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52958770 No.52958770 [Reply] [Original]

>staking is live
>world economy crashes

>> No.52958791

The Bank of Japan hates Chainlink. It's personal.

>> No.52958808

he did released staking during a recession.

>> No.52958836

Sergey is a fucking retard.

>> No.52958838

>staking is live

Pool's closed bub

>> No.52958863
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>> No.52958897
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>mainnet is live
>global pandemic strikes

>> No.52958961
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>if it wasn't for the rest of the world existing heckin' staking v0.0001 (which is just inflation with no functionality) would have made me rich already

>> No.52959093
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>chainlink smart contract ccip deco oracle collatorize tokenized derivative stock system

>> No.52960220
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Isn't it amazing how that keeps happening?

>> No.52960255

What are you trying to say?

>> No.52960258

The pic speaks for itself, doesn't it?

>> No.52960265

He's trying to imply outside powerful forces make the markets crash in order to keep chainlink down lmao

>> No.52960269


>> No.52960270

Yes but i want to hear it from you. What are you implying?

>> No.52960273

... what?

>> No.52960277

>world economy crashes
We redesigned the world economy to exist by and for machine intelligence, so it's only natural that humanities ability to provide for itself ends.

>> No.52960280

Are you afraid to say it?

>> No.52960286

What the fuck do you want me, an anon, to say that wasn't said loudly and verifiably by the financial markets?

>> No.52960295

an announcement of announcement, perfectly timed the top. Eh but it was the illuminati

>> No.52960307

I love watching Coffeezilla!

>> No.52960309

I want you to say what your pic implies, like anon perfectly understood after 1 sec >>52960265

but you, you are shitting your pants at the idea of assuming what you believe in.

>> No.52960315

>an announcement of announcement
An announcement of a release.
An announcement of an announcement would've been "guys we're releasing something big this year, but we're not telling you what it is just yet".

>perfectly timed the top
And the June drop.

>> No.52960330
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What do you mean? Are you implying this is more than a mere coincidence?


>> No.52960350

The two biggest staking announcements happened on January 1 and June 7.
Both times, the financial markets absolutely shat themselves instantly (the next market opening day for the Jan 1 announcement, and the same day for the June 7 announcement).

Regardless of whether this was done on purpose or not, the impact of these perfectly timed catastrophic events on the price of Chainlink specifically has been immense.

>> No.52960366
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Here we witnessed how much of spineless faggots the stinkies truly are. They are so ashamed by their own rethoric they can't even assume it on an anonymous board.

At least xrp schitzos aren't afraid of sounding like schitzos. This is such a pityful display.

>> No.52960380

it's paradoxically super fucking hard and also super easy to sound schizo these days, depending on how stupid and uninformed the person you are talking to is.
remember, normies do not acknowledge reality unless forced to by their master.

>> No.52960381

You just want me to say this was definitely done on purpose.

>> No.52960388

You have the relationship reversed, Sergey (or really a certain somebody whispering in his ear) knows when the market moves will happen, and every single potential catalyst for positive price action is therefore released at exactly the same time as strong downward macro movements. Of course, there's the other price manipulation going on with BTC crashing every time Link goes on a pump, and shorting and futures and whatever, but those aren't the whole of it.

>> No.52960389


>> No.52960397

i see 3 criminals, 4 if u include sergay. So what are YOU referring to?

>> No.52960400

But I don't know whether this was done on purpose.
All I know is black swans keep happening just in time to keep Link from pricing in major news.

>> No.52960427

To even imply or think it was done on purpose is schizophrenic. The global economy does not conspire against a shitcoin. 100% of my folio is LINK btw.

For the love of god man

>> No.52960430


>> No.52960437

retards, no wonder they didn't make it

>> No.52960441

Someone posted a screen cap of an "insider" who posted months ago saying that "they" would "discover" 80 trillion in new debt to wreck the economy in order to suppress link.

It was probably a meme but haha can you imagine?

>> No.52960445

Stop saying you don't know. IT DIDN'T.

Saying anything else is MENTALLY ILL.

Just fucking stop posting I'm sick of reading your schizophrenic drivel on this board.

