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File: 145 KB, 2213x1198, 1670533543270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52960436 No.52960436 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Link not allowed to go over 60 cents back in 2018/2019?

>> No.52960440

>not allowed

>> No.52960448

Well they dumped BTC from 6k to 3k the absolute second Link was about to cross 60 cents.

>> No.52960555

that dump from 0.60 down to 0.20 in the bear was brutal, i remember that
that was the last time i bought any with fiat, got it at 0.22

>> No.52960610

Is something similar happening this bear market?

>> No.52960614
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Obviously, see pic for a very recent example.

Yeah that was mindbreaking stuff.
When Link pumped to 60 cents after the mainnet announcement I was so sure they were going to dump Bitcoin again to stop it.

>> No.52960630

meds right now chainshitter freak

>> No.52960635
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You think this is just a coincidence?

>> No.52960636

I know BTC dumps on LINK'S good news and bullish price action. But, is there a similar price threshold they're not allowing LINK to go over?

>> No.52960641

or maybe people were selling because they lost faith. Whoa! Cant be amirite? got to be some invisible hand

>> No.52960643
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>> No.52960658

If we broke $10 every short wound have been liquidated. That was a strange moment for them to crash FTX and throwaway their cryptojew Asset.

>> No.52960669

Fucking hell. I guess this was Celsius + Nexo + FTX protecting their shorts, huh. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.52960676

People were selling Bitcoin because they lost faith in Chainlink?

>> No.52960678

>some dev at chainlink labs writes a swift message parser
why are linkies like this

>> No.52960687
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The FTX crash was so meticulously timed, I bet they were scrambling to find something that would crash BTC hard enough and in the end they had to pull out the big guns.

>> No.52960713

basedo chainlinkgod thank you king

>> No.52960718

I always knew SBF’s job was to make crypto as a whole look bad to further government regulation. But you’re definitely correct that this was not the intended time kek. I love when their plans don’t workout. 4chan Linkies are literally their biggest enemies.

>> No.52960741

Maybe this was CZ acting on his own, throwing FTX under the bus without them knowing.

Has anyone on twitter ever even acknowledged any of these (((coincidences)))?
/biz/ has been tracking them for years and somehow it never gains traction anywhere else.

>> No.52960756

I don’t know who is pulling the strings but with what Chainlink is aiming to accomplish plus the individuals its attracting, it makes sense why they wouldn’t want eyes on it.

>> No.52960788
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>> No.52960793

Eyes are on it regardless, too many high-profile companies shilling it.
What they're doing is keeping the price down at any cost. Which is arguably the most important thing for speculative hype.

>> No.52960794

alts are a fucking scam to con morons and hide liquidity

>> No.52960810

You think they’re accumulating?

>> No.52960815

Doing this only keeps normies away. Any autist or experienced investor would still buy some.

>> No.52960854

Sirs my village is the getting very hungry

>> No.52960931

I have no idea what the purpose is, other than to keep the price of Link down.

>> No.52961081

The whole GME/AMC/BBB saga has proven without a doubt that the proles are actually able to pump an asset to high heavens if they reach critical mass on social media platforms. This only happens when there is
a) A very clear cut case of "stick it to the naked shorters" with someone doing all the legwork and influencers picking the story up (meme stocks mentioned above)
b) If line goes up and keeps going up, attracting more plebs while also being considered an "intelligent" stock, becoming a self fulfilling prophecy until it collapses (Tesla)

It's obvious that Chainlink is not going to be option a. Chainlink has been shorted heavily for 2 years, but you can't really make a case like GME since the shorts aren't naked. The short squeeze in 2020 got it up to $20 and then it ran out of steam.
Nevertheless, Chainlink has a huge chance of becoming option b. With the price steadily rising for long enough, it will experience a 2019 like run. When line goes up normies will pile in regardless of how hard Chainlink is to understand. Suddenly they will act like the oracle problem was the only thing holding crypto back and the reason for crypto having failed to gain real adoption all this time. They will praise Chainlink as the most ingenious thing since sliced bread. This whole cataclysm will not happen however, if Chainlink runs are interrupted before they draw attention.

