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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 781x192, 11331616116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52973421 No.52973421 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I'm going to tell you why bsv is so fudded at the moment. The thing is, in the next year Bitcoin SV will scale and it will scale big. It will scale to at least 1 million tx/s next year and after that, bigger and bigger and bigger. And with scale, you also scale the price, we'll come to that later.
Craig and his company Nchain will support the nework and pay transactions up to 75% for the next 4 years.
If Bitcoin scales to 10 billion tx/s by 2030, you can just imagine what the price will be. 1 million by next year, you can calculate the rise of transactions per year if it's 10 billion in 2030, it's 7 years to get there. It will scale MASSIVELY in the coming years, and remember, price HAVE to rise when it scales.
1. post craig's plan for the next 4 years.
To keep you interested, I will post the scale/price correlation image first. 10 billion/7 years, the make it stack 21 will make it sooner than later, anon. Next I post the plans of craig the satoshi.

>> No.52973430
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I will spam a few pictures now, here's the deal:

>> No.52973448
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>> No.52973456
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We are going to offer you a deal:

>> No.52973463
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>> No.52973468
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We shall start to scale in 2023:

>> No.52973476
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>> No.52973483
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>> No.52973543
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Absolutely fucking intense damage control from the BSVissies today lel.

>> No.52973585

You see, no argument to things I posted. Just ignore these trolls.
>hide posts from this id
I'm not shilling some shitcoin at the top, I'm telling the truth about the real bitcoin AT THE BOTTOM LEVEL PRICE. That's why it's so fucking fudded, these greedy monkeys don't want you to get any and they want it all.

>> No.52973757
File: 214 KB, 1284x1310, media_FkhV8NGUYAAXs7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right yeah im the shill. You faggots have been shitting /biz/ up the whole week with your short squeeze bullshit that never panned out and now you want people to ignore how your role model CSW, the proprietor of the coin youre shilling here, today got referred for CRIMINAL CHARGES for CONTEMPT OF COURT. But yeah friendo, im the shill.

>sirs please buy bsv coin very good coin is going up, sirs please buy coin my basterds

Pajeet hands typed this OP.

>> No.52973807

Thanks for the bump! Peter owes 1.1 million in legal costs now, great win for craig!
And starts with
case closed, craig won peter drown

>> No.52973859
File: 74 KB, 953x217, media_FkhrLryXEA0u89E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the narrative was that all these cases were about 'proving im satoshi in court' instead of just signing a fucking block like a reasonable person? Do you remember all that talk you pathetic shill? I do. You hope that we dont though, dont you.

>> No.52973918
File: 52 KB, 500x754, patents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derail what you want, BitCoin will be the only one standing. Tick tock

>> No.52973923
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It will be glorious.

>> No.52973928
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>Derail what you want

Thank you, i will.

>> No.52973948

nobody goes to jail for contempt retard

>> No.52973959
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It's all about context m8. Not decentralized the way core clowns determine it, but that the protocol is set in stone. You can't change the dna or it's not the same, you can't change the protocol or it's not the same.

>> No.52973969
File: 2.11 MB, 3840x2160, set in stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decentralization defined by the sec is to have a set unchangable protocol.

>> No.52973980
File: 931 KB, 1079x2091, SEC Commissioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see here, bsv is the only decentralized system out there.

>> No.52974004

/biz/ has always had a culture of "beating the system", high return for minimal effort. Crypto fills this role perfectly, the lie most bizraelis believe is that just by shuffling small amounts of money around they will get rich. But for this to work you need to be ahead of everyone else in this zero sum game, you need knowledge that has yet to enter the mass consciousness. And more importantly you need the ability to recognise valuable knowledge when presented to you.
The fact that /biz/ sleeps on BSV shows how intellectually lazy this place has become. Here is an asset that is heavily fudded on all mediums, completely suppressed from the normies yet has the absolute strongest fundamentals in the entire crypto space. But /biz/ can't recognize the fundamentals of what makes a project valuable.
Its why anons here got fucked over so hard by shit like tron, luna, ftx, etc.
I'll spell it out for the few that will read this.
When you have a new technology that's more efficient than all rivals its adoption and acceptance is guaranteed. There is more profit to be gained by lowering the overhead by using this more efficient system. Those that don't make use of it will become uncompetitive in their marketplace.
So think, which industries already have razor thin margins and rely on volume to survive. If you can build a bsv powered blockchain based system for these industries you're guaranteed success.

