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File: 484 KB, 457x822, 1546303056241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52962742 No.52962742 [Reply] [Original]

I want a body just like this but i feel it's unattainable. How many calories do I really need?

>> No.52962752

wrong board

>> No.52962762

Unattainable without roids. You can't be this big and shredded naturally. You have to pick one. focus on that bitdao embassy grind instead. retard.

>> No.52962790
File: 181 KB, 1732x1246, EXb2vSjX0AEgJXZ.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want a body like that kek

Women find that hilariously over compensating.

>> No.52962806

wrong. The hard part is eating enough to even weigh this much, but specific exercise can have you looking cut.

>> No.52962820

cope. 5 has the best look

>> No.52962823

i look like 13 and have no gf
nice body didn't cure my social autism

>> No.52962836

13 looks weird because of the skinny arms, lol

>> No.52962837

More like how much roids do you need. That isn't natural you fucking idiot. Why do you think there aren't any people like this before steroids were a thing?

>> No.52962841

>specific exercise can have you looking cut


>> No.52962851
File: 111 KB, 1080x754, STAY SAFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Specific exercise can have you looking cut
Spot reduction of fat is impossible you fucking retard.
You become "cut" by "cutting" your fucking caloric intake and losing body fat ***AND MUSCLE MASS
You can't just do 100 crunches a day and eat like the average American and expect to have a rippling 6 pack


>> No.52962866

>I want to live my life impressing other people instead of impressing myself
ngmi NPC behavior

>> No.52962883

You know I used to do 1000 pushups in the low 40 min mark with 45lb when I was a teen? 3k situps without stopping. Curling a 20lb dumbbell 1800 times per arm once every 2 sec without stopping? That kind of shit makes you look cut. Hard part is gaining excessive weight.

>> No.52962889

This is /biz/, not fit

This body type is attainable with probably 2-3 years of training and a couple years of gear.

It's not really feasible natty, I would recommend you train hard natty for at least 6 months to a year and see if you still feel the need to roid, at that point you'll have no problem finding the connect and even with gear you'll need a really strict diet to keep your body fat that low, but it's certainly a goal you can achieve if you are serious about it.

>> No.52962890

unattainable even with roids. most roiders look like shit. go over to the steroids subr*ddit if you want a laugh at what the average roider looks like. people who look like OP's pic are roids + top tier genetics + incredible work ethic.

>> No.52962891

The physique in the OP cannot be attained without roids. It's that absurd addition of mass to a body that clearly wasn't built for it. I'm not saying you can't look amazing natty, or even that his freakish appearance is better than the natty limit, I am saying that you don't get like that being natty.

>> No.52962896

retard alert
Also you can't even do my teen shit, faggot

>> No.52962903
File: 2 KB, 125x117, 1608148614047s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.3% and not 0.01%

>> No.52962917

>It's that absurd addition of mass to a body that clearly wasn't built for it.
Nah. Don't believe it. It's just insanely harder because the amount of food you'd have to eat is excessive. Hardest part of building muscle is the food intake. Well unless you have the stomach of an ameritard and low metabolism probably since I basically have to eat twice as much as people to gain the same amount of weight.

>> No.52962926

You need shitload of calories and a shitload of steroids for this

>> No.52962935
File: 94 KB, 382x275, Powerful Old Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No big belly but jacked arms and pecks
The study is clearly incomplete.

>> No.52962938
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1669918427607380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can achieve this body with 6 months of gym training EZ

>t. i look like that

>> No.52962955

fat women

>> No.52962968

>You don't lose muscle mass when you cut
what the fuck are you talking about lmao
get the fuck out of here and go take a walk, fatty

>> No.52962992

For you: >>52962883
You're not even in my teenager level. Faggot

>> No.52963002

You need to eat healthy, and to work out and do roids.

>> No.52963014

Stop eating and start lifting.

>> No.52963034

Why be the majority when you can be the .2%

>> No.52963079

this, i think it was this video i saw
only a couple of hours in the gym per day, the rest of the day is eating. eddie hall was the same for the strongman competitions
eat eat eat
>the diet is the main thing

>> No.52963146

Eddy hall is far from shredded though. OP wants to be that big with visible abs. It's not happening.

>> No.52963173

that photograph is obviously shopped, but also the original dude is on the juice

>> No.52963196

get a personal trainer. work out twice a week. that's all you need.

>> No.52963199

I work everyday to have a body like Zyzz

>> No.52963220

the dude in the vid is literally more shredded than the guy in the op. Abs included

>> No.52963240
File: 639 KB, 1242x684, CB8DDDF9-8D36-41B8-8F63-78DAA86D49B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asshole phone.

>> No.52963256

99.9% of personal trainers aren't even big, lmao
I'm not hating on them, just saying

>> No.52963264

You are coping anon, women don't want roidcels, what they most respond to is lean pretty boys