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52970191 No.52970191 [Reply] [Original]

It's Wednesday, December 21st, 2022.

We are witnessing an economic collapse take place, right before our very eyes. And yet, we're watching the markets go up today?

This economy is being decimated, yet the stock market it up today. Is it the plunge protection team? I don't know. But what I do know, these markets are completely fake.

People will buy into this fake dip today, this sucker's rally, and they're gonna get absolutely burned. These markets are so rigged.

They can't rig it enough to fix it, that's how bad it is. Home sales tumbled more than 7% in November, the 10th straight month of declines. Someone wrote me the other day, everything is fine here in northern Nevada. There's so many people delusional. People that want to hope. So now everything is OK in the US because northern Nevada real estate is OK. If you know anything about real estate in northern Nevada, leave a comment down below.

If you think that we are not gonna see a very serious housing collapse in America, you are drinking the Cool-Aid.

20% of the young adult population is in collections. Markets up today. The scary thing is, we have not even hit the hard times yet. It's going to get worse.

Americans' personal saving rate nears all time low. We're looking at a savings rate of 2.3 percent as of October. Stock market rallies today. Everything is gonna be OK. Although, people are broke, people can't save money. After they pay all their bills, they have nothing left. After every 100 dollars you make you're able to save two dollars and thirty cents. How is this sustainable? How do we avoid the coming depression now.

>> No.52970197

One quarter of toy sales are from adults. This is a 9 billion dollar industry and 25% of them come from "kidults." They're just very immature, unprepared, delusional, young people. Who are not prepared for the day of reckoning that is coming. There's so much happening globally, geo-politically, economically, and these people are just sitting around mooching off their parents, not working, not producing, playing games, buying toys. Could you imagine your great-grandparents doing this? I will admit, I'm much softer than my grandparents. I look at my phone from time to time, I spend too much time on the computer. But these people are completely lost. And what are they gonna do when things get really bad? They have nothing.

We have millions upon millions of people draining the system here. We have, in my opinion, a recipe for disaster. This country could really be done. We could be done because I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. What is going to turn this around? More faking and rigging of the system, so we can all go, "Oh look, the stock market's up today, everything is OK!" But look at your standard of living. Look at your friends, your family. People working 2, 3, 4 side hustles right now.

The system's gonna shut down. The system's broken. It's not going to be able to take care of all these people.

As I leave you today, we are going to see massive layoffs, in my opinion, in 2023. Maybe the Fed is going to let it all burn down on purpose. Maybe this is all orchestrated. Maybe not. Doesn't matter to me, I've protected myself both ways. But a lot of people double, triple, quadruple down on these markets, believing the Fed's gonna rescue them? We'll see, no one has a crystal ball. I don't know. Take what time you have right now and continue to prepare. Reality is coming, ladies and gentlemen. It's coming. Get ready.

>> No.52970822
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>Jeremiah Babe

>> No.52970925

Yeah, the wrecking ball is here and will continue to swing throughout 2023.

Markets reset. What else is new. I mean the fiat system is a complete ponzi to begin with so it’s not surprising that most people are struggling. As of late 63% are living paycheck to paycheck so it’s confirmed that the future will only consist of two classes, the upper elite and the poorfags. I’m hedging with btc and link. Fuck it.

>> No.52970932
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I love threads like that, please keep doing this.

>> No.52970948

Hail Kane

>> No.52971025

FYI OP is a bot.

>> No.52971555


>> No.52971567

Is a friend.
>yeah you know he’s been a good friend of mine.

>> No.52971575

How’s John Deaton doing? I thought he was working on the SEC case?

>> No.52972191

>get a load
>of this guy
sounds pretty fucking gay bro

>> No.52972389
File: 48 KB, 680x680, 1667451709600069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The economy isn't collapsing. The people are. We've reached the end of our culture.
>Every movie has been made and remade
>Every type of video game has been made 400 times over now
>Our idea of "romance" is getting randomly paired with a total stranger on the internet, doing drugs with them, then having sex
>Religion, if there is anything left of it, is so hopelessly watered down and diluted that people are resorting to bizarre pagan rituals and crystal worship just so that they can feel SOMETHING
>People are so jaded, cynical, and distracted that UFO and the JFK assassination disclosures don't even make a headline
>SJWs are like Don Quixote fighting windmills because there's literally nothing worth fighting about anymore so they make up gay bullshit like microagressions and appropriation grievances

TS Elliott, The Hollow Men. Read it and you'll understand what is happening.

>> No.52972450

>Get Ready™

>> No.52972477

That cue ball, face pussy sporting wannabe chad is clueless..... like you.

>> No.52972500
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Bah humbug

>> No.52972542

All of the problems you bring up can be solved with immigration

>> No.52972602

>TS Elliott, The Hollow

>> No.52972625

We have so much further to fall the only solution is to burn it all down to the ground.

>> No.52972641

im a neet hikkimori with no money

not my problem.jpg

>> No.52972660
File: 125 KB, 680x680, 1669082535839870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ghosts arrive from the past and appear in the present. However, the ghost cannot be properly said to belong to the past.... Does then the 'historical' person who is identified with the ghost properly belong to the present? Surely not, as the idea of a return from death fractures all traditional conceptions of temporality.

>> No.52972691

Go outside stop coming here
99% of people are doing fine emotionally including people in shitholes of poverty
Pro tip: love, relationships and family is the answer

>> No.52972744

To be happy living in a profoundly sick society is not a sign of robust mental health.

>> No.52973508

Good quote, also what >>52972691 is simply not true, normies have never been as miserable in current year

>> No.52974906

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.52974937

>>People are so jaded, cynical, and distracted that UFO and the JFK assassination disclosures don't even make a headline
no that because the elites don't prioritize it

>> No.52974965

>Anti-depressant usage at ATH
>Violent crime breaking 30 year downtrend and increasing
>Life expectancy breaking 50 year uptrend
Yes everyone is fine :^)

>> No.52975096
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>> No.52975288

This just means that we’re in a rerun of the 70s

>> No.52975321

That's just in the western world tho. Asian and arabic countries are superior culture wise.

>> No.52975611

The Pozz rot is spreading in trad countries as well; it’s just that it’s slower. Glacial, but its creeping with every year.