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52969955 No.52969955 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do to get ahead if meritocracy is a myth?

>> No.52969967

0 sympathy for people older than 30 who are still a mess.

>> No.52969971

>You amerifats can't even get healthc-ACK

>> No.52969972

This is hashtags happens when you live in a non-white godless country.

>> No.52969981

brb taking a picture of her suffering for clicks instead of helping her.

>> No.52969982

Lie cheat and steal. Don’t worry about fucking over strangers and take care of your family only. Either that or be the bulwark against degeneracy and forge a new path for society to follow and be the leader your people need.

>> No.52970005

>be stuck on the floor for hours with broken hip
>no ambulance coming
>some (((""""journalist"""))) hears about it
>instead of helping they break in and take a picture to post online for a story
I hate this world

>> No.52970007

>you are facing a screaming 93 yo with sus broken hip
>how do you fix, using only commonly-available household implements?
>you have 25 Hours

>> No.52970020

Nice gaslighting by the Tory mouth piece paper that's owners have shares in private health care, deliberately shorting the NHS.

Kek the UK is FUCKED

>> No.52970023

I use a pillow

>> No.52970026

She can’t suffer if she’s suicided.
Pull a Canada.

>> No.52970034


>> No.52970038


>managers trying to blackmail nurses out of pushing for hire wages

It's a free market until the workers decide to use their market position to beat the owners. Fuck the daily mail. Fuck Rupert Moloch and fuck the Tories.

>> No.52970067

you retards think this is funny but this is exactly what happens when anything goes even slighty wrong in society.

are you prepared to deal with a broken leg by yourself when the power goes off and the aids zombies and terminator drones are raging outside?

anons need to know more than basic first aid.

>> No.52970084

You can't talk to richard heart like that, he invented hex.

>> No.52970088


>> No.52970099

The NHS is literally socialist so it's clearly not a free market.

>> No.52970184


The provision of services by the NHS to citizens is a government provided service (I am not going to get bogged down in a debate around whether or not the Government providing a service in and of itself is socialist, it is irrelevant here).

But that is distinct from the labour hiring practice of the NHS. That is a free market in which the employer offers a pay rate. The pool of labour is rejecting that rate. The pool of labour is refusing to work at that rate. The NHS, under institutional pressure from the the tarries, is now crying bitch tiers about workers not working. Workers don't need to work. Workers are free to choose not to work in a free market. But tabloids will pin all that is going to happen on the workers for refusing to work a specialised job at poverty rates.

>> No.52970207

When I worked at the beach there were few types of workers that succeeded.
The asslicking snitches that were always up bosses ass and ratting out others.
The ruthless robotic serfs that were always 30 minutes early and always working overtime for free, while stealing from both tourists and bosses to make up for small hourly wage.
The whores that did a somewhat ok job at their official job post, but made most of money whoring. And even whored out to get clout, or to keep their job or to get promoted, or because they were bored, or with some irrational excuse.
The irreplaceable crazy lad that did some crazy impossible things and achieved some superhuman feats. (usually lasts only one season and is replaced by two or 3 people next time just so boss can say no one is irreplaceable)

And the last but not least. The player. He is there not to really earn or to work too hard, but to go for the long shot.
Aka while the snitch is snitching, the roboserf is breaking his back, ehores whoring, etc. Player is hunting that one rich Russian lady in her late 40s that is so rich she can buy half the town.

>> No.52970212

Imagine being such an old out of shape piece of shit you fall, break your hip and can’t get up and would just die if not for others taking care of you

>> No.52970245

What country are you from?

>> No.52970272

this, but no one here will heed it.
>hey bro my asshole is prolapsed, and i'm bleeding out. i'll give you 100 LINK if you help me
>backs out silently

>> No.52970292

You should know better than to ask that.
It's not relevant. The beach was before Corona in Montenegro.

>> No.52970297

Old people shouldn't be left alone

>> No.52970299

Never knew beach work had such an intricate, Machiavellian ecosystem.

>> No.52970372

At times I would go on a swimming break and swim out a few hundred meters towards the open sea and just chill at the buoys(floats?) and observe the circus.
30+ workers 1 general manager 1 bosses son and several members of the bosses family.

>> No.52971986
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>> No.52972066

Don't you care about grandmothers Anon? Shame on you.

>> No.52972115

Actual solid advice, any books you recommend?

>> No.52972244

Maybe if she wasn't such a mean old bitch she could have called family or friends to take her to the hospital instead of waiting on the amberlamps

>> No.52972256

lemme guess... all of them, except the rich bitch, were poorer than the random city tourists that went to that beach.

>> No.52972271

You need to be equity maxing
Put all your money in equities
Get a job paying you in equities
Work for a company that is privately held so you can profit when it is publicly sold at 10x valuation.
As long as the value of stock or equities grows in value as compared to a value of a dollar, you need to put as much of your time and energy into accumulating equities

>> No.52972364

Yeah I'm sure it's the Tory's and not that fact that you have millions of non contributing niggers and limited funds for healthcare.

>> No.52972480

A fracture of the femoral head (which is pretty common in elderly falls) is going to debilitating and probably fatal without surgical intervention. Even with advanced modern medical care hip fractures are associated with significantly increased mortality, probably because of complete loss of mobility and the rapid deconditioning that goes with that. As far as first aid goes you can splint the leg but that isn't gonna do much for grandma.

>> No.52972717

Here's my guide for a mad max scenario:
If she broke her femur she'll need surgery - mortality is higher without it for geriatric patients. First I'd see if she really broke her hip by looking for an open wounds, palpable misalignment of the bones or crepitations with my stethoscope. If that's inconclusive you'd get your protable x-ray machine and check for any fractures. If there are none, you're lucky and give her - depending on liver and kidneys some acetaminophen or ibuprofen if that's all you have. If you have it consider opioids. If she broke her hip and you're not a qualified surgeon with a clean gamma nail you'll have to bite the bullet and accept that she won't walk again. McGyver operations in that scenario won't be worth the risk of infection and pe.

>> No.52973225

>Hurrrrr look at me repeating what the shit rag said
You could invite the whole of Africa to come live for free and it wouldn't put a dent on Tory corruption. How much was that test and trace app again? 37 billion pounds in a year, for an app kek. And who was the software company that got the contract? Tory boy

>> No.52973234

>Old people shouldn't be*

>> No.52973258

>Lie cheat and steal.
this is my mindset ever since the whole vax coercion thing. I'm gonna get mine from this rotting corpse of a country and I don't really care how I get it.

>> No.52973342

"but why won't anybody come to work anymore?"

>> No.52973349

Are you implying that only one side of the fence is corrupt? Completely different issue to your failing healthcare system anyway

>> No.52973487

shes fucking 93 do people think shes working or something

>> No.52973780

Cope. Your societies are failing before your eyes

>> No.52974774

Crushing wagies and the elderly in one move. UK gov more efficient and shortsighted than I gave it credit for.