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File: 66 KB, 1080x891, The-Defiant-0026361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52974871 No.52974871 [Reply] [Original]

How true is this biz

>> No.52974921

About as true as VPNs protecting your privacy when they all log your IP addresses and pass them on to the police when asked.

>> No.52974969

you can make your own vpn though

>> No.52974975

ETH is trash

>> No.52975022

Vpn for ethereum lol. Just use monero and secret ffs. Kek.

>> No.52975133

We passed this stage already

>> No.52975235
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You will only be concerned about that if you're engaged in something incriminating. There is nothing wrong with privacy that is regulation-compliant.

>> No.52975239

VPN is basically for web data. Doesn't have anything to protect your transactions.

>> No.52975246

wrong. On the odd chance that you eventually have an opinion that the rest of society becomes conditioned to hate, you will think otherwise

>> No.52975261

Show us how smartfag

>> No.52975282

Yet, it keeps proving retards like you wrong

>> No.52975319

There is no way you can keep a private eth balance with monero. Railgun is still the only reasonable option to do that

>> No.52975480


>> No.52975493

The biggest players in the financial market will not adopt blockchain solutions precisely because of the transparency that it provides.

>> No.52975532
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People often get it wrong when they are thinking about privacy in crypto. It has nothing to do with IP addresses. More accurately, it has everything to do with the public ledger and access to anyone's entire transaction history.

>> No.52975546

But that’s not true for only the biggest players. It’s the same for regular people as well. People have secrets they want to keep, and the transparency of the blockchain is off-putting to them too.

>> No.52975592

The blockchain may offer unrivaled transparency, but that comes at a cost, and that cost is privacy.

>> No.52975595

Sorry if I sound like a boomer, but Tornadocash.

>> No.52975617

Give an instance

>> No.52975632

It’s okay for all of Binance’s transactions to be online and visible. But the small coffee shop on the corner of your street certainly wouldn’t want that. That's a deterrent to mass adoption

>> No.52975670


>> No.52975701

Law abiding citizens who donated to canadian truckers is the obvious one.
But I realise you are either trolling or a slave, so I'm not going to waste my breath...

>> No.52975703
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Once they discover effective ways to maintain an anonymous balance of their crypto assets, they will. If you check well enough, there are several ways you can keep your on-chain activities a secret

>> No.52975716

The protocol was used multiple times by international criminals and was used to launder billions of dollars. At some point, the US government had to weigh the benefits of allowing Tornado Cash to exist and decided that it wasn’t worth it. The view key feature on the Railgun and Aztec platforms wouldn't allow for all of these shortcomings. So it implies that Tornado cash was a flop and not on-chain privacy

>> No.52975717

>muh nothing to hide nothing to fear argument
What you tards fail to see is that there is a catch to that statement, because you only think about the present. You have no clue what will be seen as or painted as a crime 10 years from now. And guess what? All of that collected data of yours that is law compliant in current year? It could very well become more than enough to get you nailed to a cross (legally, socially, financially or any combination of the 3) because you broke some future law or because you did a wrongthink.
Privacy is absolute, there are no half measures. If your "privacy" isn't absolute, then it isn't privacy.

>> No.52975751

Well, the number of emerging on-chain privacy solutions says something about the demand for privacy and anonymity, especially in defi.

>> No.52975792

Transparency and privacy don't have to be mutually exclusive. Having the option to generate a verifiable history of transactions while maintaining anonymity such as railway enables is proof of that

>> No.52975821
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def grabbing some darkfi when its out
sick team

>> No.52975830

Unfortunately, the United States government clamped down on it. While some may argue that this was unnecessary, one could also argue that Tornado Cash had simply accumulated too many misdeeds

>> No.52975831
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Imagine buying some coffee down someone with crypto and the trader getting full access to the information about every single transaction you've ever made. It's a total mess

>> No.52975842

imagine believing this shit. It's like saying all drug dealers are feds.

