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File: 226 KB, 1080x1829, Screenshot_2022-12-22-19-10-46-37_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52974270 No.52974270 [Reply] [Original]

Wagies on suicide watch

>> No.52974281

UBI incoming

>> No.52974304
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Only after a meme war or pandemic or "alien invasion" ( that is actually suppressed technology archived from past civilizations) that wipes out 2/3 of the pop. It's too expensive as is.

>> No.52974311

That robot probably cost them more to produce. This seems more about a power struggle and control from the petulant CEOs who don't want to "lose to the wagies"

>> No.52974316

beeepboop humans not needed!
Who ll consume the goods for the jews, guys?

>> No.52974325

>suppressed technology archived from past civ

>> No.52974343

A lot of these automated systems don't account for anything outside of standard procedure, like a nigger walking up to the window and stealing all orders.

>> No.52974349

This guy gets it. There's no point in seeing this as a threat unless we know they can do this for cheaper. In most cases the reasons why companies don't do stuff like this is because the maintenance costs are absurd and machines that are running 24/7 always break down.

>> No.52974358

It’s probably cheaper. Think about how many people would be getting a $10+ raise per hour. All McDonald’s would have to do now is have their equipment monitors/maintained

>> No.52974391

>fully automated
lol. lmao even.

in the good old days workers would sabotage the machines until the CEO got the picture.

>> No.52974401

at least the nigger cannot shoot the bot in the face!

>> No.52974409
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>> No.52974430

Automated machinery across all industries have gotten a lot more efficient and require minimal upkeep. If anything, there might be short term issues since this seems to be the first of its kind, but that’s to be expected

>> No.52974435
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will the robot spit on my goyslop like i wagie would?
i doubt it.

>> No.52974446

The problem is not wagies but niggers.

>> No.52974498

so he's right
good to know

>> No.52974537 [DELETED] 
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It's been scientifically proven that 200,000 years is not a long time in terms of evolution therefore humans 200,000 years ago had the same brain structure and capacity we have today and it only took us 2000 years (might of been shorter if """they""" didn't burn down the library of Alexandria when scholars invented a steam engine in 20 BC) to go from riding donkeys to space travel. Just think of what could of been possible during the time of 200,000 years. Forbidden history: We are the 7th advanced civilization. The Earth used to orbit Saturn as one of it's moons. Another smaller moon "Theia" collided with the earth knocking it out of orbit and giving Saturn it's rings. Our moon is part of what is left of Theia. Refuge, There was a war on Mars.

>> No.52974812

>UBI money comes from the state
>the state does not produce anything
>the state just takes money from one party and gives if to the other
>if the state takes too much money from people, productive people and rich people will leave
>so the state gives out more money than it takes in
I am sure there is no way that UBI causes inflation and makes you a literal slave to your government

>> No.52974902

UBI would realistically come from other government gibs like welfare, unemployment, etc.

>> No.52974910

nope rich people are fleeing en mass sure theres more migrants flowing to the us mostly from russia and china but they have a herd mentality and will jump as soon as its not number 1

>> No.52974939

You are defeating the Universal part when qualified gibs-based.

>> No.52974941

>so the state gives out more money than it takes in

Nope, it's called a basic income for a reason. It would only be for people who require help with the basics of human health, sustenance, clothing, rent. Mentally ill, physically challenged, generational poor, etc.. It's essentially an expanded form of government assistance that would force the mega corps to offer more than slave wages in order to entice someone to work for more than survival. Could be great honestly.

>> No.52974963

One step closer, but still a long, long way off. I frankly can't see it happening before fully-humanoid androids are common-place at least.

>> No.52974974

i mean funding wise.

>> No.52975052

>UBI would realistically come from other government gibs like welfare, unemployment, etc.
What are you trying to say? Where do you think the money comes from?

What you wrote is completely missing the point.
Where. Does. The. Money. Come. From?

You both know governments run deficits.

>> No.52975076

Don't worry the scientists learned their lessons with COVID, the next pandemic should kill a good 50% of the world

>> No.52975169

its already coming from taxes. do away with welfare, now its ubi.

>> No.52975231

>its already coming from taxes.
So the government takes it from one party and gives it to another party. And since that is unpopular, governments take on huge amount of debt. Which is basically moving the problem to future tax payers.

You know that governments spend more than they take in. You know that. You can literally go on any government website and look that up.

Just imagine 4 scenarios:
>scenario 1: everbody gets a UBI of $0 / month
>scenario 2: everybody gets a UBI of $1000 / month
>scenario 3: everybody gets a UBI of $10 000 / month
>scenario 4: everybody gets a UBI of $1 000 000 / month
What do you think will be the price of a hamburger in each scenario?

>> No.52975233

>meme war
Wont work, Russia and China aren't playing along with it and are preparing for the next world

Just been tried and failed after 2 years and the normies wont fall for a 2nd one

>alien invasion
The normies wont fall for this even a first time and it will wake them up quickly that they are being had

>> No.52975237 [DELETED] 

looks like this is the pickup bot, so not "fully automated", a wagie put the order in a thing and this robot puts it in the pickup window

>> No.52975244

>memory holed 2015 pandemic and the lockdown
republicans and democrats threw a fit and temporary shutdown fighting over whether to give you a 2k check to survive the lockdown

what UBI retard? your gonna starve stupid shit

>> No.52975318

>that wipes out 2/3 of the pop.
but then automation doesn't make financial sense...do you even use your brain?

>> No.52975334

>Wont work, Russia and China aren't playing along with it and are preparing for the next world
Russia? Are you that fucking stupid? You think Russia is preparing for its future while it shoots itself in the fucking head from incompetency and corruption? Fucking hell.

