8596-2B1B1FA98028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

limited dating pool plus gen z is pozzed even if the girl is okay with it her friends eventually talk shit. when her feelings turn then all those rationalizations start flooding in
all the apps say i look 22 (fucking joke) but i think i can pass for ten years younger, but i don't play games and don't want to lie about my age
thanks fren yea the mind games and her taking off for two weeks to "see her grandpa with cancer" when she was really home playing valorant like 5 hours a day cause i called her out on something but uh she said everything was fine with us... ah still she was a skater girl who was just my type.

>> No.52989432

Based OP if you aren't larping. And so long as you're both white, please continue.

You guys with SBs, don't you find it cringe and cope that she's also escorting and fucking other guys all over the place?

I can confirm any single girl by 30 has very, very serious mental health problems. In this sense, single mothers, while obviously not ideal, are at least likely to be a lot better adjusted as there's proof they were normal much younger.

I still don't think I could go for one, though.

>> No.52989455

It’s a curse in that it’s a total waste of time unless you get them pregnant because they aren’t going to stick around until they’re 25 unless you start a family with them

>> No.52989457

Checked. Where do you live?

>> No.52989479

I'm going to impregnate my 18 y/o girlfriend as a 36 y/o and there's nothing society can do about it.

>> No.52989510

mutt hands typed this

>> No.52989550

Based OP. I WILL make it and I WILL shoot thick creamy nuts into a barely legal aged girl on a consistent basis.

>> No.52989611

technically there is nothing wrong, she is of legal age
now if the bitch prefers to get pregnant and be financially dependent on her sugar daddy, that's her problem
I wouldn't refuse to give cock, especially when I'm this close to creating my own shit with xor

>> No.52989616

This is what I want but have no access to teen girls.

>> No.52989633

the mystery: he wants to fuck her instead but something is broken in his brain so he can't

>> No.52989646

it wasn't her grandpa it was Tyrone and the cancerous growth was somewhere in the lower area

>> No.52989739

prob europe. their age of consent ranges from 15-16

>> No.52989804

Better then these fags running around tell me about their mental maturity

>> No.52989814

Jealous gas lighters are sad
How can they shame when they are shameless

>> No.52989818

Based, my gf is 22 and im 29. we will stay together forever. No bitterness and no problemos

>> No.52989825

I'm sure they do to some extent it was just funny the way it's worded

>> No.52989852

What an honor to have you on this board Rabbi GOLDSTEEEEEEEIN MOLOCHOWITZZZZZ

"My fellow (((white))) people"

Jokes aside...go cope and sneed, you'll never be white, YWNBAW, here's a you, hapa chinkcel

>> No.52989856

>prob europe. their age of consent ranges from 15-16
It's 14 in Germany I believe, but there is such a thing as too young when you're not also 17. People tend to do a lot of growing up between 14 and 18/20ish.

>> No.52989863

Man, the butthurt of 30/40+ women right now is fun to watch. I can only imagine what it's gonna look like in 10+ years. Granted they don't figure out some BCI bullshit so they can attach their brains to endless coping.

>> No.52990562

>Hole gets pregnant at 19, when baby is 17 years old mother is 36.
>Hole gets pregnant at 37, when baby is 17 years old mother is 54.

Now, do you think there's a difference in experiences when a 30+ year old is managing a teen vs a 54 managing a teen? i feel like there's probably a difference there.

>> No.52990566

jesus christ, my man just started printing out the memes that have been implanted in his head

>> No.52990568


>> No.52990575


>> No.52993035

As long as you provide a stable home for your family it's a good thing for society

>> No.52993086

your 18 year old daughter will h8 your decrepit 50+ pensioner guts, as she's out on the town with her 37 year old MILF mom (whos more like a sister) and her latest toyboy, all on your divorce dime, and you scream in poverty as the pair of them blee your sorry ass dry. Happy xmas tho.

>> No.52993858

Yeah. A woman who gets her first child with 37 is retarded

>> No.52993940

I can't explain how based this is. Big if true.

>> No.52994008

Yes, the younger one has more empathy and a better memory of what it’s like growing. The old one is cold and will subconsciously be jealous of her own children

>> No.52994067
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Living the dream

>> No.52994086

damn - used to have a good line in rich European gfs, a major proportion of whom hated their too-old fathers. But I never considered the too-old mom aspect - this sounds (when even just subconciously) pretty legit.

>> No.52994132
File: 974 KB, 1285x1312, 1652121074815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world champ right here folks

>> No.52994165

you're going to impregnate a hag?

>> No.52994171
File: 3.15 MB, 498x273, trump-home-alone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A woman who gets her first child with 37 is retarded
>her first child with 37 is retarded
>child with 37
I can see you are quite the retard. Let you help you by directing you to a place where you should be AT.

>> No.52994182


>> No.52994197

nigga, are you srsly writing this shit because someone x'd with and at? ffs.

