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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52960454 No.52960454 [Reply] [Original]

>>"I make six figures"
>actually makes 100k
>takes home less than half of that, if even
Why do people do this?

>> No.52960462 [DELETED] 

Imagine nigger cum dripping from her face!!!!!!!

>> No.52960463

>>takes home less than half of that, if even
what cunt?

>> No.52960473

People are obsessed with Anna Sorokin because they actually believe the only way to make it now is to fake everything until you get 25,000,000 from JP Morgan or another line of credit and use it to generate your first profit.
People are retarded now, there's no other choice, they aren't good at anything but academia or 'creativity' for the most part.

>> No.52960477

indoctrination from 20-30 years ago when six figures was actually a significant income and mostly relegated to doctors/lawyers/CEOs and allowed you to buy luxury cars, a nice home in an expensive neighborhood, fancy clothes, and travel internationally on a regular basis

>> No.52960480

I make +100k after tax working in finance. Ama

>> No.52960487

Ego/pride is a form of delusion. Those who yield to it pay a price of false complacency and false sense of security. They are liars not to be trusted.

>> No.52960489

taxes around 30% and rent/mortgage now is another good chunk.
keeping 50% would be generous.
there are exceptions but most people that only earn 100k don't own anything outright.

>> No.52960491

oh say can you see

>> No.52960492

Oh, take home usually means the income after taxes.

>> No.52960494

I make 30k a month from a trust set up by my grandfather when he sold his company ask me anything

>> No.52960511

Housing as a % of income has skyrocketed as a result of government intervention in the economy. Taxes are unavoidable expenses that the government forces you to incur. Every single person should understand that a housing 'shortage' while construction, investment, and immigration are government run nightmares, is basically taxation.
Yeah food is expensive but there are cheaper alternatives, like beans and rice.
People are already living in shoeboxes and pods not much place to go now.
it's taxation.

>> No.52960513


>> No.52960536

So how much of a parasite are you, working in finance?

>> No.52960543
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Lol tell me you work back office fixing typos in PowerPoint at a small bank without telling me you work back office fixing typos in PowerPoint at a small bank.

>> No.52960558

My opinion on anyone who has asked a question is that you should all hang yourselves. Dirt people. Rope niggers

>> No.52960582

the funniest one is when they say "I just bought a house"
>actually took out a £200,000 mortgage on a 30 year slavery repayment plan

>> No.52960586

lmfao people are going to LOVE hearing about how you made their lives better working in finance as we monetize the debt and destroy the only economy they've ever known.

>> No.52960597

I love it. Can't hate the player...

>> No.52960598


>> No.52960646

>I just bought a house
It's a picture of a Ryan Homes fiberboard hut that they paid $800k for even though the house itself barely cost $30k and will start falling apart in 10 years and require a teardown after 20

Oh poor zoomers and millennials, they fell for the line go up meme, they bought a cardboard box on a useless plot of land, the cardboard box was made to appear grand and homey, but it's framework was DOA before the house was even built. Designed and engineered to fail after a decade. Because LOL they already got your money so what are you gonna do now?
You lose. It was the long con and you were the one getting played all along.

>> No.52961961

We got a buck that needs breaking.

>> No.52961989

Bros, I never got the appeal of this kind of posting. Also have the 'tism. Can someone explain why people (esp non-blacks) post shit like this? Are all of them into gross cuck porn or is it some kind of b8? You go on boards like /int/ and see all flags posting horrid shit like this.

>> No.52962020

how shameless and mentally deranged do you have to be, to leave your home with your tits hanging half way out?

>> No.52962023

Mutts law everyone

>> No.52962028

also i make $98,000 a year in the suburbs of philadelphia and i consider myself middle class. $100k is absolutely nothing unless you live in rural mississippi or some shit.

>> No.52962056 [DELETED] 
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its like a animal fucking an angel

>> No.52962065

Lanchads live rent free in your head ( unlike you in your "flat")

>> No.52962071

>is coffee good for you posting
why do people do this?

>> No.52962132

You expect people to do all the math for you dumbfuck? You're lucky they even give you the topline number. Indeed you're lucky they answer you at all.

>> No.52962185

i make 117k but after maxing retirement accounts/hsa/taxes/rent+expenses/investments i take home 23k

>> No.52962188

a lot of it is bots that detect when an attractive women is posted and spam cuck shit to demoralise you
there are also weird people like trannies or asian incels that post it

>> No.52962217

That's not appealing at all tho

Yeah idk if the Asian guys doing that are genuinely into it sexually but it gives me the fucking creeps bigly anon. Like how pathetic can they really get lol

>> No.52962299

I think it is demoralizing if you have never touched a woman.

