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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52961298 No.52961298 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52961355

Momma helps you in times of need
Daddy rapes u

>> No.52961360

Hello? Who owns the media?

>> No.52961361

women are more impulsive shoppers whereas men feel they have to justify purchases.

>> No.52961367

good times
>hey remember all this good stuff
bad times
>at least you got your family

>> No.52961373

Females just have cuter feet and smell usually better

>> No.52961386

first post pedo groomer post

>> No.52961480


>> No.52961546

Wrong. A facade of capitalism. Those who control our media got their wealth and these companies through nepotism, cronyism and judaism. None of these are capitalists

>> No.52961564

good times
>dad can take time off work
bad times
>dad is working 24/7 because mom has a mental breakdown whenever she has to work more than 25 hours a week

>> No.52961578

They're personifying the economy in each instance

>> No.52961617

sample size: 1

>> No.52961646

>Those who control our media got their wealth and these companies through nepotism, cronyism and judaism. None of these are capitalists
All of those are precisely capitalists.

>> No.52961651

When daddy makes lots of money for mommy he can play with her children.
When daddy makes little money for mommy he’s out of the picture except for alimony checks.

>> No.52961664

Capitalism is agnostic. If you have psychopaths scheming to take over the world there’s little you can do to stop them if the laws are not properly written. Socialism just skips to the end result where jews own everything.

>> No.52961696

A capitalist is someone who lives off capital income rather than working.

>> No.52961725

That’s speculators. Capitalists who invest their money into business work harder than most people. Now go back to r*ddit to other npcs

>> No.52961726

The numbers, what do they mean?

>> No.52961767

False. "Capitalist" just means "owner of capital". Statistically, most are trust fund hipsters who inherited their wealth.

>> No.52961795

BTW, most who live off capital are literally the opposite of "speculators". Their wealth is in low-risk bonds and real estate, not speculative assets.

>> No.52961802
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>capitalism means whatever my bullshit definition is
no one cares about your regurgitated opinions npc retard. The fact you implied all capitalists are like jews to protect the latter from being exposed as psychopathic subhumans shows you’re one of the useless cattle or simply projecting. Now gtfo of my board

>> No.52961808

Watchfags are weak men. Advertising is all about highlighting positives and not negatives, especially during hard times

>> No.52961826
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 4A9EC3F6-E5B2-453A-8518-8A1E44A86277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a person who invests in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of making a profit.
"financial speculators exploiting small changes in markets to make money"
again take your solipsistic farts somewhere else subhuman

>> No.52961831

>my bullshit definition
There is no other definition, smoothbrain. "Capitalist" has always referred to those who own factories and other forms of industrial capital.

>all capitalists are like jews
Capitalism is just secular Judaism. Before capitalism, the merchant class consisted overwhelmingly of Jews. Now we're all Jews. Sad.

>> No.52961841

So anyone who invests in stocks and property is a "speculator" by your definition? So all capitalists are speculators, right? You are arguing against yourself at this point.

>> No.52961844

>my definition is the only definition
>most non jewish capitalists are psychopaths

>> No.52961846

Did they get in here? My lip feels like herpes suddenly.

>> No.52961861

>The term "capitalist", meaning an owner of capital, appears earlier than the term "capitalism" and dates to the mid-17th century. "Capitalism" is derived from capital, which evolved from capitale, a late Latin word based on caput, meaning "head"—which is also the origin of "chattel" and "cattle" in the sense of movable property (only much later to refer only to livestock). Capitale emerged in the 12th to 13th centuries to refer to funds, stock of merchandise, sum of money or money carrying interest.[20]:232[21] By 1283, it was used in the sense of the capital assets of a trading firm and was often interchanged with other words—wealth, money, funds, goods, assets, property and so on.[20]:233

>The Hollantse (German: holländische) Mercurius uses "capitalists" in 1633 and 1654 to refer to owners of capital.[20]:234 In French, Étienne Clavier referred to capitalistes in 1788,[22] four years before its first recorded English usage by Arthur Young in his work Travels in France (1792).[21][23] In his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), David Ricardo referred to "the capitalist" many times.[24] English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge used "capitalist" in his work Table Talk (1823).[25] Pierre-Joseph Proudhon used the term in his first work, What is Property? (1840), to refer to the owners of capital. Benjamin Disraeli used the term in his 1845 work Sybil.[21]

>> No.52961866

>your definition
literally check a dictionary
>capitalists who build manufacturing and services companies are just investing in stocks

>> No.52961889

>look at this copy pasted essay it somehow proves my point
I guess you think capitalists are cow herders then

>> No.52961891

Factory equipment is property, dumbass. Capitalists purchase capital equipment and hire workers to run it. By your definition, they are therefore "speculators".