>> No.52960452

Anon, I never said anything about this being done on purpose.
That nolinker kept trying to bait me into saying it.

>> No.52960461

post it if you can find it

>> No.52960464

You said you don't know. Instead of saying of course it isn't. Just fucking say it let me hear you say it

>> No.52960465

Linkies are fucking retarded low iq bagholders

>> No.52960479

>Just fucking say it let me hear you say it
lol you sound exactly like this guy >>52960270 >>52960280

>> No.52960497
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I have an anon who predicted a stock market crash immediately after Sergey announced staking.

>> No.52960498

Ok then don't but please understand you have some cognitive dissonance to resolve

I usually don't yell at schizos because it's a waste of time but here you go

>> No.52960508

>you have some cognitive dissonance to resolve
If these two stock market black swans had not perfectly coincided with those two major staking announcements, the price of Link would've been much higher.
This is the most reasonable assumption you can make.

>> No.52960519

Sorry guys its because of me. Its because I hold link and the universe doesn't want me to make it. You will suffer with me or you will sell and move on. Your choice

>> No.52960521

bruh, AI is nearly ready to go singularity and basically become the demiurge, all bets of what is schizo or not is off the table.
There's the laws of physics, but they are temporary and can be broken.
That's the meta, temporary rules and breaking them, all of reality is gonna go full matrix psychedelic.

>> No.52960541


>Just fucking say it let me hear you say it

Let me guess; raised by a single mother?

>> No.52960550
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This movie (a gripping drama) is about Sergei and the business model for his six-sided jew coin.

>> No.52960566

you really can't compete against bagholders because everything, even if contradictory, can fit the narrative. That's why luna, link, xrp and hex schizos makes me angry sometimes

>> No.52960577

Don’t worry bro I gotchu.
Hey faggot it’s obvious what Link is going to become it’s going to run the entire world financially and possibly become the first AI due to the oracle network. Of course the powers that be don’t want autists owning it. I know you own some but I hope you sell it before it moons, people like you are not meant for power, it’s not in your blood.

>> No.52960589

You can recognize patterns Congratulations you’re not a midwit. Stop letting these fucking pajeets walk all over you and tell them to dilate.

>> No.52961031

I could swear that I watched an interview with Sergay this year where the interviewer asked him something along the lines of "is this still going to happen if the market *doesn't* collapse?" and Sergay sort of brushed it off and maintained that it would be ready to go regardless of market conditions. I think that economic collapse is perhaps the most important catalyst for Link adoption, it absolutely will guarantee that the financial system is changed quickly in order to return a modicum of trust back into the sector.

>> No.52961056

could be or could be that they dont want to try anything new in times of uncertainty

>> No.52961359


>> No.52961618
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He's a link schitzo. They US stock market and by association BTC is being manipulated to suppress his eth token bags. I bet he staked too lol.

>> No.52961632


>> No.52961740

The recession was started to suppress the price of LINK

>> No.52961937

If you are in link for a long time it's impossible to miss that for (((reasons))) whenever link is poised to move up something happens. Usually is just BTC dumping. But it's even worse than that. The team decides to release info that should pump the price when it's the worst moment to do so as if it's done on purpose. And I still remember how pissed was Sergey when Link got listed on Binance without permission. When every other alt was paying major cash to get listed everywhere you could only buy link in etherdelta until then. That was my wake up that's when I realized. I don't know if is SEC fuckery or not but it's been very clear nfrom the start they will actively try to downplay in every way they can the *trading asset* aspect of chainlink by all means necessary. You can only refer to chainlink by it's utility. And that's what I get by my interactions with normalfags, they dont even register it. Even the ones that know Link exists they don't know what it does, they only see they have 0 hype and shit price action and move on to dog coins Ada, xrp, Algo, etc. And that's a deliberate response the team is looking for. I didn't believe it at first but every single decision they made so far align with the concept of having the defacto monopoly not their field but don't let anyone find out.

>> No.52961975

>The team decides to release info that should pump the price

Why would a staking annoucement pump the price? Cryptos enable staking to lock in suckers because they anticipate the price of the coin will go down

>> No.52961985

>Why would a staking annoucement pump the price?
That's what they did.
Link pumped from $19 to $28 in the days after the January 1 staking announcement, even though Bitcoin and the rest of the market were tanking hard.

