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52956870 No.52956870 [Reply] [Original]

I’m sure I’ll get a lot of messages to kill myself, thanks in advance.

I’m just a dad trying to invest for the future of my family and kids. I did what I thought was sincere research trying to find a crypto project that was vital to the further adoption of the technology. I have gotten murdered on this thing. Is crypto dead? It feels like adoption by large players is basically zero. Chainlink keeps missing deadlines. Self imposed deadlines I might add. They beep dumping the token, but why? They sold a ton at the top of the market. Bully for them but why do they continue to dump down here? Did they burn through all that cash? If not, why sell now? If they have the luxury of time why would they continue to sell all the way down here? I bought knowing I was getting diluted, I was not naive I realized there was a lot of toke to be issued. But I expect it to be judicious. This dumping down at these levels is a major red flag for me. Laying off sales staff? That concerns me a great deal.

I realize this board is mostly for people to be cruel to each other but I know some smart people read regularly. Is this project in trouble? I made the mistake of buying the whole way down. I thought yo myself, the thesis is sound, ride this out. Now I’m down 300k, and I feel awful. Ok sunk cost I have to live with that. But where do we go from HERE? I can’t lose what left it will be a massive negative impact on my families life. What’s the catalyst in the next 2-3 years to drive this higher? Are the people that have been saying the role isn’t needed correct? This is just a gut wrenching situation. I’m trying to do what’s best for my family. I don’t want a lambo. I just want to make a sound investment and do well for my family.

>> No.52956901
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You still own LINK?
Bro, most of us sold off back in late 2017 / early 2018

>> No.52956935

kill yoursefl linkchud

>> No.52956951

not sure. just keep DCAing into it. not sure how you're down 300k. also if your name is will, kys lol.

>> No.52956954

based chainlinkgod thanks you king

>> No.52956960

also based owsley stanley buckle poster. maybe i'd get one if the money ever came back.

>> No.52956969

im not buying until he delivered actual product. There nothing substantial that was released this year, and he have the audacity to dump more, also fuck the deluded bagholders

>> No.52956975

Redpilled ChainLinkGod Thank you so much king this is just like 2018!

>> No.52956985

No one knows what's gonna happen, Anon. All of us are investing based on speculation alone. Chainlink is a solid project, just like you said, and we're hoping that the price of the LINK token will rise with the projected demand for the project. Next year is the supposed first release of CCIP. That's something to look forward to.

>> No.52956993

The problem is your mindset.
No really. I'm not here to pump you up or sell you some course.
But your mindset about risk and probability is all wrong. You fail to understand the law of large numbers, don't incorporate strategy, and invest too heavily on catching every trend.
First of all, trading is like war. You are taking money from a victim. It is zero-sum. Be it stocks, bonds, crypto, whatever. So you have to think like a general on the battlefield. No more of this faggy bullshit "I want to make money". No. You're here to rob other suckers out of their money.
Second, all you need is to win 51% of the time (or higher, respectively). You need to learn how to break even.
Imagine a coin toss. 50/50, right? If I get 5 heads in a row, does that mean I'm lucky and the next has to be heads? No. It's still 50%. Trading is the same thing. Your emotions fuck with you and tell you "HEADS IT HAS TO BE HEADS THIS TIME I KNOW IT."
So the more coins you toss, the more your overall "probability" is going to match the theoretical probability. Which is 50%. This is known as the law of large numbers.
So what does this mean for bird brains like us? It means we have to manage our bankroll. For every 5 coin flips that succeed, we'll go broke on the next flip. Only if we bet too big and blow up our account.
So the lesson is don't invest more than 1-2% in any single trade. And develop a strategy that succeeds more that 50% of the time. Do that, and there's no end to how much money you can suck out of the market and from idiots who don't understand basic math.
Fix your shit OP.

>> No.52956994

Thanks so much for this thread SpoonFeedy bro god bless

>> No.52956998

>"I just want to make a sound investment"
>buys an ERC-20 shitcoin

>> No.52957010

Hey Uncle just crash landed my jet over in the airfield there getting ready to open another short on Stink what you up to brother?

>> No.52957025

>All ERCs are worthless therefore ETH is worthless
based investment thesis

>> No.52957034

Ive never understood link, so i did not buy it. Also it felt like a scam to me. Good luck however.

>> No.52957041

Thanks brother. I didn’t think anyone here would even know what that was. I wear mine every day.

>> No.52957040

defi dad?

>> No.52957051


I don’t trade. I’m not smart enough and I’m too emotional. I build positions for the long term slowly and give them time to play out. Plus I don’t like paying short term gains taxes.

>> No.52957072

Then you're only exposing yourself to more risk Anon.
You're behaving like a trader but telling yourself you're an investor.
What's your investment strategy? Buying meme coins and hoping it pays off?
Not trying to be an ass here, but you need to think through this because it clearly isn't working.