>> No.52974013
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Read the top one. He already got a custodial contempt sentence back in 2005 (yes, hes been on his grift shit that long). And yes suspended custodial sentences are still custodial, you so much as cough wrong and they come and get you. I get the feeling ill be adding another judgement onto this image again real soon.

>> No.52974024
File: 1.96 MB, 640x640, 9ehgffah378383wudsmjgg8esfs46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this image now you dumb cunt? Meds.

>> No.52974150


oh look it's that FUCKING NIGGER spamming bullshit again


>also FUCK /BIZ/

>> No.52974202
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This is you, you are a worthless useful troll.

>> No.52974217
File: 201 KB, 1080x1299, 134624562457624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will be irrelevant but bitcoin, there is no need for anything else. It is the system of all.

>> No.52974227
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Why craig doesn't fit to the ''standard'' category? Well..

>> No.52974235
File: 139 KB, 1162x919, media_FSFgl-GXoAEM1dv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sirs please buy it, babu is unwell needs hospital. promised that gentleman Craig Wright is satoj real, please sirs

>> No.52974238
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Bitcoin was all about scaling big and microtransactions.

>> No.52974258
File: 513 KB, 2164x1748, 356873567357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig made bitcoin compatible with every possible transaction type he could figure, because the protocol is set in stone those had to be there from the beginning.

>> No.52974267
File: 151 KB, 467x366, DiscussingStuffWithMyBanker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling bsv
seriously, how low can you go

>> No.52974275
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Hal Finney wanted the temporary 1MB block limit, it was meant to remove later, but as we all know, some entity took control of the system and started a massive take down of bitcoin's capabilities.

>> No.52974290
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Pic related

>exposure to true information does not matter anymore

>> No.52974293
File: 1.51 MB, 1515x1675, 1666276664105536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are the most annoying shills biz has ever had shilling the goofiest token biz has ever seen.

>> No.52974298
File: 33 KB, 1111x643, 4257245724572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bitcoin, no anarchy, no anonymity, no crimminals, no ponzi.


>> No.52974309
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Everything else is just noice. dot com bubble v2.

>> No.52974321
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Get the fuck out of here with the illuminati triangles you fucking glowie. Yes we alredy know Craig is an asset and BSV is a glow op to implement worldwide CBDC lizard shit via "bitcoin".

>> No.52974333
File: 110 KB, 838x1024, 4257457357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the bitcoin mining to stay profitable, the fees will have to be the main part of their income, so it has to scale. It was always the economic model of bitcoin.

>> No.52974341
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Even satoshi said either there will be a huge transaction volume or not volume at all.

>> No.52974353

if you hate it so much why do you constantly enter BSV threads and bump them? You're putting in effort to give visibility to a project you dont like, how stupid can you get

>> No.52974364
File: 151 KB, 1122x657, 45724572457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi was very unhappy what was going on.

>"They use my old writings to make claims about what Bitcoin was supposed to be. However I acknowledge that a lot has changed since that time, and new knowledge has been gained that contradicts some of my early opinions."

>> No.52974376
File: 110 KB, 1200x557, 356735673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one global chain. It is not very hard to conclude that thousands of blockchains will never work.

>> No.52974397
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>when a bsv shills calls you stupid
anyway, creg is an alcoholic patent-trolling con artist, don't get all surprised when crypto enthusiasts hate on him

>> No.52974406
File: 359 KB, 1492x3216, 73567573567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gavin Andresen talks about segwit in a court.

>> No.52974415
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, 5675367356735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Bitcoin doesn't have SegWit, your old client is not connecting to the original chain even if it doesn't recognize SegWit.