I'm not saying this is deliberate, as I have a hard time believing that, but it is very uncanny how if you were to try and prevent option b from happening, you would do it exactly like what has been happening with Chainnlink. Major announcements that would have been picked up by the normiesphere (IF COUPLED WITH GOOD PRICE ACTION) were all quelled before a run could happen.

AP node
Eric Schmidt
Staking announcement
Staking going live

These are all catalysts for a run and would have made other cryptos moon, guaranteed. Chainlink is either really unlucky or it is deliberate.

>> No.52961105

Pretty sure it’s deliberate

>> No.52961134

We all know it's happening, we can maybe speculate about why, but the real question is: when will it stop?

>> No.52961166

All I know is there's no lucky or cohencidences.

>> No.52961272

when will it stop?

>> No.52961286

smart anon, is it possible to go under 5?

>> No.52961288

Ive begun to give up hope that it ever will. We need massive adoption basically, so that there is just a huge demand for Link tokens. Its years and years away - decades away arguably.

>> No.52961289

>The whole GME/AMC/BBB saga has proven without a doubt that the proles are actually able to pump an asset to high heavens if they reach critical mass on social media platforms.
BUT the absolute biggest factor in gathering momentum is going up in price.
Big news is one thing, but if the price is somehow kept low after the big news, then the big news becomes small news in the eyes of the average prole.

This is the principal objective of the price suppressors: to artificially keep the Link price low by any means necessary so there's no price build-up to attract the proles.

>> No.52961313

What needs to happen is news so big even Bitcoin crashing to 0 won't stop Link from pumping.
As long as this doesn't happen, they can keep dumping BTC and get their way every single time.

This exact thing happened in mid-2020, and it happened again in early 2022 after the staking announcement: Link kept pumping while BTC kept dumping. In the end the entire stock market had to crash to stop Link.

>> No.52961321

>The short squeeze in 2020 got it up to $20 and then it ran out of steam
why did it run out of steam?

>> No.52961330

Because it's BTC's bitch like all alts and it was crabbing your eth token was crabbing too.

>> No.52961339
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>your eth token was crabbing

>> No.52961348

a decade away I'd say

>> No.52961369

Sustainable growth

>> No.52961378

literally only had a cult following back in 2018 whereas most of the board fudded it into the ground.

>> No.52961416

At this point believing otherwise should almost elicit a "take meds" response, going purely by how small the chances are that this is pure coincidence.

>if the price is somehow kept low after the big news, then the big news becomes small news in the eyes of the average prole.
Exactly. People like to feel like they could have predicted the pump, because it would enable them to predict the next one if there are any upcoming deadlines. I even dare to say that most price action orchestrated by wales are explained with IRL events even if those events had little to no actual bearing on the price. People just want to feel comfortable knowing something caused the price increase/decrease.

Because the shorts were all liquidated. Zeus capital doubled down on their shorts around $8 and got liquidated at $13 if I recall correctly, triggering a run to $20. After that nobody was stupid enough to short, so no more fuel. There also wasn't enough buy interest to maintain that price level so Chainlink peaked and corrected, only reaching $53 in the following bull run because it was dragged up kicking and screaming by BTC and ETH. The BTC and ETH charts show the real correction/bear market after the 2020 blow off top.

>> No.52961588

A 2x over that period is fucking crab

>> No.52961602

It was x3 in a bearmarket. Chainlink went from like rank 100 to 30 in that timeframe.

>> No.52961637

>Well they dumped BTC from 6k to 3k the absolute second Link was about to cross 60 cents.
liquidity in chainlink is a fucking joke. You understand right, the depth of the liquidity is like a raindrop on the sidewalk so it literally takes tiny trades, few million bucks, to move the price substantially.
there are so many examples of this it doesn't even need explanation, you need to understand this.

>> No.52961645

That pic shows 3.5x
Against the entire market.

>liquidity in chainlink is a fucking joke. You understand right, the depth of the liquidity is like a raindrop on the sidewalk so it literally takes tiny trades, few million bucks, to move the price substantially.
So why do they keep dumping BTC to suppress Link?

>> No.52961657

How do you dump the price of a token if you don't own those tokens, though?

>> No.52961666

>People just want to feel comfortable knowing something caused the price increase/decrease.
>Because the shorts were all liquidated... because it was dragged up kicking and screaming by BTC
the irony is fucking hilarious

>> No.52961730

BTC bull market is not a singular event. It floats the whole market up, regardless of technicals/fundamentals. You completely missed the point and made an ass out of yourself to feel smart about a gotcha moment, wew.