>> No.52962325

Where do you live where people are paying 51% or more in taxes on $100k?
Oh wait nvm that’s not a real thing and you’re just a faggot NEET trying to feel better about his shit tier life

>> No.52962468

There's not many places where income tax is your only tax

>> No.52962554

Rentcuck cope: the post

>> No.52962639

i was being deposed by a retarded lawyer last year and had to explain this to him. he asked 'do you own your house?" and said I was being untruthful when I said "no". explained to him that the bank owns my house, i just pay a mortgage in an effort to eventually own it 28 years from now. asshole lawyer was in his 30s so you'd think he would have known this.

>> No.52962647


>> No.52962730

a combo of paid farms (bots or jeets) for demoralization purposes, + standard bitter losers posting disgusting stuff
notice how the gore, scat, similar revolting bullshit that was all over the internet from 1990-2010 disappeared once black-on-white porn started being pushed?
this is because it gets a better rise out of people, *and* it doesn't get you banned right away
it's the ultimate "haha i'm only pretending to be retarded". there's a synergistic relationship between losers shitting themselves and kikes pushing propaganda

>> No.52962834
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>>>"I make six figures"
>>actually makes 100k
>>takes home less than half of that, if even
>mfw I only saved up 40k of my 100k salary this year

>> No.52962914

>you'd think he would have known this.
your actions are a shibboleth for people who aren't retarded normalnigger NPCs.

>> No.52962952

What’s the best frozen pizza?

>> No.52962965
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>asshole lawyer
ya fuck him for using the actual language and reality the contracts are written in. I assume you are in your 30s and at least know what a lien is. They aren't placing a lien on the bank that owns the note to your house. Does anyone own the degree they have though they owe on it? What about all the corporations that are in massive debt. Does the business even own the business if its liabilities out way the assets? I mean I agree with you ,its bullshit. But this is because of autistic virtue. Its all a scam when you look into it, but if literally everything is a scam then nothing is and its all relative.

>> No.52963040
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>> No.52964434

how do you keep from not killing yourself?

>> No.52964447

100k in 1985 would be 278,000+ in todays meme world

>> No.52964549

luckily you don't even need to hold the dollar

>> No.52964604

Technically, according to your definition of own, you still don’t own your house even after you pay off the mortgage because if you ever stop paying property tax on it, it will be taken away.

>> No.52964611

it's not about appealing to you, it's jews and trannies trying to flaunt how "successful" they are at ruining retard sluts.

>> No.52964635

That is a man

>> No.52964660

>take home
Ok bro let’s factor sales taxes into my salary lmfao wut

>> No.52964700

well that's what poor people whose homes are owned by the banks say

>> No.52964710

Housing costs are not taxation. You have direct control over your housing cost by where and how you live. A lot of people expect to get a nice apartment in a trendy part of town and then complain how much it costs. Or, people buy their "dream house" right away because all of the instagram influencers goaded them into it, and end up broke with no idea what it takes to keep up a house without mommy and daddy doing everything.

>> No.52964929

But you are

>> No.52965710

$100k is lower class or working poor now.

>> No.52966181


>taking your rent off the top of your income
Most people don't think about how much their rent is on a yearly basis to the point that they can deduct it from their income. The type of person describing their income as "six figures" especially so, as they're trying to show off for others and just want to look successful.
In summary: expecting people to do this is extremely unusual and I can only conclude that you are either not from the united states (so maybe your culture is different from mine), or you are profoundly unfamiliar with the way people behave in the real world

>> No.52966203

>The type of person describing their income as "six figures" especially so, as they're trying to show off for others and just want to look successful.
Having a successful onlyfans is a legitimate, fuck I can't even type that with a straight face.

>> No.52966231

whomst is this man?

>> No.52966260


Tbh it really is. If I didn't own my home I bought pre covid, I would feel like a pauper on my ~$150k a year income.

>> No.52966352

Nigger it's coming out of your money. What difference does it make when they take it?

>> No.52966673 [DELETED] 

That's the normal use of the English language. Salary is always discussed in gross (doesn't mean "yucky") terms.

you're a fucking retard

>> No.52966707


>> No.52967600

Is there any value in these trading apps, like Robin Hood, or are they all a scam? I'm not thinking of using them for serious investing, but as slightly less random gambling.

>> No.52967844

name sauce reverse image search didn't work. i think her name is rafaela or something? help a bro out

>> No.52967873

People sell $500k of goods for a 5% margin and claim that's all income when they're one bad month away from bankruptcy

>> No.52967894

Broke people love the word “parasite”, give yourself permission to ignore them.

