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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 1000x750, Avalanche_Crypto_News_Ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52951649 No.52951649 [Reply] [Original]

The smartest play in crypto right now. I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project. It's that perfect.

If you want to become incredibly rich next bull-run, buy some AVAX right fucking now. It's the fastest, cheapest and most scalable blockchain currently.

It currently has 800 TVL, which is right behind the jeetchain Polygon. If you aren't loading up on this, you're going to miss out.

>> No.52951658

*800 million TVL

>> No.52951839
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>> No.52951845
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is * part of the contract and you will not get paid for your posts on /biz/?

>> No.52952128

I do it for free, just like the jannies

>> No.52952545
File: 1.48 MB, 896x1344, 70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC (Karma2003)
>exCo Director of IC3 joined up with Ted Yin and invented Avalanche Consensus
>close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>is for decentralization and Censorship resistance
>el33th4xor that farms gigabrains from top unis

Avalanche protocol:
>third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW & Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>highest Nakamoto coefficient
>Node hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking on nodes & delegating to nodes
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned (also when Subnets, Blockchains & other assets are created)
>9% APY + delegator reward% + Subnet Rewards
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 90% node uptime

>subnets can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>"Blockchain as a Service" to tokenize all the Assets in the World
>Chainlink Subnet is in the works but also 900 other subnets from gaming to finance to CBDCs to payment providers everything is possible on Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn additional rewards from them all!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>C-Chain (EVM) Subnet is constantly improved
>C-Chain mirrored the best parts of the entire ETH ecosystem and improved on many ideas giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

right now it trades for $11.91

>> No.52952569
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Nice write up.

We're gonna make it

>> No.52952603

yeah but what does it do

>> No.52952617
File: 30 KB, 512x462, pepethefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It a 100 year old pasta I have been posting since mainnet launch 2 years ago or so.

>> No.52952636
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Tokenizing all the Assets in the World.

>> No.52953022


>> No.52953026

>It's the fastest, cheapest and most scalable blockchain currently.
Change the word block chain to DLT and you’re wrong. Two words
>Hedera Hashgraph

>> No.52953230

centralized dead shitcoin that won't scale.

>> No.52953397

Roach chain. Arbitrum makes this obsolete.

>> No.52953405

>can't find any fud
thats due to your roach brain capabilities
here i'll help you out

>doesn't scale any more than any other chain
>EVM copy pasta dogshit
>C-Chain does less than 150k transaction with $30M daily volumes
>PoS and VCs were given 42% of the supply
>Centralized bridge
>Subnets aren't a scaling solution, and things become incredibly centralized in the process
>Scalability, Decentralization, Security. Not speed

>> No.52954002 [DELETED] 

i like avalanche, I really do

but everybody chose solana to be the layer 2 competitor to ethereum

it is what it is

>> No.52954021

i like avalanche, I really do

but everybody chose solana to be the layer 1 competitor to ethereum

it is what it is

>> No.52954103

It’s probably the only coin that actually can scale.

>> No.52954163


Avalanche does not use chains in the traditional sense but leveraged subnets instead. There can be an unlimited number of subnets on Avalanche and each subnet can have its own requirements for validators. This means they can leverage other network validators or choose to require certain hardware or a certain license (think NFT) for their own validators. This provides unlimited scale for the network and nearly unlimited customization for each subnet. Additionally, since all subnets share the same consensus and other protocols within Avalanche, all subnets are inter-operable without any work from the subnet provider.

Cope more baggie.

>> No.52954171
File: 1.25 MB, 896x1344, 80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 key can flush all user funds

>but everybody chose solana
centralized, cant scale and has no real DeFi.

>> No.52954231

Extracting yield on arbitrum to accumulate avax is the real deal

>> No.52954246

>centralized, cant scale and has no real DeFi.

true but irrelevant, it's what people use

Solana - It Is What It Is™

>> No.52954261

Yeah but it failed so now they have to pick more wisely.

>> No.52954310
File: 1.18 MB, 896x1344, 94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's what people use
nobody actually uses it and it will never gain mainstream adoption because it cant scale.
Avalanche is the real deal.