>> No.52975437

>takes it from one party and gives it to another party
Yes? You mean from like, a business to a private citizen? Seems pretty straightforward to me
>that is unpopular
lol wah wah wah
>muh hamburger prices
Yeah okay cool let's imagine a situation where a UBI exists but it's also impossible to imagine price fixing

Millions of people get together and call themselves a country. They don't want it to be completely unstructured because that would be chaos, so they form some kind of governing body - note that that's already a "something from nothing" situation, so a government "running at a deficit" is in its natural state, so it doesn't fucking matter. They print money for everyone to use in their day-to-day transactions and create laws to regulate it, and in return for that, the governing body collects a tax on each transaction which it then uses to, y'know, be a government. What's the issue with the government taking priority with a universal basic income and redistributing its income to achieve that? They already collect an incredible amount of money and spend it on insane bullshit, all the time, and you don't get a say in it

>> No.52975440

>in the good old days workers would sabotage the machines until the CEO got the picture.
Yeah and that worked very well seeing as we are still living in a rural agrarian society and industrialization ground to a halt in the 1800s. No factories or mass production to be found anywhere.

>> No.52975456

its not.

>> No.52975461

This is exactly it. Boomers and jews have to be in charge. Boomer jews.

>> No.52975467

>Yes? You mean from like, a business to a private citizen? Seems pretty straightforward to me
Why would anyone want to run a business in a world where you're stripped of profits and its given to people sitting on their ass. That's just a worse version of what we already have.

>> No.52975473

>automation will take their jobs for sure this time!
>Said increasingly nervous business owner for the 7th time

>> No.52975495

Government policy always comes down on the heads of the middle class. Not the mega corps who can afford to lobby their favorite candidates and push to regulate on their favor. You will never wield the government as a cudgel against major corporations.

>> No.52975511

>stripped of profits
lol it's called "paying taxes" you fucking dolt, stop trying to make it sound like it's theft
>given to people sitting on their ass
Yeah some of them are, so what? Most people actually don't sit on their ass if they have enough money to meet basic living requirements, they tend to pursue education or some kind of hobby, which ends up being a net positive for the country. The ones who would literally sit around doing nothing would be doing that out in the world anyway my man - that level of incompetence on such a huge scale is currently bogging everything down.

>> No.52975596

Not just this:
Niggers will destroy it just for fun.

>> No.52975610


>> No.52975616
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Automation technician here, it depends on a lot of factors - but generally it can be much cheaper to run any facility without human intervension, in terms of logistics any modern day mcdonalds is already running a large amount of kitchen appliances, which is where the majority of power costs is going - so most of the cost is allocated to the robotic arms and delivery mechanisms, which is also the heaviest maint side. But its not like these components are necessairly expensive in themselves, so the question is wheter they decided to get some stupid kitchen appliances which are more expensive or whats up on that side of things
Id say it probably is far cheaper long term to use robots than humans, and sure every decade you probably need to replace the entire assembly, but thats fine because you get new and improved robotics anyways

>> No.52975631

>he thinks price fixing will ever work
Enjoy your shortages.
I’m not going to even bother addressing how much you want the govt to keep stealing from me since other anons have.
You goddamn faggot nigger.

>> No.52975647

Andrew Yang pedicted this, and /pol/tards still rallied behind Trump for 2020.

>> No.52975658

Price fixing works fine as long as people aren't cynical greedy assholes. It'll take a couple generations to iron out.
>govt to keep stealing from me
Bro do you think stuff just appears out of thin air? Do you think laws write and enforce themselves? I just don't get this "taxation is theft" bullshit unless you're like 15, then I understand your retardation

>> No.52975660

It's a no brainer. The maintenance every now and then is obviously going to be cheaper. These people are only fooling themselves.

>> No.52975689

>uh machine you forgot this item?
>machine whirs sarcastically
>upstanding customer does the needful, throwing his large sprite all over the robot as it recoils back, whirring and hissing
>mcdonalds is shut down for 10 hours

i cant wait

>> No.52975702

>he thinks sabotage stopped with the Luddites
far from it, but there's a reason why union busting was and is a thing.

>> No.52975721

Seen how they mass produce prepackaged burgers anon? I bet a similar process can be done, at least for a handful of similar products. But that is at a large scale and there is still a need for people to maintain and supply it.
Also, see my previous point about how destructive low IQ savages can be. They’ll jack entire ATMs, ram a car through barred doors to rob gun shops, all sorts of shit if they think they can get away with it. And that doesn’t count breaking and stealing on impulse. Or the flash mobs who loot and trash places.
I fucking hate niggers so much, but I especially hate those who have brought them in and enabled them all this time.
There needs to be a reckoning soon; all major us cities are a loss, flooded with nonwhites (yes this includes kikes).
And especially fuck that anon who wants to keep giving gibs to the fucking parasites. He should be strangled.

>> No.52975723

i cant wait for people to throw shit in the machine room (formerly wagey cagey) have every single food bag smelling like shit and piss every time the window opens

this is good stuff

>> No.52975724

>But its not like these components are necessairly expensive in themselves
I work at a chip plant, those arms are expensive, anon. I'm talking 6 digits.

>> No.52975735

that shit is going to break down so much

>> No.52975743

The fuck you talking about? Russia has zero debt and plenty of what the world needs, energy and food. They are in a better position than China or the US.

>> No.52975746

Well there is probably a reason while a country like Japan can pretty much have all these resturants on a box out in the open, in the middle of a field - by mount fufufu.
Meanwhile America never had it take off, of course a little bit different from a fully automated kitchen. But I do think there is something to be said for the need of a high trust society to have these sort of faciltiies

>> No.52975752

>do you think stuff appears out of nowhere?
Of course not. It has to be sourced, processed, delivered, all requiring actual work.
>writing and enforcing laws
They’re one of our biggest enemies and the fact you can’t see that makes you fucking retarded or an enemy as well. Or both.
Probably both.

>> No.52975756

Even 10 years ago when I was a wagie an automotive plant, we still had 10 people on the line just to load to parts because the robots couldn't do it. Not to mention the breakdowns every 30 minutes requiring a tech to literally sit there and drink coffee for 30 bucks an hour to reset it.

>> No.52975767

You know that the people who rob stores and shit will mostly stop if you give them a UBI, right? You know they're doing it because they're poor as fuck and uneducated, right? If the government actually made it a priority to have a highly educated, healthy, productive population it would happen. We just don't have people in power who give a single shit about that.

