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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52960005 No.52960005 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do to save Twitter?

>> No.52960011


>> No.52960018

Yeah let the Jew boy control Twitter fucking kike. Lex if you're reading this rope yourself disgusting Jew boy. Talk down to and try and silence ye on your podcast just to do exactly as he called out. Fuck you kike. See you in hell

>> No.52960021

yell dogecoin to the moon.
make everyone money.
take some of that money by charging them to use twitter.

>> No.52960023

Why does anyone care about this twitter shit? Its surely a psyop right? Its so insignificant and boring

>> No.52960039

So did Elon go through with the idea where all non-blue checkmark accounts will have way less reach and are basically shadow banned? I could have sworn I heard something about this a couple of weeks ago that due to the backlash he decided against this plan. So why are there some people still paying for the $8 sub? Did he do it after all or did he give them another incentive to subscribe? I really don't get his current monetization plan.

>> No.52960040


>> No.52960056

Since Elon bought Twitter, I see more and more unrelated bullshit in my feed. Idk if its something new or if it was always like this because I don't use Twitter that much anyways.

>> No.52960058

maybe Elon shoulda done some due fucking diligence before he sank his "life savings" into Twitter

dumb fuck

>> No.52960080

He was being an epic troll but then the courts literally forced him to buy it so he got anally fucked hard and now he's having an autistic breakdown because he's mentally unstable.

>> No.52960091

>jew asks you to run twitter without salary
>jew asks for job with no money
>jew doesn't want money
>jew lying

>> No.52960249

Expel all the kikes.

>> No.52960253

based riff raff enjoyer

>> No.52960316

I've noticed that I don't have to have an account to be able to click through threads and scroll feeds.

>> No.52960323

How is it every time a video I'm watching on YouTube ends, the random video that starts is always this jew?

>> No.52960326

Seethe more retard lmao

>> No.52960327

Correction - your life savings

>> No.52960332

>Increasing the amount of love in the world
What the fuck is even meant by this? That's like saying "we'll increase happiness guaranteed!"
That's fucking subjective nonsense

>> No.52960413

>(((OVER JEW))) suggests: i work for no salary. Docus on (((increasing the amount of love in the world)))

translates to:

GIVE THE JEWS THEIR indoctrination channel back yourucking faggot!!!1111elf

>> No.52960417

>muh great engineering

I hate nerds

>> No.52960422

he doesn't have a plan
he's trapped in a burning money pit that he himself bought and then poured gasoline on

>> No.52960459

He's not a nerd, he's a phony, Linus Torvalds is an actual nerd.

>> No.52960523

Kek, that's fair.

>> No.52960675

who is we?

>> No.52960693
File: 622 KB, 2048x1536, 1607533215343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEX SUCKING DICK ON THE STREETS IN 1 YEAR. What a fucking based timeline

>> No.52960807

>in the unlikely case it's useful

what a fag

>> No.52961422


>> No.52961447

He's sooo humble and smart!!

>> No.52961458

Obviously the answer is to give it to jews

>> No.52961461

Delete it

>> No.52961469

chapter 11

>> No.52961486

Move every employee to Kabul first, then declare chapter 11.

>> No.52961512
File: 71 KB, 674x647, 23BBEB17-FC28-4C39-8188-9E879D28EEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Elon, but better him than a Jew. Also I don't care about doge itself, but Elon running twitter would probably be bullish for doge which in turn would be bullish for meme shitcoins in the bsc and eth chain.
All in all, I'd rather he not give up the mantle despite my disdain for him and his dick sucking cultists.

>> No.52961517

>more unrelated bs
Yeah the veil is lifted retard. They were censoring what you saw

>> No.52961789

Elon already did most of the things I would do to make a Twitter more profitable.
>fire 90% of the staff because they have bullshit jobs
>kick off the obvious bad actors who make the place toxic and unlikeable
>require the blue check gang to pay for the blue check
>try to get some exclusive content with advertising

>> No.52962127



>> No.52962173

All he had to do to make twatter profitable was buy it at a not-insane price, and then fire all the people with bullshit jobs and titles. Basically only the IT monkeys, small legal team and some HR roasties would be left.

Twitter doesnt produce anything, needs no sales or marketing department. It's literally just a fucking website.

>> No.52962190

Twitter is a centralized, gov monitored platform that allows billionaires and the gov to censor you

decentralized platforms exist where it is impossible to censor you

Why the fuck do people care about twatter or who runs it? Its a gimped platform, and only not-cucked as long as someone not cucked is CEO.

>> No.52962218

>jew tell kanye they do not control the media
>proceeds to control the media

>> No.52962286

> low grade 'x' comes from nowhere and is suddenly top of a field
Every time this story happens it's a jew