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File: 79 KB, 627x331, tulipmania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52968094 No.52968094 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to admit that crypto is exactly the same thing yet

>> No.52968132

tulip mania wasn't even real look it up

>> No.52968167

lmfao I can't believe there are honestly people still parroting this fucking boomer metaphor.
Do you have tepid, runny dogshit for brains or what? I swear, MUH TULIP BULBS has been the smug midwit canned sentiment since like 2013...
Those retarded fucks have been repeating this for a decade now.. most of them work retail at petsmart or something lmfao

>> No.52968179

no because tulips still have some value

>> No.52968192
File: 134 KB, 680x661, 1671433703109339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No retard, i know you feel smart with this silly comparison between 2 completely different goods.

Bitcoin can't be the same thing as tulip mania, because bitcoins are electric bit of coins inside a computer and tulips are not, look it up. I bet you didn't even knew this.

>> No.52968205

No, it's worse. At least you can do something with tulips unlike crypto.

>> No.52968210

I'd pay 100 dollars for two lips on my cock

>> No.52968212
File: 79 KB, 500x662, 1671205017440559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atleast tulips are pretty, what does your digital ponzi scheme even do?

>> No.52968219

pets mart vs pet shart

>> No.52968220

It's called prostitution, oldest profession known

>> No.52968222

>people have been saying it forever, that makes it wrong!

>> No.52968477
File: 194 KB, 1024x700, tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. To understand speculative assets, like Dot.com 1999 or Crypto now, you should study the behavior and mindset of the Dutch niggas during Tulipmania. Its just human behavior, and repeats over and over and over and over. In the future it will repeat over and over and over and over.

My crypto mindset it based on this. The fucking chart will go down, and go down hard. Just be happy you made some money on the way up, but recognize it always ends up like Tulips. Fuck hodling.

>> No.52968491

Then use beannie babies as example. We just keep inventing new ponzi schemes.

>> No.52968522
File: 42 KB, 847x566, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Dot.com 1999
And of course the tech stocks never recovered from that one... (pic rel Nasdaq)

>> No.52968527
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>speculative assets are bad because they are okay

>> No.52968534
File: 73 KB, 1437x911, isaac-newtom-and-south-sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shit with smartass Issac Newton and the South Sea Company. Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.52968566

Ha ha we are literally in December of 1721.

>> No.52968643

crypto was basically born and raised in post 2008 zero interest AND money-printing ecosystem, where people had so much free money they were looking where to put it. now it's a new paradigm: people don't have money to throw at BTC any longer. they have to pay more for everything due to inflation, and can't take interest free loans. and suddenly they have many more investment options.
crypto does nothing for the people who invest in it.
in fact, it's detrimental on many levels:
it doesn't safeguard your money which can be lost to hacks, stolen keys, rugpulls, hammer attacks, lost keys, exchange implosions, frontrunning bots and a token crashing to 0 because it had a security/programming/thematic flaw nobody could even notice.
it doesn't provide real world applications, despite the "tech" projects promising that for years, and even when some do, the project value is usually 1/10000 of the MC.
crypto is done for. it was a nice episode in our lifetime, but we need to go on with our lives.

>> No.52971056

I count only one year

>> No.52971114

looks suspiciously like a bigger version of the previous collapse

>> No.52971287

Ummm sweetie, bitcoin is backed by energy -- because it takes energy to make it. Unlike tulips, it has inherent value. Please read a book.

>> No.52971461

That’s the stupidest argument I have ever heard on biz. You fuckers wasted electricity just to solve some arbitrary math problem.

>> No.52972341

yes. Thread done . biz is done. Bye.

>> No.52972494

Yes, 99.999% of crypto is crap, tell us something we don't know
A small fraction of a minority of people in this world think like you. The western affluent liberal privileged types, who never lacked for anything, fat on a steady allowance of dollars from daddy.
At the end of the day, people just want reliable money. Not everyone enjoys the luxuries afforded by the greatest military industrial complex the world has ever seen backing their world reserve currency.
6 or 7 billion people have to settle for an even worse fiat shitcoin than the dollar.
So your perspective is limited by your privilege & lack of awareness. Billions of people in this world want access to dollars. "Crypto" gives them easy access to 'dollars'
What's more, they will want access to the new digital monies improving on the dollar's design that we see sprouting up all over the place like green in the spring. Non-state, free wild natural digital currencies. Many shoot up to wither like weeds. The best will tower over all like mighty sequoia for a thousands of years transforming the world in its shadow