>> No.52968044
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there are some of us here who make decent money, are in shape, but are insanely autistic to the point where we can't hold a normal conversation with women, so we never had sex. and the older we get, the worse it gets because it gets even harder. (your inexperience with women is a turnoff for women)

so when we see shit like girl's being whores and treated like a fuck doll for black men or other shit, it's extremely demotivating.

they basically do it to make us feel bad, fren.

>> No.52968101

Go Google it lmao, those homes have a shelf life of 15 years. After 20 the repairs can become so steep they face full teardowns. Real estate fags try to hide this reality by scrubbing the mainstream airwaves of any stories regarding such. I literally own a home, not one of those cardboard boxes though.

>> No.52968157

We have been been tricked into thinking that what someone makes is important. The real question is how much someone keeps.

>> No.52968175

It’s your grandfather I want to talk to not you.

>> No.52968202


By definition 100k individual income is upper middle class phaggot

God I hate demoralizing queer baits

>> No.52968213

good way to get loans that you'll never pay back though

>> No.52968325

I make 90k and still say i make 6 figures you mad op?

>> No.52968423

100k individual income in 2022 is not upper middle class. You're showing your lack of awareness

>> No.52969022

coomerbros, respects the dubs and help me out

>> No.52969141

go to therapy then, girls are more easy to approach than you think

>> No.52969179

Having had a mortgage and now living in a paid-for house, the difference is not just academic.

>> No.52969282


Yes, by definition, it is. You may personally might not think it’s enough but you don’t decide these definitions

You are a retard. And if you can’t live a good living on 100k then you’re likely a broke retard

>> No.52969446

Absolutely hilarious how much completely assblasted poor cope there is in this thread.

You must live in a sub-80IQ state if you think the average are taking out a mere $200,000 mortage. National average currently is about $400,000 fyi. It hasn't dipped to $200k (or rather, first hit $200k) since around 2005. Varies wildly depending on which state/area you're in, of course, but this is still the national average.

If you're going by national stats which, as I implied above, is not a great metric, middle class ranges from $52k all the way to $157k, and this is household income. For an individual earner, $100k is in the vast majority of the US upper middle class. This is extremely variable, for instance I live in Chevy Chase, and my individual income is $154k, while my wife's is 84k. Together, our household income is something like top 8% in the US. However, in Chevy Chase, MD, we are barely above median ($200k), thus here, we are middle-middle class. It'd be even worse if we moved to certain parts of California, assuming our pay wouldn't be scaled. FYI for all you who are definitely inexperienced in having a job or even money, salaries/wages tend to be scaled somewhat with the area, but this too has a lot of variability, especially with software development and remote work. E.g. One of my classmates went to Ohio after graduation and her salary was like 60% of mine, yet she was able to buy a pretty decent house like two years before me and had a way easier time doing it.

>Ryan Homes
This guy's mostly right. Ryan Homes are pretty mediocre. You can definitely tell more effort is spent on the fit and finish rather than the base building. Yeah like... nice bathtub... until the pipes start leaking into the kitchen. When the house looks like a carbon copy of everyone else's in a five block radius, you're looking at some mass produced, lowest bidder stuff and you should be very careful of what you buy.

>> No.52969556


I don’t disagree with that 100k varies by location, but national median it’s a very good (not great or excellent) individual salary and if you have a HH of 2 individuals making it then you can live comfortably basically everywhere, even NYC and San Fran. If you’re a single dude then it’ll be tight in VHCOL cities, but you can still live in places like say Chicago VERY well on 100k as a bachelor

Now does that mean private school for the little shits, buying any car you want, the HGTV house in the best neighborhood? No, especially not in HCOL areas. Though in other parts like the Midwest and south yea that can give a very good living

Problem is everyone thinks they are entitled to everything. 100k isnt rich. But you can live in the good area in 95% of locations in America, go out on weekends, go abroad once or twice a year if you want, pursue most hobbies outside of most expensive (Ex: boating, high end golf country clubs), and max out 401k, etc. that’s upper middle class.

>> No.52969568

Dude's right. You guys are retarded. You haven't had income high enough to be taxable in your lives. That's why you're completely clueless as to how much people pay. Even in my 154k scenario, my effective tax rate (as in, what is actually given to fed and state) is nowhere near 50%. Even if I add in all my insurance, 401k, etc., it's 40%. EVEN IF I added sales tax like you absolute brainlets are attempting to do and I applied it to 100% of all my money (which would be retarded as I neither spend all my post-tax money nor does the amount I actually spend gets sales tax applied), it's now 46%.