>> No.52975773

Those robotic arms are graded differently from the ones you would get for a resturant, you can get very cheap - forexample a siemens or Pheonix PLS will cost you around 10-30K$ per computer unit, but you could get 30 Beckhoff PLS units for that cost - which I much prefer over both of them.
when it comes to arms, you can develop them inhouse for very low cost, where the grade and accuracy doesnt matter all that much, but the issue is having people to build and develop them in the first place which can get really costly

>> No.52975802

>Laws are the enemy
My bro that is infinitely retarded and you're never going to be happy living in this world if you believe such contrarian bullshit.

>It has to be sourced, processed, delivered, all requiring actual work
Okay yeah nice I'm sure all of that doesn't require any regulation or oversight or the use of roads or anything like that. And if it does require any of that, I'm sure it will appear out of thin air and doesn't have to be created and maintained by anyone.


>> No.52975804

The west has long lost a high trust society.
Diversity is a weapon, it’s their strength, our loss.
Stay safe and warm out there anon; big storms coming, could knock out power (and the rising threat of entities sabotaging substations like in SC, FL, PNW, etc), and all sorts of shit can happen. At least the cold helps keeps a lot of them indoors unlike summer riots like that blackout in NYC a while ago.
I think next year is when things get a lot spicier. Definitely won’t get better.

>> No.52975810

Nah they'd for sure still have staff there. 1-2 people for janitorial/customer service reasons.

>> No.52975812

Til Tyrone rips the arm off just because. But seriously, anyone that consumes McDonald's is cattle, 100%.

>> No.52975813

Ah I am staying safe, am not an American but we also have Automation technicians as a profession over here - its just as mysterious of a profession as back in the USA

>> No.52975828

shut up you fucking black nigger

>> No.52975835

Yes it does, retard

>> No.52975851

Niggers will ruin it

>> No.52975858

No niggers? Let's dine.

>> No.52975866

How much would it cost to employ a full time employee at McDonald’s? $25/hr + benefits + all the costs involved (insurance, etc)? Now multiply that by however many employees there are

>> No.52975869

Because the republicans wanted to give us straight checks and that’s it end of story and the dems wanted to give $1billion to Pakistani women’s education

>> No.52975900

I don't get how people can eat this shit. I believe if Macdonald's raised their prices to $30 per combo, the goys will still line up for it.

>> No.52975902

>not an american
Even so, have a good winter. Or summer if you’re that far south.

>> No.52975934

It used to be edible a long time ago. For example, McD’s used to use beef tallow to fry up their fries. Ingredients overall were better quality, same with the staff.
Still wasn’t near a proper meal, but it was something, and people usually didn’t eat fast food every day like so many fat bastards do now.

>> No.52975945

Very much north, its a very very mild winter unlike How you Americans have it - been enjoying it so far

>> No.52975959

What's wrong bro, u mad? First time you've ever actually had to think about it?

>> No.52975966

the lucky goyim that survive

>> No.52975977

I imagine the reliability plays heavily into the cost/benefit consideration - humans, especially McDonalds employees, are unreliable as fuck. Even a machine that breaks down and needs repairs is probably more reliable than a 15 person orgy of diversity and incompetence.

>> No.52975983

This is called progress
No more n1ggers making my food

>> No.52975989

Price fixing implies the one setting the price knows something about the industry or sector. The government does not. Prices are a reflection of how the market values a certain asset or commodity, dictated by offer and demand. Interfering with this mechanism usually makes things worse because the cost of production is no longer reflected in the price of the asset.
People are by definition greedy cynical assholes, especially those who seek power over others, hence that is why they end up in governments. Laws are being enforced by governments by use of force, hence why governments have a monopoly on force. Taxation is theft because it is not possible to refuse the payment made to the government nor is it possible to get a grip on what the money is spent on. The government extracts wealth from its citizens by force and therefore it is theft. This theft has been glorified, causing reactions like the one you just typed. The last sentence got me keking because it implies stuff appears because governments demand it to happen. Nothing is farther from the truth again. Stuff is made because market demands it.

>> No.52976015

You are a niggerloving faggot who loves to suck government dick.
There is no reason to discuss anything with you.

>> No.52976040

see >>52975437
Your bias is that you were born into the system already existing, after many systems like it existing for thousands of years beforehand. If you and 300 million people suddenly appeared in a blank slate country, I'm 100% positive that you would eventually end up with some form of government with some form of taxation. I don't really understand what you think the alternative is - but surely you're right, even though whatever it is has literally never happened

>> No.52976059

Shit these days doesn't even smell like food. Smells like a DOW or 3M chemical plant.

>> No.52976075
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holy shit there are so many wagies coping on /biz/ I'm always amazed of the kind of rubbish that posts here

>> No.52976083

Kek wagies

>> No.52976090

It won't because UBI won't be enough to afford the latest tacky branded sportswear, jewelry and financed sports car.

>> No.52976098

Texas anon here. I was all ready to go check this out but turns out its still people making the food in the back, so if they fuck up my order I cant just tell the cashier Im missing shit.

>> No.52976135

The long-needed cultural shift in the US is a different conversation but that's a decent point. I'd like to imagine that the people who could properly implement a UBI would also be the same people to take an interest in stopping the promotion of materialistic garbage.

lmao o he mad

>> No.52976168

Now I can order 4 Big Macs, 2 Filet O Fish, 4 fries, 2 large drinks and 2 boxe of chicken nuggets without worrying about the girl in the window thinking "what a fat pig".

>> No.52976181

Robots will continue to take over more and more of humans' responsibilities. As they start taking on more tasks and making more decisions for us, I imagine at some point even advertising will start being targeted towards the machines. When they become the target audience, the big corporations will no longer even see us as cattle or goys who will feed them cash, we will legit be seen as "useless" and then we will truly become second-class citizens to the machines. The worst part is that this is inevitable unless we get more una-bombers, because the robot takeover will be incremental and stupid retards will approve it a little bit at a time without realising they are dooming everyone thanks to shifts in Overton window.

>> No.52976187

Ok. You are literally retarded and deserve everything that is coming. You don't even try to understand my point.