>> No.52961933

>So why do they keep dumping BTC to suppress Link?
you see something correlated and you think its the cause.
consider that there is no causal relationship at all and what you are seeing is the effect of trading pair balancing by market makers. Most of crypto market making is still in bitcoin, not stables..

>> No.52961943

>what you are seeing is the effect of trading pair balancing by market makers
No, what I'm seeing is Bitcoin taking a dive at key Chainlink events, levels, breakthroughs, ...

>> No.52961955

>ou completely missed the point and made an ass out of yourself to feel smart about a gotcha moment, wew
you need lots of medication.
NOBODY cares about chainlink.

>> No.52962059
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>NOBODY cares about chainlink.

>> No.52962064

>trying to justify price action is cope
>lemme try to justify the price action
>hurrr you made an ass out of yourself for pointing out how fucking retarded I am

>> No.52962074

>>trying to justify price action is cope
That's not what he said, brainlet.
He was saying people like it when big pumps are caused by actual news.

>> No.52962089

He is a paid spokesperson.
You have to know this, right???

>> No.52962106
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(you) legit believe there is some player out there suppressing the price right?
by selling off bitcoin?

>> No.52962114

No, he started talking about Chainlink out of nowhere on some podcast. He only got hired as an advisor a month later.
Also, the point is Bitcoin dumped 10% as soon as this happened.

>> No.52962123

link is a printed out of thin air shit scam where the founder holds 60pct of supply and dumps on holders. it shouldn't even ever have went above $1

>> No.52962194

chain link pumps, bitcoin dumps. read the thread and lurk 2 more years.

>> No.52962273

Since we like to talk about cause and effect in these threads, let's see how that relates to what I said:
>Observe Chainlink cratering after ATH
>Bitcoin bull run starts
>Observe Chainlink reluctantly moving up with the market while continuing harsh downtrend on BTC pair
Pretty clear cause and effect, straightforward conclusion: LINK is correcting/in bear but USD value does not reflect that because of greater market conditions.

>Observe shorts on chain getting liquidated
>see violent price increase causing a liquidation cascade, which we can verify on chain
>asset corrects back to pre-squeeze levels after blow off top
Verifiable cause and effect, pretty clear conclusion on price action here.

Next scenario:
>Asset pumps/dumps out of nowhere
>Retroactively assign an event that already happend or hasn't happened yet as the reason for price action, or something extremely vague
Examples: Insiders buying the rumor, Korea FUD, China FUD, insolvency rumors, the infamous "rebrand" tactic picked up by PnD groups during 2017 ICO craze, etc etc.

Should be easy to comprehend.

>54st richest person in the world attaches name to relatively unknown crypto project for some meagre advisor compensation
C'mon now, who really needs to take their meds here?

>> No.52962333


I don’t get it… isn’t the fucking point of link to be decentralized and having nodes all over the place? Didn’t they have to list chainlink on Binance? So why the fuck see they subduing them price? And if they don’t want us in… why short it? Why not jack it up with a single god candle to $1,000 EOY when it was still under a buck and the only real owners were us, then everyone sells and makes tons of fake fiat, which will be worthless anyway pretty soon then they have their new system without us in it

>> No.52962410

or, hear me out, chainlink is simply behaving like every other shitcoin, because it IS a fucking shitcoin
just saying

>> No.52962424

>behaving like every other shitcoin
Bitcoin doesn't dump on every shitcoin's news.

>> No.52962431

That's a completely different discussion.

>> No.52962605
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>So why the fuck see they subduing them price? And if they don’t want us in… why short it?
Think about the results of suppression:
>low price
>low public knowledge
You get primetime for accumulation if you're in the know. There are many different players who will want to use the network, and to use it they will need the token. If the token price is high that's just another barrier to adoption.
It may not even be that the price of LINK is low so much as it is that everything else is too high. In a sane world Chainlink would be in the top ten considering how much is dependent on it (top five really),but it isn't even in the top twenty. Oracles allow blockchains to communicate with the the outside world, a prerequisite for utility to humans, and there isn't a single oracle project in the top twenty, instead we have half a dozen superfluous L1s and dog coins. It's not just that the people suppressing LINK are clever and playing the long game, it's that the entire market is braindead and that LINK's price action and its public perception are being curated to only attract smart money. LINK's handlers do not want mercenaries they want marines.