>> No.52957079


50k LINK with a cost basis of 12. I kept buying long after I should have stopped. That’s on me. I’m sure a lot of people will tell me to eat shit for having that amount to invest. I’m almost 50, took me a long time and I have many many children and college looms large. I just never saw this type of devastation coming.

>> No.52957095


How am I behaving like a trader? I haven’t traded anything. I just kept dollar cost averaging the whole way down.

>> No.52957113
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>Abyss: Death & Rebirth

>> No.52957118

>DCA ing the bottom
NGMI kiddo

>> No.52957126

Because a savvy investor isn't buying into bubble markets and shitty meme coins Anon.
They're value investing in worthwhile stocks and securities that are constantly growing in value long-term and beating the market.
Which already is extremely low in probability. Most people won't beat the market unless they use adequate leverage intelligently.
None of what you're doing makes sense. It's like you're a trader but you're holding onto your bad trades hoping it goes up. That isn't investing that's called eating risk.

>> No.52957190

So…unless I’m buying stocks I’m not investing? Honestly I’ve made more of my net worth in the art market. My link investment isn’t a “trade” and I came here soliciting opinions on its long term viability as an investment. I don’t look at LINK as a shitcoin, so I’m not sure we are on the same page. I think the stock market is in for an awful crash. We haven’t even seen earnings revisions and the multiple we see now is about to skyrocket. Hell, the layoffs haven’t even started yet. In terms of value, I suspect crypto is much closer to the bottom than equities.

>> No.52957192

Crypto is dead. Don't let any of the baggies here convince you otherwise.

The only people left in crypto are just trading against each other and havent made it yet.

There is still opportunity to make money of course, but its becoming much much harder, which in turn will cause normies to stay away from it.

The rich have farmed billions of dollars off the poor since the covid epidemic, and dumb money is gone.

People who think another "bull run" is coming are fucking delusional.

>> No.52957209

>Chainlink is killing me
>Grateful Dead
ha ha i get it

>> No.52957260

No you're missing the point.
We aren't discussing what you're investing but the strategy you're using.
Let's start here, are you making money?
If not, then whatever it is you're doing isn't working.
Can we agree on that? If you aren't making money, it isn't working.
That's logical.

>> No.52957353

If I abandoned every investment where I was down before I was up I would have missed the best investments of my life. I’m not buying what you’re selling brother. We do not share an investment philosophy. My imperfect entry doesn’t not prove it was a bad investment. And I’ve seen that play out MANY times in my life.

>> No.52957389

My friend,
>I would have missed the best investments of my life.
That's the problem.
The past has no effect on the present or future when it comes to trading/investing. It means you got lucky and you're thinking with your emotions.
You want the free lunch that's just around the corner.
You aren't stupid. Not at all. But I think you may have a gambling problem.
Seriously, step away for a bit and think about what I'm telling you. It doesn't make sense. It isn't logical.
The roulette wheel may have been red on the first turn, sure. But it won't be red every time.

>> No.52957424

>almost 50

Oh fuck that's sad. No meme, you should've sold on that staking pump. That's as high as we go for a while. As you can see, the team has no accountability for missing deadlines or for associating with known scammers (Mashinsky, SBF, etc.)

>> No.52957425

>This dumping down at these levels is a major red flag for me. Laying off sales staff?

You said it yourself. They were dumping at the top and they were dumping in the middle and they are dumping right now. If Sergey had only sold when price was above $50, biz would be accusing him of pulling a Charlie Lee. The way I look at it is that Sergey is confident enough in Chainlink that he doesn't have to worry about selling at the tippy top. He believes Chainlink will reach the point of no return at some point before he runs out of tokens to sell. Also, a consistent selling schedule regardless of price is more transparent and good faith than anyone else's selling habits in crypto. (See Vitalik)

As to the missing deadlines, yeah it's looking a lil sus. But there's not much we can do about it other than Trust The Plan.

>> No.52957440

So everyone who believes Chainlink is transformative tech and may be massively undervalued is gambling equivalent to playing roulette? Nothing you’re saying makes even a modicum of sense to me and besides that, isn’t really germane to a conversation about Chainlink. Thanks…but no thanks.

>> No.52957479

If that we're true then you would have been profitable.

>> No.52957520

Staking was supposed to be a huge deal SmartCon was supposed to be a huge deal. SWIFT was supposed to be a huge deal. Have you noticed each "carrot" results in lower and lower price?

>> No.52957529

>Chainlink will reach the point of no return at some point before he runs out of tokens to sell
he can also do an IPO if he runs out of tokens. or release a second token, if he doesn't want investors to have rights

>> No.52957531

I can wait a few years. What I don’t want to do is ride this to zero.