>> No.52962135

I know you are not arguing in good faith but still.. They announce stuff but they never hype it, and if the community hypes it they just give a slight nod but do 0 marketing. For crypto that's very odd, and for any growing company it's not only odd but detrimental to their success. That's what the whole Eric Schmidt spiel was about but my impression is that Sergey verbally acknowledged it but doesn't believe it. So in my mind there are only two scenarios.
1 Sergey only cares about the technical success of Link regardless of the performance of the company and profits. Link price isn't important .Chainlink existence as a company doesnt matter as long as a decentralized oracle network that connects legacy systems to the Blockchain exists. The altruistic approach.
2. He already knows chainlink success is guaranteed so he basically must just sit and build. TPTB have a schedule and it's not the time for plebs to actually know what link is and more importantly actually own it. Once the switch is flipped it's ogre for normalfags. I've got a lot of ether wallets with a lot of shit coins but the only ones that got dust attacked were the ones with more than 1k links on it. I can't say for sure but some small wallets with chump change and a few links didn't get dusted. I would need other anons to confirm.

Either way we just wait and see.
If we are right we will be obscenely rich.
If we are wrong at least we had the memes and the journey. Win win

>> No.52962158

Yep, there are no cohencidences. Every move was deliberately done in such a way to stay under the radar. The only question remains: when? For how much longer will this last?

>> No.52962716

Since we are poorfags or rather new money our timeframe is very short we have to make it within a specific range of our lifetime to actually enjoy our wealth and even then don't screw up if we are to bleave wealth to our family. We are under heavy pressure.
Our enemies made it generations ago, they have no rush, the only thing they need to do is wait and destroy anything that threatens their status if they can control it. Two or three decades are nothing to them. So the black pill is this could bear fruit 10 years from now and (((they))) would be just dandy. But how many of us would survive?.

>> No.52963327

I went to SmartCon and this is accurate. He was nervous even mentioning the launch of staking. He clearly doesn't want the price to launch into space. He seems afraid of the moment, which Eric alluded to. I was 15 feet away from them, Eric completely controlled the room while Sergey could've shat his pants and I'd believe it. It's clear something or someone is in Sergey's head and he suppresses the project, just look at the radio silence happening right now.

The youtube videos get 100 views, the tweets get 50 retweets, all the hallmarks of an invisible project

>> No.52963422
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>Stake and Earn™

Dear Customer,

Your State-issued STEARN™ Freedom Access Gauge (sFAG) has detected waning efficacy in your current Staking Status©. Expired Staking Status© will remain inactive until Two (2) Weeks after your tokens© are admitted into the open pool. Please be advised that you must schedule your Internationally approved and mandated Staking Pool® within 48hrs to avoid penalties and/or d̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ compulsory attendance at your local State Q̶u̶a̶r̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶c̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Stake & Earn™ Center

Failure to comply with your Staking Status© update may result in your Social Access™ being temporarily restricted indefinitely. Hospital Access and Voting Attendance may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Social Gathering and Personal Contact may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Travel Movement Restrictions (TMRs) will be restricted to the following locations:
>1: Home
>2: [null]

To autoschedule your Internationally approved and mandated Staking® appointment, please select from the following options:
>1: Instant™
>2: Special Unit #STAKING-2030 Worldwide Home Delivery

Please keep the Linkpool biodata app open as the appointment is being processed, to ensure your current Health and Bio-Identity details are correctly submitted to the Chainlink Blockchain (ticker: LINK)

Thank you Global Citizen,

*no refunds

>> No.52963688
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Sergey Nazarov = fat grifter
Chainlink Labs = charity for HR woke whores
staking = financial cuckoldry

That's all folks, thanks for playing

>> No.52963721

pool's closed

>> No.52963749

>down -28% in less than 2 weeks
>needs 6 years of staking to break even
stakers are illiterate niggers lol

>> No.52963753

You sound like the qui guy

>> No.52963768

pool's closed

>> No.52964118
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