>> No.52972523

Zoom out nigger

>> No.52972667

there are already hicks shooting at the power grid and you seriously think a digital currency will last a thousand years?
>hello I am vietnamese I am in one of poorest countries in world no I don't want gold chains hoarded by everyone in vietnam I want sequoia of western numbers on screen
one thousand years of people trading numbers on technology that has existed for a decade or two. EVERYONE wants it, except for the small fraction of a minority of silver spoon west coast libtards. indian agrarian families are just itching to trade shitcoins with the local coconut dealer who doesn't even have a phone. japanese are feeling pretty burdened with their poopy yen they are desperate for internet tokens

>> No.52972696

what did they do with those tulips? I planted tulips this year and theyre cool but they're dead in a couple weeks

>> No.52972723

Bruh you have no idea how early we are in the adoption of the internet. You're going to see both wonders and horrors beyond your imagination. So yeah your coconut dealer is going to be taking Bitcoin because it will be a better store of value than whatever shit paper his warlord hands out

>> No.52972747

>And of course the tech stocks never recovered from that one

if you weigh it for inflation it actually took 18 years for NASDAQ to pass ath

>> No.52972795

indians, even poor ones, own gold. they have multiple customs that demand it. I think you're right that there is a looming currency revolution, or unrevolution. just wrong about the form it will take. you must have some cheese bags heavy in your pocket.
just look to nigeria if you want to see the reality of your sprouting sequoia that EVERYONE wants.

>> No.52972879

Yes, I believe the power grid will overcome the hicks and last thousands of years, because that is what technology wants. The so-called 'power grid' is a super organism. It would be like hicks trying to stop mushrooms pointing their AKs at hyphae. Doesn't work
You miss the point, which isn't surprising of a biztard. The point is that anyone with internet can now has choice of currency. They simply need to possess increasingly common knowledge and make a few mouse clicks. So, that is world changing. New arenas of competition emerge.
Of course, the dollar is king, because the US army is strongest, plus most banking jews are overinvested.
Tides change quick

>> No.52972985

bottom signal
>$1K LINK 2023

>> No.52973074

>99.999% of crypto is crap, tell us something we don't know
99.999% of the people here never had to do P2P sales where one often has to deal with scammers and getting fucked by Paypal

>I don't want gold chains hoarded by everyone in vietnam
I can't use gold chains to trade with someone in Vietnam from my house
I can't even use gold chains to trade with someone in the same state without needing hours to meet up and then verify the gold is real, etc

>> No.52973409

I know you're going to think that I'm just an ignorant bagholder or an unintelligent fool, but this comparison to Tulips or Beanie babies really is an IQ test. If you really believe this comparison, then you were probably already close to having a negative opinion of cryptocurrencies in the first place. This push your opinions in one direction or another because it was the path of least resistance. "So what makes you different?" I hear you ask. I am not going to pretend I am some insider or market genius. Cryptocurrencies are seriously important for the future of automation. They are a key building block of the future, just as important as the neural networks that give rise to AI that does amazing things, just as important as the internet.

If you cannot see this, just please remember that the majority of people didn't really think the internet would be very important until it was undeniable. Cryptocurrencies are no different, but I don't think that it is some giant conspiracy trying to hide this from you. Just like the average Joe didn't really think much of the internet, the average Joe today doesn't think much of cryptocurrencies. There are people out there trying to mislead you though. I'm looking at you Paul Krugman. Whatever. It doesn't matter to us if you participate or not, we will make the same amount of money with or without you. Please don't ignore this because of some preconceived notions you may have about digital currencies.

Make no mistake, Bitcoin may not be around forever, but it will go down in our computer science textbooks, and I hope in our History textbooks as well, even if only as a small footnote at the bottom of a page.
*Bitcoin was the first digital currency ever created.

tldr if you don't understand how cryptocurrencies are going to change the world in a similar manner as the internet, you haven't read enough or maybe you're not smart enough. Ask yourself why most people didn't believe the internet would be huge in the 80's.

