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52986923 No.52986923 [Reply] [Original]

Housing general.

How many years should I be prepared to rent? Should I buy now and refinance later, or wait for a recession and rates to come down?

>> No.52986940

Houses are being listed at 4x what they’re worth currently. Buying now is a mistake.

>> No.52987232

>McMansion with a useless lawn
Do people really?

>> No.52987427


>> No.52987683

God only knows what those ameritards bought that for

>> No.52987850

And pay a shit ton on property taxes

>> No.52987859
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>> No.52987957
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>> No.52987962
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>> No.52987996

I need that house

>> No.52988011


You can visit. Called Biltmore. The owners don't want it anymore.

As a poor person, you can pay the rich owners to see how rich they are.

>> No.52988150
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You don't need any money to buy a house. Just get a USDA loan and put no money down and get a half priced interest rate. Just leave the major cities and their adjacent suburbs.

>> No.52988210

Kentucky is full, stop posting

>> No.52988256

half priced interest rate is still like 4% right now

>> No.52988265
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>> No.52988302

for a poor person, that would still be a very difficult ask. I don't actually think I'm poor enough to qualify, but if I were, it would be miserable trying to pay that percentage

>> No.52988318
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yep, as they say, you can lead a horse to water...

there's just some people in this world that aren't meant to make it

>> No.52988510
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they want what this sold for in 2012.
I think they might get a bit more. though.

>> No.52988513
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How much to live in peak Americana?

>> No.52988524

Rates have gone up since Nov 1, stoopid.

>> No.52988550
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John Hughes movie America, New England America, bugerpunk america or country music video America?

>> No.52988591

I like the house anon but wouldn't want to live in Illinois

>> No.52988608

If you ever want to see someones true character, make them a roommate. Never give anyone else equity in a home that matters. Don't forgive people either. If anyone disrespects you in your own house, cut them out permanently.

>> No.52989465
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overpriced horseshit

now take a look at this

mfw cityfags keep getting blown out

>> No.52989477
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I think I'll just rent forever. The idea of being tied down to a house for decades is viscerally uncomfortable. I want to be able, should I choose, to move at will to another place.

>> No.52989492

its highland park.
you're better off with that.
it's not the city.
but it's still in the metro area.
and don't buy a flipped house

>> No.52989502


assault weapons ban by city regulation

it's the jewish schizo capital of illinois

there is literally 0 reasoning, unless you're reliant on a corporation for your income, or you're a college grad which I shiggy diggy

>> No.52989513
File: 299 KB, 1224x553, peru illinois mogs chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also highland park is a part of chicago and you will have all of the problems of chicago by being in highland park, even if it's the rich jewish area

>> No.52989557

2.5x the median income
prettier and has nicer homes and schools.
if you're looking for somewhere more politically balanced there is always lake forest.

overall, it's a good location. And it's easy to commute to Chicago.

>> No.52989566

is the north shore murder rate consistently 30 per 100,000 or something

>> No.52989568

>assault weapons ban by city regulation
I feel like that is an invitation to rob houses

>> No.52989576

a gremlin shot up your 4th of July parade

fuck off with all of that

if I bought things because of how pretty they are I guess I might as well put on a fucking dress as well

you are living in an epicenter of evil, it is plainly obvious

>> No.52989585

of course, but it will be state wide in illinois in the upcoming future, but atleast we're in a 90 percent white area

also the safet act allows criminals who have committed second degree murder, robbery, and battery out on the streets without bail

what a perfect time to be buying in chicago amiriite

>> No.52989595

you are free to average out the last 20 years.
and bobby crimo the third is in jail.
and more importantly I don't even live in the Midwest, let alone lake forest.

it's the better investment.

>> No.52989602

>what a perfect time to be buying in chicago amiriite
Lake Forest=/Chicago

>> No.52989610

no it isn't dipshit

raving bands of criminals in a melting pot of fire isn't a good investment

the safet act and assault weapons ban will be signed into law in the next 20 days probably

atleast the republican counties might fight for your rights, you are signing up for hellfire

>> No.52989613

the chicago metropolitan area is chicago, you fucking moron

it's all one big conglomerate, it's all the same

>> No.52989621

Depending on location 2 acres may be relatively worth 10k, if a 15-20 y/o can still be worth 5-10k then it’s a good buy for area.

>> No.52989636


>> No.52989641

Why are burger houses so soulless?

>> No.52989651

why can't eurocucks participate in the thread without projection

>> No.52989667

that's not true in the slightest.
that isn't true anywhere.
There is a big difference between the city and the suburbs.
hell even neighborhoods make a massive difference.
any race, income or murder map can tell you that.