The point is:
If the government is taxing businesses and productive people too much they simply leave. Instead governments use budget deficits aka DEBT. That causes inflation which is a tax on poor people.

What you are advocating for is making a huge mass of people 100% dependant on the state. It is a dystopian form of slavery and future generations will curse retards like you.

>> No.52976234

wow a constructive comment. It is true that going from the current skewed system to an ideal system is near impossible. That makes the ones wanting to make it better seem like idealists. The main points of difference would be:
- Initiation of force is regarded as unproductive and can only be acceptable as a form of self defence. Fend off attackers, fire back if threatened etc. If you take away governments monopoly on force you can reduce it to a numbers game. There are more people willing to cooperate on a voluntary basis and agree that force is not needed than there are people who are out to use force to steal.
- As with all systems that are highly complex, some sort of 'order or hierarchy' would have to occur. The difference would be that the hierarchy is on a voluntary basis. Yes there are people who have more to say than others, but they are there because we agree that they are suited for the job. This can be due to experience, intelligence, morals or a combination of the above.
This differs from the current system because it means that they do not get a monopoly on violence, they can be replaced by another member of the larger group if they can not fullfill their role and their position is not guaranteed (contrary to the current systems)
This also means that all the systems currently in place by governments will need to have a free market equivalent. If you need a service, you pay for it, but you will not pay for other peoples services, as is the case now with governments. The interesting part is that the above mentioned services will need to be trustless, semi-decentralized and scaleable and this is exactly the type of tech that is being (or at least tried to be) developed these days.

>> No.52976253
File: 49 KB, 500x500, avatars-cgKlbD3Vzee6TgzD-aF0Dtg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fully automated" "change forever"
>shows nothing just some 20th century conveyor technology invented 160 years ago moving bags and some touch screen menu technology we've had for 40 years

Techfags are really the absolute worst. Go back to your openGPT wank threads on /g/.

>> No.52976298
File: 75 KB, 600x450, 1h6oqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcdonalds cant even keep the icecream machine working for more than 12 hours at a time. How the fuck do they expect to keep a fully automated restaraunt working?

>> No.52976355

His tweets are a lot easier to replace with AI than a whole McDonald's restaurant.

>> No.52976710

>Still wasn’t near a proper meal, but it was something, and people usually didn’t eat fast food every day like so many fat bastards do now
Society as a whole was a lot different back then. Feminism wasn’t as rampant and most women were tradwifes, stay at home moms. They would have food made and prepped for their husbands for work and when they got home. There was never any need for them to order fast food. In the cases where people at out, it was more of an occasion rather than because they were hungry. The ingredients were also less toxic.

Today, dual income households are the norm just to be able to afford the basics. Even when the man can support his whole family, women view staying at home as demeaning to women for whatever reason. Less time to cook, more fast food / processed meals, more shit ingredients, more fat asses walking around, more disability paid to them. It’s a fucked up cycle.

The only way to solve this is a reset

>> No.52977073

funny how the only thing stopping automation of everything is niggers. diversity is unironically our strength

>> No.52977243

lmao, even

>> No.52977288

I ain’t paying

>> No.52977774

Just feed the parasites in your gut and they'll go away bro!

>> No.52977961

Kek by your ignorance I know you're in the 2/3 group hahaha. Hint: it's already in you

>> No.52977992

the greatest tragedy for automation innovation will come when law mandates that a minimum number of live workers are required to be on site no matter what the automated job is

>> No.52978950

no it isn't lmao

>> No.52978976

>actually retarded, unable to amortize a capital expense
why even post on /biz/ i seriously don't get it? you will never be an investor.

>> No.52979011

>in the good old days workers would sabotage the machines until the CEO got the picture.
lol, no, they would sabotage the machines and then get kicked out, and often shot to death if they came back

>> No.52979070 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52979083

Nigger, vending machines still get shit stuck, what makes you think they are going to make a fully functioning automated store without shit fucking up all the time? Also if things are automated they are going to HAVE to have an emergency shutoff accessible to EVERYONE in case of something happening...like the robot not seeing the bigger who out his hand arms deep into the system to try to get his McDonald's 5seconds faster and now the machine is skinning his dick alive.

>> No.52979121

Not to mention the specialists required to maintain both the hardware and software running everything. And you still need people to clean and manage the cash/deposits to make sure they're going to the right place.
Full automation is still a way's off

>> No.52979501

Yeah, replacing 5 mcwagies earning 22k each just to pay $200k for a good SWE is hardly an improvement.

>> No.52979586

There are still so many other expenses too. Still need humans to unload deliveries off the truck and get them trained on how to load all the items into the automated systems so that they can prepare the food.
Full automation won't come and replace cheap labour until AI is smart enough to manage all these things in an intelligent and practical way.

>> No.52979613

>the people who rob stores and shit will mostly stop if you give them a UBI, right?
They won't because the people doing that are niggers.

>> No.52980899

>noooooooo you asked for a livable wage and so now they're gonna automate your job wagie!
how retarded do you have to be to believe that business owners are not all desperately trying to automate everyone regardless of how much they cost

>> No.52980959

can you imagine trying to go through life being as fucking retarded as this guy? I'd give up after one day

>> No.52981578

Wrong you stupid nígger. There are poor people in Japan and much less welfare than in the USA . No Obamacare and other free gibs for niggers

But despite that Japanese people are simply more cultured than niggers, even the poor people in Japan don’t immediately break any automated vending machine/restaurant

It’s not about them being poor, it’s about their impulsive, low iq, dishonourable nígger brains and culture

America would be a utopia if there were no nígger and literally every race in America knows this.

Even niggers.
Every racecwishes niggers would suddenly be teleported to another planet
You people are the generic prawns from district 9

>> No.52981762

>All McDonald’s would have to do now is have their equipment monitors/maintained
Yeah now they only need to have half a dozen more specific and expensive workers on payroll and paying them extra to be ready 24/7 because if anything goes wrong at any time the place stops producing the sloppa entirely instead of slowing down a bit because someone got the coof and had to leave.