>> No.52974425
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I wonder how this will end.. It will happen fast.

>> No.52974458
File: 39 KB, 486x510, 53673567356735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is the most efficient system out there, and it will be more and more efficient as it scales.

>> No.52974469


There is a lot going on in the bsv development, this is just a spark.

>> No.52974481
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The midwits are always who has the biggest voice. Never trust midwits.

>> No.52974511
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If you are a criminal, then you don't obviously want this.

>> No.52974526
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>vitalik 2021

>> No.52974531
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>craig 2016

>> No.52974566

Nice thread

>> No.52974570

I love my stiff sisters

>> No.52974583
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>> No.52974589

shut up baggie

>> No.52974590
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Souns like ideal world to me.

>> No.52974598
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Slowly, but surely, people are starting to wake up, don't be the last one.

>> No.52974610
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>2 years ago

Legal notice to remove whitepaper from all BTC and BCH websites

Bitcoincore dot org just removed it

Satoshi mined coins from 11y ago moved this week, small amount 0.1 btc

There was a small double spend attack on BTC today ($21)

Looks like someone testing the waters...

>> No.52974612
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>> No.52974628
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The fate of the core coin.

>> No.52974635

>41 posts by this id

I'm tired of holding this shit, and I'm in the green with it

Why do you have to be schizophrenic?

>> No.52974638

Did he ever find the pineapple that stole his keys

>> No.52974639
File: 140 KB, 978x1608, 745724574527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest anti-craigsters today once said..

>> No.52974645

Why is this bad for BTC and not BSV when someone could just double spend on the BSV chain too?

>> No.52974651
File: 39 KB, 640x491, 4564563463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck satoshi

>> No.52974660
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>fuck the white paper

You should read the white paper:

>> No.52974683
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>big fees secure the network

>> No.52974685

COPA is going to deal with this bullshit, once and for all. Your frauds getting a fucking fork stuck in him now. Nothing left now but bankruptcy, jail time and deportation back into the waiting arms of the ATO

>> No.52974707
File: 66 KB, 489x631, 3453456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read carefully.

>> No.52974719
File: 71 KB, 1004x326, 846784678468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On-chain scaling is a mandatory!

>> No.52974730
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But you rather listen to these people than satoshi?

>> No.52974748
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To be exact, craig has all the patents needed for lightning too, but no worries, it is a bust already.

>> No.52974759
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The simple truth about BTC.

>> No.52974787
File: 42 KB, 943x320, 6573567356737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adam back the satoshi
>craig wright the satoshi

>> No.52974807
File: 178 KB, 1409x709, 7245724572457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You told me craig has no heart

>> No.52974821
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Based or what?

>> No.52974846
File: 810 KB, 1280x868, 1582641111377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is a genius, a polymath.

>> No.52974891
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Law and honesty!

>> No.52974896
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>> No.52974903
File: 18 KB, 602x143, 6735673573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is on a mission.

>> No.52974926
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Bitcoin is only for the millionaires!

>> No.52974933
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Don't be the sheep

>> No.52974934

>debunked fud from over a year ago

>> No.52974949

>61 posts by this ID

>> No.52974978
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>> No.52974987

Lay off the meth, craig

>> No.52974994
File: 20 KB, 543x157, 846784684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with anything else than bsv

>> No.52975005
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Today, COPA initiated a lawsuit asking the UK High Court to declare that Mr. Craig Wright does not have copyright ownership over the Bitcoin White Paper. We stand in support of the Bitcoin developer community and the many others who've been threatened for hosting the White Paper.

>> No.52975019
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>> No.52975029

It must be near end times at the bsv House of Cards. Things are speeding up, court cases are mounting, losses are increasing, exchanges are fleeing, creditors are nearing, bankruptcy is coming. May as well try and rope in a final few baggies with stale meme bait.
>tick tock

>> No.52975048
File: 99 KB, 543x500, 1567678725168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later stifflads

>> No.52975070

So basically it's The Well Funded World vs. 1 compulsively lying fat retard, in a case which is solely focused upon his mountain of bullshit and lack of veracity thereof?
glad you think so.
I sure as fuck wouldn't, in cregs unfortunate position.

