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52967199 No.52967199 [Reply] [Original]

How do people manage to be content with being poor? They feel inferior because of their status, yet they accept it willingly like a good slave. I simply don't get it.

>> No.52967263
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I wish I could beat a Chainlink Labs employee for making me poor

>> No.52967274

Some people are built different. I've had a get rich or die trying mentality since I was a teenager. I wanted to fuck the hottest girls, live in a nice house, nice car, be respected, be desired by women.

I have friends who are content with being fat, having a shitty job, playing vidya and eating fast food everyday. They are happy to have a girlfriend with a body counts above 30, previously divorced, fat and ugly.

I don't understand it either, I've just accepted some people are different.

>> No.52967314
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Wash your penis.
Walk around with your claws up, like that lobster. Not some machiavellian rat here to sully the board with your lies.

>> No.52967397

I eat like shit. Like I literally eat just beans and cheese basically and drink protein shakes. Sometimes multivitamins to stay up. I am actually fairly content living like this, I think that the worst thing is not being able to afford a room. I live with a seriously unstable low functioning psychopath who threatens my life in a regular basis, but the only reason I still live here is because I simply can not afford to live elsewhere due to the sheer minimum salary requirements most renters have.

Even if you have a basic full time job where I live you would need a roommate. I don't have a family home to live in, I must rent with a stranger. Since I can't afford a car, I can't drive over to a different state and thrive there. Being poor is easy, but I just want to live with more basic personal freedom.

In my experience all jobs are bad, some just pay more. Fast food is kinda shitty granted. Vidya is based.

The girl with a body count thing. I actually cringe when anyone really cares. You just seem like an entitled baby that fails to recognize the sentience of other beings. If I were a chick I probably would also have a high body count. I can't be a hypocrit and say that it's bad for women to do this. Life is short and it's selfish to expect people to be chaste.

>> No.52967472


I find that generally people who say shit like this are Try-Hard Brads trying to gain some intangible Alpha Points. Most of us would agree with your sentiments, but please focus on yourself, King.

As for the actual answer - you don't know what people are going through. That CHAD you see working at Mc Donalds might have debilitating back pain or a crippled mother or something.
Also, some people are not taught how to problem-solve. This sounds really basic but it's true, some people think problems are not *meant* to be solved. You may catch yourself doing this, I catch myself doing it sometimes: Bitching about a problem more than actually fixing it. Some people are taught that obstacles exist that are insurmountable, despite the fact humanity has been overcoming obstacles for thousands of years, THEY are a special unique person who is just somehow fucked. It's all a part of the victim mentality package being sold these days.

>> No.52967485

>I wanted to fuck the hottest girls, live in a nice house, nice car, be respected, be desired by women.
Those are shallow as fuck ideas, but still better than being content with your mediocrity. I've managed to get out of my third world shithole, became the first person to get a degree and achieved so called "middle-class" life and it feels like shit. I didn't try this hard just to be a wagie in a cagie. And seeing people that are happy with their miserable lives filling every moment of their life with some pointless shit just not to think about how empty it really is makes me feel sick.

>> No.52967603
File: 456 KB, 1644x2541, 4chan incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand it either, I've just accepted some people are different.
Correct. Not everyone is an INTJ incel with no self awareness that browses 4chan.

>> No.52967727

I started my own company at 24 and have been my own boss for 9 years now, working on my own schedule from home.

I play Vidya as well but all things in moderation. There's plenty of examples of guys putting all of their free time into vidya and becoming losers. Same with porn.

>I actually cringe when anyone really cares

You should look up the statistics on divorce rates when the woman has had more than 5 partners. It fucks up pair bonding. Also it's embarrassing to commit to a girl that everyone else has fucked. You have truly beta personality traits. The reason female promiscuity is looked down upon is because it's easy for them. Fat ugly girls can have a body count in the triple digits by 30 easily. Clearly you have let (((them))) brainwash you into being a beta cuck. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.52967952


>> No.52967988

being poor is genetic. it's in their blood. they can trace back their poorniggerdom to medieval times. it's a natural state of being for them and their family, for literally hundreds of years.

>> No.52968124


>> No.52968148

You are poor. Financially and especially mentally speaking.

>> No.52968171
File: 54 KB, 992x558, HT_Pepe_the_frog_hb_160928_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should look up the statistics on divorce rates when the woman has had more than 5 partners.
gf and I have both had 12 partners before each other but have been dating for 4 years
Are we fucked? Tell me now before I go spend another christmas with her family

>> No.52968187

Short term? No
Long term? Lmao you two won’t even make it far enough to worry about long term problems

>> No.52968204

Less is more. If you’re able to be content with less you’ll be happier. Now I’m not condoning being a fat lazy slob and owning nothing, I’m just saying I’d could be pretty happy being middle class with just one modest sized house and the free time to play sports and videogames. I don’t really need to be filthy rich to be happy. That said I’m still trying to make it purely because I hate working so much.

>> No.52968209

>Also it's embarrassing to commit to a girl that everyone else has fucked.
This is the most incel thing anyone could say.
Anyone that really have at very least had some pussy in their lives knows you are a fucking virgin. If a stupid like you are fucking anyone in your city / country, i can guarantee that i would triplicate the human population on Earth just going there.