>> No.52981793


They are right though. This is innately horrific. I don't feel bad about the McWagies, I feel bad about the monstrosity they created. Like, they tried to avoid paying wages but ended up creating something way worse... an automated goyslop dispenser. If it was healthy food, it would be an achievement. But all scientists and engineers have done is created a mechanized horror show whose inputs are death and outputs are food for 300+lb individuals.

At the same time, I can sit back and watch the world burn knowing I'll never step foot into one of these places and haven't in years.

>> No.52981802

Check out what Modern Monetary Theorists (MMT) like AOC and Bernie Sander are doing. They're advocating for government to give anyone who wants one. It will be completely bs job but MMT dictates that government can spend as much as they want.

UBI is too controversial due to pre-workfare welfare system that ruined blacks. Getting a bachelor's degree and getting a government job is UBI.

>> No.52981816

the mcchicken is one of the best sandwiches you can eat tho

>> No.52981861


based patrician. goddamn thats a good sandwhich. that and the mcdouble

i haven't been to mcdonalds all year and i'm 6' 1" 185lbs btw

>> No.52981868

You are retarded.

>> No.52981944

As someone who grew up in the hood I promise you people do not rob because they're hungry, they rob because they want things and they're too lazy to work for it.
Here's your (You), ya filthy animal.

>> No.52982226

>no tipping
>consistent cooking
>no niggers
God the future looks bright

>> No.52982338

in the US, workers would get shot just for striking let alone sabotage.

>> No.52983220


>> No.52983675


The Texas minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. It would seem that the rate of automation may not necessarily correlate with wage levels.

Let's not get into the fact that automation isn't a bad thing if you all just union up and make sure workers benefit from it.

If the total labour hours required to run Texas is say 8.5 million, and automating all the Mcdonalds in Texas reduces that to 8.4 million, you could just turn that into more free time for all workers. It's not the machine's fault, nor the worker's fault. It is the capital owning class' fault that you do not see the benefits of the automation.

>> No.52983713

>we wont pay $7.25/hour to the cashier but we will pay $30+/hour to the electrician to service to robot and $20/h to the bookkeepers to close down the cash at night

>> No.52983792

Just knock the fuckin machines over, you're not even hurting anyone

>> No.52983798

Damn, I hate niggers so much.

>> No.52983879

when i go to the grocery store the automated check out still makes me verify random bullshit and frequently calls the attendant over. its been in that state for about 10 years now. that is one of the most basic things you can automate and it hasnt got better in a decade. not to mention the increase in the amount of people stealing from grocery stores now since they can just easily out smart a machine.

>> No.52984080

you're probably a negroid or spic mutt who stole in the past, I never get checked by a human at grocery store self checkout but I know for a fact that it detects people who are "high risk" and calls a human to watch them

>> No.52984289

oh yeah.. but to be accepted in the program, you first have to take the death jab, i mean covid jab first :)

>> No.52984477

I get most of your points but citizens get better value when there’s no profit involved (yes, healthcare, dont give me you stupid burger logic on this one).

Also some things just need regulation. Can you imagine the free market just «weeds out» all the dodgy builders. Lol. Yeah just buy a house and die bro

>> No.52984525

Look I work at, lest call it Twitter's egomaniac car company. And they level of automation and self managing. The second this type of production line spreeds like the Toyota method did, say good bye to almost every blue collar work. There will be UBI or a revolution.

>> No.52984545

You will adapt or starve.

>> No.52984612
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There are too many human beings on this planet.

Guess what happened after picrel?

>> No.52984638

Only for black people, and it’s going to be called “reparations”.

>> No.52984687

commie pRedditor detected
you faggots all use the same language

>> No.52984718

this is only the beginning

we used to worry that robots would take our jobs. Now we NEED them to take our jobs because our labor force is declining and not able to keep up with the demand for labor. This will be the force driving a huge push for automation in the years/decades ahead

the Fed can't allow labor wage rates to inflate to unsustainable levels if they want to keep inflation at their 2% target so the US either needs to start ramping up its immigration programs to something like Canada's, or invest heavily in automation to fill all the jobs wagies don't want to do anymore. You're already seeing it in warehouses

This will be the next great advancement in productivity and companies will benefit tremendously from reducing their labor costs and expanding their margins, creating a lot of value that will accrue to shareholders

>> No.52984741

shop lifting from grocery stores in on the rise in many countrys. im fine with them installing more redundant automated garbage that still needs a human handler. it cost the grocery industry $4bill+ in stolen revenue just so they could not pay a few wagies. keep paying for your goyslop like a good goy. lmao.

>> No.52984945

why the fuck do people worry so much about automation and shit? the population has only grown in the 100+ years after the industrial revolution, and we still have a big % of the population working. automation has made our lives easier (computers for communications and entertainment, washing machines to clean our clothes, vacuum cleaners, ...) at the cost of having to work bullshit jobs. yet those still exist.
also, there might be customers that don't like being served by a machine. I'm pretty sure mccrap knows that.
and also, mcdelivery has to be delivered by someone...

stop crying.

>> No.52985855
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1. Who wants to work fast food? Shit is for teenagers and niggers.

2. lol at McGoynalds deploying an automatic goyfeeder when it cant keep its ice cream machines running.

3. Not my problem.

>> No.52985885

>You asked for customers
>You got: full auto mcdonalds, mass unemployment, robots, and nobody with the money to buy your products

>> No.52985917

robot hands typed this

>> No.52986140

people currently spend $20-$30 to have one meal's worth of goyslop sit in an illegal immigrant's dirty car for 30 minutes getting cold, there is no limit to the consoomer retardation

>> No.52986151

>drive up inflation
>drive up rents and asset prices
>drive up food prices
>its your fault you want $25 an hour
The boomer cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.52986183

>1st generation of X is expensive
>this will never take off
Excellent argument wagie, please turn off your cell phone and face the wall

>> No.52986199

I‘m sure the techs will repair that oily mess for significantly more than 25 $/hour. Congrats, you fucked yourself.

>> No.52986203

$7.25 is not a competitive wage right now if you actually want people to show up.

>> No.52986212

No it's not and it's way overpriced.

>> No.52986257


>> No.52986796

How fully automated is this thing? Can it prep the food too?