>> No.52975853

Fuck off asshole

>> No.52975857

Nobody tell him

>> No.52975873

> t. low iq zoomer
u are fucking retard. the team is lit one of the best in crypto. hcpp is the main crypto anarchy conf

>> No.52975876

From Belgium. Have no fucking idea what's going on at Canada

>> No.52975888
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>USG wants to stop international criminals.
Do you think that TC is on OFAC because the best Korea used it? No, it's there because it's a "laundering" tool that you, I and your Uncle Keister can use. It's there because not only would it reduce tax revenue (which is ultimately irrelevant) bit it would allow average people to keep their right to their labor and their time. When slaves start to think they have a right to their time, they start to get uppity. In exchange, the slaves will get "roads".

>> No.52975922

With privacy protocols, people can make transactions safe in the knowledge that prying eyes will never get to see them. This is a mover for crypto mainstream adoption

>> No.52975939
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This is one of the main reasons why I'll never use a mixer. You don't know when legitimate funds get mixed with illegitimate ones and it ultimately becomes a problem for the latter if the history is investigated.

>> No.52976011

VPN isn't the same as onchain privacy, benchod. Privacy is all about keeping your transactions on the blockchain shielded from public view even with the use of explorers

>> No.52976014

The gubament wants control so they come for privacy which is our freedom.

>> No.52976037

without a proper privacy we will be just grinded and enslaved.

>> No.52976046

It is obvious there will be a mainstream adoption the moment institutions begin to utilise the blockchain, privacy will be a factor that will foster that. Whoever resists privacy is a retard

>> No.52976056

I believe privacy is the only way for crypto to survive. Glad to see convos about this. Just reading the one w J.Stark


>> No.52976068
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whats even more cringe than the ''nothing to hide'' argument, is the ''they already know everything'' argument

>> No.52976143

>private eth balance
The railway wallet got that on lock down, one of my best features.

>> No.52976244
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That's one of the things CBDCs may cause if it is fully rolled out

>> No.52976267
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Regulators are the only ones that may potentially resist privacy and it's already proven that such resistance will be an absolute waste of time

>> No.52976290


>> No.52976329

What you faggots are desperately trying to disprove is the fact that privacy can be wanted by legitimate people with nothing incriminating to hide. That I want my privacy rights undisturbed doesn't mean I'm involved in any illegal deal or shit

>> No.52976366

That's because it's a mixer. You have no idea what could have been mixed within the protocol

>> No.52976377

Institutional adoption of blockchain tech will only happen when the very reasons of blockchain creation is at their best and they include decentralization, Privacy, anonymity and self custody.

>> No.52976380


What happens when big daddy govt expands the definition of the second one to sweep up the people who won't comply?

>> No.52976393

>There is no way you can keep a private eth balance with monero.
theres no fucking need to hold ETH, hold monero, its the real bitcoin.

>> No.52976428

Secret ... Anon... Ceo registered in the US. Did you learn nothing from zcash?

Xmr, dero, arrr.

>> No.52976431

By "won't comply", I mean with any thing. Whatever the whims of the day are of the mob.

>> No.52976482
File: 3.17 MB, 2000x1640, theropethecopethenocoiner-xmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1) obtain an anonymous vps server (protip you need monero )
#2) install and configure openvpn
#3) connect to your anonymously obtained vps server
#4) ???
#5) profit!

>> No.52976510
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Kek, I'll stick with ETH and I'll keep it anonymous.

>> No.52976757

you cannot obtain anything if you have to KYC on payment

>> No.52976842

Freedom is what the central authorities detest and they know onchain privacy will provide that. Smart anons shouldn't compromise that

>> No.52976894

That would merely be replacing the old banks with new digital ones. People have almost no incentives to do that, and it would not solve DeFi’s privacy problem by any stretch.

>> No.52976896

The comparison is absurd to start with. Privacy is all about concealment to secure important data as a means of security.

>> No.52976937

But we cannot not just abandon transparency when finances are involved. I think a compromise like the view key tech should be encouraged for audit purposes.

