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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52924727 No.52924727 [Reply] [Original]

I'm restarting a new era of generals on this pajeet scam coin ridden board.
Idk if any of you have noticed, but all decent entrepreneurship generals have been deleted from archives, there was years worth of information on business startups and legitimate information on side hustles on them, all gone...

I intend on making generals every day on reselling so different anons can share their tips and stories, and so at last, we have one general on here where we can breathe away from pajeet rajneeshes selling their shitcoins.

Go ahead and share your stories brothers, and if anyone has any of the old /entg/ content saved somehwere, please do share!

>> No.52924733

Thanks op I’ll keep track of this

>> No.52924770

thank you, I hope it catches on and we can finally get some decent threads rolling and hopefully fully revive the /entg/sidehustle/ generals we used to have years ago
I'll make sure to save these threads on my own drives as well since the archive kikes don't want us to gather any knowledge on real ways of making money.

>> No.52924773 [DELETED] 
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QRD? where do you buy shit?

also im banned from febay because i got scammed many times and didnt pay back my scammers..

where you sell? letgo type shit?

>> No.52924775

EBay buying and selling is really hard right now

>> No.52924783
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very good work on gluteus medius

>> No.52924801

Shipping on even the lightest stuff is like $4 each now. Higher priced goods are pretty much all that works.

For fun stories i had someone complain that I sent them a box instead of what they ordered. I had to explain to them that what they ordered comes inside a box and they are supposed to open the box to get to what they want.

>> No.52924822

QRD on /entg/ threads is simple, it was during the 4chan raids that coincided with /pol/ being raided by plebbitors, this board got raided by an insane amount of discord trannies and pajeets shilling scam coins (as you can probably see, it's what the board is comprised of these days)
i can date /entg/ threads as far back as 2015, those generals were rampant with people sharing legitimate advice on their own businesses, side hustles, you name it
those threads were a breath of fresh air on this board that made poor wagie anons at least gain some hope on escaping the kike slave chains
fast forward to about 2019/2020, right around when covid hit, those generals went dark, i tried reviving them sometimes but to no avail, almost like they got shitcoin scammers on hold just spamming this board
fast forward to early this year, all those years of entgs kept on archives were simply gone, I think the last time I was able to access all that content was March of this year...
you can make your own assumptions on why scam coin threads would get priority over real ways of making money and people coming together sharing advice and their personal experiences

>> No.52924826

I can't imagine this not being a waste of time and startup fees in 2023. Not only is no one buying anything, but there's too much competition. Think of a side hustle that isn't being shilled by gurus to literally millions of people. Good thread though OP, hopefully it spawns some creativity in this dead board

>> No.52924874

What is the deal with ebay/paypal and the irs these days? Is it only transactions over $600 are reported to the irs or is it once a seller has reached $600 in total sales that amount and everything made afterwards gets reported to the irs?

>> No.52924883

posting in a delusional retard thread

>> No.52924900

selling shit is the worst idea ever. Even if you have 100% free inventory (as in, you steal everything) you would still make more as a shitty software engineer than you would trying to sell stuff online. you think you can compete with amazon and walmart? lol

>> No.52924911

Bump for interest

So you buy stuff from china(Ali express) and resell? How do you know what to buy?

>> No.52924924

>you would still make more as a shitty software engineer
How do I get a shitty software job?

>> No.52924952

>How do you know what to buy?
That's the difficult part fren... You need to know what kind of useless trinkets normie roasties like. If you can't think like a normie it's RIP. Though i suppose some trackers can tell you which items are the most sold on a weekly basis?
But you wont get ahead of the trend like this.

>> No.52925009

go ahead and become a software engineer then
this thread is for non wagie suggestions and anons that don't want to answer to a boss 5-7 days a week
believe it or not some people would rather work a bit more just to not have to answer to someone above them and be able to set their own schedule

>> No.52925043

go ahead and buy more jizzcoin from rajneesh, I'm sure it'll at least 1000x

>> No.52925046

Total sales which is insane. My girlfriend sold an old cellphone and a couple of used handbags. Got sent a 1099k .