>> No.52962654

>attempting to explain price action
>"that's a completely different discussion"
lmao how the fuck can you not see it

>> No.52962682

>duurrr that's not what he said!!!
>"People just want to feel comfortable knowing something caused the price increase/decrease."
would you look at that, he actually said exactly that!
why do link shills always resort to semantics?

>> No.52962692

You are erecting strawmen in your head and tearing them down after. Of course I don't see those.

>> No.52962723

you are a retarded bagholder attempting to portray every development as bullish
Of course you're going to get ridiculed

>> No.52962764
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tax seasonality griefing by tryhard money demons

>> No.52962818

>>"People just want to feel comfortable knowing something caused the price increase/decrease."
That's exactly what I said: people like it when big pumps are caused by actual news.

>> No.52962858

I said that normies are capable of pumping assets. I said that Chainlink will not be pumped by said normies because it doesn't attract them. I also explained to an anon what happened during summer 2020 and again during 2018 bear.
>you are a retarded bagholder attempting to portray every development as bullish
You are getting angry at a strawman anon.

>> No.52962931

>You think they’re accumulating?
follow the wallets on ethplorer and yes ever since june at least there has been massive accumulation on all levels
staking sucking up link was the only time wallets declined due to obvious reason, price going down only meant more accumulation

>> No.52963183
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Everything and anything is allowed to go above and beyond faggot there's no conspiracy. Doge, Vinu, Shib, all that crowd had no right getting so big and look at what happened.

>> No.52963205

Sirgay put his huge smelly foot down and said "No!" and so it no

>> No.52963222
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drones with no inner monologue who frequent reddit and worship entities like elon musk made it happen. therefore, it was BOUND to happen. im jealous i didnt think anything of crypto back then, i could have made literal billions.

>> No.52964871
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>Line go up
>Line go down
>It's a fucking illuminati conspiracy

Not only is this completely low iq, it's mentally ill (paranoid schizo).

I can't take any LINK posts seriously on this board anymore. Until we get rid of you, it's impossible to have an emotionless investor conversation.

You people are a discrace.

>> No.52965022

>link chuds discussing link in a link thread
>person who definitely does not hold link barges into the link thread
>throws a tantrum about how people in other threads now cannot have meaningful discussions because of the content of the discussions in the link thread
You're literally trying to enforce reddiquette with reddit spacing. This thread isn't the only place you do not belong.

>> No.52965072
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>schizo brain
>an entity with billions manipulates the greater market just to crash a shitcoin because it's MY BAGS
>shitcoin follows the larger market including the global economy and NYSE
>shitcoin doesn't have enough utility or adoption to pump the price

How the fuck did we get here? Did you all lose your fucking minds? I've seen these threads since 2020. Instead of talking about chainlink development you instead focus on imaginary price action.

100% of my folio is LINK

>>throws a tantrum about how people in other threads now cannot have meaningful discussions because of the content of the discussions in the link thread
>This thread isn't the only place you do not belong.
You mad? You hijacked LINK conversations on this board with your inane ramblings. Shut the fuck up or better yet kill yourself

>> No.52965082
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Chainlink when staking

>> No.52965087

Crypto moves in incredibly, blatantly, obviously, not-a-secret 4 year cycles. Everyone knows this, everyone knows what the Bitcoin halving is. If you emotionally or psychologically engage with sentiment/technical analysis kvetching during bear markets, you need to splash some cold water on your face and go for a fucking walk because this is how the fucking market mechanisms work.

Link may or may not see some market divergence leading up to the Bitcoin halving because of their position as infrastructure and their tendency to drop rather hugely bullish news(Google cloud 2019') that can get people hyped even when everyone's soul has bee crushed by the bear market.

Now shut up, go do some pushups and call your mother or something. No amount of money is worth being this miserably attached to something outside of your control that you unironically argue with retards, trolls, shills and schizos on a anime forum.

>> No.52965091

Look at the images, they speak loudly and clearly themselves.

>> No.52965131
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Eth when staking

>> No.52965213
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Bitcoin when Link staking.

