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52971505 No.52971505 [Reply] [Original]

Caroline faces 110 years. Gary Wang faces 50.

How do you feel about this? Is it the outcome you wished for?

>> No.52971525

She'll get max 5 for cooperating. SBF is going to the same jail as epstein, and will get "epsteined" (aka "killed" and moved off to Israel since he did his job)

They'll get away with it Scott free and nobody will care because they'll probably pump the market a couple days later

Stop consuming Jewish media anon. Be better

>> No.52971537

This! Stop paying attention because it's hopeless.
aren't you getting sleepy?

>> No.52971544

Wtf i hate jews now (i always did)

>> No.52971545

A just punishment for being a kike.

>> No.52971582
File: 41 KB, 700x400, nazi-typist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>110 years for being a little careless with the accounting
This Nazi Typist got 2 years probation for over 10,000 murders. Is there then No Justice in sentencing anymore? Do we really value a few dollars so highly?

>> No.52971592

He’s going to the same cell as Epstein. You know, the one with no cameras.

>> No.52971594
File: 71 KB, 827x877, 1667969740593700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need proof of confinement!
Crypto solves this

>> No.52971609

>moved off to Israel since he did his job
And what exactly was his job?

>> No.52971758

so where's the pajeet?

>> No.52971776

Enact harsh crypto regulations ie kyc fuck you no privacy we’re doing this to protect you.

>> No.52971792

I'm expecting her to get double life sentence + 40 years without paraole. Polycule is serious crime, your honor.

>> No.52971816 [DELETED] 

>Enact harsh crypto regulations ie kyc fuck you no privacy we’re doing this to protect you.

Do you think all the people blaming the government for not stopping a crypto exchange based in the Bahamas are in on it?

>> No.52971830

>Enact harsh crypto regulations ie kyc fuck you no privacy we’re doing this to protect you.

Do you think all the people blaming the USA government for not stopping fraud at crypto exchange based in the Bahamas are in on it?

>> No.52971905

Obviously. All jews must die.

>> No.52972017

don't kink shame her NBC. she's a proud polycule member looking for a real boyfriend on the side, the polycule is cuck promoting, there was no dating, they didn't ever once go out on a date, they just nerdly grabbed each others genitals and giggled like Beavis and butthead until ultimately the grippy weasel is pinned

>> No.52972065

I feel really good about it. its hilarious sbf didnt understand going into bankruptcy made Kroll ceo and leader of ftx and he lost all control. he stated that there was 4b liquidity that came in 4 hours after he signed the bankruptcy that he then couldn't accept which would've covered all deposits. the fact is: sbf was the king bobo. the king of kings. he shorted everything. literally everything. as Kroll unwinds their assets the market will fly, this happens soon. ftx is the reason 2021 did not have a blow off top. like a spring now that the shroud has been lifted we will fly, and fly much much higher than thought on this golden bull of runs. praise USA. long live trump. see you in 3 years bros at the top.

>> No.52972079

She'll get out on good behavior after a few years at most. SBF is dead.

>> No.52972091
File: 205 KB, 1330x798, ghislaine-maxwell-trump-tout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. they're going to send out another message to those who fuck with them. they'll probably even go so far as to make ghislaine maxwell share her cell with caroline LMAO

>> No.52972111

He was just following orders

>> No.52972117

Why are you parroting this dumb statement? Those are max charges. She won't get shit. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

>> No.52972136

grippy gonna be a jailhouse whore

>> No.52972139

Maxwell BOOBA

>> No.52972295

Imagine being able to short any token for free, risk free and still losing this badly

>> No.52972352

>Caroline faces 110 years.
She was a Math Whiz
She had so much potential
She had so much going for her!

Until you sick crypto people got your terrible claws into her and led to her this dark industry.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Who hasn't accidentally miscalculated risk and made a mistake at their job?
She's just a young college woman, it's not fair what you crypto sickos did to her.

>> No.52972360

Can they go after Trabucco too, and the pajeet that had co-access to user funds.

>> No.52974394

Nice bait

>> No.52974405

they had a money printing machine but it wasn't fast enough for their taste
greed has no limits

>> No.52974441

I agree x10000000000 but can you save us Elizabeth Warren?

>> No.52974449

>Caroline faces 110 years. Gary Wang faces 50
they agreed to squeal so i doubt they'll face any jail time

>> No.52975104

>up to
It means they could have a lower sentence, the question here is what is the minimum if they found guilty.

>> No.52975262

>linking to rollingstone
>not archiving

>> No.52975273

Funnel money to the (((left))), obviously.

>> No.52975361

>10,000 murders
Yes a lot of people died of typhoid especially in early 1945 when allied air supremacy destroyed all the infrastructure such as water and transport.
Also fun fact about German law: if you or your lawyer truthfully stand up in court and say
>Look guys nothing happened it's all bullshit
You will be immediately convicted under holocaust denial laws and get a few years in jail.
So that typist had a dilemma. If she defended herself by the truth and explaining that the stories were fairy tales and propaganda she would be convicted.
If doesn't defend herself, she will be convicted anyway.
It's a Catch-22 you can't win if you are accused of war crimes in Germany.
That must have been the Worlds deadliest typewriter

On topic how long with Sam live?
5 months? 12 months?