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52962043 No.52962043 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people make fun of white guys who date Asians but it's cool for a white guy date a latina?

>> No.52962072

why do you care snowflake

>> No.52962108

They only make fun of you if you're the stereotypical weird manlet because it rounds out a stereotype. If you're Chad with a hot asian no one cares

>> No.52962118

i think you're too self conscious
i exclusively date asians and noone gives a shit

>> No.52962120

No one makes fun of white guys that date asin girls except for people on this insufferable and miserable board, do whatever the fuck you wnt OP

>> No.52962125


>> No.52962137
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Because asian women are thrash compared to latinas

>> No.52962170
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>Why do people make fun of white guys who date Asians but it's cool for a white guy date a latina?

>> No.52962219
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No one "makes fun of you". Fat white women and short asian men dont want the competition so they spread fud until you capitulate.

>> No.52962225
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Because latinas have some significant amount of white blood in them so it's more acceptable. Asians are basically aliens from outer space by comparison.

>> No.52962336

the she morphs into a bitchy blob by age 25

>> No.52962412

they both have brown nipples and flaps

>> No.52962439

Latino here. Latinas have the most scrumptious bodies. Especially the ass. Curvy nymphos.

>> No.52962443

Jealousy I'm guessing. Or they have too low of an IQ to tell latinas from regular white people but they notice when its an asian.

>> No.52962499
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I-I WANT AN ASIAN OR LATINA! I’ve only ever been with white, mixed black, or indian ;___;

>> No.52962678

I think it’s the same reason some people class latinas as white while other class them as Latina.

>> No.52962696

Because there isn't any set stereotype for the kind of white guy who dates a latina (they run the gamut), but there is a hard and strong stereotype of a nerdy/beta white dude going for an ez gookwife or being a weeb in general

>> No.52962725
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Nobody actually gives a shit who you fugg, but it's very easy to troll people that fetishize a specific race.

>> No.52962738

>Watered down white boy with half mongoloid genes
Fixed for (you)

>> No.52963050

I saw this total meme at the grocery store the other day. Tall white guy, decent looking, but upon closer inspection in fact a total klutz and sperglord. His woman was super short, and had that dumb jungle SE-asian look to her. She had her sister with her, and he was clearly the tolerated sugar daddy. It reminded me of that meme with the yellow buck-toothed asian waifu. Somebody post it.

>> No.52963068

Dudes that care about what girls you attract are gay and or ugly. So their opinion holds no weight on reality.

>> No.52963074

because an asian girl in her late 20s who doesn't have a husband is seen as shamfurr by their family so they will literally marry any dude who doesn't seem like a complete deadbeat

>> No.52963085

I love latinas and asian women and bitdao. all the good shit.

>> No.52963092

Also women’s opinion are always wrong unless they are giving you some pussy. That is the key to life my friend.

>> No.52963099
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it's just salty roasties

>> No.52964090

Why is 4chan and the entire world so obsessed with white men? You never see this type of discussion about indian males or somalian males or remote australian tribe juju males (just to give some examples).
What makes people reletnlessly obsess over white men to this extent? Its all white men this white man that. White man dating white women bad. White man dating ehtnic women bad. White man incel bad.
Happens IRL too.
What do you people even want

>> No.52964415
File: 86 KB, 826x1024, jewpenguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See picture. They want you dead so no competition in the future.
>Mindless somewhat brown slaves that are room temp IQ.

>> No.52964880

Im perma incel
Literally no woman wants me
Could be worse OP

>> No.52965103

Jealousy. Pure cope. How does a white guy meet an asain. Asking for a friend total not jealous. I'll never have a small again girl make heart signs at me

>> No.52965122

If you wouldn't fuck an alien we can't be friends. I wanna put babies in all 3

>> No.52965129

>caring what anyone thinks


>> No.52965142

To many moles though. And the darkest thickest hair on thier forarms

>> No.52965199

im not White but
>dating latinas

>> No.52965208

it’s because of the boomer sexpat meme. whenever a white man is seen with an asian it is assumed that the woman is only with him for his money or a green card. and the man is seen as having to stoop down to a level of essentially paying for a long term prostitute, which is frowned upon

>> No.52965229

We are something else man. Like I don't think white people are superior but white men clearly are. On the off chance I meet someone smarter then me they look like a brown piece of turn and can't think for themselves. We are idea men

>> No.52965251

Latinas are a midwit trap. The Caucasians have not accepted that Asians will rule the next century from here on out, like they always have historically anyway. 1600-2000 was an anomaly. Only USA managed to overtake Mughal and Qing dynasty GDP. Reversion to the mean is whats happening now. You had your spike but its now time to face the reality.

>> No.52965263
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Because it means you can’t deal with a strong bipolar girl boss, who wants to be taken care of and be a respected leader. If you can’t handle them at their bipolar, then you don’t deserve to get divorce raped by them.

>> No.52965287

Who would “make fun of you” for that? I mean I would make fun of you for that, and I’d also bully you for daring an Asian too but most normal people wouldn’t.

>> No.52965380

because asians are like secret whites and latinas are "brown" even though they could be like 90% european dna

>> No.52965424

there are more bugs than humans on the planet thats why

>> No.52965440
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God I hate Apu posters an their glowie tier social engineering posts

>> No.52965454

>What do you people even want
white men

>> No.52965482

Retard take.
China's economy is entirely kept afloat by export and could be completely obliterated by tariffs.

Japan has zero natural resources to speak of and they aren't expanding anytime soon.

All other Asian areas are laughable.

>> No.52965493

nah a lot of asians are native born in the west and still date whites people seethe about it too

>> No.52965553

hard to say since people thought japan would be number 1 decades ago only for the bubble to pop. china is undergoing the same demographic crisis that caused japan to pop and despite a larger population they still are less developed and have a lower income with a poorly diversified economy. basically no one expects sea to become the next world power and you'd be a fool to expect any of the asian tigers to surpass japan. the most likely outcome is the world doesn't have another ruler since we're moving toward a multipolar world which is just something no one in living memory has experienced.

>> No.52965600

Based beaner bro
I'm a filthy gringo tradie who lives in a Latino part of my city and it fucking rules. My apartment is affordable but nice, the neighborhood is clean and safe, everything is a bit cheaper since a lot of places only transact in cash, and there are gorgeous Latinas everywhere.
Sorry for the blog post, but back to the topic of the thread: what do you think, anon... are the stereotypes true, are Latinas insane?
I've been entertaining the idea of marrying one..

>> No.52965647

Nobody fucking cares. Stop caring even if you notice people care. Literally stop focusing on people or things outside of yourself.