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File: 809 KB, 1242x1212, 1671558074250293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52956082 No.52956082 [Reply] [Original]

what is the easiest way to make money? is this
the dream job?

>> No.52956116

Become a cat and sell cat poop for infinite free money

>> No.52956137
File: 517 KB, 960x1440, p24434_v_v8_ac-2219622126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does being a "gigolo" mean that you're only hooking up with female clientele like Deuce Bigolo or is he getting fucked by men 99% of the time? I really have to imagine it's the latter.

>> No.52956155

he probably gets plowed by dudes , male prostitutes do it for the money , not the clients .

>> No.52956158

Just be really really attractive and have your parents whore you out from a young age.*

*if you are already an adult this does not work

>> No.52956174

definitely taking dicks.

>> No.52956180
File: 53 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-120875386-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your client. You have to rim his ass. Enjoy your lambo.
I'll pass.

>> No.52956414
File: 1.13 MB, 2605x2148, 1671558127057688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mutts are delusional.

>> No.52956438

u sound like fat jealous cunts. You will never be a gigolo like this chad

>> No.52956443

He's getting fucked in the ass by men.

>> No.52956780
File: 1.03 MB, 998x716, turbo_gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he 100% turbo gay

>> No.52956979

Idk if he’s gay but he’s definitely plastic holy shit.

>> No.52957015

Do you ever think Sergey gets tired of seeing his pictures posted here constantly?

>> No.52957016

Looks FtM desu.

>> No.52957061

They help gangs and drug cartels launder money, and in exchange they get perks. What, you thought they actually own that lamborghini? Kek

>> No.52957083

Then they only allow them to withdraw a personal salary from the "earnings" probably somewhere between 60-100k a year.

>> No.52957329

There's a 20 minute video he did talking about his job, he claims 95% of his customers are female but hard to say how truthful that is.

>> No.52957358

60% of the females that hire him are crossdressers so he be suckin dick n shit lol

>> No.52957376


>> No.52957382
File: 760 KB, 763x397, Bueno Excellente.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not uncommon, I saw some kid that looked 14 driving a lambo in Shibuya...

>> No.52957449

yakuza money laundering

>> No.52957566

wtf why would they do this?

>> No.52958123

>18 year drops 110k on a bottle for the host
>just lols!
what a life

>> No.52958550

Why is Japan's number one male prostitute being paid in Singapore dollars? Sounds a little fishy.

>> No.52958575
File: 93 KB, 1080x1080, 1671205901114135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros should I just move to Japan? I am cuter than him, younger than him, paler than him, 5 '10 (ideal height) and have better hair than him, even have better fucking eyes and lips than him. I am literally him but 100x better. I am seriously considering this move

>> No.52958671

it's interesting ecosystem there. Those "princesses" by prostituting themselves to old guys. The money flows in a circle and it's beautiful

Old guys -> Princesses -> Host -> Old guy (host club owners)

>> No.52958677

>99% of the customers are women, and the remaining 1% are men who are women at heart


>> No.52958695

the only sane explanation

>> No.52959127

they have different beauty standards, you probably wouldn't make as much as him.

As much as white guys on the internet love to talk about how they are seen as gods in asia, the truth is unless you're already considered good looking in western countries you probably won't be considered that good looking in asian countries. The asian women who chase white guys are the asian equivalent of white women who only date black guys if that helps you understand. Imagine a black dude from africa who wasn't all that popular with women but was able to get lucky once in a while going to america and meeting a few white women with a bbc fetish then coming back to africa and telling all his friends about how black guys are gods in america.

>"my bruthas we are on their movies, their advertisements, da women there luv us! luk at dis dababeh concert, all those wite woman screaming!"

>> No.52959148

I am actually south Asian and am considered attractive in Montreal. I have been approached by women quite a few times in clubs and have decent success. I have also been called cute a lot.

>> No.52959183

you're south asian? you said you had whiter skin then him. Last time I checked indians aren't pale. That's besides the point though, even if you're considered attractive in montreal (i doubt you are as attractive as you claim desu but lets assume you are) you probably don't meet japanese beauty standards. Just like the guy in OP's pic prob wouldn't be pulling 250k a month from female simps in montreal

>> No.52959296

I'm not an Indian, but yes, I am paler than him. I take really food care of my face and do actually have a better face than that guy by all margins.