>> No.52961901
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>definitions are essays

>> No.52961920

nice pilpul moshe but it was your misguided definition that capitalism simply means owning property, when it refers to people involved in free market money based production and exchange of goods and services. Roman cow herders did not practice capitalism as it is understood now.

I clearly distinguished speculators from capitalists and so do dictionaries like the one I quoted. You’re so confused and ego invested you don’t even know what you’re saying midwit.

>> No.52961945

>historical essays are definitions
>etymology is definition
copy pasting walls of texts you can’t explain in your own words proves you’re regurgitating some twitter pedo’s narrative like a braindead npc.

>> No.52961969

moreover capitalism was a retro definition describing the most common system since antiquity. Romans were not psychopathic jews despite practicing a form of capitalism.

>> No.52961973

did you seriously just copy paste wikipedia LMFAO

>> No.52961982

what did you expect from an npc? They’re literally soulless golems serving authority.

>> No.52961994

women are the root cause of most of the world's problems. not money. women.

>> No.52962002

>misguided definition that capitalism simply means owning property
>misguided definition
That's literally what the term means, moron.

>people involved in free market money based production and exchange of goods and services
"Free markets" have nothing to do with capitalism vs socialism. Market socialism exists.

>Roman cow herders did not practice capitalism as it is understood now.
Nobody claimed otherwise.

>I clearly distinguished speculators from capitalists and so do dictionaries like the one I quoted.
Wrong, the dictionary you quoted only further undermined your 'point'. I get that you are functionally lliterate, but at least have an educated person explain what the words mean before you post again.

>copy pasting walls of texts you can’t explain in your own words
I explained it in my own words but you questioned the validity, so I quoted a source on the subject. You appear not to grasp how academic citations work.

>moreover capitalism was a retro definition describing the most common system since antiquity
False. Read it again, brainlet.

> serving authority
Ironic coming from the common dictionary paster.

>> No.52962009

so in good times dads are present and in bad times not. showing dads in bad times would be cynic

>> No.52962892
File: 377 KB, 474x465, 176C767D-7CC2-44DD-A435-EC52ED980463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another /biz/ thread derailed by socialists who think words can mean whatever they want them to mean.

>> No.52962921

Did you know that when the economy is really bad they show mixed race couples or trannies?

>> No.52963013

romans literally owned slaves ie the most perfect form of capitalism

>> No.52963028

look up who owns reddit

>> No.52963078
File: 597 KB, 650x994, 1621919667975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judaism is communistic

>> No.52963113


>> No.52963307
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1644583120813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well-poisoning fallacy: the video

>> No.52963382

nothing stopping me from illegally gassing jews

>> No.52963429

All I know is I can't watch a British Period Drama without being inundated with nogs.

>> No.52963891

You've been called out. Every subject that is even just tangential to politics is heavily policed on wikipedia. The site is compromised and cannot be considered a neutral source.
>bitching about supposed logical fallacies while posting an ad hominem image

>> No.52963990
File: 13 KB, 173x290, 1642312723580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my logical fallacies are valid!

>> No.52964417

Following this thread has been a real trip, anon
You must be sweating from all the gymnastics you're doing via moving those goalposts
Its OK to actually have a discussion about instead of just shouting sources and topics you legit don't fully understand
Humility is often your greatest asset in education

>> No.52964527

>all the gymnastics you're doing via moving those goalposts
What 'gymnastics'? What 'goalposts'? All I see are retards who lack a rudimentary understanding of economics and who spew out logical fallacies in a futile attempt to save face.

>> No.52964627

Using a Newspeak definition of capitalism and then name calling when people called you out on it. The actual definition of it was given here >>52961920 but you refused to acknowledge it. Nobody is going to engage in an argument with someone that insists 2+2=5.

>> No.52964696

>Using a Newspeak definition of capitalism
I literally gave the full etymological history of the term, dumbass. See here for the actual definition as used from the beginning of its use: >>52961861

Anything other than the ACTUAL definition is 'newspeak' gibberish.

>The actual definition of it was given here >>52961920
He didn't give a definition there. He just further exposed his abject ignorance.

>Nobody is going to engage in an argument with someone that insists 2+2=5.

>> No.52964746


>> No.52965006


>> No.52965024

can't wait for you to post these statistics

>> No.52965075


>> No.52965106

This + women's watches are generally cheaper and women have no clue what quality is when it comes to watches.

>> No.52965283

That's not well poisoning, he's talking about how people who are a part of something are more likely to edit wikipedia articles about that thing, and those people cannot write impartially. He's pointing out a conflict of interest that persists across the entire site. All information is tainted to a certain extent, wikipedia is the epitome of that.

Simply put, you aren't necessarily wrong but you certainly aren't right.

>> No.52965344

you're an idiot, try actually reading what you posted

>> No.52965395

I like how everyone in this thread just accepts the premise at face value and then comes up with some bullshit reasons to justify it. /biz/ IQ lmao

>> No.52965444

>t. illiterate retard

>> No.52965617

>t. actual illiterate retard

>> No.52965972

>people who are a part of something are more likely to edit wikipedia articles about that thing
Yes, experts contribute to the subjects they are experts in. That's how encyclopedias work.

>> No.52966110

this dumbass is still in the thread? we already know you can't read bro no ones gonna listen to your shit

>> No.52966134

when the economy is good men use their surplus of cash to buy nice things
women will spend no matter what

>> No.52966544

Good times
>dad is working all the time cause economists booming
Bad times
>dad sits unemployed at home

So no, goes both ways for an explanation. My guess: someone just pulled that out of his ass.

>> No.52966582

>Capitalists who invest their money into business work harder than most people.
ahahahAHAHAHAHA nice re-definition and dick sucking you got there. good goy

>> No.52966612

>Capitalists purchase capital equipment and hire workers to run it.
they do so to get more money in return, you stupid FAGGOT. it's obvious. otherwise, why would they even buy equipment, pay workers or anything? they could just keep their money in the bank and not touch it.

>> No.52966725

>they do so to get more money in return, you stupid FAGGOT. it's obvious.
It is indeed.

>> No.52966765

Okay poor retard

>> No.52966821

cuz daddy was fighting for the oil jiji

>> No.52966852

This goy thinks it's 1905.

>> No.52966858

>real communism has never been tried
says the communists
>thats not capitalism, thats cronyism
says the capitalists
and they're both right
either system is going to fall to corruption, it just takes capitalism longer. when it inevitably does fall to corruption capitalism is quite shit. you can say its crony capitalism and nepotism and you're right but unless something is changed then this is what capitalism will become every time.

>> No.52966928
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Caught a 3 day ban on /k/ for posting pic related because ever since the war broke out all the jannies there are child raping kikes

>> No.52966932


>> No.52966944

Not buying your shitcoin, Sanjay.

>> No.52967031

>and they're both right
The communists are correct but the capitalists are incorrect. Capitalism (an economic system allowing private ownership of capital [aka the society's productive infrastructure]) has most certainly been "tried" -- in fact, it is virtually the only economic system the world has known for the past few centuries. Communism (an economic system in which private ownership of capital is not protected and enforced by The State) has virtually never been tried. Now has communism never been tried because it is impractical at this point in history? That's another question entirely. The same can be asked of so-called "Anarcho-capitalism", another "never been tried" system.

>> No.52967057

>Impractical at this point in history
Communism has never been tried because it exists in a state of Platoian ideal. Your gods-head was an apocalyptic preacher with a veneer of scholarship raving about the end of civilization to be replaced with a world where the meek inherit the earth.
Capitalism, for all its flaws and failings, has actually existed and can actually exist, communism cannot and never will because your perfect communism only exists within your rattling little skull.

>> No.52967178

>Communism has never been tried because it exists in a state of Platoian ideal.
"Platonic" but ok

>Your gods-head was an apocalyptic preacher with a veneer of scholarship raving about the end of civilization to be replaced with a world where the meek inherit the earth.
Not sure what you're referring to. Marx is not my god, he's just a guy who studied capitalism as it existed in his day, attempted to formulate the principles by which it operated, and made predictions about its future.

>Capitalism, for all its flaws and failings, has actually existed and can actually exist

>communism cannot and never will
I wouldn't go that far. Not without rigorous neuroscientific proof.

>because your perfect communism only exists within your rattling little skull.
Not in my skull. I only recited what the inventor of communism meant by communism. To a first approximation, by "communism" Marx meant "whatever happens after capitalism". He didn't provide defining criteria to the term beyond specifying that it would be stateless and classless.

>> No.52967337

seriously check out leftypol your people wait

>> No.52967362

>leftypol is, like, when you give an accurate description of ideological differences
Go back.

>> No.52967380

advertising is for women either way so I don't care what they show

>> No.52968228

>advertising is for women
Indeed. Proof that capitalism is pure evil.