>> No.52955301

rather than copy pasting perhaps try to understand what I was saying
subnets do not benefit from shared security yet they are necessary to stake avax and validate mainchain without fair compensation
it's 'scaling' solution is centralized up the ass
Emint also fetishizes speed and time to finality as his main selling point. show me which part of the trilemma in which speed is a problem

>> No.52955309

Bump for Avalanche Supremacy

>> No.52955337

>shared security
Nobody wants this, shared security is a meme for midwits.

Basically deloitte or KKR or Alibaba dont want Cryptokitties and Nigger coin on their chains clogging up their business and they dont want their security depend on things far out of their own control. They want their own customized subnets.

>> No.52955403
File: 67 KB, 780x501, allocations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than half pre mined and allocated. We must make these people rich, it is our duty as suckers and fools.

>> No.52955436
File: 39 KB, 753x397, content_AVAX_Allocation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.5% of AVAX tokens are owned from private sales.

That chart is literally wrong

>> No.52955497
File: 125 KB, 1125x665, 1267694189163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a for profit company and full of for profit individuals. It's far from a neutral protocol, they just want your money and be done in a few years like EOS. The same people are dumping premined AVAX who pay shills on /biz/ and advertisements on subways.

>> No.52955563

>full of for profit individuals

Go work at McDonalds for free serving the community.


>> No.52955592

>cornell professor who basically invented proof of work is gonna pump and dump you

>> No.52955641

what real world asset has it tokenized so far?

>> No.52955645

>nobody wants this aside from every single legitimate L1
subnets can't interoperate aside from your centralized bridges
Congesting C and P chains with purposeless blocks, what a brilliant idea surely works out r-right?!!?
Lol. Lmao even
You're a retard that can't read charts
You also don't understand how PoS works it seems, as those staking rewards go directly into the hands of VCs fucking ass burger

>> No.52955674

Didn't mean to sound like a communist. I meant the devs/team are in it only to profit off of AVAX sales instead of developing a functioning neutral protocol. Compare to something like Linux/Bitcoin contributors who do it for free or are paid by something else than dumping on bagholders. No one cares about the protocol, they only care to the point it looks good to new AVAX investors to bring in exit liquidity. They buy ads for fucks sake.

>> No.52955727

>subnets do not benefit from shared security
Please take a couple minutes and watch Emin explain why "shared security" is a literal nothingburger: https://youtu.be/3KDHASOByKY?list=PLRHl-ulWK4-EiCSYSEhu-yTsnAEWk0e3g&t=2029

>> No.52955786

KKR's Health Care Strategic Growth Fund II - worth some $4 billion.

>> No.52955824

Jesus, that is more horrifying than what I posted, I'm saving that. What do public sales and airdrops add up to? This has to be criminal behavior.

>> No.52955836
File: 1.26 MB, 896x1344, 86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subnets can't interoperate
yes they can and its gonna be released in one of the next big updates.

>> No.52955868
File: 357 KB, 3028x1648, AVAXbestt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Avalanche is staked or delegated to Validators. Its also hardcapped and deflationary.
only retards that cant see the big picture are dumping but they are no big concern at all.

>> No.52955882


>> No.52955908
File: 167 KB, 929x1175, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is hardcapped and fees are burned, that makes it deflationary.
you can see AVAX getting burned here

>> No.52955942

Issuance to validators is massively bigger than the burned fees. But I understand you are marketing to the bottom 10% IQ of /biz/.

>> No.52955966

A hardcap is deflationary by definition.

You low IQ pajeet.

>> No.52955994
File: 50 KB, 851x1280, günneddown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is hardcapped. there is never going to be more AVAX. thats fact.
AVAX is burned with every Transaction and that makes it deflationary.
are you literally too stupid to understand this? there is NO NEW AVAX CREATED.
also most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators and Validator Chads arent dumping.

probably brain damage from the Vaccines or really low IQ polyjeet subhuman.

>> No.52956043

>The firm has not revealed the exact amount of the investment portion that will be tokenized. However, the firm has said that the value will be worth millions of dollars, a small fraction of the $4 billion fund going to healthcare companies.

so where can I see how much is actually on the chain?

>> No.52956072

I'm not buying your bags, Teoman.

>> No.52956077

Not sure if shills have this level of knowledge about economics or if bait. Anyway have fun shilling and trading your lifetime for pennies.