>> No.52957577

they dont see it, they just see sergay as some messiah

>> No.52957586
File: 155 KB, 1800x1013, glassnode-studio_chainlink-percent-balance-on-exchanges-all-exchanges21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chainlink supply % on exchanges decreased from 40% to 18% in the last 2 years despite the total supply increasing through Sergey's dumps.
If you look at BTC and ETH it's even stronger with only 11.6% BTC and 16% ETH remaining on exchanges.

Do you understand what this means?
A supply shock.
When people wake up from the FED fear and realize that it's time to take risks again they won't be able to buy the remaining supply at current prices and they will FOMO at the top.
Remember? Yes this is what was supposed to happen last year.
But it not happening last year means that when it will happen in the close future the effect will be even stronger.

The crypto space will keep building and growing in that time.

As a side note the ETH supply decreases by 2% per month and it does not mean that everyone keeping their ETH on an exchange wants to sell it at the current price.
there is likely less than 3-5 month of supply left of BTC and ETH on all exchanges if the current situation continues if exchanges go the paper crypto way and cheat like FTX.
Realistically the current situation probably won't last more than 2 month before exchanges selling derivatives go bankrupt when they can't find the supply to short crypto and need to buy it back with no supply.

>> No.52957617

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. That’s very interesting. I suppose there needs to be demand for a supply shock but that’s definitely interesting.

>> No.52957631

If you had done genuine research, "sincere" or not, you would have learned that crypto is shitcoins and is a ponzi and has no intrinsic value, they don't earn money, they don't represent anything and it's a scam. Crypto is only worth buying at 0.0001 and hoping it moons.Thanks for playing better luck next time is all that can be said.

>> No.52957639

>supply shock
i love this repeated meme ever since 2020.

>> No.52957651

You still have 50k link? Just hold. You don't lose until you sell at a loss.

>> No.52957680

Lol. Well, it sure a hell feels like a loss. What I’m trying to elicit is opinions for the future in terms of viabilty and growth. What’s lost is lost. I don’t want to lose it all.

>> No.52957691

1 billion is 1000 x 1 million
1 hundred thousand x ten thousand

>> No.52957702

1 Chainlink token will be worth 100$ usd in your lifetime if you take good care of your health old man

>> No.52957713

No one would buy that IPO if it ever came to that. Making a second token would nullify the Link token as being intrinsically, unanimously, and critically valuable for the purposes of securing the network, because earning additional Link tokens is the only reason the node operators do what they do. Implicit staking and such and such.

Making a second token opens the door to value dilution of the entire network which leads to node operators not being fully committed to protecting their staked Link tokens which leads to less than perfect node performance.

The node operators know this, Sergey knows this. He only has one shot.

>> No.52957720
File: 161 KB, 1800x1013, glassnode-studio_ethereum-percent-balance-on-exchanges-all-exchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what we experienced last year was an attempt from TradFi to steal the tokens from us before the bull run after they missed out on the initial investment.
The FED also played a role in this as they work for the same group and FTX going bankrupt shows how the CIA used it to attack the crypto space with their paper crypto scam and used it to attack projects.

FTX going bankrupt should remove a lot of the bad actors from the space and allow it to heal.

This is the ETH supply.
Isn't it funny that while the price does not move the supply dumps like a shitcoin going to 0?

As a warning there may still be one final BTC and ETH dump ahead of us before the recovery starts.
BTC may dump back to the 15k zone in the next weeks, but once the final dump plays out it can start to recover.
Unfortunately all the central banks scammed us again last week with their fud which caused a failed breakout for BTC and many crypto, but we can see for many of them an accumulation zone.

Chainlink has been in one for 6 months.
I don't know what the market makers will do next but we may get the final spring grabbing liquidity soon before it starts to go up again.
If Chainlink can survive this then maybe next year will be better.

>> No.52957764

this, despite inviting the biggest crook in crypto history to his conference a few months ago, sergey is an honest god

>> No.52957788

Lmfao just wait a year. I know, know..
> just 2 weeks!
I've been here 4 fucking years going on 5. I was a millionaire but didn't cash out enough profits to be well off. Most of us didn't because the previous bull cycle was cut short by kikes. I could have had a house and a car or at least paid my parents house off. I think about suicide every single day. No girlfriend, no prospects. I have to get a job again. You'll be alright, boy scout.

>> No.52957790

If you kill yourself for the life insurance make it look like an accident

>> No.52957916

Dude.. relax. you haven't lost anything. You apparently don't have conviction. And somehow all of the motions and developments aligning almost perfectly aren't enough for you..

Unless this is some form of fud then good job

>> No.52958051

My conviction is shaken. But I clearly had enough conviction to put 600k into this thing. I wish I saw what you do that’s “aligning perfectly” but what I see is token sales at the bottom, missed deadlines and layoffs. No not FUD. Just neurotic second guessing of myself.

