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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52968464 No.52968464 [Reply] [Original]

Court just ruled that I pay alimony for 10 years. $2000 a month. My monthly income is $3000. What the fuck is this fucked system. Not even my child I got cucked yet the fucking court ignored it. My lawyer says its normal. Im going to kill her and the man holy shit.

>> No.52968473

Hey anon just uhhhh don’t pay

>> No.52968496

>Not even my kid
Holy shit I'd just move to another country.

>> No.52968502

>avoid paying for 10 moths
>save all the money working
>do not keep it in your bank account
>escape the country
>kill that bitch (don't kill her)

>> No.52968539

i don't believe you

>> No.52968545

Bury the judge, the whore, the spawn, and the asshole who inseminated her.

>> No.52968550


>> No.52968558

Also the lawyer wouldn’t hurt. It is a lawyer after all, you’d be doing everyone a favor.

>> No.52968662


>> No.52968785

how do I get better at minecraft bros? why did I choose to play everquest and WoW

>> No.52968802

take out a huge loan, convert it to no-kyc bitcoin, file bankruptcy.

>> No.52968838

what country?

>> No.52968906


>> No.52969268

work under the table so the gub mint cant dock your check.

>> No.52969278

The gubmint will come after him come hell or high water
You can't default on alimony

>> No.52969303

There was DNA clearing you

>> No.52969379

>1pbtid OP
Why are the pol shill bots being sent to biz

>> No.52969396

this is the appropriate answer. fuck it. go on vacation and never come back

>> No.52969411

cash out everything
flee the country

>> No.52969425

>My lawyer says its normal.
That's correct. Getting fucked by your lawyer is normal kek

>> No.52969452

>biz is pro alimony laws
go back

>> No.52969527
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you can crash at my place if you want

>> No.52969543

>$2000 a month. My monthly income is $3000.

>> No.52969555

the state is the enemy of the people
this, leave

>> No.52969562

>didn't play UO.

>> No.52969564
File: 124 KB, 626x399, apu biz at bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> getting married just for pussy and to be a normie with a kid, nuclear family 1950s s tyle
Reminder marriage is (and will always be) an inherently political contract and the nuclear family fantasy is a childish historical deviation. If marriage doesn't grant you access to elite networks or old money it literally is not worth it.

>> No.52969587

Everything you have done up to now has lead to where you are today.
If you want to change your luck change what you do every day. Develop good habits continually and defeat bad habits.

>> No.52969600

>$240,000 pussy.
You're overpaying.

>> No.52969624

Shame they're getting into an accident a few days from now.

>> No.52969633

what do you mean cucked? if youre literall consenting cuck then you deserve it

>> No.52969734

yeah if not a larp (it is) this is what I'd do.

>> No.52969809

1 post by this id

>> No.52969927


I've seen this larp before. Court cannot make you pay alimony for a child that isn't yours.

> 1pbtid

>> No.52969935

It is shit.
At least when my ex ran off there was no kid involved. Bitch just stole a decade of my life.

>> No.52971464

>tfw you know zoomers will never feel the feeling of logging into the first and last truly legit mmorpg in human history and getting ganked by some guy with a red name running around killing people in his underwear named The Dread Lord Ho Chi Min and losing the key to their house that would sell for $1000 on ebay
quite literally the best shit of all time
mfers even PKed the Lord British who created the game and franchise
imagine some shit like that happening today...not possible

>> No.52971535

Nice Kirby.

>> No.52971876

often i find when guys give in to the pussy things tend to go worse in their life than if they had of just stuck it out and stayed single

>> No.52971901

This. Your country has clearly failed you.

>> No.52971924

>$2000 a month. My monthly income is $3000
come now, that is ridiculous

>> No.52971969


>> No.52971982


>> No.52972000

that's some guilty until proven innocent shit right there

>> No.52972112

I'm about to turn 40 but young-looking and like a 7 by US standards so my plan is to eventually sex-tour poor countries and hopefully impregnate as many girls as possible

>> No.52972194

Please come to Japan. Make Abe proud with your white cock. Unless its less than 5 inch.

>> No.52972440
File: 368 KB, 400x165, 89AF4D0F-C285-4BE1-92B4-83025316FD93.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make more money

>> No.52972446

>my lawyer says it's normal
For a bad lawyer, yes. I hope you didn't pay him.

>> No.52973545

do americans really?

>> No.52973563


>> No.52973593


>> No.52973839
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1668749418898197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just sent this to law enforcements, enjoy paying $3000 a month now faggot.

