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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 958x638, CN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52964223 No.52964223 [Reply] [Original]

>Is clearly the next economic power
How to profit off this?

>> No.52964259
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>Is clearly the next economic power
>How to profit off this?
don't know because their stock market is shit

>inb4 seething ZOGmericans claiming their country full of niggers will still dominate the world

>> No.52964263 [DELETED] 

buncha dirty chinks that can't even build an elevator?

>> No.52964281

>Is clearly the next economic power

>> No.52964298

>collapse over the flu
>for the 5th time in history since unification
>unification was achieved with mass murder

>> No.52964300

>the next

It already is an economic power. Do you mean the next #1? Won't happen as long as their economic paradigm continues to be "copy whatever the United States is doing", by definition. They're also shady as fuck and no one trusts them with world reserve currency status, or as the seat of world investment, so they've got a long way to go with building that culture.

The world needed a new #2 with the downfall of the USSR and they fulfilled that. Now it's just stagnation for them.

>> No.52964313

>How to profit off this?
Learn Chinese and move to China

>> No.52964323
File: 14 KB, 290x335, China-USA-GDP-graph-economist-2010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Tyrone Fernandez O'Connor

>> No.52964348

>another dumbass post that doesn know what BRICS+ is

>> No.52964347

Learn mandarin.

>> No.52964362

unironically this is why Trump released COVID into China but just like Y: The Last Man it backfired dramatically.

>> No.52964373


1. Poor Person Points
2. Chinese "'"""""""""""""statistics and data""""""""""""""""

I genuinely don't care. They've been talking about passing us for 10 years now and they're still firmly 2nd place betas. In order to be #1 you gotta act like #1 and they don't, they just copy and past and steal and cheat, not a winning formula. It's alright, we'll continue to lead the world.

>> No.52964379
File: 81 KB, 500x500, BIu0vq.md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is a chink hellhole full of liars and thieves but pic related is closer to the truth. the jewnited states of muttmerica is in its death throes.

>> No.52964425
File: 1.11 MB, 640x800, 1635448092933.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, your country is dead

>> No.52964440

Short China, they've already topped. They've tried to figure out how manufacture durable goods/machinery/vehicles for 20 years and are still on the "copy western products directly" stage, they can only manufacture funko pops.

>> No.52964465

Am I wrong for thinking America's fundamental issues will be entirely solved if we round em niggers up and send them somewhere they will not bother us like menial labor camps or just nigger africa?

>> No.52964469


There's plenty I dislike about it. I'd rather stay here and try to fix those things while enjoying the life and riches than move to shit ass China.

>> No.52964473


>> No.52964490
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It would fix so... so.. so much. Fuck the South for holding us back from being a legitimate Mega Switzerland.

>> No.52964511
File: 313 KB, 1600x803, largest-trading-partners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit image ngl

>> No.52964536

This is massive cope. American 'brain power' is nothing else but Europeans/Asian brain they bought because of their Jewish money. As soon as another country take number 1 you'll see (((american))) intelligence leave the country for a better one.

Americans are fat, negrified and troons.

>> No.52964537

I'm more concerned with Chinas alien masters.

>> No.52964745

You do realize that economist just published an article stating chinas property crisis and aging population may cause china to never overtake the us economy. Basically you’ve been debunked

>> No.52964840

Western/Nip brains will never design anything for Chinese companies, Chinks don't enforce copyright laws and therefore designers will never make any money for their products.

>> No.52964864

They design something for asian women

>> No.52964924
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>> No.52964997

2019 is already in the past and China failed to overtake US

the current forecasts also do not look very good... analysts are worried about demographics, China needs a lot more babies

>> No.52965060

I’m just now learning Chinese women are pretty based and tradwifepilled, Korea and Japan a shit and in many cases literal whores.

>> No.52965104
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>> No.52965162

India is right next door. The day RIC stop fighting each other and unite it will be RIP the US.

>> No.52965179

I think you're about 40 years late to this.
Brazil and India are next.

>> No.52965236
File: 171 KB, 680x743, 1669226539085328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are le based and tradconservativesubmissivewifepilled for sure they will fuck me for free

>> No.52965266

already fucking one, touch grass and maybe you can get some grippy too

>> No.52965275
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>> No.52965304
File: 1.26 MB, 432x498, 1669719254201659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touch grass, i also got a body pillow of her
>no wait it's actually an harem of baste chinese tradwife submissive ladies that fuck me for free

>> No.52965326

I'm sorry bro, but your entire industrially base was developed by the templar corporate cabal in order to prototype the new prison system of society. You live in a prison state that is being tested for viability to use to enslave all of humanity.

>> No.52965442

you seem unstable and anime is for the mentally i’ll, shame that you’re reminded that your family doesn’t love you at this time of the year

>> No.52965491
File: 39 KB, 590x442, 1669419916448018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is clearly the next economic power
they already are, i don't think that they will go far beyond their current level.

anyway there is a opportunity to make a profit here. The chinese government is about to implement their CBDC an try to completely enslave their population once and for all, so chinese ppl will start looking for a way out of this economic hell and they will find a way out in privacy crytpos. Expect massive adoption of this kind of cryptos within the next 10 years. As a consequence, the value of these type of coins will skyrocket.

>> No.52965509

You don't
How else do you expect them to be the next economic power?

>> No.52965537


>> No.52965548

Buy gold the same rate they are.

>> No.52965783

>mentally i'll
ok bugman

>> No.52965785

you highly underestimate the great firewall and kernel-level access to any modern chip they have

>> No.52965802

>oh no I made a typo on my expensive phone
this is how I know you have no bitches lmao @ ur life

>> No.52965846

me on the left