>> No.52977004
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Peasized brain subhuman

>> No.52977017

yeah ETH is trash

>> No.52977029

a16z is retarded, film at 11

>> No.52977100

Protocols with the option to provide such details will obviously be resistant, and criminals will avoid carrying out their illicit activities on such protocols for fear of being caught.

>> No.52977189

there are no criminals
that is a state concept
crypto is permissionless
XRP is not crypto, and ETH is not crypto either since it is proof of shit

>> No.52977266

That is an obsolete tech

>> No.52977314

what do you mean?

>> No.52977443

Anon needs some spoonfeeding. kek

>> No.52977558

There are better tech in privacy now, TC used mixers which are complicated and not so secured while protocols like Railgun uses relayers that are simple and secure in operation.

>> No.52978426

Pay attention to the context you faggot.

>> No.52978455

DeFi privacy problem is already being solved, thanks to zero-knowledge technology

>> No.52978457 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52978488

>XRP not crypto
>ETH not crypto
What kind of weed are you onto anon

>> No.52978549

You really need to stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.52978581

Privacy is a basic right and it's needed for civil liberties. There is no law against that and there is nothing authorities can do about it

>> No.52978743

Based. Thanks for sharing

>> No.52978782

>financial privacy
Literally just means tax evasion and pedo shit.

>> No.52981412

I'm Iranian or any other citizen of country sanctioned by ofac and therefore I'm doing something incriminating

>> No.52982892

You just described tornado cash. They had a compliance function to show your funds were legitimate. It didn't matter.

>> No.52982943

I bet you have some dollar bills in your wallet or bank account.

>> No.52983044

At some point you're paying for an OP address belonging to someone who is more motivated to comply with law enforcement than they are to protect you.

>> No.52983111


>> No.52984341

DVPN price is in the shitter rn.

>> No.52984744

Privacy is a basic right. And everyone should have a say in their privacy especially when it involve their finances.

>> No.52984796

Would actually keep my portfolio diversified. Hodl my monero, and use my Railway wallet to keep a private balance of eth and other erc-20 tokens.

>> No.52986189

The more reason regulators will try to clamp down on privacy protocols. The fight just begin. kekk

>> No.52986263

It is important to note that while protocols with options for providing personal details may deter some criminal activity, they may also raise privacy concerns for law-abiding users. It is crucial for any system or protocol that handles personal information to have robust privacy protections in place to ensure that this information is not mishandled or misused. It is also important for individuals to carefully consider the trade-offs between convenience and privacy when deciding whether to use a particular protocol or service. Regulators don't want to hear this though. All bunch of retards.

>> No.52986307

TRIGGER WARNING!!! BSV solves this.

>> No.52986515

But yet Regulators are fighting against such technology. You see why people see things from different POV.

>> No.52986528

>Current year
Oh you sweet summer child

>> No.52986571

Railgun isnt gonna make it to next bull run. The team is literally shit tier scammers

>> No.52986586

You can store encrypted information in the blockchain. privacy is still there. In thepry, you should be able to code an anonymous crpyto currency into the ethereum blockchain and the only way they could get rid of it would be a hard fork. Nothings stopping you.

>> No.52986727

You should be considered a retard if there's no proof to back your claims. Anyone can wake up and make such claims. I've see the product they are building as a privacy focused project just like Aztec. You can do well to deny all that tech.

>> No.52986763

Did you mention there's no that there's no need for privacy protocols since you can store encrypted information in the blockchain?

>> No.52986950

Lol are you their marketing manager. Show something besides speculation based off promises. What exactly have the railgun team accomplished that can't be discounted. Not theory. Also name one person in railgun who has links to the actual crypto titans

>> No.52987037

brose... wagmi

>> No.52987087
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>Its a stealth railgun pajeet shilling thread
Not buying your bags lol, lmao even

>> No.52988573
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Imagine regulators and state actors thinking they can stop anonymous tools. Its a charade they perpetuate to try and keep the public in line.