>> No.52965219

Thanks bro but I still check /biz/ daily it's a fun board. And I'm interested in the development of LINK and news related to it. What's worst is when you spend time reading a post and half way through you realize it was posted by a schizophrenic.

>> No.52965220

Hes the 50th richest man on earth. His net worth is larger than chainlinks marketcap. How in the fuck hell could they have paid him to be a spokesperson?

>> No.52965285

Absolute schizophrenia.

>> No.52965306
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>just a coincidence bro

>> No.52965317





>> No.52965338

Checked mason. If fiat becomes worthless than they definitely don’t want us owning this. I’ve felt this was always more valuable than money since the beginning.

>> No.52965345

Are you some kind of moron?
Of course it follows BTC, everything crypto follows BTC when it dumps. Bots, limit orders, stop losses, ... make that happen.

>> No.52965408

>they dumped the largest market cap coin that takes the most money to move in order to dump a smaller coin that takes far less money to move

wow meds, take em

>> No.52965419

Either that or it's just a massive coincidence that keeps happening, for years.

>> No.52965449

Damn anon did you not sleep? I just woke up and you’re still kicking. Respect, this has been a fantastic thread.

>> No.52966316

Here you go OP. This video is of great relevance to your thread.
Though i am guessing you have seen it before.

>> No.52966454

You're such a midwit it fucking hurts. There's a spectrum of schizo, and if you can't point out obviously suspect bullshit without screaming schizo, you're on the opposite end of it where you unironically believe the holocaust was real and jews had nothing to do with 9/11, you also do not belong here.

>> No.52966480

>conspiracy brainlets calling others midwits
oh the irony

>> No.52966536

This is a good post. The reason link is still being suppressed is simple, if you believe an asset is going to be extremely valuable but that can't actually happen until actual adoption, you are incentivized to keep the price low by artificial means until this happens as you win on both directions, others will be more likely to capitulate allowing you to own a greater percentage of the supply, and you can accumulate for cheaper prices. Logically this makes perfect sense. The only people who need the asset to rise in price in the short term to get rich now are poor people or retail, i.e. us.

Now as for when it changes, there's two events and they are sort of correlated. The first is actual adoption, or the chasm as sergey likes to point out. This is something that simply can't be predicted, it'll just happen at some point, and unironically will be sort of a switch flip moment where speculators race to beat out the adoption before being left behind. The second is staking, as this removes the ability for long term investors to accumulate via suppression outside of actually staking themselves. Now we have staking but 1.0 is the only one that will actually change the tokenomics as this is where the majority of the supply will be locked up. Of course, 1.0 staking likely isn't economically feasible until you start to see mainstream adoption, i.e. Swift, DTCC, not shitcoin casinos and DeFi which is all we have in the space now. So its sort of a chicken/egg scenario, and it could legitimately happen next year or in a decade, nobody can actually tell you when its going to happen, although at this point I don't even think you have to say its an "if" scenario anymore.

>> No.52966554

You too, your posts in this thread are peak midwit while wasting time posting in a link thread. Posters like you remind me of the horseshoe faggots on /pol/, nobody buys it, just pick a side you fucking pussy.

>> No.52966653

I think it's pretty fucking obvious which side we're on. You're spreading more fud with your schizophrenia than any screetching fudder.

>> No.52966742

No, you're incapable of critical thinking and scared to be called a schizo. You can point out illogical happenings in the market without going full blown "its da bulgarians", which the take meds posters like to use as a strawman anytime someone suggests the price action of link is slightly suspect. Markets do get manipulated, there are factors at play that go beyond pure chaos. Should you let it affect your mental state or stress about it, no, because they are factors outside of your control, but there's no harm in shitposting about it with frens.

>> No.52966766

>Now we have staking but 1.0
v. 0.1 anon, we have ten years before we hit v 1.0 as per Sergey's "maybe 10 years" remarks which he has made at virtually every recent public talk.

>> No.52966791

Didn't Chainlink mainnet launch at 0.1? It didn't take 10 years for it to reach version 1.0.

