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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52966081 No.52966081 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here have any actual "side hustles" that earns 500-1000 usd per month?

>> No.52966098

i made almost 1k on a few hours of FOREX trading, but right now im getting destroyed in bad positions.

>> No.52966105
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>anyone here have any actual "side hustles" that earns 500-1000 usd per month?

>> No.52966120


>> No.52966140
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Yes nigger

>> No.52966150

is that not what crypto is to you? you do have a job right?

>> No.52966153

donate blood/plasma if you're in the US or any country that pays for it I can't believe this fucking hellhole of mine doesn't and I envy tou fucking cunts getting free money for such a simple task fuck you

>> No.52966178

Sucking dicks. You'll get used to it after a while...

>> No.52966180

yea my t-bills sucka

>> No.52966191

I drive.

>> No.52966207

not bad. what do you do

im just bag holding now atm.

i donated plasma recently, just once. $100 for first timers and $30 for the rest. apparently during increased demand period they were giving $700 for first timers.

theres only 2 centers in my area anyway.

i bought an i bond. redpill me on t bills?

>> No.52966509

yes, 3D printing with sales averaging around $1500/month this year

>> No.52966518

you can make lots of money through the gig economy. instacart can net 8k a month for 150 hours of work. or you can do uber. but if you want something more blue collar look for nightshift jobs in the shipping industry, or move to a oil state and be a field worker. there is no barrier to entry to those industries, just like with the gig economy. they take anyone.

>> No.52966521

if you bought bonds the bottom is in

>> No.52966533

when life gave me small hands, i larp as a woman and sell hand pics

>> No.52966546

What are you printing ?

>> No.52966570

do people really use instacart?

>> No.52966597

seconding this

>> No.52966628

Mostly this thing I came up with, not gonna tell you what though.

>> No.52966645

let us join your secret club anon

>> No.52966661

where do you even buy a 3d printer from?

>> No.52966735

nah there's enough competition as is.
eh what? You can get them anywhere these days. A few hundred is enough to get a machine, which already prints good enough to sell.

>> No.52966948

So many resale threads. Y’all pathetic. Go sell drugs you useless ingrates

>> No.52966972


>> No.52967034

crypto isn't a side hustle unless you got ways of generating passive income via defi even tho that isn't working so well in the bear market

I'm still staking a few cryptos regardless; evmos on it's native pool, gmx which offers real yield and ride staking on Maiar

>> No.52967171

can you fucking make a google ssearch. its really that simple

>> No.52967196

fucking larper...who buys some 3d things on line

>> No.52967231

Yes. Selling food in front of bars 1 per week has been 3x my original investment and it’s about $600 a month

>> No.52967256

kek, Anon, I...

>> No.52967270

Wouldn't say staking is a reliable side hustle as crypto can be quite volatile and yields pay out may change overtime..

feels good to earn passive yields on your bags while holding long term anyways.

>> No.52967285

What kinda food do you sell anon?

>> No.52967384


>> No.52967411

Roasted balls

>> No.52967452
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Got some ride for it's skyjack NFT mint recently.. seems based with the new VR gameplay and all that shit

>> No.52967531

>Take a virtual assistant training
>Work as a VA and earn around $500 monthly

>> No.52967553

Know anyone who would buy my blue meth? I cook good

>> No.52967583

Nfts as in-game avatar in virtual reality environment is the real deal

>> No.52967731

Selling your plasma seems fairly souless and dystopian. Somewhere down the line I can imagine some sort of "sell your body for a month for x amount of dollars". It would involve putting you in a coma for a month hooking your body up to many machines. Through out the month, plasma, blood, wisdom teeth, small bits of your liver, a kidney (optional), hair, bone marrow, various hormones, semen, nails, milk (if woman),
If you're a woman, you can rent out your body for 9 months, this is where the woman is pregnanted and the fetus is harvested for stem cells and whatever fucked up shit Jews like to do.

Bit of a side track, but donating long term can not be healthy.

>> No.52967751


>> No.52967783

why do you write FOREX and not just forex?

>> No.52968120

People apparently

>> No.52968282

Troon yourself and post feet pics on twitter. Open a Patreon, Subscribestar, onlyfans and a commission service for feet degen fantasy
You'll be racking so much money in no time

>> No.52968308

I flip real estate and make payments in crypto the cashback interest of 1.5% goes a long way

>> No.52968319
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Follow your passion, find people online and real-life who will pay you to do it.

>> No.52968332

Broke tranny Reddit nigger needs $500 a month kek
Go fucking back

>> No.52968339
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Slurrpin the dipprino

>> No.52968517

Do you use a resin or filament 3d printer? I have a filament one I regret buying since it's so slow and the prints look like dogshit but maybe thats because I dont know what I'm doing

>> No.52968616
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Bacon wrapped hot dogs in SoCal. I post up in front of bars/liquor stores and I usually spend $2.50 to make every dog and I sell them for $8 with a soda and chips

>> No.52968671

If you are based in the EU or Dubia then this is visible because not so many real estates companies accept crypto as payment, I only know of Kensington, zome, and Fortera

>> No.52968779

nigger 99% sells their time and health just to stay alive anyway and this is no way different.

You don't think construction workers are selling their cartilage, spinal column, knees and everything else. People sit in front of a screen for 8 hours and are literally selling brainpower to the system.

Not trying to be an edgy teenager, but it isn't really that dystopian

>> No.52968835

Sell your blood and drive around on trash day looking for resale items. Throw in some food stamps and you’re good to go my man

>> No.52968853

do you know what their annual revenue is

>> No.52970214


>> No.52970228

>Side hustle
I trade covered calls like a proper hu-white man

>> No.52970646

>absolute hell-hole where healthy upstanding people willingly donate blood for free as opposed to a paradise that has drug addicts and other desperate shits selling of their body

>> No.52970667

After Ebay fees, taxes and the initial purchasing cost, how much are you left with in profit?