Literally anyone, any person that says that needs money to fuck women is automatically a looser.

Fucking simple.

>> No.52968238

It’s just cope. The real insufferable ones are the people that brag about it like it’s a noble thing to be poor. From them you hear shit like, I’m good person, I’m part of the greater good, I got it honest.

>> No.52968249

You sound like the beta virgin who is willing to commit to any pussy that comes along. Are you really saying that if you found out all of your male friends ran a train on your gf before you started dating that you wouldn't care at all? If so you have a cuck fetish and should get help.

>> No.52968277

this post.

>> No.52968292

>How do people manage to be content with being poor?
Because they listen to capitalist propaganda.

>> No.52968346

>140m LINK dumped at an average price of $20
They laughing at you anonymous.

>> No.52968360

>long term
We've already been together 4 years

>> No.52968432

Okay cool fantasy chud

>> No.52968438

>Are you really saying that if you found out all of your male friends ran a train on your gf before you started dating that you wouldn't care at all?

Let's clarify your beta limited mind first...

1 - All womens. I said all. All of them, are Sluts. Whores. There is no women in this world that is not a fucking slut.
For someone like you full of insecurity and a very tinny dick, obviously this is a threat.
For me, this is a bless.

2 - Girlfriend, Marriage and everything related is a retarded myth that are doomed to failure and eventually unhappiness.
You will never have a women that is "yours".
If she is "yours" at some "level", believe you or not, she also have desire to suck and fuck others cock now and then. Maybe not the frequency us man do. Maybe not. But believe me, womens do as well.

3 - With very few exceptions, the basic rule is: every past stay in the past.
You are just naive. The women that fucked many mans before can masturbate to it alone or even think: "well, at least i lived my life".
But the retarded virgin from church that never did nothing like that, surely will "fall in to her knees" at the very first chad rushing her.

>> No.52968480

Okay so you are just retarded and think no one should be in relationships and all women are whores (including your mother). Anyone who thinks they should be selective about the mother of their children you will just insult as a "virgin" because they arent fucking a different slut every night. I can tell you are a 19 year old idealistic incel that thinks hes a chad when hes a beta cuck.

All of your points are invalid now.

>> No.52968524

fuck with this stupid chan....
full of ugly, incompetent, fat goddam loosers.
i could literally bash all your heads with baseball bat till become a a red pasta.
"muh money" " muh will make it"

fucking kill yourselfs already you all incompetent fucks. please, ban yourself s from the genetic pool.

>> No.52968560

>(including your mother)

And your mother too.
And everyone here in this thread and even the Jannie, who is the lowest scum on earth is included as equal in this case.

>> No.52968587

Most women go from LTR to LTR with a handful of dalliances in between, if that. Incels don't know this cos incels don't work or leave the house.

>> No.52968605
File: 150 KB, 1382x716, V15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The girl with a body count thing. I actually cringe when anyone really cares.

Have fun with your divorce retard.

>> No.52968609

>should be selective
You should be selective by things that truly have value your bloody idiot.
Like... if she is tolerable, if she is not so fucking whining... this things.
not about many cocks she gobled up with her hungry pussy.

>> No.52968679

you are a bitch

>> No.52968697

>Have fun with your divorce retard.
he doesn't know...

>> No.52968716

nah, you can't expect to really offend someone with this now days kid.

>> No.52968817

My girls body count is 8 before me y’all think this is too much for a senior in college?

>> No.52969006

>4 years

>> No.52969061

That is a man

>> No.52969121

You act like becoming rich is super easy. It's not.

>> No.52969128

>This is the most incel thing anyone could say
>All womens. I said all. All of them, are Sluts. Whores. There is no women in this world that is not a fucking slut.
lol wat

>> No.52969979

How’s the air up there lol, y’all realize poverty is a cycle trap and it’s increasingly difficult to mobilize yourself upwards without direct help, but by all means, please continue to just make yourselves feel better about inheriting daddy’s money and not working for it please

>> No.52971516

most people simply live their lives, retard.

>> No.52971558
File: 144 KB, 900x439, EuMq6uqVoAglWqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do people manage to be content with being poor?
Alcohol. As long as beer is cheep and there's something good on television there will never be real, grass roots social change in America.

>> No.52972379

>He lets the opinions of internet strangers affect how he perceives his gf

You're gonna make it bud!

>> No.52972418
File: 1.14 MB, 1182x1239, 8C795E0F-ADEF-4E77-93E7-B1287A8CB383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they’re just happy with the stability they’ve attained. They don’t want to put the effort in to change their lives for the better because that involves making risks and they’re terrified of risks (which is why they also don’t invest in markets). Seriously, so many normies are mortified of the markets.

>> No.52972469

The webm and caption is retarded. That bitch could very well be drunk as fuck and acting like an annoying retard. Everyone with enough drinks can achieve that level of confidence and annoyance. I also assume she’s drunk bc of how low her eyes are.

>> No.52972502
File: 1.65 MB, 2433x3490, 9778CC84-7D2E-4123-9ACE-6925ABE824CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52974164

Poorfags cope with religion. And I don't blame them, most richfags are corrupt and did corrupt things to earn that money or went full narc/psychopath