>> No.52966809

checked and yes I was basically alluding to that, although I doubt 10 years but I even acknowledged in my post that adoption could be at any point from next year to a decade (or even never) and that's simply something nobody can predict. Its like asking when mass adoption for many internet services was going to happen in the year 2000, if you could know the exact year things like youtube or myspace/facebook would happen, or how big they'd get, you'd be a billionaire, but you couldn't. The best you could do is place bets on it early on and hope. The entire reason anons even have a chance to generate massive wealth off something like this is because of the tremendous risk, if there were no risk involved there'd be no gains either.

>> No.52966816

How are we at mainnet 1.0 without DECO, staking, or CCIP? Serious question. These are narrative fabrications to keep us on the hook, while the internal state of CL Labs remains a mystery - other than that we know they are all REMOTE MEME workers which Eric Schmidt specifically condemned in his talk with Sergey.

Maybe it wouldn't take 5 years for staking v 0.1 if Sergey made his people come to work in the office, this goes without mentioning that he has tons of meme employees for "community managers" and "women in blockchain" having their pockets lined with profits from token dumps that comes out of OUR bags.

I'm bullish but Sergey needs to get more hardcore.

>> No.52966818

>there's no harm in shitposting about it with frens

You're wasting my time reading your dimwit posts. Kill. Your. Self. Retard. Nigger.

>> No.52966884

Back in my day we would just tell you to lurk more or go back or call you a faggot. You've gotten too complacent with your schizo frens, schizo

>> No.52967059

Oh you gonna tell me about rules 1 and 2 next? go back to ebaumsworld faggot

>> No.52967182

>You can point out illogical happenings in the market without going full blown "its da bulgarians",
Chain Link Consulting Group (CLCG) had many Bulgarians, came from /biz/, and tried to ruin the project early days. Now they run apu2 and pretend that first party nodes are something that Chainlink does not do but it does and Bukgarians are sad sad people. Gypsies mostly. They smell like cabbage. And that Gypsy whore Sasa knows many things about what happened to the price of LINK. Bitboy does too.

>> No.52967554

Yeah I know about apu2 and all that, I'm just saying angry bitter faggots use that as a false flag to pretend they think its all a giant grand conspiracy by the bulgarians to suppress the project (as if they had that sort of power/leverage), so that they can then attack that strawman and call you schizo, all because they're bitter that they didn't make it from link already and newfags can still buy at these levels. Its just tiring. tl;dr yeah there is bulgarian stench hovering around the project, but they aren't powerful enough to control the price alone

>> No.52967853

that isnt reddit spacing idiot

this is reddit spacing

>> No.52968603

Absolute classic, needs an update though.

>> No.52968669

I used to hold 280k link but sold 195k in 2020, unironically it peaked like every token from its generation and won’t ever hit $50 again. It never performed like bnb or qnt but got more hype than both combined, never understood that

>> No.52968727

Because CZ pumped the bags like FTT

>> No.52968796

we know faggot, we fucking know.
>LINK is the most heavily manipulated crypto asset to ever exist

>> No.52969018

Bc it was worthless

>> No.52969064


>> No.52969487

There wasnt any demand because the token was and still is not needed

>> No.52969517

Lmao btc didnt even dump when staking was released... The pic literally shows it dumped days later, and that dump was caused by the ftx drama. What kind of schizo cope is this

>> No.52969567

Do you guys really look at this and not see how its literally following btc? Btc just doesnt pump as hard, alts just follow btc with leverage, when it pumps alts pump more and when it dumps alts famously shit themselves..
Doesnt anyone remember when some anon compared these pics to litecoin and some other alts and they all had this same movement

>> No.52969601

>literally following btc
The point of the suppression is to make the link chart look like those shitcoins

>> No.52969607

So much theory crafting. Just sit back and enjoy the show fellas.

>> No.52969644
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Because it was shit and is shit

>> No.52969684

just stop. this board reached consensus awhile ago that yes, bitcoin dumps specifically to neutralize bullish link movements. the only part that we lack full clarity on is why. the "meds now" posters are the actual retards at this point.

>> No.52969862

>days later
Looks like the dump was within 24 hours of staking being released

>> No.52969877

compare link/btc chart from 2017 to any other 2017 shitcoin, it doesn't look like any of them. link is largely asynchronous with respect to bitcoin, it went through its own bull run against btc that started in June 2018 (while btc hadn't even bottomed out in its own bear market), and ended August 2020, 4 months before btc began the parabolic part of the 2021 run. Interestingly enough, link has continued to follow this pattern, bottoming out vs btc in June 2022 and potentially starting its next bull market vs bitcoin. If that cycle continues to play out the same way, expect the next major move up for link to occur sometime between q2-q3 of next year.