>> No.52994230


>> No.52994333

SO much fucking THIS

>> No.52994600

I don't know anon...shes kinda of old

>> No.52994666

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.52994823


>> No.52994861

Thank god I'm not retarded. Imagine purposefully having a child. LOL.

>> No.52994877

I've had sex with multi teens. Where I'm from 16 is legal so 19 is no big deal.

But I'd never be in a relationship with them. They are way too childish and don't understand anything.

>> No.52994920

Same but I'm 29

>> No.52995056
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, 1670674941345497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to leave you in a year after she squeezes a couple thousand out of your delusional elderly simp ass

>> No.52995068

Getting pregnant at a young age is basically a sign the girl is an idiot with poor decision making

>> No.52995122

>t.woman over 35
Your eggs are almost gone

>> No.52995137

Pretty based, my 27yo poojeeta gf told me yesterday she wants a baby. I've been telling her we should for over a year now. I'm almost 37 and want kids as soon as possible since I'm already old as fuck

>> No.52995184

>technically there is nothing wrong, she is of legal age
You are correct, sadly many SIMPS and women past their prime seem to throw a shitfit regardless

>> No.52995200

Fertility and birth defects tho...

>> No.52995216

Yes, much more responsible to birth at 37 and risk the kid having autism and other defects.

>> No.52995226

how did u meet her

>> No.52995284

Not sure if I want to do the same. I considered it, but there's nothing out there, you know? I got out of the neet basement too late.
Last girlfriend I had was a single mom and desperately wanted to get pregnant. I had full license to knock this crazy redhead bitch up, but pulled out at the last possible second every time.
She was raising her daughter on rap music and all kind of shit. The girl showed me a pic from Facebook of this kid her age being dressed up all gangster and shit. She said to me "i like him. He's a thug." My whole life flashed before my eyes and I thank God every day I didn't knock her mom up. We lasted 2 weeks I think.
Banging a 66 year old granny atm. Kinda hot.

>> No.52995287

Of course id move for her, but OP isnt me.

>my 19 yo "gf"/sugarbaby
I never cared about my 19yo sugarbaby's money.
All i wanted was someone to love and share the world with. I picked her out of the whole world.

again im not op, but i would do all i could to win over her dad and prove myself.

>> No.52995301

>19 y/o
That's legal.

>> No.52995314

Probably Jewish.
You are the mutt.

>> No.52995325

>hapa chinkcel
Asians are more attractive than Americans.
You faggots are fat.

>> No.52995335

That insults at least 70% of this board

>> No.52995342

My grandmother was a better mother than my mother.
So no, I doubt women are good at raising men.

>> No.52995361

>I've had sex with multi teens.
>But I'd never be in a relationship with them. They are way too childish
You're the fucking "childish" one, my dude.
I don't want to read faggot posts about hook up culture on this site.

>> No.52995368
File: 76 KB, 1080x1080, xzdwafsh5s991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do y'all engage in sex wrestling with your partners? If not, explain yourselves.

>> No.52995369

Yeah you definitely dodged a bullet there, I would avoid single mothers all together though. Honestly I gave up on western women a long time ago, I married an asian and then left her for my desi gf who I've been love with since before I got married. I would have married her the first time but her culture and family prevented it from happening

>> No.52995374

>You're the fucking "childish" one, my dude.
>I don't want to read faggot posts about hook up culture on this site.
Someone's mad

>> No.52995494

>i just use young women
you could have been a good influence in their life.

>> No.52995594

>Now am 34 dating a 21, she's relatively normal (outside of some moodiness, but that's women in general) and lemme tell you, I dont miss the mind games, the constant cold/hot and back and fourth.
hmm... be nice to just a have a happy relationship and enjoy life together.

>> No.52995852

My wife's friend had her first kid at 23 and hes got autism

>> No.52995909

suck to be genetically inferior, I guess

>> No.52995926

hahahahaha look at this salty wine aunt, cry harder, hole

>> No.52995961

more like, shouldnt have got the vax.

>> No.52995970

How can you be so sure that this didn't happen years ago?

>> No.52995971


>> No.52995982

It's true. I'm dating this 42 year old romanian milf who used to model for playboy. She's the biggest fucking miserable cunt I've ever been with. The only reasons I stick around are because she cooks for me, we fuck and smoke weed. I'm 28 and only in this relationship for the near term, but fucking hell I want to beat her sometimes. Doesn't surprise me that she is a spinster.

>> No.52996006

that's where you fucked up if you expected a normally behaved woman

>> No.52996017

>Yes, much more responsible to birth at 37 and risk the kid having autism and other defects.
Autism isn't even a real thing, it's an excuse for zoomers to be socially awkward shit dicks

>> No.52996034

Just go ask out a woman, you self pitying faggot. It's really that simple.