>> No.52986832

In the past the CEO could also hire off duty cops from other states as mercenaries to shoot the fuck out of the waging who got uppity. But alas we are here and your retard commie revolutionary dreams are squashed and get nowhere.

>> No.52986884

Fake, there are wages hidden in the back making and and bagging the food, a Machine just transfers it to the front. This is just to isolate the wages from being attacked, it's costing the insurance companies too much dealing with the injuries and workman's comp.

>> No.52986902

No one is paying any wages less than $12/hr unless they are illegal. We effecitvely have no federal minimum wage right now.

>> No.52987011

surely they know their customers and will make them chimp proof

>> No.52987218

This will never happen. They want you in the ground.

>> No.52987344

>lol it's called "paying taxes" you fucking dolt, stop trying to make it sound like it's theft
it literally is theft

>> No.52987398

They'll find a way to get rid of you before they hand out welfare on a massive scale. Enjoy living in the pod, wagie.

>> No.52987462

>oy vey my goyim employees got a lotta chutzpah demanding me not to pay them slave wages this is anuddah shoah against the poor small business owner billionaires
Conservatives get the fucking wall dude holy shit you people are more miserly than an Israeli noster scrooge

>> No.52987583

>duh gubernment can fix niggers wit da edshucation

>> No.52987663

Why does this feel like the late stage capitalism in Fallout

>> No.52987682

not sure if this model can, but there are in existence burger bots that can fully cook and prepare a burger.

>> No.52987701
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You're literally unironically retarded. Automation in manufacturing works because it allows continuous/near continuous production which allows significant marginal cost reduction, automation in something like food service does not yield such dividends, the capacity factor will necessarily be low which means your (high) capital cost is just sitting fallow most of the time. Any automation that does not yield F A T marginal cost reductions is meme automation.

>> No.52987758

there are still wagies behind the scenes, except now they'll be called "drive thru engineer", "burger assembly engineer" etc
>they'll also get paid more than an american mechanical engineer

>> No.52987916

These robots are not fully automated. You ever seen the Da Vinci robot that skilled surgeons are able to use remotely from halfway across the globe? Same concept. They have a call center in India where Rahul has a HUD where he can articulate robot arms remotely and report errors for $1 an hour. Employees are a liability for the most part.

>> No.52987968

I'm OK with this
At least Ranjesh won't touch my food with his shit stained hands

>> No.52988327
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The McDonalds near me pays $18 hourly, lets say 40hr/week for 50 weeks, thats $36k for a years salary. A generic McMaster robot arm cost about $45k. Robots don't miss shifts or piss off customers or spit in their food or demand raises. The upfront cost is fairly expensive but low upkeep for something that's not pushing much weight. Yes there will have to be a nonzero amount of people in the store at some point to restock food and do some maintenance, but the robot is still more cost effective long term.

Wages are going up and cost of automation is going down, so eventually the robots will win out. Its really not that complicated.

>> No.52988450

>but the robot is still more cost effective long term
everything you said encapsulates why almost every single moronic out-of-touch C-suite exec in virtually almost any industry is a complete fucking retard
you are looking far too much into on-paper hypothetical data rather than real world scenarios
automation in fast food is a fucking stupid idea and anyone who thinks otherwise has never actually worked in that industry before

>> No.52988480


>A group of melanin-enriched individuals break parole rules and go to Micky D's as a group. They were told by tiktok that AI is oppressive against blacks, and they are owed reparations, and decide to obliterate the robots in the store for the lulz and to put it on worldstar. Now Mr. Shekelstein has to replace the robots and also his insurance premiums go up since his store now has a moon-cricket problem.

I dunno man, there are still kinks to work out.

>> No.52988497
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Admittedly never worked in fast food but I've worked as a bartender and a barista. Currently in school for engineering. Do you have an actual reason as to why it wouldn't work or just gonna keep flinging shit like a nigger?

>> No.52988506

A robot doesnt work 40 hours per week for 50 weeks. It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year minus maybe a day or two missed for maintenance/repairs. The robot also doesn't get a paid 30 minute federally mandated break after a 6+ hour shift. The Mcdonalds employee also gets paid $18 an hour, but the cost to the employer is higher. Benefits, overtime, workers comp, tax, HR etc etc.

A robot is a drop in the bucket just like the cashier kiosks you can find in mcdonalds and taco bell. I have never worked in food/beverage, but I imagine the robot could be the difference between a poorly managed store and one thats a cash cow.

If you are a Mcdonalds franchise owner and you have the choice of paying one Manager $120k and three supervisors $30k each with an upfront cost of $500k for robotic equipment, or two managers $120k, 4 supervisors $30k and 16 employees $25k which one are you going to choose?

$710k for robot store vs $760 for traditional.

One is managing robots and focusing on managing the store. The other is focusing on managing the store and managing nearly 20 employees, and thats assuming everyone works there and never leaves.

>> No.52988541

>mcdicks manager makes 6 figures
>cashier gets benefits

>> No.52988542

He's a fucking retard. There was big pushback against self checkout in grocery because it was seen as too complicated and there would be too much shrink. People figured it out and the second order effects were that even though shrink slightly increased, sales tripled because waiting in line at the grocery store was no longer a pain point. People ended up shopping more.

A robotic fast food franchise is not going to be entirely mechanized, but repetitive and simple tasks will be. Felons, drug users and teenagers will be replaced with higher paying management, maintenance jobs.