>> No.52975202
File: 173 KB, 1406x530, 84657846784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bitcoin network

>> No.52975249

Imagine holding bsv bags since 2018. Hah. I get why people become batshit delusional.

>> No.52975280

you probably said same shit. when 1st bitcoin appeared imagine holding some digital cash. i will use my paypal. such tranny

>> No.52975625

Satoshi can't lose it, stiff

>> No.52975683

'Satoshi' might not, no - he could at least provide proof he isnt a complete fucking bullshitter one where his contradictions contain contradictions.
creg can (and will) lose tho - hes well-practised in the art of doing so. in fact, were there degrees in being an inveterate loser of court cases due to being a complete lying fuckup? He'd be Dr. Loser, PhD.

>> No.52976018

if craig wasn't so pathetic i'd hold a big bsv stack desu. muh patents muh stealers muh I am le greatest.

>> No.52976089

How terrible would it be for bitcoin if it turns out satoshi is a pathetic loser?
Well, I'm not sure history would see him that way, for one. It would suck to miss out on bitcoin because of the pop twitter opinions but how many times has this happened before already?

>> No.52976121

ithe whole patents thing is completely against anything bitcoin and open source development is supposed to be. trying to get patents on the code is basically trying to hijack or take control over it. its truly sad and pathetic and the true spirit of satoshi would want bitcoin to be opensource code and free to use for ALL. and if that was NOT the intention then Bitcoin is trash we don't need

>> No.52976205

Okay two questions.
How long do Nchain have these patents for? Because some of those patents were registered in 2018 giving them only 2 years with the patents.
If I have 10 Satoshi era Bitcoins and send 5 to BTC and 5 to BSV which ones will arrive and which won't?

>> No.52976216

Okay I read your images and thread, but please answer this: if all Craig needs to do is sign a block to verify he is satisfied to the whole entire world, and the BTC dev team was shitting their pants if he did it - but then did not sign it - WHY? That makes no sense.

>> No.52976221

Craig's a sperg

>> No.52976235

BSV schizos better answer my question.
I've never seen such blatant botting in any thread as I've seem from BSV.
It's usually 1-3 bots posting dlthe same pictures of the same tweets and then a bunch of 1pbtid's

>> No.52976239

I’m a sperg, so your point is moot.

>> No.52976254


>> No.52976271


>> No.52976302

I don't believe in patents or copyright but its not as simple as patent bad imo.
There are defensive licenses of open source projects, and this is a similar concept:
I don't have much of an opinion on it.

>> No.52976389

>How long do Nchain have these patents for? Because some of those patents were registered in 2018 giving them only 2 years with the patents.
dunno, patents don't concern me
>If I have 10 Satoshi era Bitcoins and send 5 to BTC and 5 to BSV which ones will arrive and which won't?
You will have to broadcast them to both networks. They will arrive on both

>> No.52976413

To be clear, if you are confused, you will have both 10 btc and 10 bsv in your scenario

>> No.52976478

Answer >>52976216 you fucking coward. Oh there is no real answer, got it!

>> No.52976513

Consider this- if he is satoshi, he will be able to prove it at any time. His logic is, the longer he waits, the more damage he will do to what he considers a hijacked version of bitcoin (btc)

>> No.52976544

And that's due to the airdrop of BCH and BSV right ?
What I meant was imagine I have a wallet from the Satoshi era with 10 Bitcoin and I send 5 to a BSV wallet and 5 to a BTC ,which of those wallets will actually receive the coins I've sent ?

>> No.52976578

Just to clarify.

10 OG Satoshi era Bitcoin, mined and lrft untouched in a wallet in 2010. Now in 2022 I send 5 of my Bitcoin to a BTC wallet with a BTC address and 5 to a BSV wallet with a BSV address. From what I've read in these threads,surely only the BSV wallet will be able to receive those coins ?For instance I can't send BTC to a BSV address and expect to actually receive the equivalent in BSV can I?