>> No.52958110

You know you never know who you’re talking to and what state of mind they are in, you shouldn’t say things like that. If you’ve never lost someone to suicide, I hope you never do.

“He who laughs at scars has never felt the cut of a blade”

>> No.52958149

Don't take it personally. Most people here are full of angst because they can't get a girl to touch their pee pee, me included.

>> No.52958150


Sell now you dumb fuck, think of your kids. Buy lots of presents, don't tell anyone. Blame it on inflation if your wife asks.

Absolutely do not tell them. They'll leave you.

>> No.52958176

take that as a good sign. always keep questioning the thesis as you are but I think you're taking it too emotional. They are building something truly remarkable and that takes time and is not a perfect path business wise. IMO there is nothing like it and never will be. comfy af. Plus the entire market is down across the board.. this is where conviction pays. im buying.

>> No.52958200

good luck and good fortune to you.

>> No.52958210

sounds like they stole your face right off of your head. Definitely not an unbroken chain..link

>> No.52958219

Thanks brother. To you and yours as well. I even wish good fortune to the guys who told me to off myself. You little scamps.

And no my wife won’t leave me. She will torture me to the last moment. She’d be afraid I’d be at peace if she left me. Lol.

>> No.52958260

You've invested more than you can afford to lose. This is evident. Dca is fine if you don't want to manage risk with stoplosses as traders often do, but you still need to manage risk. In this case, your total allocation as a percentage of your networth is too large otherwise you wouldn't be nervous about your position. You should have managed your risk by limiting your total investment into link to a lesser percentage of your total networth. This advice is of course useless to you at this point in time.

>> No.52958275

>I’m sure I’ll get a lot of messages to kill myself, thanks in advance.
ah a man of taste.

>> No.52958307

My current updated analysis of the Chainlink token economics are not so bullish as they were in the past and rely on an economic model for which I am unable to find a proper model and gather enough data to make a projection.
The reason for this is the revised down aspect staking will have on the token price short term and it relying on a big adoption and high usage instead.

Staking is a cost to node owners which comes from their profits, but for most of those services they have to reduce their costs to make it useful and allow the space to grow.
If the blockchain space is competing against centralized entities then it won't be able to win initially directly through their costs, but by enabling new use cases which can reduce administrative costs and thus make it cheaper.
But the effects of this are difficult to understand for a standard company manager.

On a very long term basis the Chainlink network will become very valuable and the attacks against the holders show how highly the market makers value it.

As for Sergey he is an idiot and one of us unironically.
Eric is the best support he could have hoped for and Eric knows CEOs need to make mistakes on their own to learn and outsiders should not interfere with them, but only provide support.

We are currently in that waking up naked outside in the fields after a party part and Sergey is trying to unfuck the situation.
If you can't be there for people at their worst you won't be there when they are at their best.

>> No.52958342

there's plenty of heads on 4chan. Are you a boomer?

> I’m almost 50
>I just never saw this type of devastation coming.

okay so you're a boomer/genx and you know what Chainlink is and you post on 4chan. Did you just find /biz/?

You say you never saw this type of devastation coming...did you have any bitcoin or crypto at all prior to 2017? Did you at least buy some during the 2017 bull run? If the answer is now to all of the above...did you at least research the past few years of crypto markets, and were you aware of the epic crash and bear market that lasted until 2020?

If the answer to all of the above is no, then I'm sorry OP. You bought 50k LINK, at an average buy of $12? Did you go all in?

>> No.52958363

It's because you weren't here in 2018 when all the esoteric and institutional bread crumbs were being leaked/speculated on. I can promise that if you sell before the rocket ship takes off then you will actually end up killing yourself, in real life.

>> No.52958400

Did you actually get to buy it from owsley? If you did you are already richer than 99% of people here. I'd trade everything to get to live in those times and tour with the dead. I went to a dead and co. Show in 2018, and it was full of fucking drug addiction wooks and dick heads who think they're so fucking wise and deader than thou because they got to see a heroin addicted Jerry Garcia at a stadium show in the 90s. It was very fucking demoralizing until I got to link up with some street kids. I miss my street "friends" and that life. I didn't have shit but I did have more good times more frequently.