>> No.52925152

yeah the IRS is cracking down, I don't care muuch for it anyways
I've always declared my taxes and gotten some back

>> No.52925256

Reseller here. Can confirm making money is possible. Most of you are just lazy fucks

>> No.52925411

Where do you keep inventory?

>> No.52925422

Also can confirm. eBay is the GOAT for reselling, btw. I am dialing down my Amazon FBA selling. Sick of their return policy constantly fucking me.

>> No.52925487

What do you sell? Or how do you know what to sell?

>> No.52925536

Not sure, maybe someone can provide input.
I found a $1.8 billion niche market where 30% is online. I could source the product for 50 Cents to $1 and sell it for around $5 or maybe even a bit more.
But I need to get a brand started and also don't know where to begin.
Ebay? Amazon FBA? Shopify? I have not a lot of money. Just a poor wagecuck.
Anyone some recommendation on how to start?

>> No.52925545

Thanks for the info. It is kind of stupid. There should be a way to report personal sales to be exempt. Sellers that stay in the realm of an online garage sale should be left alone. Scumbags trying to beat the system and make an income under the table as an actual professional sale deserve being forced to pay taxes. This is especially true since they are the ones responsible for the new over site coming into effect.

>> No.52925553

Really? Even if I'm not reselling and just selling random shit around the house?

>> No.52925612

I just flip rare coins on ebay
I memorize a few hundred coins and recent sales for them
then I watch for those coins to come up at auction and bid half the recent sale prices
If I get it I relist as BIN and wait. If I don't get it I don't care. I also search every day or two for stuff listed in the wrong category or with horrible pics.

certainly not making a living, and it's not really scalable. But it's basically just free money for doing a bit of photography and typing.

I don't care about the tax stuff since I run it as a business and expect to pay taxes on the income. Not a problem.

>> No.52925627

>Even if I'm not reselling and just selling random shit around the house?
it's the first year they're doing it so nobody knows for sure, but yeah. All indications are they're going to treat it as business income from self employment when you sell off mom's old inline skates or whatever.

>> No.52925643

>Sellers that stay in the realm of an online garage sale should be left alone
this isn't even true of garage sales anymore

a lot of places now require you to purchase a business license to hold a garage sale, and then expect you to pay taxes on the revenue.

>> No.52925659

FBA put caps on my inventory. What are you selling on eBay

>> No.52925689

just tell me your idea and i'll try it out. I have money but no ideas for what to sell.

>> No.52925707

>and then expect you to pay taxes on the revenue
how does that work? 9 times out of 10 you are selling at a loss at a garage sale.

>> No.52925833

>9 times out of 10 you are selling at a loss at a garage sale.
9 times out of 10 the seller didn't keep the original receipts so they can't claim a loss.

which isn't really fair, but the government also knows nobody was paying their property taxes on the items they sold so they figure they'll take what they can get.

>> No.52925874

Fuck off

>> No.52925887
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is it worth it in current year?

>> No.52925952

idk about him, but I have an extra room where I try to neatly organize as much as I can
if you reach a point where your inventory is just huge you could get a storage unit, they're pretty cheap where I'm at

>> No.52925973

you know there might be some good to it desu
I wanna look into it more but if the IRS really is gonna treat this as a business from self employment, that means you might be able to declare a lot of shit as tax right offs
Gas and food while you're working, storage unit expense, etc.

>> No.52926119

yeah, what you can write off depends on how much money you make as well as other factors like if you have a history of running profitable businesses.

writing off stuff like a home office for a couple thousand in ebay sales is likely to get a person in trouble. Writing off a home office for a couple hundred grand in sales is probably normal.

some stuff you should definitely be writing off, but some of it is questionable.

>> No.52926377

makes sense, so I guess it works in brackets as well, same as regular income tax

>> No.52926411

anons, I have a few old video games that I plan to sell on Ebay. What should a total newbie look out for? Can I get ripped off by a buyer?

