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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52960631 No.52960631 [Reply] [Original]

All I can do right now is stare at my portfolio. I'm so far in the red that I just want to kms. I can't stop thinking about everything I could have done with that money but INSTEAD I listened to you fucking retards and gambled everything on internet funny money.

Thanks for nothing, Biz.

>> No.52960645

Stop staring at your portfolio, retard. Do something useful and forget about your portfolio for a few years.

>> No.52960657

No I told you to tether and cash out in January
You called me a nigger
Round and round we went until today when you decide to make this post
Now it's my turn

>> No.52960726

January was a terrible timing tho, it's when I bought back after selling the top and we are not too much down from there

>> No.52960728

I told people not to get into Rubic, not to get in LUNC this summer after it 5x, told people to avoid ICP because VCs got in at 3c... nobody listens to me and I've been here since 2017

>> No.52960733

In fact without the invasion and the external fud you would have sold the bottom likely

>> No.52960749

i am so glad i didn't buy into any of those obvious scams

get btc2x-fli and eth2x-fli with 80% of your 5k, then spend 15% on a quality altcoin (link, uni, what have you) and 5% for gambling. it's not easy with 5k but you can do it.

>> No.52960752

>ath 1m last year
>down to 10k now
>lost 50k leverage trading since last month

>> No.52960755
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I loser a quarter if a million

>> No.52960811

hail mary trade, eh?

>> No.52960820

I got into rubic and made a 70x

>> No.52960825
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Literally me and worst yet is I've been here since 2018. Had I never leverage traded, I'd have retired in my mid 20s in 2021
I'm basically starting over from scratch again with 10k and btc might shit another 50% still

>> No.52960827

> It's my fault but I blame it all on you like a wah-wah baby

>> No.52960840

wow you regurgitated the bottom of the biz barrel without a single original thought. We should all be thankful.

>> No.52960852

>Last year this time: 480k
>Now: 110k
Bros... I just want to stop slaving away...

>> No.52960873

I didn't make barely any money but I'm so grateful cause I dodged so many bullets here on this shithole it's insane

>> No.52960976

This shithole shilled chainlink at 20 cents, matic around the same time, ftm under a penny, and dogbat at 2k market cap. You don't buy everything shilled. You do your due diligence and make a decision for yourself. Only thing is you can't get greedy or you'll get fucked. Period. Even btc maxis got fucked falling for the hodling meme. I got fucked falling for that shit meme. Hodling forever is for normies.

>> No.52961052

Survivor bias, I just actually remember the fallen

>> No.52961138

Literally just catching ONE that I mentioned would have made up for any of the bad.
Chainlink went from 20 cents to 50 dollars or so. Don't feel like checking.
Ftm went from .007 cents when I got in to like .002, then all the way to like 3 dollars and something cents. Don't feel like checking matic. Dogbat went from 2k market cap to 230mil more or less. Eth went from 40-60 dollars to 4k. Bnb went from 15 dollars to 600 something. Celsius did a 100x too (yes, it went bankrupt, but the idea is to capture the moments the gains are there). Many others did well. I just don't remember them.
Just ONE would make up for the Ls. My issue was being new and stupid so I sold shit too early and did high leverage with scalps so those 2 together fucked me out of retirement money. Moral of the story? 50% btc to be safe and 50% alts to make real gains

>> No.52961188

The writing was on the wall. Entire year of decay. You didnt imagine after corona chan lockdowns were over and mining was over that normalfags will not go on to waste money on travel and dumb shit again?
You didnt pay attention to inflation and just how much purchasing power normalfags lost?
Like prices of food are skyrocketing and back couple years ago what would have been a doordash burger with $30 thrown at random shitcoin is now just the doordash burger or walking to get the burger yourself to not waste the delivery fee?


>> No.52961735
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Maybe buying a trump card will cheer you up.

>> No.52961745

This board is nothing but fucking jeets left obviously.
Cryptos dead niggers.

>> No.52962394

Imade more money on lowcaps ORE, LFG, SOV and UDO than any high capped alt in my folio.

>> No.52962527

Dont make any stupid move, just hodl. Remenber self custody is the safest place and private wallets are based.