>> No.52958445
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you will need to wait at least 18 months
the most fucked up thing about crypto is that even if the project fails prior to the next bull run it will go to $50 again, look at crap like req and neo
some of the stuff you say shows low iq thinking likely laying off sales stuff in a bear... this is obvious
the main thing is that they're hiring in engineering
also you're worrying about missing ccip by a few months, this shit is hard, they're inventing stuff, read what snx themselves are saying about it, not what fudders here are
if it makes you feel better, i am down about 700k, although my initial was only 5k
but yeah this is a classic bear market post. the best thing about it all... there's going to be another big leg down in all likelihood, this is where the true depression will hit, you think it's bad and then it will go down another 50%
but yeah you fucked up and overextended, you're spending too much time here and on twitter, you're going crazy
best thing is to forget about it as much as possible

>> No.52958518

There is so much wrong with your post, anon. Anon, all of this is entirely your own fault. You are a man with a family, take some responsibility. There were no deadlines that you speak of. And Chainlink hasn't been missing them. At the beginning of the year Sergey clearly stated that "we are planning to release x, y and z this year". Do you know what "planning on" means? Plans only go so far, situations change. Even if they were hard deadlines, you should not put your family's fate in other men's hands. Do you let another man do the work of pleasing your wife too? To add to that, you are talking about "the future of my family and kids". Not only is it stupid to secure that future with extremely risky investments, but you are talking about the future! Why do you care what is happening now? Shouldn't you be covered for now anyways? Why do you need Chainlink to succeed now? Anon, I think you should sell your LINK tokens. Not because I personally do not believe they will not be worth extremely high values in the future, but because it's not good for your mental health and the relationship to your family. You should take responsibility for them. If you really need that money for your family, do not gamble it on something like LINK. Consider what you "invest" as written off, total loss and be happy if there is more than 0 left after a few years. This is not how you invest for your families future. You could have taken that money (more than 300k it seems) and just bought safe government bonds of your choosing and earned almost 5% on them. That would've yielded you 15k per year, a great supplement income for your family. If you truly don't want a lambo, just go the traditional route and secure your future with sound and safe investments.

Look yourself in the mirror and take responsibility for your mistake.

>> No.52958533

dont fall for the gpt 4 chan emotional manipulation bots anons this is all paid for and designed to fuck with your mind.

>> No.52958593

I actually bought 10 bitcoin in 2012. But I bought it as some libertarian wet dream and essentially as a small act of political protest. I really didn’t understand it. I started to realize crypto was a real thing in late 2019 and started to look for projects with real business use cases and I came upon Chainlink. Unfortunately my entries were slow to develop and I wound up buying mostly on the way up. My position size is a function of me DCa’ing down as I am apt to do when I believe in Something but perhaps had a shaky entry, as was the case here.

>> No.52958600

It's pretty awesome, when we make it through this we will be some of the most mentally strongest and ruthless mother fuckers on the market and on the planet.

>> No.52958602

I did buy it from Owsley when he was living in Australia. I have a bronze in the safe for my son when he reaches 18.

>> No.52958606

I think it’s more about everyone trying to get in on the next ETH. There hasn’t been a token that has performed like BTC or ETH since ETH. Which is weird considering we are now like 6 years past the initial rise. Thousands of cryptos have come and gone and none have come close. LINK actually is one of the ones that came the closest with a 500x at the height. What will be the next ETH? What ACTUALLY has brought new value? LINK was a better bet than basically anything from a fundamental perspective and still is. The problem is the market is a speculative degen gamblers market where dog coins outperform 99.9% of what exists. You can’t predict anything, there is no safe haven. None of these tokens, BTC and ETH included, do anything to warrant the cost of them. BTC does fuck all. It literally does nothing. And each one trades at over $16,000. A rock is more useful.

>> No.52958634

Yeah yeah I know. I’m being melodramatic this isn’t my entire NW. it’s a huge chunk of my liquid assets but I’ll be ok. I’m being a bitch. Of course it’s my fault, who’s fault would it be other than mine?

>> No.52958659

arguably BNB had a very astronomical rise, comparable to ETH. yeah LINK was a good bet but is kinda slacking, it still did decently if you bought at the right time.

>> No.52958665
File: 1.13 MB, 3546x2412, NeXT Computer Offices - 900 Chesapeake Dr., Redwood City - 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit, anon. Would be interested to hear more of your thoughts on Chainlink and Schmidt.

kek this is actually some pretty killer bespoke fud.
OP, do not sell your LINK because you bought at $12 and are now sad. Sell a bit as needed for irl stuff if it comes to that but do not abandon your position because you are down. If you were high enough conviction to put that much money in I would assume you understand enough about the project to recognize that you will eventually make your money back at a bare minimum.

>> No.52958668

All that and I'm not reading it because tripcode. Sad.

>> No.52958672
File: 3.33 MB, 750x1334, 7BBDAA13-D137-4F8D-A7EA-0550EFE31958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Owsley piece I own. This one is hand cast. Since you showed interest I thought you’d enjoy it.

>> No.52958700

The biggest risk I see for cryptos is regulation. I believe most of these are securities except Bitcoin. That's the biggest risk I see for Chainlink in the near future. Chainlink will thrive in an environment where all these L1's aren't regulated but if they are all deemed securities then it's not good.