>> No.52926592
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>> No.52926684

Smallish items that can't break or be defective. Storing inventory, packing, shipping, and returns all contain hard lessons I had to learn and limit what I buy.

>> No.52926777

Amazon banned me saying I had multiple accounts selling products but I've only ever had a single Amazon account. They never respond to any appeals etc. Used to sell my nicer stuff on their.
eBay sales are okay, I mostly just resell NFT merch and products I get for free from winning online sweepstakes.

>> No.52927382


>> No.52927443

Been a reseller for 5 years, just recently took it full time after slowly building things up. Im a Top-Rated Seller, 500+ feedback on ebay. I won't say shit about what I sell, but if anybody wants any advice or has any questions about making this their primary income I can try and answer them.

>> No.52928311


>> No.52928327

would appreciate the most detailed newbie guide you can put together
I'm gonna use it to build this thread up in the future as I'll keep this general up and running as much as I can

>> No.52928399

You’ve got that right, my sales have slowed to a crawl. People keep messaging me for offers 75% below list price. They also want free shipping and they can fuck off

>> No.52928494

I recently started reselling on ebay
Have 30 feedback

What kinds of items are you selling?
Not specifics but more general
Like big ticket items with high roi or just a ton of small stuff for volume?

>> No.52928958

now its your full time job how do you rate it?
How much do you make?
how many hours do you work?
Are they good hours, like work when you want to, or bad hours as in having to do long hours on weekends and stuff?
what are some of the perks and downsides of ebay as a job?

>> No.52929005

by being diverse. fake it till you make it.

>> No.52929575

>how do you rate it?
>How much do you make?
I'd like to keep that private, but enough to pay bills and still live comfortably
>how many hours do you work? Are they good hours, like work when you want to, or bad hours as in having to do long hours on weekends and stuff?
I run everything out of my house, so I'm kind of always involved with this one way or another. That's my personal choice though. In the end you always get to decide when you're working on it
>what are some of the perks and downsides of ebay as a job?
I make my own schedule, I've finally been able to start sleeping a consistent 8 hours and it's noticeably improved my general well-being. I don't need to deal with typical workplace gripes like incompetent supervisors, office politics, hr policies, etc.

Some cons would be that money can be inconsistent. Right now a lot of people are getting killed with how few sales are happening. I fucking hate how much ebays fees are, but for alot of the things I sell ebay is the best place to put them. You also need a healthy chunk of capital to get things reliably going for you, and location plays a big part in if you're able to pull it off or not

>> No.52929603

Got these two mixed up.

To answer your question, I generally try to do a mix of both. Big ticket items are what im leaning on right now, but I remember during lockdowns you could sell practically anything, so going for volume wasn't a bad strategy either.

>> No.52929902

Do you subtract ebays fees, shipping, driving to the post office etc as expenses to counter the income?

>> No.52930064

My main question is what do you sell, but maybe somettng else.
How do you know what to sell?

>> No.52930436

What do you mean by location being a determining factor on wether you make it or not?
Locations as in if you’re close to places you can easily source stuff from?

>> No.52930444

I'll be dumping on demand warehouse here eventually, just need to figure out the current meta

>> No.52930653

Lmk when you do. I'm clueless

>> No.52930726

Neat, just reached £1,500 profit p/m with amazon FBA so good timing for the thred

>> No.52932622


>> No.52932933

always do this as long as you don't have like $10 in sales

>> No.52932980

It's way down compared to 2020 and 2021. Only the absolute most in-demand items get a look.

>> No.52933129

Do you really have to keep the original receipts? If you keep your own record of your cost basis in a spreadsheet isn't that enough?

>> No.52934408


>> No.52934724

Don't waste your time and money with fleabay. Even if the buyer doesn't rip you off ebay, paypal and the usps will. Just sell them locally for cash. Use facebook, craigslist, whatever to reach buyers.