Nothing more

>> No.52988601

I remember people like you back in 2015 when ETH was still in single digit range. I still have half of the 4800 ETH that I bought from 7 years ago and I'm never letting it go.

>> No.52988827

Privacy is just as important as self-custody anon. I take both seriously and I recently came across a platform that enables data privacy in web3 and decentralized communication

>> No.52989387

What J Stark did was something much more important than just getting some anon guns.
Of course the states want to have monopoly on violence, that's how they stay on top. We should learn from J Stark. "Live free or fucking die".


>> No.52989408


thinking that you can have privacy on top of a transparent blockchain like eth is just fucking dumb.

look at what happened with tornado cash. you need anonymous by default

the future of eth is cucked regfi

>> No.52989428

the sooner the split the better so the vc cucked projects get death spiralled into oblivion and crypto can return to its roots

>> No.52989447

wagmi bro

>> No.52989971

I don't think it necessarily dumb with Aztec or other solutions for eth, but layer 1 solutions with default privacy seem like a better option to me desu.

>> No.52990404

Dude it's almost 2023. You only need to have to your main stack on Cold storage have a hot wallet for everyday stuff and fund the hot wallet through an exchange. Nobody is that dumb to use their main stack to buy stuff publicly, right? ....Right?

>> No.52990420

A lot of them are tho. That's the problem.
Even more so on the internet.
You better start believing in honeypots.
You are in one .

>> No.52990438

luck is on our side
the dollar has started its final descent to permadeath at the same time we are launching ship

>> No.52990457
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>> No.52990770
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aztec is a fedcoin tho funded by a16z and implements IP filtering and tx limits. the only way forwards is actual anti-KYC crypto like monero or darkfi.
its like everyone was scammed by bankman yet people will still follow charlatans while ross ulbricht and alexey pertsex sit in jail. same people who murdered mushigan

>> No.52990821

Daniel Dabek was building Safex a descentralized marketplace but he rug pulled like 10 times, I was dump enough to believe him so many years. I think I was hypnotised by his cult.

>> No.52991173

This thread seems like it's mostly bots shilling sub-par and/or scammy "privacy" tech.

Monero is the only private by default, trustless FOSS currency. Please, find me a listing on any dark net marketplace for any of these shitcoins people are suggesting.

>> No.52991535
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Dude I love monero as much as the next guy. But keep in mind monero is MIT cuck license.

That is "open source" i.e. free software that has been stripped of its morals and ready to get pegged by govs and corporations.

True fuck you freedom software must be GPL license. DarkFi is promising in this regard. Let's see if they actually ship.

>> No.52991952

They have a product you dumbfuck. Besides, it's the only project that has a private DEX. What else do you need to be shown

>> No.52991961

You really sound like a paid FUD. Die poor you son of a whore

>> No.52993845
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>tax evasion and pedo shit
Just like USD!

captcha: WHAAT

>> No.52994200

all of them would give it up for some circumstances but many would protect against many requests. it's not so cut n dry.

>> No.52994414

>licensing nitpicking
>stripped of its morals
free code is free code.
>trusting something called "DarkFi"
Holy shit...

>> No.52994500

Crypto war or bear market. All comes down to one thing. The least volatile asset are stablecoins. Which include staking, one to one backed ones like USDC, middlewares like SpoolFi and bEarnFi.

>> No.52994570

Monero is a good privacy by default but why would any retard think that there should be just one privacy project. Research others with better tech and don't be a fag.

>> No.52995553

The basic idea of cryptocurrency is storing all transactions on a blockchain. Blockchains are an inmutable record, many of them transparent. Some provide 'privacy' by obfuscation. The data is at plain sight anyways and forever tho.

>> No.52997276

Have you heard of dark wallet? 2013 Bitcoin privacy project. It's the same team behind darkfi. They're solid and legit. I trust them more than all these other fag az16 privacy projects.