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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52986345 No.52986345 [Reply] [Original]

reminder to stop by /gme/ and make fun of the reddit baggies. they deserve to be bullied mercilessly

>> No.52986354

all these GME threads suddenly being created is very suspicious

>> No.52986357
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>> No.52986366

no one was claiming there's a massive short squeeze on bitcoin

>> No.52986430

rentfree, downie. Your two last seethe threads got purged, this one will naturally land on page 10

>> No.52986521

yeah rent free because youre shitting up my board instead of staying on reddit
>down 70% YoY LMAO

>> No.52986537

We bobos are not invested in either as of last december.

>> No.52986677


>> No.52986678

Is literally nothing else shitting the board up in your opinion?

>> No.52986758

I sold once I finally realized we don’t actually have any proof of Moass theory. It’s all speculative! Not to mention the fundamentals are weak. Makes me wonder why I got into this “play” in the first place. I guess it was FOMO. The other apes gave me hope, but in retrospect there was never anything to be hopeful for. Anyways, I feel better after selling! It’s like a huge weight has been lifted out of my hands. No more doom and gloom, waiting for the sky to fall. Finally I can get on with my life!

>> No.52986948
File: 57 KB, 480x440, B5AA5AF4-5D9E-4C8D-9B93-CD09A7D4DF7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep making your little faggot threads but I’m not selling ;-)

>> No.52987102

Why would anyone care if a redditor loses his life savings on 4 shares of a perma-red stock?

>> No.52987200
File: 2.18 MB, 2080x1908, MOASS_mathematically_inevitable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematically inevitable

>> No.52987223
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>says he doesn’t care
>takes his time to browse and comment in a GME thread
What’s it like to have GME holders live rent free in that tiny noggin of yours?

>> No.52987252

>shill threads are multiplying
bullish for gme! time to buy and drs more. hedgies to the ledgies soon. wagmi frens.

>> No.52987253

What is it that baffles the GME holder so much about someone on a business and finance discussion board discussing business and finance?

>> No.52987297

/smg/ was talking about GME in November 2020. They sold that shit to the reddit tourists when it was trading triple digits. Stupid faggot tourists turn a trading opportunity into a lifetime cult and emotional support group.

>> No.52987335

you've been bagholding a meme stock for 3 fucking years while constantly claiming that the MOASS is just around the corner.
The only MO ASS around the corner is your mom bringing you another plate of pizza rolls.

>> No.52987422

When will the Reddit colonists leave? I can’t wait for dilution kek.

>> No.52987429


Yup. Dumbass Reddit users believe anything they read online.

>> No.52987498

Instead of waiting for the moass, maybe you should be getting some mo ass

>> No.52987537


>> No.52987588

no one tell these retards that companies can just issue more shares when they feel like it kek

>> No.52987609

If you keep fudding GameStop I'm going to cry


>> No.52988360

You're literally making threads at night on Christmas weekend about a company you aren't invested in lmao. You do understand that people don't like spam, right? You do get that people will buy out of spite solely because you shill so hard... right?!?

>> No.52988598

The fact you people keep making these threads is making me bullish. Yes, MOASS ain't happening. But there's still shorts that need to cover and there's not a lot of liquidity to do it with. Good chance we'll see GME run up to $35-50 again in the next couple months. Buy some long dated calls and sit tight if you can handle the risk.

>> No.52989163

Math follow tules, the sec, dtcc and hfs do not. So your theory is out of the window.
Dividend should have ended it, they changed the game again.
Last time gme followed the cycle, the japanese pm was mysteriously killed. That was a clear message to everyone not following their plan.
Dfv tried to stay low but they found him and posted a picture of him to reddit to give him the message.
Gme is dead. The bill is now paid by every other retail investor. Wallstreet doesnt lose.
Drs changes absolutely nothing except making it harder for you to sell.
I am sorry but that’s how it is.

>> No.52989283

Look at this. Take a look at the comments. This really stuck out to me. So easy to see that they all have to use some variation of the same script. Why the hell are hedge funds so scared about that poster bringing up the short sale rule? Thar spooked them way more than I would expect.

As usual, when these brats get scared, they ALWAYS go overboard. I guess they can't control themselves once the fear sets in. Man, they are spooked about something. There is something going down tomorrow or over the weekend, no doubt in my mind.


>> No.52989285

If the reddit fags weren't too pc they would of made a mo (moar) ass coom meme and got all the icy pee coomers batting for the other team so to speak.

>> No.52989292

of course not, you were just claiming it wouldnt go to 0

>> No.52989712
File: 265 KB, 1107x811, Fuckingcunylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a living FUCKING meme. I'm holding blackberry because I thought it would be next. I'm on a staircase to fucking ruin. Also holding PLTR which you cunts memed

>> No.52989748

>haha look at all the baggies causing me to go into bankruptcy

>> No.52989773

Sir, you don't understand the fundamentals of MOASS. We all know that the chart is like a spring. The more you push the price downwards, the faster and higher the price will go just like a short squeeze. We apes all know this, you just need be regarded like us to understand this. GME general is that way if you want to learn more and get a seat on a rocket to the mooooooon

>> No.52989785
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