>> No.52934762

>laces now require you to purchase a business license to hold a garage sale, and then expect you to pay taxes on the revenue.
Doesn't surprise me. Garage sales are being abused these days too. Dirtbags have non stop garage sales at their house. I use to live in a neighborhood where several houses did this on weekends, some all week all summer. No wonder the municipalities take notice.

>> No.52935508


>> No.52937674


Are you doing like retail arbitrage or just sourcing something bulk from China and reselling. If so is your item branded etc?

Any insight is appreciated

>> No.52937779

>Do you subtract ebays fees, shipping, driving to the post office etc as expenses to counter the income?
yep, except for driving because I live half a mile from the post office and I'll usually have the letter carrier pick up anyways.
but I absolutely subtract ebay fees, checking fees, postage, packaging, anything else that's an actual expense.
I don't expense my phone, internet, or computer because I use those for personal stuff as well. But if I bought equipment just for ebay selling I'd deduct that.
>If you keep your own record of your cost basis in a spreadsheet isn't that enough?
In real life you can probably go back to your credit cards or checking account and find the original cost if you had to, but seriously nobody is doing that for a garage sale.
Yep, that's exactly why it happened in my area. People running flea markets out of their garage every year.

>> No.52938388

RA/OA, got put onto it about 6 months ago and all inned with my neetbux. It's very easy TBQH, sourcing products is the hardest part but as long as youve got access to a vehicle you should be sound. Have you started or just thinking about it?

Probs new ID just got back

>> No.52938538

>Have you started or just thinking about it?

Just thinking about it. I've done tons of research though but I have yet to pull the trigger. How much capital to really get going?

I'm assuming you are buying things that turn over quickly based on ranking?

What margins are acceptable per item and what isn't worth it?

What tools do you use to make the process easier?

I do have a vehicle and live in the city so there should be options to buy things. I alright with crypto so I have some capital and free time to get something going. I need cash flow. My living expenses are insanely low.

Live alone and spend about $1600-$1700 per month for everything.

>> No.52938636

hear this speaker, hear what he has to say
all I know on the subject is synthesizers are good to buy/resell
essentially, a lot of the people that buy them are skint and end up having to sell them in desperation, whereby they undercut themselves and sell at a loss
laptops are sometimes decent, phones too if you know what to look for but not my cup of tea
for example you can get job lot of thinkpads for cheap sometimes (ive got 3 for 50 before), tend to get snapped up quick, but resell individually for more (depends on model, those 3 i sold for 120 each)
you won't be making fat stacks, but it is a decent side hustle

>> No.52940163

hm, I have a decent video game collection. I sold most of my Gamecube stuff during the insane rona rally on craigslist but never took the dive into ebay.
Was always scared of getting scammed as seller. Would appreciate some advice as seller on ebay as to how not to get scammed.

>> No.52940763
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>> No.52940925

>I'm restarting a new era of generals on this pajeet scam coin ridden board.
>Idk if any of you have noticed, but all decent entrepreneurship generals have been deleted from archives, there was years worth of information on business startups and legitimate information on side hustles on them, all gone...
Based oldfag anon. I remember them too, it’s a shame the threads were purged. Have a bump

>> No.52942202

Its not really worth it.. These days those same chink factories you order bulk from sell their own products on amazon, so you cant compete with the factory itself. Just look at amazon its basically just aliexpress with quicker shipping.
And ebay has some shadow sales cap system in place, they basically shadow ban you from getting over a certain threshhold in sales per month. Which is probably to spread out the sales to all of the sellers but its bullshit because they sometimes hide your listings or put them lower on the list, the sales arent organic

>> No.52943475

thank you sir

>> No.52945052

okay ebay fucking sucks but like what about more niche shit like etsy or reverb

>> No.52945066

bro you're about 10 years late on this.. just work at mcdonalds for a better ROI

>> No.52945082

These. I've been coming back to /biz/ on and off since and was surprised at how the good stuff was just wiped off the map. I got into affiliate marketing and dropshipping because of you cunts back in early 2017 and now own my own marketing agency literally because of those early threads.