>> No.52974418

>you must consume 90IQ propaganda or you're not REALLY against X.
Kill yourself in real life.

>> No.52974424

>the court should have a say in marriage
notice how these posts come in during peak chink hours. how about you kys tranny mao mao

>> No.52974436
File: 16 KB, 484x486, 4c86a7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm feels ameribad, man.
I pay €400 out of €3000 I earn monthly, for 2 kids that are mine

>> No.52974440

oh say can you see

>> No.52974457

>Not even my child I got cucked yet the fucking court ignored it. My lawyer says its normal.
kek another one fell for it, hope that pussy was worth it bro

>> No.52974462

this is how i imagine every NTR enjoyer

>> No.52974468

Judge must have hated you. Leave the country. Alimony should be outlawed. At least the kids not yours so didn't get fucked in child support to.

>> No.52974478

Actually this doesn't happen (but when it does it's a good thing)

>> No.52974485

It is normal. Male wagies notoriously get fucked in the family court system. He has to pay alimony. Not child support.

>> No.52974499

Lol that’s so fucked. Crazy.

>> No.52974506


>> No.52974536

agreed, and im not just agreeing for fun. i really would do this

>> No.52974601

A serious consideration if you get fucked by the system to such an extent
In 50 years, there will be no such option, with unified global enforcement. I'm sure lack of competition and escape hatches will make the system less oppressive

>> No.52974603


>> No.52974607

What coins does he >>52969527 have in his porfolio?

>> No.52974664

unironically this, you have to leave your old life behind

>> No.52975110

>cost of a handgun: $500
>cost of a bullet: $0.3
>the look on her face when you blow your brains out all over her, traumatizing her forever: priceless
Also might as well rape her and dump a few loads in her while youre at it anon. Get your money's worth.

>> No.52975161

They must not believe your monthly income is $3k. I'm going through a divorce right now, I make about $5k gross and my lawyer is very confident I won't end up with any alimony payments, just child support.

>> No.52975189

>1pbtid bot thread

>> No.52975364

Turn on your minecraft pvp flag bro.

>> No.52975385

They used tax returns. I used to pay lots of capital gains. Lost most of my money from the rate hikes and link. My lawyer manage to turn 5k to 2k but it still fucking nuts. Sure I can't prove baby isn't mine since they can't do a dna test on a fetus but holy fuck they were kissing outside the courtroom. Im so done. Already bought a gun. Probably going to check out.

>> No.52975458

Don't be a bitch. Either take out everyone involved, or just hide what you can and fuck off to another country. Men need to be ready to "scorched earth" these cunts if they try to weaponize the kike infested justice system against them. Grow a goddamn pair of balls. It's not right, and only God can judge you.

>> No.52975462

Then they'll just give everything to her, and everyone will say how brave she was putting up with a mental defect this whole time. Shit's cruel, anon. good luck

>> No.52975472

Nah, just bounce. Go apply for a work visa somewhere else, sell all your shit, put it in a stablecoin, fly away, and start over. No gibs for her, no prison time for you.

>> No.52975534

Get a gun, or go to another country.

>> No.52975556

Lol imagine waging after that. You're going to be poor as fuck now forever anyway. Quit your job tomorrow. Move to a new state or country if you want. Either way never work and never pay.

>> No.52975605

Yep. I was alone for like five years and finally settled for some 5/10 fat cunt who is psychotic and incredibly lazy and controlling. We have two kids that I really love a lot but she makes me so miserable. I think back to the time before I met her and I was so much happier and better off. It’s tough because I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything but my wife is literally the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever known. I hate her.

>> No.52975641

do you play minecraft?

>> No.52975753

Take all the money you have and disappear. Wait for that bitch to get remarried

>> No.52975768

i don't believe you but if it's true, do yourself a favour and go away from there
restart your life in australia or whatever

>> No.52975778
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>> No.52975783

how do you just "take all your money" and move to another country ? no way your bank lets you empty your account without a reason

>> No.52975803

you are unable to get any income so you can't pay.
but i dunno how your clown country works and if they can put poor man in a jail for being poor.

>> No.52975880

Leave the US

>> No.52975910

Nice larp

>> No.52975919

Move to another country or work under the table

>> No.52975928


>> No.52975943

Can you deduct alimony from your income

>> No.52975963

Jeez, I'm glad the female to male cuck and it's wife I was involved with me told me to fuck off after the wife took my seed. That could have been much more complicated.

>> No.52975994

Imagine damning your own flesh and blood to the abuse of two mentally ill women.