And fyi, a lot of Indians are pale white.

>> No.52959301

*good not food

>> No.52959339

I believe it. Have a female pajeeta friend who's so pale you can see the veins in her arms. She's a cutie.

>> No.52959397

no a lot of indians aren't. Even when mixed they are still distinctly light brown. You're missing my point anyways.

Even if you're "good looking" in montreal, they have different beauty standards in JAPAN. Thats why you look at him and think "I look better then him" but the women who pay him 250k a month would not agree. Look at plastic surgery before and after for asians native to asia. Whenever one is posted in a thread on 4chan 90% of the replies are people saying that the before was more attractive because the person in the photo just went from a western beauty standard to an eastern beauty standard. The attractiveness level of that guy to you is probably how attractive you are perceived to him.

>> No.52959430

Maybe you're right but I really don't see the harm in me trying it out. I am going to Japan in two hears for work related reasons and while I'm there I will try this shit out and report my findings back here.

>> No.52959436

*two years not hears

Fuck my Surface's touchscreen

>> No.52959458

go for it champ, like i said you will be able to find women with a foreigner fetish. One advantage of westerners also is that our native language (english) is percieved as a high class trait globally because in other countries the only people that are good at english are those who come from rich families and can afford a good english tutor, plus they know that western countries have a comparatively strong economy.

Just don't place all your bets on making a career out of being a gigolo is what i'm saying

>> No.52959496

post your face and i will judge if you are indeed cuter.
otehrwise larper

>> No.52959507

Japanese hate lesser asians like your jungle ass.

>> No.52959522

>Asian women don't actually like White guys
lmao this fucking cope. You're either fat,
too retarded to learn their language, or some any faggot from /r/azninsecurity either way you're wrong on everything you posted here.

>> No.52959534

This. It’s trickle-down-hoenomics. The prostitutes are all so fucked up from their job they flock to host clubs to get emotionally cared for, and spend all the money they made fucking themselves up on the hosts.

>> No.52959539

this 100% would prevent any success of that south asian larper and to not realize that and compare japan to montreal is even more kek

>> No.52959551

ok buddy go ahead and let us know about how you're able to pull 10/10 asian girls and are worshipped just because you're white. This totally isn't something known to be spread by pasty redditors online that went to japan for 2 weeks. I'm speaking specifically about asian girls that are from ASIA btw, not the ones that grew up in the west.

ungungu back in kenya is saying the same thing to his buddies about fat white american girls.

>> No.52959553

>ideal height
manlet delusion, back to your pit

>> No.52959559

No that's your average high test(in Asia) east asian

>> No.52959576

Nobody can tell if I'm south Asian.

>> No.52959582

It is, at least in Japan it seems like

>> No.52959589
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>> No.52959607

Being White in Asia is like being a celebrity. Its even easier there than in the West to get a great looking Asian girl. I lived in Shanghai for two years and traveled constantly to Japan for work. I slept with hundreds of girls between both countries and would sometimes get racists on the streets passively agressively talk shit when the girl I was dating at the time and I would pass them. It was hilarious because I would understand them and laugh, which made them even more upset.
Either you've never been to Asia, aren't White, or extremely ugly if you think it's difficult getting hot girls in Asia.

>> No.52959613
File: 79 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody can tell if I'm south Asian
Sure Ranjesh.

>> No.52959618

you are not even the same poster, but the pic is very cute not gonna lie.

>> No.52959627

I have already said this before, but still not a Pajeet

>> No.52959633

Fuck forgot about ids

>> No.52959645

post you face here then. if you're going to be a male prostitute you'll have to get over this basic test.

>> No.52959666

It's a different thing being a small-time gigolo in a country, thousands of km's away from mine and another thing posting your face on 4chan. If someone I know irl found out about this my career would be dead in the water.

>> No.52959718

Ok Manmeet Patel

>> No.52959755

>Being White in Asia is like being a celebrity
haha alright bro, whatever you say. Again you're like the black dude from africa who thinks hes a celebrity in america. The type of asian girl u see with white guys who go to asia is typically someone like rose from 90 day fiance (no neck eds girl). I never said you couldn't get laid in asia, see >>52959458
but you are essentially getting with the asian equivalent of white trash, gold diggers who think you must be rich because youre from america, or bitches that want a green card

Newsflash buddy, the people who were saying racist stuff to you were just racist to white people in general.