>> No.52945092

Why do anything then? Fucking retard. Lmao. Defeatist retard. Unrionically never ever going to make it, ever. Period. You failed before you even started.

>> No.52945635

literally all this board is plagued with
sometimes I think they're just (((them))) in disguise so these threads can get derailed with demoralization and purged like the old ones

>> No.52946020

Not sure if youll still have this thread open but RA in the US is meant to be insanely easy becuase of all your stores like ROSS and shit. Basically you can start with any amount over £250 in the uk so id guess about the same for you guys. The fastest money is made selling those items with big rankings yea, sometimes youll get lucky and find a 500 sales/m item with nobody on the listing and thats the best of both worlds. The reality is though youll probably be sharing with 5-10 other sellers but on a listing that does 1000 a month thats fine. Ive noticed noobs love to buy toys that sell like 20 a month for a massive ROI, this isnt a bad strategy when youve got some capital but the fact is selling 20 scrub daddys at £2 profit is double the money and I can guarantee Ill sell all those quicker than one thomas the tank toy.
My margins are 15-30% Amazon does rinse you on fees but theres literally no other free money glitch like this so its worth it.
I use sellerampSAS and Sellertoolkit First one for profit calc and sourcing second one for profit tracking and a few other things. Best place to get started is probably youtube as always, I dont know a lot about the US but from what I've heard from UK sellers its crazy value over there. (To the point where people I know have spent 10-15k setting up a US side to their fba business)

>> No.52946024


>sometimes I think they're just (((them))) in disguise so these threads can get derailed with demoralization and purged like the old ones

If you mean literal jews and glowniggers than yes you would be right. Various organizations have outright admitted to campaigns to target users on 4Chan because of "radicalism" and wrong think so they do actively patrol these forums in order to demoralize. The last thing these groups want are people who engage in "wrong-think" to succeed financially.

I'm not kidding whatsoever. Its imperative people actually pick a strategy and implement it with persistence. A business, sales, consulting, agency etc or simply anything where your time involved doesn't cap your earnings like a normal wage or salary. Financial freedom allows users here to spread their ideas and influence.

That being said, their efforts do actually demoralize some frequent users, who in turn spread the sentiment, so its hard to differentiate between organic or inorganic posting.

>> No.52946136


Excellent, I really do appreciate the reply I've been keeping this tab open all day so your effort wasn't wasted.

I do live in the US and have stores like that in my area. TJ Maxx and Gabes. Those are both clothes generally though but I bet shoes would be a great niche.

How difficult is it to get ungated on a certain product? How does one go about that process? That was the main factor that kept deterring me from starting.

>I use sellerampSAS and Sellertoolkit First one for profit calc and sourcing second one for profit tracking and a few other things.

These are good tips I'll check them out. I could easily start with $1000 and scale to $5000 of inventory no problem once I understand what I'm doing. I have the capital just not the experience.

Are there certain rankings numbers that you are looking for specifically. I'm not really sure what is worth it and what isn't in that regard. I want fast turn over ideally with lower profit margins I'm thinking in my case.

Any videos you watched would be great if you could share them or any other resources I should read that you found crucial in your learning process.

Thanks again

Between my Citi Double Cash (2% back) and My Coinbase Debit Card(1-4% back rotating each month) I routinely get anywhere from 3-6% cash back on all my purchases each month since I can pay off the Citi Double Cash with my Coinbase Debit card and the rewards stack. Its awesome.

That would help my bottom line a lot when buying inventory. It would also increase my credit limit quickly as well I'd imagine with extra spending.

>> No.52946249

Also one last question off the top of my head, do you use any specific tools for packaging and shipping your haul to the FBA centers?

I see people talking about Rollo printers and other items to make it more efficient. I happen to live right next a post office as well. Literally 1 block away.

I have a real nice PC but my phone isn't the greatest just a Samsung Galaxy 9 +. If I wanted to be serious about this would it be worth my time to get a higher performing phone to make everything more streamlined?