>> No.52989676

that's rich form someone who probably lives in some postwar apartment block.

>> No.52989678


your city is shit

>> No.52989684

where is your argument?

>> No.52989702

cities and suburbs are dogshit without exception

especially highland park

>> No.52989722

You can visit real castles for half the price and they're not made from cardboard

>> No.52989743


>> No.52989756

You don't need it and you shan't ever have it

>> No.52989762


>> No.52989765

Boomer faggot post lmak

>> No.52990215

You're a fucking moron.

>Construction of the house began in 1889. In order to facilitate such a large project, a woodworking factory and brick kiln, which produced 32,000 bricks a day, were built onsite. A three-mile railroad spur was constructed to bring materials to the building site. Construction on the main house required the labor of about 1,000 workers and 60 stonemasons

>> No.52990584
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>How many years should I be prepared to rent?
It depends on you and your career.
10 in major cities (NYC, L.A., Toronto)
5 in minor cities (Boston, Houston, Atlanta)
3 elsewhere
>Should I buy now and refinance later, or wait for a recession and rates to come down?
I think that if you can afford somewhere decent you should buy whenever available. The financial security and low-risk nature of owning your home is priceless compared to min-maxing rent and high-risk investments.

What about when you have a fixed income during retirement? The risk of rent increases is terrifying in old age.

>> No.52990609

75k for a hut is also overpriced to aids. House was built over 100 years ago, so have fun wearing four jackets in the winter

>> No.52990617

But they'll be 4.5-5x next year

>> No.52990663

Not with a recession. House prices peaked months ago and are dropping.

>> No.52990666

>75k for a hut is also overpriced to aids
not as overpriced as 99% of rentals though

>> No.52991022

this is in one of the largest micropolitan areas in the country with basically no violent crime, walking distance from stores, it's a good deal overall, I just laugh when people talk about their "safe community" like Highland Park, where schizo jews shoot up the annual 4th of july parade and cityfags vote 80 percent democrat

the delusion is unparalleled

>> No.52991031

also lol at needing 4 jackets

you are clearly not a nordic borreby god

I start sweating if I wear a single sweatshirt inside, if it stays above 50 in there I wouldn't even be bothered

>> No.52993578

>over an hour to any metro area with good paying jobs
>2 bed 1 bath sub-1000 sqft cuck shed
>no basement
>median household income 43k
>2 star public schools
>majority in public school are on free lunch
>27% with a college degree
>69% white

yeah you really made the city fags jealous with that one

>> No.52993846

Some general advice
- volume of sales collapses much more than price in a crash
- the housing market is much more localised than you may think it is
- different tiers of the market can act in very different ways
- In a crash house building dries up until the market picks up again (which it inevitably does when supply is choked), new builders don't like dropping prices and when they are forced to do that by market conditions they simply stop building

I would not be buying for the next few years, the absolute best you can expect is a sideways market, *UNLESS* there are some very specific local factors that can overwrite any general adivce (i.e. huge public investment into an area upcoming, new transport links, an area having a much faster growing population for whatever reason, etc).

For an entry point I would be looking for something like volume starting to pick up, interest rates coming down, or any new government schemes being announced to prop up the housing market (common here in the UK, not sure about the US)

>> No.52994000

People fail to remember that houses literally have a worth. Like an actual, tangible, "the house is worth this much in materials and resources" worth. Obviously location is a lot. But there are limits to location, limits that investors and buyers alike have completely ignored and sped right past, all based on the core idea of "well the line will go up and will offset any costs"

Most of these new homes that were built in the past 5 or so years have been nothing more than an equivalent of Chinese ghost cities with their paper skyscrapers. Barely designed to be lived in, and only a place to exist to park money. If the paradigm switch occurs where homes are no longer a place to park money and houses are sold based closer on their actual worth, with prices deteriorating as a home falls apart instead of the opposite where we were last year, anyone who bought within the last decade+ will be in for a rude awakening.
Investors will cringe at the idea of buying a home because that means in order for their investment to turn, they will have to spend even more money, which they don't want to do, which will completely tank demand.
Truth be told, there's plenty of homes for people to live in, the demand has been investors and line go up types. There's entire plan-o-home areas that are completely desolate, nobody actually lives in the homes. And once they lose this belief, it will all come crashing back down to reality. I could see a decade of gains being wiped out at the end of this if even most of institutional investors exit the market.