>> No.52956092
File: 1.09 MB, 896x1344, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for pennies.
already made it thanks to AVAX, a hardcapped and deflationary asset.
stay poor or get rugged in the scamchains.
not my problem.

>> No.52956102

Get BTFO'd, now runaway pajeet.

Go shill your scams somewhere else.

>> No.52957864
File: 631 KB, 1170x1886, 163FA5D6-B8FA-4E7A-90A9-7ABBF90B83C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could it be, bros?

>> No.52957915
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, AF64BF16-0FE6-4842-8129-914CE8BD05CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop this false narrative right now anon
Avalanche got completely cucked by Polygon this entire year
>I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project
TOP KEK, lets starf
remember that one time gas fees on Avalanche went to $14 all cause of a fucking crab game?

Polygon was faced with the same exact situation yet they still managed to keep gas fees way below $1

>> No.52957936
File: 57 KB, 640x675, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

125+ Blocks deep reorgs, centralized and made by poojeets.

>> No.52957941
File: 191 KB, 574x795, E07C0B64-5DA8-4B80-8618-E30DC66D6E3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project.
remember when Avalanche got exposed for stealing tech and insider information from other chains using dirty legal tactics? their head of legal team was caught on video saying that

FUD Polygon all you want but they acquired/developed all their tech fair and square

>> No.52957957
File: 100 KB, 630x837, E6130915-1554-4157-AE0E-1B679741B3A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project
remember how you aggressively shilled c-chain for a whole year as “the only chain you’ll ever need” and “the chain superior to all other chains”
well i got news for you anon

>> No.52957966

was already debunked jeet. get some new FUD.

>> No.52957971 [DELETED] 

Top network (top)
Has been on decline since inception, recently transferred to mainnet, the Dex beta will be done in 2-3 months. Around 2 million coins for 400 rn. Out of a 20 bil total supply.
It’s mainnet can only be bought on houbi and Hotbit right now.
It has connection to zoom and the owner has several businesses with over 100 mil users (3rd worlders mind you) that will transfer onto it once it’s cross chain is done.
Not saying it’ll go up when Dex hits or even in the next year but has huge potential.
Thank me later you dumb day trader niggers

>> No.52957972
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, D4E7A4F5-5BE7-4233-9EB5-7F4E3C6DD5BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project
what about the double spend?
Polygon could never

>> No.52957986
File: 453 KB, 1124x1137, BE9EDC7B-9475-4EA5-AAF6-F48EC304A5D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It currently has 800 TVL
that’s $200 million less than Polygon, a chain you claim to be an “inferior scam”
things arent adding up here anon

>> No.52958016
File: 176 KB, 1124x1123, B3573BB9-682E-4904-9DA7-C331C4E69F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project
TraderJoe, an Avalanche dApps, collects more gas fees than the entirety of the Polygon PoS chain despite having a small fraction of the number of active users and daily transactions

>> No.52958036
File: 272 KB, 1073x1394, CD96A9E5-13E5-4A8F-A1D0-E382B96034E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is right behind the jeetchain Polygon
you forgot to mention that its WAY behind Polygon
DeFi on Avalanche is UTTER shit and can’t compare with the numbers Polygon is putting out on a daily basis

>Uniswap on Polygon shatters monthly record volume at $4.25 billion
>Gains Network on Polygon scores $80 million in daily trading volume and $20.5 billion in total trading volume
>SynFutures on Polygon racks in $1 billion in monthly trading volume

>> No.52958053
File: 57 KB, 500x1182, 7607C04B-8D6C-45C5-81F0-D217EF6E009F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52958056

how and when? the Avalanche team on Twitter promised an explanation with receipts and sources. We never received any of that…

How is it debunked? The head of the legal team (a man literally on the payroll of Ava labs) was caught in 4k spilling the beans.

>> No.52958086

>be AFAG supporter
>get bombarded with facts about Avalanche’s shortcomings
>have no counter argument
>post meme
>that’ll show em yesssss
>feel gud
fucking retard
hit me with facts, numbers, and stats you cuck

>> No.52958089
File: 39 KB, 528x849, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still shilling poopliegon with its fake transactions.
125+ Blocks deep reorgs, centralized and made by poojeets.

lmao look at this poolyjeet streetshitter.