Basically, the supplies I would need to start be poly bags, cardboard boxes, labels, and a thermal printer correct?

>> No.52946343

Ungating is a bit weird, sometimes a third party will have the main listing (even for a big brand) and so you can get ungated instantly. Sometimes youll have to ungate manually but once youve got decent sales youll get ungated on a lot of things just from having a decent account history. The way to get ungated in the UK is to just order 10 products from a wholesaler and send in the invoice. For example I sell a lot of groceries so i ordered a case of gummy sweets for like £30 and thats the whole grocery section ungated.

SAS has you covered on sales ranks, their default filter is 25% ROI and smth like 150sales/mo and thats what id go for minimum starting out. I like household and beauty products, people always need cleaning products etc and Stacey cant go without make up, grocery is good too. Avoid electronics unless its a great deal because returns can kill you.

Its a good job youre thinking about cashback because thats what set me and my friend (he started 12 months ago now doing about £200 a day) figured out was the secret sauce. Use honey and whatever other online cashback you've got over there too.

IMO the absolute best thing you can do is just start. Buy a udemy course or youtube it (my friend showed me everything so dont have any good resources sry). AVOID PRIVATE LABEL, for some reason every video i would click on before would be some chimp talking about selling kitchen utensils or some shit, ignore that go all in on RA/OA because fuck china.

I went for a shit and half typed this out so im giving a tldr because i forgot what I typed : 1) Most important thing is to just start, worry about literally everything else later but get yourself rolling and get the confidence that its working.

2) Go wide on product listings instead of trying to niche, i for some reason see loads of people trying to do niches but theres literally no reason to.

3) Be patient, lots of noobs undercut prices by like 5 pennies constantly, dont. Just share buy box price.

>> No.52946431

Thermal printer isnt needed can just do with a home printer and pre stuck a4 sheets of labels (google 44 up labels). Everything else you know. Packing tape and a tape gun makes things much easier, I use a chinese thermal printer but regret not getting one with bluetooth. Here in the UK you can get UPS to collect your packages daily and take them to FBA centre, I imagine you have the same option.

Phone doesnt matter just have a battery bank if youre gonna be doing lots of in store product sourcing. Again i advise just starting and figuring it out, if youre worried about capital loss on inventory dont be because worst case scenario you can return stuff to the store ykno. Oh and I never pay for boxes, just find some stores near you who throw them out and just ask. I use empty med supplies boxes from a care home and it saves them bin space.

>> No.52946497

>Its a good job youre thinking about cashback because thats what set me and my friend (he started 12 months ago now doing about £200 a day) figured out was the secret sauce. Use honey and whatever other online cashback you've got over there too.

At 200 per day approximately how much value of inventory does he have listed at any given time? $20,000? More or less? Either way its encouraging for sure.

Interesting I Ironically don't buy online much just a few reoccurring items I use like supplement etc so the Online Arbitrage aspect seems foreign to me. How are the margins so much different between Walmart and say Amazon? Wouldn't it be so competitive? I will have to make a Honey account and I saw my Capital One card basically has their own version of Honey as well I can sign up to get.

What percentage of goods would you say you source from Retail vs Online?

>Go wide on product listings instead of trying to niche, i for some reason see loads of people trying to do niches but theres literally no reason to.

This makes sense otherwise I'm just missing out on profit.

>I like household and beauty products, people always need cleaning products etc and Stacey cant go without make up, grocery is good too.

These all seem good I bet turn over is ridiculously fast on all of them.

>Here in the UK you can get UPS to collect your packages daily and take them to FBA centre, I imagine you have the same option.

I'll look into that you are probably right.

I'll check for a Udemy course. I think I have the general process down its really at this point understanding how to navigate the Seller Central website and get everything streamlined

>> No.52946519

>if youre worried about capital loss on inventory dont be because worst case scenario you can return stuff to the store ykno.

I didn't even think of that some degree its almost full proof depending on return policies haha

Any other tips or important information you might think of please feel free to drop I'm going to leave this thread open until it archives and probably copy paste your replies into a note pad for future use.

