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52976097 No.52976097 [Reply] [Original]

btc will be 15k by end of day

>> No.52976161

That’s gross. I have 16” biceps and her arms look like mine.

>> No.52976202

That's hot. I have little bitch arms and 6.5 inch wrists. My only redeeming smv is my 7 inch penis. I would gladly sacrifice penis size to average for normal man arms.

>> No.52976223

women that do yoga > women that lift

i won't explain

>> No.52976255

Both are better than fatties any day. Also fuck those retards with cows for girlfriends are make up bullshit excuses such as "haha yeah I like em thicc." No, these are losers that ruin the dating scene on many levels and need to be violently executed.

>> No.52976265

God, I wish she would fuck me.

>> No.52976269

>Both are better than fatties any day
>these are losers that ruin the dating scene
also true

>> No.52976279

I also have birdlike wrists and swing a large penis
My slender body only accentuates my length and girth. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I'm white which helps. If you're a shitskin I'd just recommend moving to Canada and getting state sponsored euthanasia.

>> No.52976476

Thanks for the advice, but I am white. I suppose for some woman jack skellington is their type though. Just the media portraying big fucking arms on makes me think being lanky is not ideal

>> No.52976555

Lots of really cute alt girls like skinny dudes especially when they’re packing your both gmi. I’m naturally muscular but also chubby and my cock doesn’t really work right most of the time although is seven inches hard. I would give up all my godly strength to thinmax and have a fully functioning penis to bang qt 3.14s all day. Thats what guns are for anyways with self defense.

>> No.52976581

Also check em

>> No.52976615


>> No.52976789
File: 102 KB, 768x960, 1666738650620292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are old r u, pee pee problems usually start after 35 right?

>> No.52976814

dont care, didnt ask anyway

>> No.52976825

I’m 34 I suspect a lot of mine is mental but could possibly be some physical. I have reynauds. My dig would have a breakthrough for that bitch in pic rel though no matter what.