>> No.52962706

ATH 970K
Everyday is pain and suffering

>> No.52963160
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We need two more bullruns to make it now. Another 7 years of vidya and isolation.

>> No.52963593

Nah, I only need the next one. I learned from my mistakes
I saw every crash coming, but expecting the blowoff top and ignoring macro indicators btfod me

>> No.52963674

Did you actually have a plan with what to do with the money and when you wanted to sell at, Or just number go up, it must go higher... number go down it must rebound attitude?

>> No.52963920

You don't get it, crypto is a zero sum game, fraudulent market. 99% of people lost money. I'm just grateful I managed not to

>> No.52963994

I went from 500k to 250k and I already kinda want to kill myself (mostly because I was already bearish but holding UST and usd on ftx). Can't iimagine how it must be to lose $1M.

Did you guys fall for the $1M is nothing meme?
Did you not notice that you can basically retire in most countries (not only third world but also Europe) with that amount?

In fact $1M is so much for me, that 700k would already be enough. I prefer living a simple life than wageslave it away just to spend on useless shit.

>> No.52966151

Best comment I have read today. Hiding trnx details from the public eyes can save one from a lot of headaches.

>> No.52966175

Best comment I have read today. Hiding trnx details from the public eyes can save one from a lot of headaches.

>> No.52966199

bear market hasn't even started yet, 15 years from now you'll wish you sold now

>> No.52966216

eh most retards don't realize the real trick is to have a comfy WFH job that plays 200-300k while also having fat investments.

>> No.52966990

You may get messed up doing that with mixers

>> No.52966998

Sad, many such cases.

At the same time, you had plenty of oppurtunities to sell, and people have been giga bears here for at least the past 8m.

You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.52967119

kek, baggies

>> No.52967132
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We told it was over lol

>> No.52968410

I stopped checking my portfolio for over 4 months now since the doc diagnosed me with high BP, moreover, there are better uses of crypto that just accumulate, surprisingly I was able to buy a Christmas gift from Kingapparel for my pops and I paid with crypto and there was even discount

>> No.52968695
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The bear at his corner smiling

>> No.52968852

I wish alternativeairline offered discount too, at least have been booking my flight ticket via it for a year now and made payment in crypto

>> No.52969114

Oh, shut up nigger, close that portfolio and do something else, try to make other money and keep buying.
That's what I'm doing.

>> No.52970357

If only it was that easy for non-americans. For americans you need to be retarded to not get a 6 figure wfh job and if not comfy just switch until you find a comfy job.

>> No.52970363

Retard alert

>> No.52970587
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Crypto nerd tear threads are my favorite

>> No.52972429

>he thought the insane drawdowns was a meme
i lost 50% of my n/w last run and 95% before that. now im a gorrillionaire. you need a 100x to breakeven, and youll get it if you just DCA.

>> No.52972544
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OP what did you invest in? If it has a dog name you get what you deserve, learn from your mistakes.
>the rest of /biz/
Not my long Put and SQQQ sisters.

>> No.52973521

Only projects with real life application like privacy, web3, identity management projects to name a few pique my interest. Shitcoins are the most likely to be scams

>> No.52974111

actually 'real life application projects' are the ones most likely to be scams with VCs or some foundation that dumps tokens indiscriminately on all the retail holders. at least with a shitcoin like shiba or doge you know that cant happen

>> No.52974274

Nobody saw your post retard.

>> No.52974463
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I saw it.

>> No.52974522

Bitcoin was between 48k and 35k in January and if you think "only losing 70%" during the last year is good you are a mindbroken bagholder. Your alts are surely down even more.

>> No.52974681

Lowcaps are good but you'll want to consider the utility. Not all low caps have potential but I see ORE has a good tech side.

>> No.52974695

The meme season is over. The next run will focus on a better utility project. Security-based projects like ORE, privacy-focused like Aztec, L2 like OP, AI, and a few others

>> No.52974705

You really don't understand the crypto pathway. Start DCA from 2023.

>> No.52976172

Real-life application projects are not a scam. The adoption rate of those solutions is only slow because they are difficult to use and get onboarded on

>> No.52976189

I use Railgun. Mixers have been cracked