>ungungu: the wite man get so mad when he see me with rebecca he call me a monkey! little do he know i undastand haha!

>> No.52959810

I’m a Dutch guy who fell for the travel Asia meme. I already had a gf at the time and kept it in my pants, but was honestly surprised at the level of interest I got especially in Thailand. Women wanting pictures, buying drinks, fawning unapologetically and being generally quite leery. I think you are right that it is a subset of the population which is forward like that, but it was next level fetisjism. I’m also considered to be a handsome dude already, which helps I suppose.

>> No.52959827

yes but maybe this will get the message through to you since black people in america didn't, black people in asia ALSO get the same treatment! Go look up "being black in asia" and you'll see the same attention if not more. Do you guys think that they are also worshipped by asian women?

Again not saying you can't get laid there but anyone of any race from america or a western country can probably get laid pretty easily when abroad, especially in a third world country like thailand. But thats not really an accomplishment.

>> No.52959840

Lol you’re delusional. Even Asian-American girls love white guys. White men are just tall and hot. Sorry if this truth bothers you

>> No.52959861

>Even Asian-American girls love white guys
you obviously didn't get my point retard, i'd say asian-american girls are more likely to be into white guys then most native asian women.
>White men are just tall and hot
alright homo, i'm glad you know what type of men you find attractive. Some white guys are tall and attractive and they probably don't have to go to asia to be worshipped by women since they are genuinely attractive and women from their own country already worship them lmao. keep coping ugly nigga

>> No.52959892

Back with I worked as a meat clerk in a grocery store, I worked with an Italian who worked as a Japanese Host and he would regale me with stories on how these fujoshi types would spend a great deal on alcohol and molest him.

Sadly, I think that was the high point of his life since that's all he talked about and how he wants to go back to Japan.

>> No.52959902

Bro are you literally bragging about how OTHER men get laid? Might want to get that cuck fetish looked at, it's not healthy

>> No.52959949
File: 48 KB, 570x750, f71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r/azninsecurity coping this hard.
>"y..you're just like black people in the west!"

>> No.52959976


>> No.52959988

His life sounded awesome.

>> No.52960012

>"man finally in asia! I'm a celebrity here. These local impoverished women are giving me so much attention! Thank god i left my own country full of sexy healthy white women! those bitches rejected a celebrity! Did i mention that people give me attention here?

>> No.52960022
File: 2.94 MB, 900x506, 1657800310910.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52960029

Japan, Korea, and big cities in China aren't impoverished. Certainly not Shanghai like I already said where I lived. Keep coping, seething, and don't forget to dilate.

>> No.52960037

haha nice webm bro, when did you save that to your computer? I would respond with some white girls creaming themselves to bts or something but I actually don't have anything related to this saved believe it or not. Maybe if you didn't you could get a woman period, white, asian or whatever instead of larping on 4chan about being a celebrity during your annual vacation to third world countries

>> No.52960057

shows what you know, there are more poor peeople in the big cities of asia then there are people at all in your suburb. I'm not seething because I have 0 desire to date a poor mid asian girl who doesn't speak my language because i can't attract any women in my own country. keep coping, seething and don't forget to dilate

>> No.52960061

>porta potty dubai
>porta potty japan

>> No.52960064

Top tier asian girls usually get with guys that are the same nationality as them. The asian girls you are seeing with white guys aren't the cream of the crop.

t. Man living in China 2.0

>> No.52960077

look at "him"

hes definitely gobbling knobs

>> No.52960082

Getting molested by women would be the high point of anyone's life

>> No.52960085

>be asian
>go to the west
>see white people
>"omg its ethan hawke!"

>> No.52960088

I love how your argument keeps changing. First it was:
>"heh, you'll never have sex with 10/10s!!!!"
>"heh you only fuck poors!!!!"
>"heh you can't even get laid"

What will your argument change to next once you get BTFO again, and again, and again. Do you Zhangs have a script you follow? Because it's always the exact same conversation flow.