>> No.52970625

Sorry fellow anon, 8 days into Q1 is the correct answer.

>> No.52970899

Just two more months

>> No.52971099

token needed

>> No.52971157

Sweet Sergey look at the digits in here

>> No.52971214

Assuming the suppression is real, more importantly, why is the team complicit in it?
>suppress own token as part of hiding strategy
>token goes to 0
>treasury goes to 0
>declare bankruptcy

>> No.52971473

So token needed?

>> No.52971822

This is what I really don’t fucking get. This part has never made any sense. Why the fuck have they don’t literally nothing to protect the price? They literally stand to directly benefit given they sell tokens to build their treasury. They’re absolutely fucked with how much they’ll get if they sell at these prices vs. the last 2 years.

>> No.52972050

Price of a BIG MAC

>> No.52972545

at which link/btc price to take profit?

>> No.52973034

>days later
Literally half a day later.

>its literally following btc
Link is going up and BTC is going sideways.
So they dump BTC in order to stop Link from going up any more.

>> No.52974205

You guys nailed it. All of the scams have pumped more than anything. Chainlink never pumped like that because the insiders don't want it to pump yet - because they know it WILL eventually pump. They want to accumulate as much as possible. Even the fundamentals if Chainlink tech will ever work doesn't matter in this conversation. There are whales that want to make money. They want projects like Chainlink to 10x their stack. Why they didn't hype and use all these bullish news? Because they win more if they accumulate. They wait for a better time to push the hype.

>> No.52974246

The reason people are so mad is not the price, its time, most of us are getting old, we need to make it soon or women wont like us anymore when we make it.

>> No.52975920

That would be the equivalent of a small auto repair shop in bumfuck nowhere coming with a novel idea, Elon musk noticing, tweeting the importance of that idea and that he wants in on that , and you saying the auto shop paid Musk to say that.
That's how ridiculously you sound

>> No.52976088

Because if you want to accumulate said asset ( control it actually) you can't market sell it to dump the price for obvious reasons. Link liquidity is almost non existent for the buying side. Every time link had just a small buying momentum the price shot up pretty quickly and every single time that happened (((external))) events happen that break that momentum. And if you have been in 4chan for a whole you start developing pattern recognition so you can see this is not coincidence

>> No.52976294

>trust the plan marines, insiders KNOW that link IS 100% GOING TO THE MOON, diamond hands!

>> No.52976574

It's true. The market is rigged, just as sports matches are fixed so bettors making logical bets get fleeced. Despite ALL of the progress and developments for link; CCIP, staking, DECO, Schmidt, etc link still hasn't budged. Our mistake was thinking that the market is logical. The market is not logical and it is not fair. It's owned just like the casinos. And the house always wins.

>> No.52978555
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It's because of this board.

>> No.52978646

It couldn't have anything to do with Bitcoins absolutely predictable cycular nature. Nope.

>> No.52978668

checked and legit kekked

>> No.52981439

problem is that the tech industry now is so basedbased that you cant attract or retain the top talent unless you offer incentives like remote work. doing a boomer back to the office move will work in old school industries like banks but not cutting edge crypto companies

>> No.52981670

Bitcoin is becoming awfully predictable, you're right. When LINK is pumping against the market, short BTC x10. Easy money.
>inb4 take meds, schizo, deluded etc
Following the strategy above the last years would have unironically outperformed any other strategy. Whether the correlation is deliberate or not has no bearing on this fact.

>> No.52981836
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I love how in this timeline the linkcels have become a combination of xrp schitzos and digimarines. Some of them even locked their coins into a 2 year long period because sergey promised gibs that are never going to come. This will continue to entertain us for years to come.

>> No.52983505

For now I prefer staking stables through Spool, than any volatile coin

>> No.52983555

You are only correct in short-term timescales. Long-term the winners are always revealed.

>> No.52983720

Stables are the new safe haven, and putting them to work on a DeFi middleware is the best right now.

>> No.52984456

10/10 kek