Thanks again man I'm sure you will hit over $200 per day at this rate

>> No.52946606

Pretty much said everything I've got, friends weekly spend on inventory is about 10k now and he still does all that through OA/RA. People are willing to pay silly prices for a lot of stuff just because of the Prime ecosystem i think.

I do a lot of online for my beauty stuff I usually look for 3 for 2 deals or buy one get one free etc. For example one of my listings costs 6.66 rn and sells at about 12.49 on amazon, RRP is 9.99 so 3 for 2 + 10% cashback gives me about 2.50 profit after fees. This item sells 1200 a month and has like 10 people on the listing so in theory that alone could be 300 a month. find a bunch of these and youre gaming.

>> No.52946699


Its amazing you are able to still profit by purchasing the item, shipping it to your home address, and then shipping it to Amazon's FBA center.

Are you often getting free shipping on the Online Arbitrage purchases?

>> No.52947991

Ebay top rated seller w over 700 100% feedback here.

Ebay fucks you over with fees and shipping costs are retarted. But there really isn’t a good alternative. Id stay far away from electronics cause i run into scammers feels like more than not.

Only reason im still here is cause my mom passed away and had so much stuff she was proud of, and while my dad just wanted to get rid of it, I knew she would want us to try to get what we could out of it.

It’s a ton of items. Thousands related to arts and crafts. Even though I didn’t buy the inventory, i was still surprised by the margins on a lot of this stuff. It’s a really small niche but full of old women which I never run into issues with them trying to scam or complain about stupid stuff. Rollo printer was worth investment for me. And i look for shelf deals on slickdeals to hold the inventory. Invested in a photobox for good pics and just use iPhone.

I enjoy the work but sales are so random that I could never make ot my full time job. Some days i see 1 or 2 sales. Some days its 20.

I did see a decent uptick when using 2% advertising fee, but that’s also more money lost.

I always include tracking info which means first class so thats always at least $3.75 on every sale. I’ve been trying to encourage buying multiple items at once to cut that down.

>> No.52948029

Yep, Amazon and Walmart don’t carry sold out shoes or old collectibles from 15 years ago. The absolute state of poorfags

>> No.52949233

>People who don't suck up to the government should be punished by the government because the government is bad!

>> No.52949618


Personal sales are exempt, if you're selling old cell phones and handbags for less than you bought them for, there's no profit and income being made to tax.

You now have to prove this to the IRS, though, which is of course a pain in the ass that sellers didn't have to deal with before the $600 rule went into effect.

>> No.52950784


>> No.52952025

Yeah the tax forms will be sent automatically now so save those receipts for any items you resell

>> No.52953693


>> No.52954517
File: 180 KB, 1080x1080, 1885239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52955513
File: 471 KB, 750x1063, 7088BEEB-7CA8-4B87-ADDB-4F1B2F39D5EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, Jack. There’s a new NFT in town.

Imagine not accumulating these for .01 ETH. Only 4600 supply, one tenth of the Trump NFTs.


>> No.52956817
File: 18 KB, 360x360, 1666464307686892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this pocketrocket you keep posing?

>> No.52957020


>> No.52957127

whats affiliate marketing and is dropshipping still valid in 2022?

whats some good platforms? etsy?

>> No.52958065


>> No.52958079

Aline Dessine

>> No.52958621

oldfag affiliate here, trying to get back into the game. none of the old communities are active. what are the good paid traffic sources these days? i can find the offers, wondering what traffic you can do (white hat without any cloaking)

>> No.52958719
File: 2.33 MB, 1435x6332, Screenshot_20221220_225724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't something I've sold, but something I've bought that I thought was interesting. Children's coloring books. The book seemed like it was printed on demand the day we ordered it.

Also one thing my wife buys a lot of is 3d printed cookie cutters. She has trouble finding the exact sizes and shapes she wants sometimes. If you sell them be very clear about the sizes.