>"n...no you can't tell me to cope, YOU COPE"
Holy kek, this is epic. Keep going.

Asian women love White men. This isn't even a question or debate. It's a fact. The more you deny it and project your own shortcomings the more hilarious.

>> No.52960092

He's got to be a sucking lollipops...... kek

>> No.52960102

Let me guess, you can't speak Chinese. Gee I wonder why you can't girls that don't speak English.

>> No.52960106

I live in Canada aka China 2.0

>> No.52960109

Come on now, you would too if it meant earning $300,000 a month

>> No.52960133

>"heh, you'll never have sex with 10/10s!!!!"
>"heh you only fuck poors!!!!"
its been the same throughout which is that the top tier asian girls don't just fall in love with guys because they're white unlike what you're trying to say. Unless you're a white guy who already does well with women in his own country you won't be doing well with women in asia.

>"heh you can't even get laid"
actually this is not really related to the point I was trying to make, just find it funny when dorky losers fail with white women and turn to asian women as a cope and act like it isn't one.

Asian women love White men. This isn't even a question or debate. It's a fact. The more you deny it and project your own shortcomings the more hilarious.
this doesn't really matter to me man, i have a white gf and will probably never try to get with native asians because I only speak english. just stating facts. I'm sorry i ruined your fantasy of being super attractive to them because your white.

>> No.52960137

Would they give this kind of money to an attractive white autist?

>> No.52960145

Host/hostess job requires social skills, duh

>> No.52960153

Yeah but you could hide behind the language barrier

>> No.52960161

>posts video of white guy talking to chinese girls
>0 attractive girls in video
>they are just having regular conversation with him

nice buddy, i see the celebrity effect of being white now. My fault

>> No.52960185

Yea maybe you could find a niche as the blue eyed quiet ice prince type if youre an autist but good luck if you can only say konnichiwa, better download Anki before you get all wrinkly

>> No.52960215

>you won't be doing well with women in asia.
You're absolutely wrong. Being White in Asian gives you +5 to whatever your looks score is. 2/10's become 7/10's, 9/10's become 14/10s.
Now you're pretending to be White, with a White girlfriend, trying to tell others you can't get laid in Asia when it's so clear you've never been yourself. I've lived there for multiple years, so I know what I'm talking about from first hand knowledge. The argument changes yet again. lol

Being a host/hostess requires conversationalists. You'll have to learn the language first.

>> No.52960747

i'm not white but i do have a white girlfriend. In fact most of the women i've slept with or white, Believe it or not if you're not autistic and live in north america where most women are white this is very common.

>You're absolutely wrong. Being White in Asian gives you +5 to whatever your looks score is. 2/10's become 7/10's, 9/10's become 14/10s.
haha are you a 2/10 back home who became a 7/10? relax buddy you're all worked up. I'm sure you were able to get with some bottom of the barrel asian girls bro, anyone in this thread could do that regardless of their race. thats not my point. Going to any poorer country will be an advantage when you speak english and are from north america they assume you are rich and there are women who have a foreigner fetish like i said before. Majority of actually desirable native asian women are out of reach though, if you can speak the language this may improve somewhat I've already said all this so i think you're just being willfully ignorant because you're desperate to live out your "celebrity" fantasy.

>> No.52961113

I mean he is in japan so if the clients are female then they probably dont look too bad, look at their average BMI

>> No.52961315


>> No.52961539


Coping retards BTFO
that's what you get for being born ugly


>> No.52961604
File: 61 KB, 903x1024, 9893763614801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very true, now post your face and prove to him that 4chan is a safe place to post such content

>> No.52962144

fucking kek, you hit every single talking point of a Zhang poster from /r/aznidentity
>"You'll never get 10/10s!"
>"You can't even get laid in your own country!"
>"I actually date a White woman"
>"Asians that date White men are trash"
>"I'm not White myself"
>"You can only get laid if you get laid at home!"
>"You just go to poor nations to have sex"
Do you honestly think Japan, rich cities in China, or Korea are poor?

Anyone that's been to Asia knows its much easier dating being White there. The fact you keep coping and lying saying it isn't it hilarious.

>> No.52962865

The fact that you would think this is the biggest ngmi sign of all time.

>> No.52962971
File: 149 KB, 1080x1350, 1653303192330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how much money is this bitch making all over asia?