>> No.52976000

no way you pay 2/3 of your income in alimony in any country

>> No.52976890

Spread them far and wide if yours is worth spreading, sometimes they'll wind up in less than ideal places but the value is in the quantity.
I'm like a oak tree that can get my acorns further.

>> No.52977113

>not extracting roblox revenge on the judge too

>> No.52977184
File: 109 KB, 750x886, FivnItJaUAACNfS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would anyone lie on the internet, anon?

>> No.52977317

Clown world will revoke your passport for delinquent alimony/child support.

>> No.52977891

Surpass kino and burn down the court house.

>> No.52977927

White men laugh that we don’t wife up our women. Then they go through this. Tried to warn you, but you had to be a cuck.

>> No.52977967

Next time try being a better husband.

>> No.52978073

I'm gonna take this advice. If I have to get married there will be a prenup period

>> No.52978118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52978219

That only applies to a morally righteous gov which rome was not as it let in massive immigration.

>> No.52978231



Fucking based. Do you guys play OG or II? I am a IIfag.


>> No.52978721

I thought this happens only in YouTube MGTOW videos

>> No.52978938

My life would be empty and my existence pointless if I didn't have a family. I realized this MGTOW lifestyle would never work for me and I can afford losing everything. I would rather lose my house, money, whatever than never experiencing the joy of starting my little family & fatherhood and knowing that I'm doing everything in my power to leave a legacy behind.

>> No.52979000

Pretty much the only choice

>> No.52979035

Alimony is obsolete in a system where women are allowed and expected to work.

>> No.52979130

sounds hella simpy

>> No.52979242

It's time to GTFO mein nigger

>> No.52979733
File: 110 KB, 1024x797, 1620791563273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way your bank lets you empty your account without a reason
huh? It's literally your money, you can do whatever-the-fuck you want with it. Sure, if you take out cash the kike will hold on to his 2% or smth. So just transfer it to Monero wallet and deal with it when you reach your destination country.

Just look at it as an adventure. Who gives a fuck, you only live once, checking out would be boringly retarded, so milk this mortal realm for all it's worth, take some risks and dip out to another country, but get your ducks in a row first. You can live just fine on $12k/y in Eastern Europe.

>> No.52979786

this OP, move country, fuck paying them and fuck giving them the satisfaction of clocking out

>> No.52982444

look its great that you created a family, and im probably going to do the same. but this whole legacy is b.s there is only one conciousness driving everything and it literal does not matter "what you leave behind" in this material scam illusion world. anyway good luck. i understand why you have a senpai. i find no motivation to do anything either if I don't make my gf pregnant

>> No.52982526
File: 542 KB, 761x737, 1632955512702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just vote every 4 years giving consent to the system things will improve that way i am sure.

>> No.52983167
File: 55 KB, 540x512, 1671532757943644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iceland traditionally refuses extradition to the US unless you're Julian Assange, I think you'll be ok
So go bang some whale eating fish girls or something idk

>> No.52983186

You can not work and have no income to pay it from though. Man has nothing to lose anymore and nothing to gain from waging.

>> No.52983204

wait till the baby is born and get it tested. stay calm

>> No.52983217

>huh? It's literally your money,
cute he thinks money in your bank account is your money. who's going to tell him how banking works guys?

>> No.52983265

Yep, just cash out everything into Monero and physical bills and moonwalk through one of the pedestrian turnstiles on the Mexican border.

>> No.52983883

you really have no legacy, unless you write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.

>> No.52984028

hit up a homie from da hood and learn from them how to deal with this baby momma bullshit. they are the experts at this type of stuff

>Eighteen years, eighteen years
>she got one of your kids, got you for eighteen years
>And on the 18th birthday he found out it wasn't his!

>> No.52984150

>My child
Child is child support retard. You're just a larper.

>> No.52984659

I know this shit is fake because you used some pedo tranime garbage as the OP image.

>> No.52984896

dont pay it and put everything/liquidate everything you own into monero

maybe consider leaving the country

>> No.52986022

do paternity test. earn more than a high schooler. are you retarded

>> No.52986109

Time to move abroad and start a new life in a non-extradition country. What marketable talents do you have and where would you like to live?

>> No.52986142
File: 284 KB, 641x552, 1656570647880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to country with no extradition. Seriously. This is when you go scorched earth "fuck everything fuck all of you" mode.

>> No.52986167

>do paternity test.
Kek even if you prove it the judge can just hand wave it away because [reasons] and make you pay regardless. You really don't understand what this modern system is like for men, do you?