>> No.52976580

At least it’s an answer. So consider this too then: You can miss the sunrise, it’s only fifteen minutes. At some point too much time will have past that it won’t matter if he is or isn’t. I won’t believe in a man unwilling to stop being a coward.

>> No.52976582

Bitcoin is a Jewish scam and it will drain your bank account if you install it on your hard drive
Get out and invest in 100% copper pennies from before 1942

>> No.52976670

if you sent 5 bitcoin from an OG wallet - the transaction would be valid on both networks (if it was broadcast on both networks). So it would send 5 btc, and 5 bsv, to the same wallet address.
From the OG wallet perspective, there is no bsv and btc, there is only bitcoin. The wallet only holds private keys, which are valid on both networks.

>> No.52976683


>> No.52976721

Did I stutter?
Get out of here you Jewish money goblin
/biz/ is for the glory of the anglo-saxon white people

>> No.52976732

I don't want to give advice, but I avoid all personalities. Look at what is actually being done. Craig might be a distraction to keep you from buying the real bitcoin. That is how twisted this shit is

>> No.52976741

Ahh thankyou for answering my question. That's pretty ingenius.
Can those old wallets still receive Bitcoin then? Like from both networks?

>> No.52976794

>Anglo saxon
You mean them faggots that came over here in the 5th century fleeing from the Gauls? Lol,lmao even, The Celts were your boogiemen playing the Carnyx in the night.

>> No.52976798

How do I buy bsv

>> No.52976821

The simple answer is yes (assuming the same scenario but receiving instead of sending) but you should think more in terms of private key and less of wallet. Wallet is an implementation which utilizes the private key. You can have multiple wallet instances of the same private key

>> No.52976855

Ohh, so you have coins associated with keys instead of wallets? That's a superior method of storage right? Albeit a little bit alienating for the masses

>> No.52976888

yes that is how bitcoin works...
a wallet is an abstraction on top of a private key to make it less alienating for the masses

>> No.52976926

So,how does that keep track of what a Bitcoin is?
Like if I store 1 BSV on these keys that only see Bitcoin as Bitcoin,what stops me from then sending 1 Bitcoin onto the BTC network and getting nearly a 1000x?

>> No.52976985

at the time of the fork, the chains diverge. So the scenario we talked about was a wallet that contained 10 bitcoin before the fork. Therefore it is valid on both btc and bsv. But if the chains diverge (yes you can split it so btc and bsv diverge into different addresses), a private key containing only bsv would show 0 btc. So what stops you is the btc network says that wallet is empty

>> No.52977072

New BSV schizo here. I started buying at 41. Ive been coming to biz daily for over a year and have never seem so much BSV crap either. I never believed in the squeeze but it got my attention to read up on bsv. It seemed the normal bsv schizos didnt believe in the squeeze, but it was pushed and insisted they did. Red flag right there. The hatred for bsv and CW is off the charts. The news outta Africa and the Middle East has been brewing for a cpl years now. I am bullish long term.

>> No.52977128

To clarify further - The wallet actually doesn't know how much bitcoin it contains until it asks the network (blockchain). So the network will tell your wallet how much bitcoin it has.
Your confusion is there are 2 networks and one wallet. But the wallet is just an implementation of your private keys, so you can actually have 2 wallets of the *same private key* which communicate to two separate networks (bsv and btc)

>> No.52977169

I hold bsv but this thread needs MEDS NOW

>> No.52977498

Bump. Shills hate that BSV makes their shitcoin useless.

>> No.52977560
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>> No.52977800

bots... with unique replies... and images
sorry anon, these are people not bots. Your refusal to even consider that BSV has organic support leads you to fabricate a reality that makes sense to you.
I can guarantee you I've been in this space longer than you and I know bitcoins history better than you too. Read the first few whitepaper paragraphs, it all makes a lot more sense then.

>> No.52980194

It's inevitable at this point