>> No.52963757


>> No.52963886

These guys have to drink a lot among other things, it’s really a unhealthy lifestyle

>> No.52963931


>> No.52963958

gooks are subhuman

>> No.52964229

Is that swedish gardener whoring himself too?

>> No.52964334

white people aren't that attractive its just asians are that ugly. >>52960037 you sound like an angry ugly chink of either gender who cares , there's that little difference between them.

>> No.52964493

>wtf why would they do this?
dating has gotten so bad they cant even find a guy to have to show off their elitism to other women. Its like women wanting to own a expensive hand bag, clothes, etc.. They don't buy this to impress other men. They do this to impress other women and make them feel like shit. They are paying for this guy because of his perceived value. This is all the more evident in the article. He posts how much the top 20 gives him. Thus leading to competition among the women to be in the top rankings. They will never beable to fulfill their hypergamy that has become a fantasy because of the reality that is Japan.

>> No.52964551

>they have different beauty standards
Yes and no. They see this style and type of person and think oh he has money, he has power, he is an elite. Same way in another decade some would look at a fat man and think he is wealthy. When they ovulate they still all want a typical chad. The rest of the time its just hypergamy trying to find the richest most socially identified version of this. Women just look for cues from society to tell them what is or isn't desirable and do as told.

>> No.52964910

You have to remember women don’t like men who take dicks.
So for the sake of sexual selection he’s probably not taking dude in any appreciable numbers so as to maintain his reputation.
My dad was an escort.

>> No.52965233

haha did i hit a sore spot? just telling the truth bro. Maybe post some more webms or pics from your wmaf folder

>> No.52965921

>haha did i hit a sore spot?
no I went to japan once and was surprised how ugly everyone is. well I just dont generally find asian's attractive at all, if they are attractive to me its everything but their face. If your a jap Id imagine you find other japs attractive. From my point of view, asian isn't even an option for myself much less I'm not worried about them wanting me. If they find white men attractive and handsome its because they think we have wealth. I doubt it has much to do with our actual physical appearance.

>> No.52967028
File: 159 KB, 507x800, 1671654846035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant deny some of them are really cute

>> No.52968009

>some of them
still does not change the assumption, general rule, average, median whatever the fuck you want to call it. I saw a 13 yr old that was 6'2" the other day. You gonna tell me man some kids are really tall when I say kids are short too?

>> No.52968284


>> No.52968465

If you're not groomed into being a pop star from birth you'll never be one.

>> No.52968585
File: 18 KB, 367x301, 1629597519154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am actually south Asian and am considered attractive in Montreal

>> No.52968632

>ITT: /biz/ learns that different cultures have different beauty standards
Some of you are so arrogant and self centered. Humble yourselves, you don’t know everything about how the world works.

>> No.52968653

i would cum inside him for 50k o.o

>> No.52969028

Male hosts mainly service female hosts. Which begs the question why women hosts would finish their job of insincere flattery in exchange for money, only to go hang out with a male host who obviously does the same to them in turn.

>> No.52969178

>13 pbtid
this guy is mad as fuck

>> No.52969532

have you not heard of crypto. invest in low caps like ore and link as well as high caps like ETH and BTC. wait for the next halving

>> No.52969813

I know what you mean, when i first arrived i wasnt overthrown
But the thing is, the cute ones are really cute facewise while having a nice body, firm tits and small but fitting to their frame cute butt

>> No.52970336

Most of the “whales” (in terms of cash) are all career women with loads of cash to blow, and some are married women looking for fun affairs with a pretty boy. there is a pretty good series on Amazon called Tokyo girl where it’s a main plot point
Japan has basically reached the point where probably 80 percent of sex is unmasked prostitution

>> No.52971459

Because their job makes them be so done with men that they only want a hot dude that treats them nicely and listens to their whining, paying a host is more convenient.

>> No.52972810

wtf literally looks like a girl

>> No.52972891

And then everyone clapped.

>> No.52972922


good idea, you will have rich old women lining up to fuck you

>> No.52972940
File: 165 KB, 668x669, jap teens are prostitutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan has basically reached the point where probably 80 percent of sex is unmasked prostitution

>> No.52972945


It's the same in US too