>> No.52973511

The chart shows it took 18 years regardless of inflation

>> No.52973573

this reads like some word salad thrown together by a poltard trying to sound wise for le potential screencap while throwing in some vague predictions

>> No.52973635

zoom out retard

>> No.52973782

Even if you accept that 'crypto' was born in some super unique post-2008 zero-interest abundant money era AND you account for the obviously true risks of hacks, stolen keys, rugs, SBF villains, etc...
The huge gap in >>52968643 's thinking is that people all over the world want dollars. Dollars can be very hard to get. USD stablecoins are easier and easier to get because of "crypo". That is the only real world application you really need. Give people easy access to something better than their local unreliable fiat currency, the capital will flow from weak to strong.
Where is your disagreement other than petty quibbling about muh 'word salad'
Only a poltard would utter the words 'word salad'

>> No.52974489

Tulips were not scarce, you stand no chance with your bullshit comparison

>> No.52974675

You’re clearly talking a CBDC my brother in Christ; there is a clear distinction between CBDC’s and cryptos right now, and it’s the first two letters.
Central Banks are the complete antithesis to Cryptos as a whole, they’re not better then a dollar printed on a green note. People who really want crypto want it for the decentralised nature of it. You even bringing Nigeria up shows you don’t understand what you’re talking about you complete fucking faggot (probably from Canada).

>> No.52974733

This. No one predicted the internet; look what it had achieved/changed/built value as now.
Digital Currencies were always going to be a natural evolution of regular currencies once the internet was a thing; the ability to trade with someone internationally and directly in the same currency as each other with a miniscule occurrence of time needed for the actual transfer of currency trader to trader. The writing was on the wall, and the fact CBDC’s are openly being developed by numerous countries right now means DC’s are inevitable. Bitcoin may come and go as stated, but decentralised digital trading will not and the want for a service like that will only grow

>> No.52975059


>> No.52976022

Definitely not. There are real-life applications. It's only a matter of time before the entry barrier is sufficiently lowered

>> No.52976060
File: 5 KB, 165x126, 1660816047452406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Decentralization is what ultimately defines crypto. The only problem is the technical side of it

>> No.52976123

That's kind of the point, dipshit.
Energy was expended to create it... you can't get it for free.

>> No.52976165

>chart that isnt even 1 year old
>btc has been steadily increasing in price for over a decade now
>this is somehow a win for boomers for as long as time itself was invented as a concept
Boomer retardation never ceases to amaze me sometimes

>> No.52976246
File: 485 KB, 1430x917, tulip_centuries_long_golden_bullrun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i will remind them that the tulip bubble never ended. it has actually been a tulip bullrun this whole time.

>> No.52976420
File: 80 KB, 1104x584, 228373333927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onboarding solutions such as ORE network is already helping with that

>> No.52977018

well it gave me freedom and i travelled around and had a great time, eating great food and found a girlfriend. and if i didn't have bitcoin none of this would have been possible.

>> No.52977298

>people don't have money to throw at BTC any longer.
My trade history on coinbase says otherwise.

>> No.52977316

>in fact, it's detrimental on many levels:
>it doesn't safeguard your money which can be lost to hacks, stolen keys, rugpulls, hammer attacks, lost keys, exchange implosions, frontrunning bots and a token crashing to 0
All of that shit is a lie though.

>> No.52977338

>Billions of people in this world want access to dollars. "Crypto" gives them easy access to 'dollars'
Mother fucker, I sold weed and got bit coin instead of cash.
I've traded bullets for crypto.

>> No.52977694

>complete fucking faggot (probably from Canada).
Most Americans are faggots, I'm Canadian and I own crypto.
Kill yourself.
>WAH Canadians fucked my girlfriend so now I'm gonna cry to 4chan.
I bet that faggot is from America because ameri mutts hate crypto.

>> No.52977729
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1653011063527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard it before therefore it's not true
The zoomer brain, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.52978017

a fiat money system dies every 12 years on average

>> No.52978300

>hope you had a good time, goy, but it's time to return to the broken fiat system, don't worry, it's gonna be fine because we are going to update it with new slave features like 1984-style non-stop surveillance, negative interest rates/no savings mode, individual CO2 emissions limits, race/gender/sexuality rewards/penalties and switching your money on and off whenever we like so that you won't be a bad goy
how bout no

>> No.52978447

>just look to nigeria
Nigerians do everything in their power not to use their governments' shitty CBDC you moron, their CBDC project was a complete utter failure that's why they got so desperate to even introduce fees on cash payments

>> No.52979034
File: 266 KB, 1776x590, 1671660349264554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely not