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52960539 No.52960539 [Reply] [Original]

gamers spend $3000 to make puddles more colorful in a

are they the dumbest consoomers alive?

>> No.52960546
File: 618 KB, 1006x1240, Gimi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play on black bars lowest settings

>> No.52960549

rtx is in low-mid gpus too now

>> No.52960568

A 4090 TI was suppose to be 400$. A 3080 is suppose to be 300$
These 1000-2000$ prices are inexcusable.

>> No.52960609
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Pay up goy.
You want to play your favourite children games don't you?

>> No.52960622

>A 4090 TI was suppose to be 400$. A 3080 is suppose to be 300$
says who

>> No.52960654

Ok, but if you're talking about rtx technology, it's in the gpus since the 20xx.

>> No.52960690

>are they the dumbest consoomers alive?
not the dumbest but not the brightest.

the problem here is that RTX is a fucking meme since the only thing is does is destroying the artistic vision and halving the fps, but (((they))) are so invested in this (having added it to all the new cards) that they have to push it until the end, regardless of how useless it is.

reminds me of something else...

>> No.52960705

rtx is just raytracing in real time, you dumbass.

>> No.52960709

I hate gaming for how much of my life it stole from me
I'm 25 and only now have woken up to the fact that I am in fact, that incel loser, in my mom's house, playing Vidya all day, with zero goals or aspirations other than this shitty TGI Fridays job I have. I don't know how long I thought this was gonna keep going but now I don't know what to do. I fucking despise video games and have basically quit entirely because I can't even enjoy them anymore I just boot up a game think about all the time I wasted and I just get so fucking mad.
Thinking about starting at uni but I won't graduate til I'm at least 30 and if I wanna get a MS 33, I know some of you boomers are gonna tell me "u have ur whole life ahead of u bud ur so young" but it just feels fucking weird like how many 30 year old students are there is it common for this life path I chose? Nobody in my social circle is supportive of any type of upwards mobility, they all just enjoy smoking weed and working menial jobs, when I talk about college they all look at me and say "why?" Or the whole "bro u had to make that decision a few years ago now ur gonna be a creepy 30 year old at college LOL" and I wanna tell them that they're fucking stupid and wrong but it's peer pressure bros I feel like their comments are getting to me

>> No.52960751

i never said it wasn't. raytracing in realtime is a meme

>> No.52960768

Yup, you have to get a social circle that is supportive of your goals. But luckily you only have to stick to one real decision: to join to the cheapest physics degree you can find, and grind it like it's a video game.

>> No.52961444

>implying jews know even how to gold a screwdriver, let alone advanced tech

>> No.52961525

Just do it. I'm in my 30s getting compsci at a state college and I'm running a 4.0. Tons of the other students are in their 30s or 40s. It's actually concerning how few younger people are in some of these classes.

>> No.52961535

what shitgame is that?

>> No.52961542

Could be worse, there are dumbdumbs buying the same hardware to mine crypto.

>> No.52961570


>> No.52961580

tell everyone you were in prison and that's why you're starting college at 25

>> No.52961590

it's not a meme and you're seething because you're too broke even to afford a fucking used 20xx

>> No.52961659

Control, actually a pretty good game and with DLSS frame generation and upscaling and max RTX setting this game looks absolutely stunning for people who enjoy computer graphics at 60 fps (with a 4090). people who don't like computer graphics can stick to candy crash on their phone, i don't care.

>> No.52962094
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>> No.52962121

professor here
NO ONE cares about your age in college
there are men and women in their 50s pursuing degrees
dont be a defeatist and psych yourself out of a future

>> No.52962143

They are right, assuming you are on US and will indebt yourself at least 80k in this endeavor, and unless you are getting a useful degree with guaranteed job, it’s too late for you. You will be out of debt by your 40s and better off having progressed in a blue collar field. Get out of service industry though , there is no upward mobility there

>> No.52962332

>are they the dumbest consoomers alive?
No. Women are. They will pay exorbitant amounts of money for a tiny ass purse or a sweater or jeans or shoes or what have you. And they will do this even when their wardrobe is already packed to the brim with their previous purchases. They will also buy the newest iPhone whenever one is released, for no less than $1,499.99, and they will post vapid images of their $4.99 onions lattes on social media every week

>> No.52962418

You're slightly more mature and the dept faculty will seek you out for chaperoning trips and being a TA. Maybe even a path to a graduate degree if you really get into what you're doing and don't say crazy shit like me irl. I'm a geologist

>> No.52962451

New "tech" in gaming graphics is all marketing at this point. We have reached the plateau for realistic game graphics that humans are capable of. Anyone who thought humans would be capable of making games as realistic as real life is a moron. We're not gods. AI might be able to help us achieve that some time in the future through.

>> No.52962494

Agreed OP. I spend next to nothing on vidya because I don’t fall for hype. Only buy older games on steam sale. My gtx 970 runs everything flawlessly. And I don’t buy shitty games because pleb consoomers are my play testers.

>> No.52962518

>>>52960546 >>52960549 >>52960690 >>52960709 >>52961535 >>52961542 >>52962332
no we buy them for ai art

>> No.52962555

Pretty fucking dumb. You can buy bit with the price of a 40s graphics card and retire rich.

>> No.52962567

Just tell them you were in the military and took a couple gap years, problem solved. Or don’t explain anything cuz you don’t need to anyways. Go to college for a non meme degree and work your way out of the shit circle you have around you. People hate to see others work hard and will put you down because it reminds them of all the time they waste themselves. Be thankful you have woken up to this reality at 25 and get to work. I did college and got a great job and still wasted my mid 20s sitting around wage slaving and playing vidya. Now at 27 I’m trying to build a side hustle and not suck at trading to make it beyond my career. You have plenty of time anon. You could graduate at 28/29 and get a solid job just fine as the next recession ends. Just go to a cheap school for a good degree and work hard. Don’t go to school if you’re going to half ass it and get Cs. And cut everyone out of your life or at least ignore their opinions if they’re telling you to give up now.

>> No.52962580

if you're a low test gamer inside all day no one will know you're 25

>> No.52962799

Here in Israel there are a lot of older students, because people are in the army until age 20-21-22 and than go to a trip aboard and only than start studying. I started study at age 25.

>> No.52964332

Even worse.

>> No.52965641


U have to be a savage in this life anon. I read a post here that said something along the lines of "My life is too disturbing and hellish, it is too hard for me to be stopped", it was written in poor ESL and I could feel the gnashing of his teeth through the terminal. Weird as it sounds, I think about whoever that anon was when I get demoralized - for the man who continues with drive, leaving all uncertainty behind, to push for whatever they want - sex money drugs rock n roll - the world is their oyster.

>> No.52965943

Rtx is really the most gimmicky and overhyped shit that ever existed
Don’t buy it then

>> No.52966004

Don't make it then. *Burns your factory and burns the people who buy it*

>> No.52966334

I bought a 4090, BUT... as a good /biz/raeli I will use it to generate 3D models out of thin air from fucking words with a state-of-the-art AI. Then I'll print those models with my 3D printer and sell them for a premium as if I spent days modelling the shit. I think I'll start with portraits of dead old farts, grannies will love them!
Rate my side-hustle faggots

>> No.52966393

yes, alongside crypto gamblers.

>> No.52966410

damn too bad crypto kept taking their gpus
a real tragedy living without colored puddles

>> No.52966430

hey at least you have a tgi fridays job you'd be surprised how many people are perpetually unemployed

>> No.52966445

seething arty

>> No.52966446

until all AAA titles looks photorealistic we have a long way to go. people were saying the same shit when bf3 was released

>> No.52966506
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>Thinking about starting at uni but I won't graduate til I'm at least 30
ah yes I use to do this too, just imagine how it all wont be worth it so I don't do anything. Conveniently leads back to playing video games and being lazy as fuck. Imo stop feeling guilty and gay just enjoy your 20s as much as you can. Regardless you will be 30 and think back oh man I was so stupid I should have done X. Ill be 40 something reading your 30 something post about how stupid people in their 20s are today.

I finished my degree all online at 34. I make 6 figs have 40k in checking account. I mean im super lucky triple digit IQ chad with a giant dic. I can expect you to have the same luck as me. imo just kys its all over you didn't take honors classes in middle school so you weren't ready for high school honors to be in top 10% gpa to get the scholarship to go the good college. If you think about it the mistakes happened the minute you were born. At this point its just a really late abortion that should have happened.

>> No.52966539

why dont they just pay actors to dress up and play out the battle scenes and film it with 3d cameras from every possible angle and then pull those frames in the game depending on where the player goes