>> No.52970675
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PMs ftw

>> No.52970734

Has anyone tried any of these online freelance transcribing jobs? With companies like Rev or any of the other similar ones?
From my research it seems like it's hard to make anything more than a few bucks an hour. Seems like a waste of time but I figured I'd ask if anyone else had any experience with them.

>> No.52970757

I do transcription as one element of my job and it fucking sucks, thank god we're going to outsource it now

>> No.52970769

if i move my investments properly i think i can make about that much through dividends

>> No.52971133

I worked for an online transcription company for a bit and I was probably making around 8-10$ an hour for how long it took me.
However, it was super annoying and you have to follow a bunch of formatting rules and the audio is poor a lot of the time (probably depends on what company you are working for), and you might not receive much work
My typing speed wasn't really up to the cut, only around 100wpm and it would force me to pause and relisten a lot taking up time. If you have maybe like 150 wpm and get used to the formatting rules and the company sees you are doing well and gives you more work it might be decent. But from my experience and what I've heard from others, it isn't really worth and you should find something else.

>> No.52971143

shit out 10 beats in a day, sell them for 40$ a piece

>> No.52971508

I make $800 a month easy online from Pokémon. Gotta suck my balls!

>> No.52971530

how you sell those beats?

>> No.52971571

I sell green electricity, mine cryptos, grow food. Gonna get some servers.

If I lived somewhere populated I'd setup helium miners, the good ones.

>> No.52971580

Black market unvaccinated blood.

>> No.52971608


Natural sperm donation, I basically get paid to have sex and coom in women

>> No.52971615

PROTIP: If you deliver pizza's travel to a more affluent area - bigger tips and less murder.

>> No.52971682
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how long does it take for them to sell? I've been selling beats for 2 years and only made close to 1k in total.

Are you using ads or do you have a decent email list? I have collected over 2 thousand email addresses comprising of my customers and people who downloaded my beats for free. Wondering what strategy I should use convert those free downloaders into customers. Pic related it's my current plays and downloads for this year.

>> No.52971759

I make about 4k a month from YouTube videos. I use b roll footage and talk about a niche hobby. Mostly short documentary style videos.

>> No.52971904

>8-10$ an hour for how long it took me.
that's not as bad as some stories I hear. my spelling and grammar are great and I type fast so I could probably squeeze that much at least, i think.
the issues you've outlined are exactly the problems i've seen others complain about. particularly the bullshit formatting rules that slow you down, and the poor audio quality. also cross-talk between multiple speakers slows down the process.
thanks for the info.

>> No.52971947

Vaxxies need to pay a lot more for my blood, more than gold honestly

>> No.52971951

I make 500-1000% on my products, shitting you not, so all that is just noise.
I account for taxes with every purchase and flip as that’s what kills the most, eBay fees aren’t a huge deal.

So, you saw 5k in the last 90 days, 4-4.2k if that is profit.
Not what I use but nice man those are some pricey items you got

>> No.52972730


>> No.52972971
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>Diaper can replacement bags cost triple in my country than what they did on amazon.co.uk so I purchased massive amounts with BCH and additional discount from purse.io and resold them.
Even met some milfs along the way.
>I also wrote $5 articles for fiverr back in the day when everything actually was $5. Not very cost-efficient until you realize I did it at work.
>My first ever side hustle was mining litecoin (Dec 2012/Jan 2013) in my student dorm where I didn't pay for electricity. I scaled it to 12 graphics cards.
>Bitcointalk bounty programs made me probably half a mil, if you consider the further appreciation of my cryptos.
>I wrote a scraper bot and I'd offer to scrape websites for blackhatworld users for a commission fee.
These are the ones I can think of, I've done plenty more.
I don't know if I knew how much fun I was having, but I think dearly of those times between my 20th and 30th birthday.

>> No.52973324

Privacy is one of the primary questions behind DeFi, should be taken note of when doing defi transactions

>> No.52973331

sticker shop. requires work but its not hard. find your niche and tackle it. anime dogshit sticker sites bring in at least 5 digit revenue a year and the start up capital is very minimal.

>> No.52974198

Who doesn't want to keep their transaction private and not the world knowing how much you've got.

>> No.52975624

I make about $400 per month on a play to earn game called Upland.

>> No.52975987
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lol nigger

>> No.52976627

forced meme

>> No.52976858

i want to learn more about youtubing, what is your CPM like?
how often do you upload new content?
how autistic is your niche hobby?

>> No.52976950

It’s a portmanteau for foreign exchange

>> No.52977034

what is b-roll footage and what are good places to source some?

>> No.52977054

VA benefits, at 70% I get like $1500/mo tax free, also free health care

>> No.52977056
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bitdao embassy.

>> No.52978740
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yes, but i wouldn't recommend it

>> No.52978758

selling drugs

>> No.52979329

Dont tell em please

>> No.52979498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52979499

Look at these faggots askimg retarded questions that are easily answered by just common sense, I wonder…
I was in graphic design until i made 3x the money per year in 2 months with options
Fuck labor

>> No.52979578

The fact you can't click the proper poster to which you are replying and are incapable of performing a simple web sesrch tells me you should never be allowed to make it and the people giving you all these answers should stop and realize they are helping a worthless chimpanzee nigger.
>Look at his picture posted. He's incognegro and he is making fun of you white men.

>> No.52979682

Anon(s)... idk who you are but dont stop posting these. God bless.

>> No.52980375