And yes I do mortgage a home and as others say, this is a house I want to live in, losing money on my property will not affect me, because I want to be here and I'm okay taking losses on it. However, there is a HUGE number of real estate moguls out there who are unwilling to even lose $10k and will want out ASAP. Those are the people who will crash the market, as they all kill each other on their way to the emergency exit.

>> No.52994031

>- volume of sales collapses much more than price in a crash
I should add that this matters because even if you want to buy just after the crash, you might find it hard to find a suitable house.. especially if there are too many sharks in the water, and people generally don't sell at a loss if they don't have to (the 3 D's being the exceptions - debt divorce death)

>> No.52994109
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Best place to buy a home in Hawaii for a relative poorfag making $55k? I’ve been looking at the USDA loans, but I don’t want to buy in an area where lava could potentially fuck me.

>> No.52994123

top was about 6 months ago, so you're safe buying in 12 months but best is probably 18 months (but dont hold off if you find _the one_, you could miss the bottom)

>> No.52995074

This bear will likely take years to recover, it'll only be a good time to buy for actual families wanting to live in the house regardless of cost. Anyone looking to park money or flip houses is not going to buy any time soon. Not even 18 months out.
Once the reality sets in for a lot of firms you'll see what I'm talking about. They are large and powerful, they don't NEED housing, they will move their assets elsewhere and into other sectors.

>> No.52995098

even 2008 housing crisis barely took 2 years

>> No.52995268

>30k for 9.11 acres
>10k for 2 acres
>12k for 3.6 acres
You're clearly trying to be ironic but these are great deals for that acreage you subhuman non-white
>Kentucky or Arizona
Comfy states

>> No.52995312

2008 crisis had the fed turn the pumps on to soften the blow. That’s not happening this time due to inflation already being a problem. The government’s gonna let the private sector eat shit this time, and they’ll deserve it for expecting a bailout.

>> No.52995339

Imagine believing this in the third/fourth year of 2020
Post your liver-spot ridden hands boomer

>> No.52995381

Seethe ashkenazi filth

>> No.52995393

Thanks, you explained that really well.

>> No.52995410
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>> No.52995530
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2 years if you are only looking at a price chart maybe. volumes halved in the uk and stayed there for several years and it seems the us wasn't much different. the sentiment was shit for a very long time. again there is no point in a paper gain that exists for someone else because you weren't able to buy/sell at the best time

>> No.52997117

ok but price is all that matters no?

>> No.52997361

Good post. New builds suck, and as you said they were built primarily for profit and not for longevity. Ceiling height is as low as possible to save costs, and the materials are inferior too. As someone living in the UK, I would much rather buy a georgian house which is aesthetic and will hold its value better than a shitty newbuild with paper thin walls.. It's funny how they have to use EPC ratings and tax subsidies to incentivise people to live in these shit boxes. Couldn't care less about muh energy bills. And building these temporary homes is unironically worser for the environment in the long term.

>> No.52997520

there is a big difference between the Bronx and the Hamptons
if you can't see it you're the moron.

>> No.52997561

not if you find yourself sitting on the sidelines

>> No.52997659

>But they'll be 4.5-5x next year
lol population growth is touching 0% for the first time in the history of the united states
>buy land
>god aint making any more!

Americans aren't making any more babies

>> No.52997989

you just used chicago stats to get mad at a 90 percent white area, nice cringe bro

>> No.52997997

it's funny and also nonironically a good deal

>> No.52998061
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I'm aryan master race you dirty nig

>> No.52998663
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>> No.52998727

recession will only make the drop like 15% you retard. Then they blast to new highs

>> No.52998769

I believe in hyperinflation more than recession

in that case they're just gouging you with taxes, which is why everything I listed mogs cityfags

>> No.52998770

Union County looks comfy as fuck

>> No.52999173

>(i.e. huge public investment into an area upcoming

Like this?

Does this mean property values are going up? Am I unironically about to be priced out forever?

>> No.52999331



>> No.52999358

I'd live in a small shack in the middle of the sticks, but have the shack have stairs with a bunker door leading into a multi-level home underneath. Tax niggers can suck my dick.

>> No.52999369

yes if it means a significant amount of new good jobs in the area

>> No.52999504
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its above average

>> No.52999711

Based knower

>> No.53000250

Yeah I'm thinking this is based. That is a very good take on things. I bought a house a little under 2 years ago with a mortgage payment well within my means. If line goes down for a while I simply don't give a shit, at least I have a place to stay and am guaranteed to pay less than I would renting.
I can't wait for greedy real estate investors to be left holding worthless OSB and plywood shit heaps in the middle of who gives a fuck.

>> No.53001424

damn I have to bump the only real estate thread on biz, oh well