>> No.52958108

>and can’t compare with the numbers Polygon is putting out on a daily basis
top kek

>> No.52958109

Emin is getting scammed paying money for these low effort replies
It only makes sense that a dirty turkfag would scam his own kind

>> No.52958125
File: 216 KB, 1072x1234, 0C6DA7C6-7142-435A-B9C2-9A4235F13F37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already solved by implementing IBFT on Polygon V3
gud FUD, but find something better
thanks for playing anon

>> No.52958134

>already solved
nothing was solved. Poolygon is still centralized and has 125+ Block reorgs.

>> No.52958161
File: 148 KB, 1052x1540, F4DCC944-86B9-420A-B718-19DDBEECA985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh almost forgot
>I honestly can't find any fud that sticks to this project
Avalanche devs are literally moving over to Polygon kek

>> No.52958173
File: 301 KB, 1124x1324, BF830BC9-1866-4CFF-AE7B-38F77A692034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and with that, i go to sleep
it was fun hijacking your low effort paid shill thread
i have to say though, i feel a slight sense of guilt knowing a family wont be eating tonight considering Emin wont be paying you for this

but oh well, gud night

>> No.52958178

>Avalanche devs are literally moving over
nobody is moving over to the centralized L2 with the 125+ Block reorgs.
just more fake numbers from the jeets.

>> No.52958188
File: 62 KB, 303x298, pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin pays per reply, he is most generous Turk. Thanks for the free Bumps, free (You)s and free moneys. see you next thread.

>> No.52958226

>literally admitting to getting paid for shilling
I knew you were dumb, but never expected you’d be retarded to this extent
unironically screenshotted and will be used in my next threads/replies kekkkk
thanks for the free FUD

>> No.52958241
File: 115 KB, 840x700, pepe and wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again thanks for the free bump, free Money and free (You)s.
Emin is truly most generous Turk.

>> No.52958253

This Friday NIGGERS!


>> No.52958271
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I wonder what it could be, maybe even bigger than Alibaba

>> No.52958325
File: 87 KB, 838x673, E630828B-FF2C-43C6-8688-764517AF1F96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alibaba is owned by the CCP. this automatically means some sort of data infiltration will be at play
Also isnt Alibaba’s founder and CEO missing and wanted by the CCP?
Huge sell signal

>> No.52958589
File: 186 KB, 929x1175, helloniggersImchina3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the CCP can make their own Avalanche Subnet but they have to stake AVAX for it.

>> No.52958720

so you just said you’re on Emin’s payroll
does this means Emin is employing racist who constantly use racial slurs and racist pictures?
(asking for personal reasons, i wont share this on Twitter)

>> No.52958957
File: 32 KB, 533x366, eminhatesniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does this means Emin is employing racist who constantly use racial slurs and racist pictures?
Hey I'm NOT a racist but Emin pays extra for Racism.

>> No.52959168

I think he just did, you should go write another cryptoleaks article About it. I’ll may you in Matic.

>> No.52959178 [DELETED] 

Go back to r*ddit, faggot

>> No.52959228

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.52959282 [DELETED] 

cope, pajeet boy

>> No.52959323


>> No.52959342

there really is no reason to buy this unless someone keeps posting petite cat with abundant cameltoe

>> No.52959594

a jew cut off my foreskin and sold it to a facial moisturizer manufacturer, but at least I have AVAX

>> No.52959595
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>> No.52959603
File: 97 KB, 334x377, avaxpepelookingatfellowavaxmillionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro that sucks but AVAX will moon and we can buy you a new foreskin.

>> No.52959619
File: 101 KB, 1180x729, bhyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think this chart looks absolutely bullish?

Any upward pump by Bitcoin or Ethereum and we'll get a 2x easy.

>> No.52960206

eos never got an post from alibabba like avax did, saying that avax is basically the best chain

>> No.52960213

can we bridge any basic erc20 token to c-chain yet?

>> No.52960592

yet? bridging erc20 tokens has been enabled for nearly 2 years.

>> No.52960604
File: 210 KB, 812x826, 1645462832509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the whitepaper lmao, it cannot scale its validator set without huge performance issues due to quadratic complexity of its consensus..... latency triples from doubling validators to just 64 lmao.