>> No.52996039

do you live under a rock and never heard of Christian Weston Chandler? He's a prime example of what happens when parents decide to have a kid after their 30s.

and please, stop with the tough guy "cuckservative" act, it's embarrasing

>> No.52996053

she's a former minor you sick fuck

>> No.52996058

im not talking specifically about the COVID vax.

>> No.52996060
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Quick rundown on Romania and their women?

>> No.52996180

>impregnating post-wall hags

>> No.52996207

My dad did this, so here I am.

>> No.52996348

40/21 do I win?

>> No.52996380
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>> No.52996588

He's a seething cuckold. Keep on smashing that young pussy, king.

>> No.52996601

Just get a new one dumbass.

>> No.52996729

Just do it man, this isn`t reddit.

>> No.52996747

Based. Post millennial roastoid butthurt nao!

>> No.52996786

They say shit just not to you

>> No.52996788

Hows that even a question. Absolute victory.

>> No.52996792

I plan to do it in my 60s with an underage black girl

>> No.52996852
File: 27 KB, 639x639, 1657101661679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for being here anon

>> No.52997009

Alright you're a retard if you think you become Chris Chan because you had a kid after 30.

Keep making excuses for why youre a failure I'm sure it's been going great so far.

>> No.52997031
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basado, fix the white rice with your supeior geans.

>> No.52997125
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>> No.52997138


>> No.52997143
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Gym, but it turned out her mom and my mom were childhood friends and a bunch of weird synchronicities.

I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m beyond caring about what other people think of me and I’ve reached a level of contempt that is basically just indifference to what others think or do. I know who I am when I lay down at night, I love my parents, my family, my real friends, and my beautiful nubile gf I pump full of old man semen nightly. Anyone bothered by that is just a jealous bitch.

>> No.52997466

Mutts Law

>> No.52997533

the world is your oyster anon
kek, seems to be a common theme with Romanian women

>> No.52997534

I believe the clause is something like you arent in a position of power over the person. I.e. a teacher/guardian etc. Otherwise its fair game

>> No.52997582


>> No.52997847

lots of jewish kvetching itt.
congrats OP.

>> No.52997976

>highest chance of birth defects
>highest chance of miscarriage
>highest chance of criminality
>highest domestic violence
>highest chance of divorce
>lowest chance of child support
>lowest iq
>ugliest babies
Coal burners deserve their shit fate.

>> No.52998000

Spotted the 85 IQ posters

>> No.52998162

Good. She would have ruined your life. Breaking up with her was a favor.
t. 27 year old with a 19 y/o gf.

>> No.52998191

you sound like a retard.

>> No.52998236

That’s what happens when you date a fucking teenager retard. They’re literally underdeveloped at that age. You should not be expecting to be dealing with an adult on your level. They’re basically like little bratty sisters you tease and don’t take too seriously. Actually that’s all women but even doubly if they’re that much younger than you.

>> No.52998247

Your post history indicates you are a simp and a faggot. Opinion discarded.

>> No.52998314

fuck off retard low life scum.
My post history indicate someone with values.
You're clearly a piece of shit.

>> No.52998338

Based, go all in and do it 3 times

>> No.52998347

pretty gay ngl

>> No.52998366

How can you trust someone who is 19?
If you are 30 I hope you have enough experience to know what you are doing.

>> No.52998380
File: 604 KB, 1988x2048, 814618BA-87D6-4616-92B6-C905F018A54C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go get ‘em tiger

>> No.52998427

Less cucked American

>> No.52998438
File: 111 KB, 919x896, 20221107_205227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my values are getting laid and making you mad. keep crying bozo

>> No.52998453
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>> No.52998474

Meanwhile in real life>

>> No.52998576

thanks for proving me right.

>> No.52998616

>My post history indicate someone with values.
what fucking values lmao
you are stuck banging 30 year old washed up whores with 10 miles of dick and 3 abortions behind them

kill yourself you betabux mongoloid

>> No.52998645

>he cant recognize values
says a lot about you.

>you are stuck banging 30 year old washed up whores
lol. not a chance. far from it.

>> No.52998666

This 100%

>> No.52998677

society should give you a goddamn medal

>> No.52998680

> not a chance. far from it.
you're right, he's getting zero pussy and fantasizing about how he would "prove himself" to a 19 year old's father

>> No.52998744

already shook his hand.
you dont know shit about me.

>> No.52998841


>> No.52998864

nigger moment.

>> No.52998956

My dad did this and I have autism.

>> No.52998975

Why can't the consensus just be adulthood starts at 25?

>> No.52999094

Me too bro. Feels good

>> No.52999122

Spoiler, her bf was white

>> No.52999212


>> No.52999238

every grandmother who raised their 19 year olds bastard daughter wants to know your location

>> No.52999256

Look at all this Business discussion!

>> No.52999323
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>> No.52999349
