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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 454 KB, 1600x2625, 1-tTZje_Wmpl9ge1Yk0ZlLww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5296395 No.5296395 [Reply] [Original]

No wonder this is considered the Monero killer. How the fuck can they even compete with this?

>> No.5296444

they could use a vpn

>> No.5296464

because its just bitcoin with tor in it lol.

>> No.5296489

nice meme faggot

>> No.5296493

lol, it just has tor integration. wow much revolutionary very wow. as if there aren't older coins who do this or better already.
verge has no reason to exist.

>> No.5296520

btw "thanks buddy" should be "thanks, bitch". if you're going to leech off pop culture at least do it right.

>> No.5296529


How can you not even understand this picture?

>> No.5296541
File: 47 KB, 473x424, 1513045365496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dogecoin dark and a scam. Dont get me wrong I'm also an XVG Marine. I have around 75k, but it's extremely dangerous to be in. Use a trailing stop loss, set price alerts and watch this one closely son. It's mooning due to Wraith, however, the developer has failed to deliver the protocol 3 times. Be careful.
This folks are right
Use a trailing stoploss son

>> No.5296577

An on/off switch is not the same as complete privacy. At all.

>> No.5296613
File: 1.22 MB, 1794x2840, 1506789835403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Typical shills..
You know you are getting dethrowned within days.

6 sec tx speeds
near non-existant fees
limited supply (unlike Monero)
actual privacy, no IP leaks
Wraith Protocol..
The list just goes on and on.

>> No.5296665
File: 960 KB, 430x324, 1512805283822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes just buy high sell low biz, never change

>> No.5296733
File: 21 KB, 440x439, 1513043284662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anybody considering using XVG for anything private this is not a solution see;
Due to the misinformation though the price is still going to rise. I'm seeing a dollar in the near future. Look at that link I shared nobody will use XVG it's only for pure speculation.
You are right. However not everyone is smart as you. XVG will still dramatically rise in price.

>> No.5296783

Well yeah its crypto who cares if shit actually works or not lmao

>> No.5296837

The meme has gotten too far. It was cute at first.

>> No.5296917
File: 61 KB, 435x501, 1513571811696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also don't think it works. However many do not know that and this one is sure to be dumped soon once the pumpers reach their target. I might be old and what you youngins call a lurker but XVG is the 1st coin I have around 4000% ROI on. If you want to get in set a tight trailing stop loss and be psychologically ready for the dumping. Otherwise you will be left with bags for months. Just a piece of advice anons.

>> No.5296928

i dont´t think it would be very hard for the monero team to add TOR to their coin.

>> No.5297232


Do you really think a handful of people will take the time to pump this to 4000% ROI? Pumping is done on shitcoins, you would need BILLIONS to do a pump like Verge. That did not happen. This is STEADY growth over YEARS. Verge has been around for YEARS.

>> No.5297361
File: 40 KB, 600x579, UsLK1nK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought verge a long time ago...when it was very cheap. I was there during the DogeCoin triforks. I was there when DogeCoin Dark was announced. I was there when it was still DogeCoin Dark. I was there when the verge Dev failed to deliver on wraith. I'm taking my time to warn strangers on an anonymous sub forum about a coin with a shady history. What are you on about? Some have held verge longer than me and have 6-7000% ROI

>> No.5297373

oh hey the image is a reference to breaking bad characters, jesse walter and gus lol

>> No.5297380

can't tell if you faggots are trying to help, or simply fuding for cheap coin

>> No.5297432

Serious question for OP. Do you get paid by the devs or do you do it for free for your own shares?

>> No.5297458

>actual privacy (no reasons given), no ip leaks
Like anyone cares about an IP leak with monero.
>wraith protocol
Is this supposed to mean something? Shill harder you dumb faggot.

>> No.5297462


I do it for free cause I am a shareholder of 150K and I would love for seeing this coin take-over Monero. I been in privacy coins for a longer time than this and to me it's become more than obvious that it's time for this King to take the stage.

>> No.5297470

>shady history
This. I remember the shitshow around this coin only 6 months ago

>> No.5297482
File: 244 KB, 646x481, FireShot Capture 5 - Guide on Privacy Coins_ Comparison of _ - https___masterthecrypto.com_privacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for the Reddit links. I know its not your favourite website, but they are good detectives.

>> No.5297488 [DELETED] 

>I been in privacy coins
pajeet pls go
Some of us want actual privacy in a crypto for real use cases and not just gains.

>> No.5297510

>I been in privacy coins for a longer time than this
pajeet pls go
Some of us want actual privacy in a crypto for real use cases and not just gains.

>> No.5297516

Lol verge is shit. Doesnt even obfuscate IPs. fucking scrubs. If you want a real anon coin, PIVX is one of the best going right now. Zerocoin protocol, stakes, and 1 minute blocks.

>> No.5297536

it was dogecoin dark. that saysenough

>> No.5297551

>If you want a real anon coin, PIVX is one of the best

>> No.5297606 [DELETED] 

Why is a pajeet at the top of your diagram?

I swear this is why blue chippers will be the aristocracy

>> No.5298304


thanks just bought *obuscated* k of dogecoindark shit

>> No.5298381

Not that anyone here gives a shit about actual technology behind crypto, but I'm pretty sure any widespread implementation of a currency like this would absolutely choke within the tor network.

>> No.5298434

I don't have any faith in this coin and I really hate all the normie hype but I am so tempted to buy some just because that wraith protocol logo is A E S T H E T I C

>> No.5298487

You do realize tor isn't secure right?
surely you're not that fucking retarded

>> No.5298528
File: 11 KB, 576x98, ine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5298603

lol this is pathetic
so instead of all the fancy cryptographic Monero privacy features like hiding balances etc.

all Wraith does is do Bitcoin over tor

you know you can do literally any cryptocurrency over tor right?

>> No.5298629
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1510172791434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wraith supposed to come nov 5th
>nothing happens
>months go by with 0 news, 0 hype, and no development
>adds 5 billion to mc in a couple days

yup this is fine. totally makes sense.

>> No.5298692

Well according to https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/6813/what-is-the-difference-between-monero-xmr-and-verge-xvg the wraith shit is literally just stealth addresses.