I had link and swapped it for Bitcoin. I'm not willing to take the risk until regulation is clear.

>> No.52958757

Is it gold or bronze? He didn't really do gold stuff did he? Yeah that's awesome. You sound like a cool dad. I love my dad, but he's kind of a dufus. I suppose if he toured the dead he wouldn't have met stupid mom, and I'd not exist. Not sure if that would be better or worse. Still love them but it just hurts I wish my life was different growing up and now, but at least now I can make small changes.

>> No.52958801

>I started to realize crypto was a real thing in late 2019 and started to look for projects with real business use cases and I came upon Chainlink

You picked the wrong horse brother
Chainlink has 2 use cases;
>it can generate random numbers, which is somehow hard to do in crypto and therefore used by the few crypto lotteries out there such as POOL Together
>it can very/confirm the price of an asset, which is used by leverage crypto products such as GNS

I've been on /biz/ since 2017 so I'm very familiar with Chainlink and its history. It will always be "the" /biz/ coin but what you must know is the chainlink play was to buy for 20c-50 (late 2017 all the way to early 2019) and then dump it in the $20-50 range
Whoever still owns Chainlink failed the IQ test. It is overvalued even at current prices, there is no reason for it to be worth 3 billion dollara while similar oracle products such as TRB or API3 have less than a 100 million valuation.
Sergey is no genius and there is nothing remarkable about chainlink, the ONLY reason it pumped so much is because "we" got behind it and shilled the hell out of it. In 2018-2019, about 80% of threads were Chainlink threads, all the time. People created new meme images on a daily basis

I'm not saying chainlink might not go up again, but it will never make a new ATH. The staking creates additional selling pressure, if there is another bullrun there will be newer unpumped that will be much better bets, plus the OG autists that bought at 20c and made the mistake not selling at $30-50 won't make the same mistake twice I assume
The only good thing about chainlink is it will always be a /biz/ coin and therefore always mentionned on here

>> No.52958854
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It’s gold. I bought this piece off someone really close to the dead. Close enough I won’t name him here. He made 10 of those, I know Keith Richards has one of them and another is actually buried with the guy Bear made it for.

Thank you that’s a fine compliment. I have four kids and I do my best to be a good father. It’s the only thing that I’ve ever really put all I have into.

I buy and sell a lot of artwork in some really weird niches, so I have a lot of cool stuff going through my collection. Honestly 40% + of my NW is in art

If you know Owsley you might know what this is. Enjoy.

Don’t be too hard on your dad, if he tried and you know he loves you that’s a great gift. Just try to build on what he did right and correct what he did wrong and you’ll make the family stronger. The best thing a dad can do is have a son who is better than himself.

>> No.52958932

It's hard because the bad decisions he made affects me. I do love him he's just really really stupid and selfish. I feel that if he really loved me more he'd have tried harder. I am harsh because I put my fucking money where my mouth is and a lot of people can't say that. It's all good though. I'll get over it. It's too easy to say what could have been. I'm glad he's alive.

>> No.52958934
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>more Abyss

>> No.52958965

If you bought for your kids and understand this is a long-term investment then why are you bitching instead of buying now when it’s cheap? This is either a LARP or you have terrible investment strategy

>> No.52958981

And that's sick. I collect a bit of art/jewelry myself. Not any dead head stuff though. The grateful dead scene has lost its magic. I'm glad you got to meet some real ones. I wish that magic would come back, anywhere. A lot of people are such pretentious dicks these days. Somehow the world has been taken over by fucking simps and faggots, we are way overdue for a correction. I really hope a lot of people die in agony soon. They deserve it.

>> No.52959017

Are you brian?

>> No.52959030

kys senpai

>> No.52959031

Nvm Brian does not have 4 kids.

>> No.52959040

My kids start college in two years. In five years I’ll have three in college at the same time. Adulting is a bitch man.

>> No.52959044

>supply SHOCK

Jesus christ you linkies are deluded. You're acting like chainlink tokens are some strategically important resource like oil or silver. It does nothing, nobody NEEDS it, its price is purely about speculation. Get a grip of yourself you pathetic namefag.

>> No.52959045

Brian from GV? If so, I know him.

>> No.52959049
File: 374 KB, 512x512, 1670193901163303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realistically the current situation probably won't last more than 2 month before exchanges selling derivatives go bankrupt when they can't find the supply to short crypto and need to buy it back with no supply
You can't even begin to fathom the number of tricks the jews can pull out from their sleeves when it comes to create supply out of thin air. Synthetic derivatives, EPT, EFRs,..
The situation you described is exactly the same the silverfags are facing since a decade. Comex and LBMA were supposed to implode a billion times already from the surcharge of unbacked derivatives and naked shorts. Yet, here we are.