>> No.52988554

I live in Japan and during covid a lot of big family restaurants brought in these robot servers, they are basically roombas with shelf's that take the food from the kitchen to your table. You order food from an ipad / tablet at the table. Only time you need to speak to someone is to pay when you leave and it's the manager at the front desk https://youtu.be/xLiAwc3PGP8

>> No.52988558

>do you have an actual reason
ok, so you've worked as a barista. imagine trying to automate that. you understand first hand how autistic people can be about their coffee, now apply that to big macs and mcnuggies and every other fucking thing they have on the menu

in a real world scenario where you have 10 cars backed up in the drive thru because 1 retard can't figure out how to take pickles off his sandwich on a touchscreen, or where the robot itself somehow fucks something up, or god forbid the asshole customer decides who to throw a shitfit about having too much salt in his fries, it is FAR more beneficial to have a human being present

until we reach the point of true AGI where robots can literally have human-like conversations and interactions it will always be pants on head retarded and cost inefficient to attempt to automate fast food. paying wagies might seem inefficient on paper, but everyone seems to have this retarded notion that everything would work in a vacuum of things going perfectly

>> No.52988584

Numbers might be off a couple hundred thousand. Its a drop in the bucket though. When your Mcdonalds franchise is pulling in $2m and your store starts running better the math being slightly off wont matter. I have seen people stop going to local fast food chains because the store isn't running properly. You get long lines, menu items out of stock, food not properly prepared etc, then sales start going down. Run the store better and sales go up. Managing robots is probably easier than managing 20 teenagers.

>> No.52988602

We have one of these at a local sushi restaurant in the U.S.

Would much rather be served by one of these and not have to leave a tip. Its not hard to put a tablet on a table and send a text to the cooks for a special request. The text is not going to forget. The text is not going to give the cook herpes. The text is not going to chain smoke with the cook.

>> No.52988604

Yeah you’ll get just enough UBI to buy your daily ration of onions and pay the tent for your bunk bed in the pod. You’ll also get assisted suicide on the house once you’re sick of playing.

>> No.52988616

Sure, the'll pay you just to exist being a parasite, lmao
Humans not needed are just killed, if not directly for sure "indirectly".

>> No.52988619
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>ok, so you've worked as a barista. imagine trying to automate that.
Already been done by multiple companies, not that hard as it turns out. Less screaming Karens for me to deal with.

>it is FAR more beneficial to have a human being present
You can have people on staff, the point is to reduce the amount of people. There used to be 20 cashiers at grocery stores, now there's 20 self checkout stations and 2 people watching them. Same idea.

Not like regular stores are immune to robbery either, but yeah in a low trust society this is a problem. And yes, people will sabotage technology that they think will replace them, but historically the workers always lose.

>> No.52988634

Nobody is implying there aren't going to be workers present. The difference here is that 95% of customers are going to be served normally and the 5% of edge cases are going to be handled by management thats present.

Someone is going to be there to fill the hoppers full of ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise still. Someone is going to have to refill the fry hopper that dispenses frys into the grease basket. The difference here is that theres not going to be a guy hovering over the fryer for 30 minutes or some guy pulling a trigger on a ketchup caulk gun every 2 minutes.

The machines are going to 100% fuck up and there will be someone there to handle that, or deal with customers or manage inventory etc.

>> No.52988648

Not likely. When people start starving is when governments come crashing down. The displacement that automatic will cause is far too great to be ignored. There will still be some sort of struggle but it won’t be that bad.

>> No.52988673

>no wagies touching my food with their dirty hands
Good enough for me.
I'm only decently satisfied when the cute blonde Ukrainian girl prepares my Whopper at Burger King.

>> No.52988677

>the point is to reduce the amount of people
now there's a valid point. a lot of people in this thread were talking full or almost full automation which is fucking stupid.
also, not sure where you live where there's 20 self checkouts but that's also retarded in any area with any remote sort of semi-dense population
not to mention most normies prefer to be served by a wagie anyway

there is nothing wrong with automation being used to help supplement things but there are far too many real world nuances to bring even 50% automation into places like these and be more successful vs. just paying the wagie

>> No.52988684

People seem to forget that theres always second order effects when things are replaced. Women railed against textile machines because it was going to put them all out of work. All that ended up happening was there was 100 times the amount of raw textile now available and they couldn't sew the material fast enough.

The fast food workers here are going to get replaced by process engineers, maintenance men, etc. Instead of applying for an $18hr job at mcdonalds, you can apply for a $35-40 job or do service calls for $600

>> No.52988696
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Sentry going up!

>> No.52988720

Fast food like taco bell and mcdonalds is already damn near a last mile assembly plant. Everything looks very methodical when you look over the counter. Burger patties sit in warming trays and then ingredients are stacked, wrapped, served. Everything is basically prepared beforehand. Onions are likely cut at Sysco, Nuggies are cooked at Tyson then everything arrives in a big 18 wheeler and is set up for assembly. Im sure with the right equipment you could get one of the stores to near 70% automated. The other 30% is for all the nuanced shit thats going to be very difficult for mechanized equipment.

>> No.52988770

this. I wonder how long it will take for the tipping point to hit

>> No.52988845

Fun trivia

- McDonald's once owned 90% of Chipotle

- McDonald's in Europe uses higher quality ingredients than in the US

- They are aware of the ice cream machine issue


>> No.52988968

The ice cream machine always works you low IQ retard. You missed the point of the “ice cream machine is broken” meme because you’re a low IQ retard

>> No.52988972

The ice cream machine “issue” is that the 2nd shift employees cleaned it and don’t want to run it and make it dirty again. There really is no issue other than the fact that McDonald’s staffs niggers and Mexicans

>> No.52988988

Reality is this will not replace anyone. It’s just that everyone working at the restaurant will essentially become security guards sitting on their ass waiting for the machine to malfunction. Most white collar work is already a lot of sitting around doing nothing since the advent of computers - it’s just that this evolution hasn’t yet occurred in retail and restaurants.

>> No.52988999

And you think these people won't get paid $1.50/hr to sit their asses for the sake of automation? kek

>> No.52989098

Well they will reduce head count, but some of those guys will just end up becoming part pickers that drive replacement parts to stores. We basically have work for the sake of work though and I think its always been that way forever. I think it was during the great depression that they had men dig holes and then fill them back in to earn their rations kek. Imagine.

>> No.52989165

nobody to spit in your food

>> No.52989245

Jesus, you’re a fucking idiot.

>> No.52989340
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Go suck a dick communist faggot

>> No.52989474

You vastly overestimate the cognitive capacities of normies. They are called normies for a reason.
I would've never expected 60-80% of the population to fall for obvious fascism masked by virtue signaling, lies and deception ("the unvaccinated are to blame"). Supposedly "intelligent" people around me lining up for an experimental drug because they MUST go on vacation.