>> No.52969932

I make 40k and still say I make 6 figures. I'm drowning in debt but I have the 3 women that I'm dating completely fooled into thinking I have money. I can't afford food until I get paid again

>> No.52970554

>sale tax
>fuel excise
>land tax
>import tax
>licensing and registration
Everything you do incurs tax. You're getting financially raped and you make excuses for your rapist

>> No.52970940

5-600k/annum is the new six figures

>> No.52970959

>nowhere near 50%
>even.. if... if.. if..
>still 46%
46% is near 50%

>> No.52971165

the dollar amount an employer doles out to the wagie slave in a year is completely meaningless

they've optimized the system such that almost zero people are able to escape being forced into providing productivity for the entirety of their able adult lives
if it wasn't taken by a progressive tax scheme, it would be burnt up somewhere else just as fast

>> No.52971207

It should get easier as prospects dry up and women get more desperate

>> No.52971255

Because gross compensation was more than 100,000.

Why do you confuse net income with gross?

>> No.52971270


The real aspirational salary should always be top 2-3% range. This is way above 100k these days, it’s about 275-350k depending on location and HHI vs individual income

>> No.52971275

isn't that how americans boast their wages?

>> No.52971321

$250k is upper middle class. 150k is nothing

>> No.52971334
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>> No.52971344


In hindsight this was a top signal for tech companies

>> No.52971359

You can tell from her body that she's really been taking advantage of that candy bar

>> No.52971399

based candy?

>> No.52971421

>hire woman
>make her fat with free food
>no one else wants to hire her now
It would be a genius employee retention plan if only they did actual work

>> No.52971539

Why does she bob her head vertically at the start?

>> No.52972078

yeah i live on the main line anything under 200k is downright poor around here

>> No.52972934
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so after being on this board for an hour what ive learned is 401k's, owning a home,stocks and retirement is all a lie and making 500k is the only safe bet if you can stay alive war doesn't happen and inflation doesn't take it all away. Is there any good news? is there anyway or recommendation to have a 65% chance of making it?

>> No.52973005

Only partially true. regulation controls:
- how many houses are built
- where they are built
- which sizes and styles are economical
- how much people are willing to pay
(interest rates)

For example, you can't buy a new 3 bedroom house. Just not a thing because the builder doesn't make enough money.

So you have some control, but it's not exactly the free market at work meeting demand.

>> No.52973013

>got paid 100k for first 6 months of my job
>took home 48k
feels bad, man

>> No.52973043

That's all you need.. what does take home even mean here.

>> No.52973104
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>middle class
Kek. You're working poor

>> No.52973119

im starting to think noone here knows how to do their taxes
yes if you make 100k you wont take 100k home, but the way you are doing it is silly

>> No.52973147
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>> No.52973160

It's not silly. Accurate guesstimate
This system is a scam

>> No.52973181

i...incel! stop asking questions!

>> No.52973189

I make 350k a year AMA

>> No.52974970

What's this man's name

>> No.52976203

It matters because we are talking about pay. How much you are paid, how much the government taxes you on your pay, and how much the government taxes you to buy things are all 3 completely separate things.
Are you going to compare relative costs too? Because $100k in NYC is not the same $100k as Dayton, Ohio.
I wish you were pretending to be this dumb but I know you're not.
The only way to make an apples to apples comparison between two parties on their pay is by their gross pay otherwise you have to start factoring in all kinds of other things which is completely retarded.
People say they make $X and if they live out of state they mention that too and that's it. Most people aren't as retarded as you and they can extrapolate the rest.
>Hurr if you make $200k but you spend it all then you don't have no more money haha stupid wagie
I fucking hate this board so much sometimes. It's like arguing about finance with a classroom of autistic 10 year olds.

>> No.52976236
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In reference to this post total tax is relevant. I agree that when discussing wages you should use gross.

>> No.52976454


>> No.52976563

1.3mm is the bare minimum these days

>> No.52977371


>> No.52977511

How do I access your account?

>> No.52977840

>"I make north of 6 figures"
>actually makes like $190k
>not like $900k
that is even more cringe

>> No.52978095

I could have pissed it all away or drank myself to death. That happened to a lot of my friends from Uni.
Instead I started an actual business, and try not to be a piece of shit. After the inflationary collapse I plan on helping people during the liquidity crisis that will occur as we transition to sound money.
Even if you could talk to my grandfather he would tell you, same as I, that we don't have his era, and we don't have his opportunities. He had a real business, and the Federal Reserve hadn't destroyed everything yet.

>> No.52979603

Your grandfather sounds based and good on him for setting up his family legacy instead of pissing it all away on lambos and yachts.
I'd rather drive a Toyota for the rest of my life and have all my family good to go then have a condo in miami + a lambo + colombian hookers and my family is living around niggers, going to public school, and working some shit tier job.