Even if a CEX like Binance is artificially minting and selling let say 2 BTC for each one they really hold, it's still nothing. For silver, the equation is currently at 253:1. The only limit is jews' imagination. Today, there were 9.5x the total amount of silver held in comex's registered vaults traded in a single session.
Imagine 9.5x the volume of total CEXs supply of bitcorn being traded daily. It's how far they can go with the ETF pilpul. Everything is so fucking fake. And it's even easier to trick ppl when it comes to digital ""assets"".

>> No.52959086

if you were here in 2017 then why didn't you buy between $0.20-0.50 and sell between $20-$50?

>> No.52959124

You're literally a retarded trannie, bro. No one cares.

>> No.52959130

Brian buys and flips glass art. Marbles/pendants. united states, that's where I am

>> No.52959516

bro crypto is a scam lol

>> No.52959530

> pork ID
jewish piggy confirmed.

>> No.52959545

>if you were here in 2017 then why didn't you buy between $0.20-0.50 and sell between $20-$50?

I bought Quant instead

>> No.52959662

Crypto was built to counter these tricks.
A bank run is all it takes to expose a naked scammer and FTX was their greatest asset in this manipulation.
The situation won't degenerate to the same level as with silver and gold, and even that won't last forever now that China is creating their own exchange.
When the old empire is discovered by the world as naked all their magic tricks will end.
No empire survived a collapse after starting printing.

The new emerging country group wants to stop the fiat madness and revert to commodity backed valuations which includes crypto.
The only unknown factor is time, but the TradFi ponzi may be in an even worse state than the crypto one currently and won't be able to survive long like this which will force the final FED printing before the end of the reserve status of the dollar.

>> No.52959740


>> No.52959762

how much money did you make?

>> No.52959767


Believe me or not I truely don't care. Bought it on IDEX at the time

>> No.52959806

They lost their treasury on FTX so need to dump more, thanks for your liquidity

>> No.52959835

>The node operators know it
Haha lmao have you heard of Linkpool they did exactly this

>> No.52960143

how much money did you make?

>> No.52960172

fuck off namefag

>> No.52960878

The project is still by far the most solid and widely adopted project in the space but the problem with being this early is that there will be a long period of time when the price doesn't reflect the potential value of the finished product. Staking is in beta, CCIP is delayed for more thorough testing, I would rather the team work slow and steady on the project that ends up becoming the global standard than rushing it and collapsing due to releasing a broken product.
The state of the global economy means everything is going down, this is actually extremely bullish for a product like LINK which aims to replace the current corrupt system with a trustless incorruptible system.
I know it's hard, believe me but it's just a question of time.

>> No.52960952

>the year is 2025
>you wake up, make your cereal, turn on the news
>panic stricken, you go outside to the chainlink shop to buy some but they’re all out
>the power goes out in the street, airplanes start falling out of the sky
>your last thoughts before you die from global thermonuclear war are “if only I listened to that cocksucking name fag”

>> No.52961005

Why are you even posting here if you believe this

>> No.52961051

you DCAed into a shitcoin, hoping to make bank. you missed the golden age of crypto by several years, and then you FOMOed. an investment? there is no use case for any of this shit it is literally just riskier stocks with grifter project managers trying to shill their bullshit by saying its slightly different than these other shitcoins and therefore not inherently WORTHLESS unlike the rest. come the fuck on dude you have a family and you wasted a third of a mil on some “asset” that you can never touch. how many times did you look at the chart as it was going down and think “welp better keep on buying all the way down!” you know why crypto fags always say buy the dip? yeah its so YOU buy the dip. the other anon here that compared trading to war is correct, you do not have the mentality to survive as an investor lmao. my advice to you is to do a 180 and buy HARD ASSETS that you keep in a safe. stop investing and start hedging because you already lost a life changing amount of money for your kids. admit to yourself that crypto is a scam, apologize to your wife, and cash out. good luck retard

>> No.52961115

this confirms you are the exact retard onto whom competent people love to offload their bags. the crypto market is inextricably linked to the stock market. you are right that we are headed for a crash, yet you think the best raft for your family is chainlink? fucking link. you think cash strapped masses are going to be pouring into the crypto market when they get laid off and the ones that dont take a pay cut because of inflation?

i think the reason for this dumbfuckery is because you made money in the art market. the clientele for link are not well to do, they are broke zoomer youtube watchers. when the economy loses its footing, the rich will still buy art but the paper handed linkies will sell their supply to continue paying their internet bill. look at the direction global markets are heading and see if you can find a better asset to stockpile than 50k links of a nonexistant chain

>> No.52961140

Sounds like you have the necessary conviction, friend. Don’t fall for the FUD. Laying off sales staff in this phase of the cycle is a prudent business decision. As another anon mentioned, CLL are actively hiring in R&D. Token sales at this stage are intended to increase the circulating supply to ~51% as a commitment to decentralization first principles. This will become important over the next 18-24 months with feature releases that finally bring some utility (and therefore market demand) to the LINK token. You’ve got 50k Chainlink tokens, likely a home and other assets, and still 40% of your NW is in art. Depending on how long this cycle takes to play out you might need to liquidate some assets in order to pay for college. Take it day by day. No one can see the future. But you’re in a good position and your family is safe.