Most are cattle waiting to be slaughtered. The next crisis - fake or not - is right around the corner and they will believe anything TV / social media says.

>> No.52989580

>You know that the people who rob stores and shit will mostly stop if you give them a UBI, right?
supreme bait

>> No.52989605

Worked in food service industry, this is the correct take, though it may correct itself, imagine an entire line of people waiting for some NPC wanting a special order they just won’t show up and the 98% of people will be the ones going. One hopes.

>> No.52989656

Robocucks working for us

>> No.52989952

I think it has more to do with the fact that conformism is such a successful survival strategy that there is little incentive even to begin thinking about it.

>> No.52989965

Sloppy job mossad. We already know.

>> No.52989976

we already tried that and it nearly caused hyperinflation

>> No.52990431
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Makes me imagine how bad the seething is going to be from wagies when the few McWagies left are getting managed by ChatGPT AI.

>> No.52990479

WHY do they always fucking record themselves

>> No.52990510

automated jobs is a meme, won't happen, too expencive


>> No.52990521

>a tech to literally sit there and drink coffee for 30 bucks an hour to reset it.
based. i want to have this tech job

>> No.52990618

>What do you think will be the price of a hamburger in each scenario?
The amount of energy needed to produce one. We energy accouting now nigga

>> No.52990806

>Where. Does. The. Money. Come. From?
Why so focused on deficits? The ideal UBI scenario is state owning infrastructure that makes it trivial to provide a comfortable life for everyone. In the transition period, you print money and hope it all does not fall apart.
I think we'll get culled instead, though, Some narrow group will control an AI and ensure the future is to their liking, plebs marked as depreciated.

>> No.52990831

beepbeepboop I would prefer a machine prepare my goyslop than some negro with a chip on their shoulder

>> No.52990849

I prefer a cashier, and only a significant difference in price will make me switch
Self checkout is a pain to use, not doing it for free

>> No.52991652

Alas indeed. So much for freedom.

>> No.52992229

Price fixing has been tried, and has failed, since Diocletian

>> No.52992533

>not sure where you live where there's 20 self checkouts but that's also retarded in any area with any remote sort of semi-dense population
I live in an area with a 50% black population. Camera on the checkouts and 2 people watching over, plus a person manning the door checking receipts. Theft still happens, but its still more cost effective than paying 20 wagies.

Right, but anyone, high school dropouts for example, can work flipping burgers. Not everyone can work fixing robots. There will still be a loss of the total amount of available jobs, and those jobs will have a higher skill requirement.

>Self checkout is a pain to use
You and most boomers might think so, but zoomers are very antisocial and would prefer less human interaction. Not saying thats good but thats just how it is. Self checkouts are also much faster. They're already pretty common, and are only going to become moreso in a couple of years.

>> No.52993094

>until we reach the point of true AGI
We've unironically reached that point with GPT

The problem is that it cost some amount per API call. If it handled food orders that would pay for itself and be trivial

>> No.52993128 [DELETED] 

yet another thing Star Trek predicted long ago. you know what else Star Trek predicted? needle injections container brain-washing nanomachines that turn you into a thoughtless slave.

>> No.52993150

yet another thing Star Trek predicted long ago. you know what else Star Trek predicted? needle injections containing brain-washing nanomachines that turn you into a thoughtless slave.

>> No.52993164

nobody in western countries robs stores out of need mate. this isn't 1970 anymore
you can literally get free food, housing, medical care if you're born a citizen
violence is motivated by status or biology

>> No.52993172

jokes on you: I made the conscious tradeoff that if psyoping people into a suicide vaccine is the world we live in, I don't want to live in it.

>> No.52993928


yes anon I'm sure AI couldn't replace you, you're far too skilled and special for that right?

>> No.52994269

The ONLY employees getting replaced are the cashiers. This is a Mechanical Turk- the robot just passes your order to the kitchen staff, who then give your bag to the robot.

>> No.52994335

>Self checkout is a pain
t. Mobility scooter

>> No.52994415

right now the kitchen staff just puts everything in a timed oven specific to each dish. a robo conveyor belt that does everything would likely make orders even more accurate and quicker

>> No.52994459

Nah Tesla figured it out.

>> No.52995444

first ia images, then robots, fuck

>> No.52995470

You can make a conveyor belt system last for 300,000 cycles before a part needs to be replaced. But you're not gonna see that problem in the news. You're gonna see angry normies breaking the machines when they get the wrong order, a bad-looking sandwich, or just can't get what they want. Vid related.

>> No.52995492

who asked for $25 min wage? aren't commies still fighting for $15?
>first automated mcdonald's in texas
>state pays $7.25/hr, the federal minimum
kek. shit argument.

>> No.52995958
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I make sure to tax 10-20% of my groceries every time I use self checkout. You want to make me bag my own food? I'm going to "accidentally" forgot to scan a few items.

>> No.52996152

this. and on top of it any interaction with a human would be damage control/fixing the now broken french fry arm while everyone is pissed. instead of having tyrone work the burger station and fries because shaniqua called out (something people are more apt to understand), a broken robot get s a more "wtf this is bullshit" reaction. this is especially true when wait time expectations may drop from 3 minutes to 30 seconds...until an automation breaks and the wait time goes to 4 minutes. """people""" will reeeee

also fuck fast food. never worked it. rarely ate it. wouldn't care if it died tomorrow.

>> No.52996440

>give in the form of a tax break
>also REPLACES other tax breaks so there is really no gain

>> No.52996462

I believe they're just taking the highest cost of living in the U.S. and demanding that so they can live anywhere. But that number also includes student loan payments, donations, and other shit I don't throw money at.
We already have that in the states. Look up the standard deduction.

>> No.52996479

Nobody is asking for a $25 minumum wage kek. Also McCorporations would still do this shit with a $10 min wage. They've already started long before this

>> No.52997402

>$1000 removed from total standard deduction maximum
>$1000 NEW TAX BREAKS UBI WOW! (also doesn't apply to everyone so most people end up losing $1000 in tax breaks)