>> No.52986230

My understanding is that family court doesn't much care about "fair" when it comes to paternity tests and such, all they care about is ensuring the child is paid for by someone, and it's not the state footing the bill

>> No.52986266
File: 91 KB, 720x720, 1C4B2E13-0693-4A65-8FF1-A0456752E46E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You paid taxes on crypto and CLAIMED IT???

>> No.52986391


>> No.52986407

Unironically convert all of your assets to monero and flee the country. It literally doesn't matter where you go because working to give away 2/3rds of your money where you are is worse than moving to some third world shithole and smashing the local brown asians with gwailo money

>> No.52986425

Lost it at the mini Kirby.

>> No.52986445

Uh. Just murder your ex

>> No.52986452

Your legacy of retarded children and working for wagie bux? What a triumph.

>> No.52986469

Flee to Dubai

>> No.52986489
File: 60 KB, 839x768, 1671210020328685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I just fucked up with one woman and another toys with me just to fuck when she pleases, but its threads like this that make me glad I haven't sealed the deal.

>> No.52986543

BASED AF. The only way to pave the way for TRUE CHANGE is to spill a little blood. It has to be done there can be no real progress with words alone because they will not hear it.

>> No.52988425

>checking out without taking a bunch of kikes with you
fuck you

>> No.52989025

this. what a fucking retard.

>> No.52989224

You've been touched by the internet and there is no saving you anon

>> No.52991002

OP please listen to me. What is the difference between being homeless and making $1000 a month? Almost nothing. So what you need to do is just VANISH, go to a tropical paradise, palm trees, all that shit.

>> No.52991106

>i don't believe you
You need to know that in USA that is common practice to make you pay alimony even if it's not your kid. Even if you are white and the kid is half black, if she spent more than 6(?) months living in the same house as you (NOT EVEN MARRIED) then she leaves, you will have to pay alimony if she takes it to court.

>> No.52991143

Literally move to another country.

>> No.52991144

>Already bought a gun. Probably going to check out.
Don't be a fool just leave the country immediately to a Patriarchal nation that doesn't hate men. Your life in USA is already destroyed. Being homeless in Los Angeles would be better than what awaits you now if you stay where you are. At least CA will give you $650 FREE MONEY for food.

>> No.52991986

can someone explain this in Fallout terms?

>> No.52992234

>Already bought a gun.
Based, waste that cheating whore-
>Probably going to check out.
The fuck is wrong with you. Kill them, not yourself.

>> No.52992337

She'll get over it in a week. They really don't care

>> No.52992611

I don't disagree with any of that btw, I'm somewhat of a gnostic myself. This is my way of trying to be a force of good in this world, something that would be much harder if I chose the path of becoming a deranged lonely &
bitter misanthrope.
Sorry I don't stand up to your expectations, Mr Tate, I'm just an average guy.

>> No.52992612

Women are retarded, they get with criminals and drug addicts. They wouldn't know the difference between a good husband and some dead beat abusive chad. They're children who do stupid shit on a whim. Unironically kys.

>> No.52992689

don't kill anyone
just move to thailand or philippines and build a new life

>> No.52992702

If he's American they will garnish his wages BEFORE he even receives them. He'd have to work for cash to avoid this, which leads to tax problems.

>> No.52992745

>not your child by genetic testageing
>have to pay nevertheless because the land of tee hee
Wat, is this another case of woman logic winning through the sheer force of bullshitting?

>> No.52992999

Same. No fucking way Id pay that when the kid isnt mine. Alternatively become a neet at a familys house. No income. Just make sure to pay them a tononce the ten years are up and you can wage agaon. Assuming you didnt somehow pass away during that time, eg car accident

>> No.52993119

What are you thinking!? Anon stop this at once! Don't go suiciding. It sucks how much they want especially with what you earn a month but killing yourself is not the answer. Go and believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Gain eternal life anon. Also read the entire Book of Ecclesiastes before starting on the New Testament.

>> No.52993678

why where you stupid enough to marry dombo ?

>> No.52993808

o7 I dont think you should do it but you can only push a man so far

>> No.52993828

God’s not real you coping faggot, prove me wrong.

>> No.52993869

Get a dna test .

>> No.52993879

>Kek even if you prove it the judge can just hand wave it away because [reasons] and make you pay regardless. You really don't understand what this modern system is like for men, do you?

>> No.52993891

1000 for her 1000 for child 1000 for you. It is equal.

>> No.52993971

>she spent more than 6(?) months living in the same house as you (NOT EVEN MARRIED) then she leaves, you will have to pay alimony if she takes it to court.
not in all states, only in republican red states is common law a thing