>> No.52961155

Kek this is exactly how Schiff talked every time he "happened to spot" uncle in a thread
>based uncle as always!

>> No.52961174

Look at this zoomer’s reading comprehension. OP says 40% of his NW is in art. What is that if not a hard asset? Sounds like you’re salty he’s got a big boy portfolio and a stable loving family to boot. Chainlink isn’t going anywhere, the smart contract genie is not going back into the bottle.

>> No.52961345
File: 31 KB, 735x462, F8D6D29C-A816-4849-A036-0672AF90AAFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m having similar issues with my father anon
He’s a total man child who never earned any real money and was basically more like an older brother than a Dad, my mother paid for everything
When I was a kid I idolised him although now I realise he may be a narcissist in that he doesn’t seem to care about being honest or truthful with himself or his family, he lives in a comfortable fantasy world of his own creation where he’s a respected musician and a great father, he takes zero responsibility for his failed marriage (My mother just left him after 40 years)
My entire family has fallen apart due to his refusal to deal with reality and now my wife is pregnant with our first son I’m realising how much I truly hate his guts, like I was protecting him from my own disappointment in a weird dysfunctional way typical of children of narcissists. At this point I’m happy never speaking to him again desu. He’s not like a normal flawed Dad it’s like to him truth means nothing like he’s a spiritual Jew/satanist or something I find it grotesque how he chooses his own comfort before honesty and the needs of his family. Anyway just felt the need to vent for some reason, probably because my wife is pregnant with our first child (a son) and I hold a huge amount of link

>> No.52961346

the only crypto that will make it is the fedcoin. they will replace usd with their brand new cbdc after buying or stealing all the tech that makes your little golden boy project special. at which point any decentralized coin will pose a threat to the implementation of the beast and will be eliminated. if tomorrow you invent some brilliant crypto tech, you personally might get rich when the government buys the patent. but your coin will not be allowed to compete with goliath.

congrats to op for having a sizable folio. however a true big boy investor would have better sense than to dump the better part of a mil into one bet, then come on here and beg for anti-fud on why hell make it since he cant afford to lose. look at the way he responds to ppl telling him to sell versus people telling him hes fine. another gambler wholl ignore any clues to cash out because hes just sure that the next bull run is right around the corner. smart investors have designated stop losses. smart investors are diversified enough to where the dont get killed by one ticker. smart investors dont put more down than they can afford to lose. and most of all they act on the logic of a chart rather than the fallacy of their emotions.

there is still time op. stick to the markets you know and count yourself lucky that you didnt lose more.

>Is crypto dead? It feels like adoption by large players is basically zero.

its clear you understand the situation fine, youre just still hoping for a reason to think otherwise. ill tell you this op, there will always be an equally hopeful person with a stake in the same project who will chime in to say all is well. but that person is doing the same thing you are, trying to convince himself of something. reread your own posts itt and tell me you dont sound like a man grasping for any reason to deny what he already knows to be true. its over

>> No.52961421

This is just bear retardation as if smart contracts aren’t revolutionary and in the case of link real world data + smart contracts = a big deal it’s not a nothing burger it’s unironically the next ETH and all any of you morons need to do is wait for CCIP and keep buying

>> No.52961509

i hope for your kids sake you hold some precious metals. otherwise your destitute child will hate his father just as you do. true wealth. truth. thats what children need. not bets

>> No.52961677

Well I bought at 55 cents so I’m actually not selling ever sorry if that upsets you

>> No.52961710

Checking based og digits of truth

>> No.52961748

you got played, now move on or hold the bag forever
why the fuck would you invest longterm in chainlink though? its a basic crypto scam, they just pretend to do relevant stuff while dumping on morons like you

>> No.52961750

Lmao, outed yourself as a retarded boomer.

>> No.52962045

Eat a dick.

>> No.52962105

>muh boomer “rock”

if youve been on this site long enough you know whats coming. imaginary internet coins will not save you from the reset

>> No.52962201

In Klaus Schwab’s book he highlights the importance of smart contracts, boomer metal fud cuck stop fussing and embarrassing yourself and let these poor sad men make some money for once in their lives

>> No.52964127


>> No.52965032

I have about 10% of my NW in physical gold.

>> No.52965135

Lol how much of it is jewelry?