Hedera always be a centralised corporate cuckchain. Avalanche consensus does not suffer from this common limitation.


>> No.52960647

Is that why it's dumping in price?

>> No.52961107

>avax sued other companies
>this is fud
lol wuut? no one cared about that

>> No.52961273

everybody who understood the tech was buying at 3-5$ and is still up

i invested 10k in 2020 and now have 45k in stables kys

>> No.52961304

>only a 4.5x in 2 years

Your gains suck

>> No.52961621

Sui and make it stacks?

>> No.52961681


>> No.52962329

0 and 0. token and project not needed. printed out of thin air shitcoin scam. centralized

>> No.52962396

I mean any token, like ones that weren't already on the bridge

>> No.52962437

lmao this is truly zero effort

>> No.52963559

yes probably

at least i additionally have a make it stack of AVAX and am not crying because i baghold my networth to zero

>> No.52963584

wow can you use google?

check multichain.org or rango exchange

>> No.52963678

I have googled this a lot and read the list of tokens on github, but when I checked you could not put any basic erc20 token on c-chain, the token had to be on the approved list

>> No.52963915

1. what do you wanne do with a token that has zero liquidity on c-hain?

2. you need to have a contract adress for the .e wrapper on c-chain - write one yourself

>> No.52963939

AVAX in itself is 0 effort imagine falling for a fucking shitscoin scam like avax. might as wel go buy chainlink tokens

>> No.52963991

>what do you wanne do with a token that has zero liquidity on c-hain?
convince a dao to support avax with liquidity pool
>you need to have a contract address for the .e wrapper on c-chain - write one yourself
guide for this? I can write and publish a contract but I would want to know how. Otherwise I'll wait another year for avalanche to add basic erc20 token bridging like arbitrum just added

>> No.52964048

You sound slightly aggressive jeet fuck

>> No.52964087

im not. im just pointing out avax is truly pathetic, in the same category as polkadot, lunaTerra and solana

>> No.52964092

Literall the only two things in crypto worth buying
Some pajeet with 0 effort on 4chan
>these are scams

>> No.52964139

LMAOOOOOOO the avax jeets in full force. we know the core team hires shills from venezuela and other broken countries to get cheap marketing. fucking pathetic. I know a venezuelan who gets paid to tweet and shill avax. fucking pathetic.

>> No.52964198

>can't say anything meaningful as to why the fundamentals are bad
>they pay for marketing noooooo
real spastic

>> No.52964250
File: 93 KB, 640x800, masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have to say anything meaningful. I am an important node of the /biz/ hive. I visit everyday and have been doing for the past 6 years now. other important nodes read my post, unconciously understand I am right cause of my signatures. update their beliefs to "avax sucks" and then it propagates. AVAX has had many threads here over the course of years pointing out how fucking pathetic and bad the chain is. and lets just not forget the obvious. it was printed out of THIN AIR. and is proof of stake. if you think proof of stake is an innovation. you are a newbie and don't understand anything about the blockchain technology. now LE fuck OFF fucking jeetshill. avax sucks. everyone knows it. its over. AVAX is worse than XRP. and XRP is fucking terrible

>> No.52964552

> I am an important node of the /biz/ hive
I can't believe I share the board with utter delusional gorillas like yourself, how does your handler let you online? Shouldn't you be heavilly sedated and in a straight jacket? Holy fuck close your pc and take your meds you mongoloid, go outside

>> No.52964580

lmao you absolute pleb tier avax jeet. go get your booster shot, and don't forget to commute to office tomorrow. mega pleb. Mr shekelstein needs a new boat.

>> No.52964632

I won't respond to your schizo ramblings. You're either a deranged retard or a troll, either way you're irrelevant, neck yourself

>> No.52964686

New atomic swap dex just dropped that's Avalanche. https://app.atomicdex.io/

>> No.52964713

You sound like a literal jeet bro

>> No.52964733

projecting plebian.
atomicdex is KOMODO PLATFORM. the komodo team develops and maintains it. avalanche is pleb tier scamjeet work.

>> No.52964734

>VCs were given 42% of the supply
how much does this actually matter if you're buying at the bottom of the bear market? surely they all at least sold near the top, or at least the bullmarket or at least the higher prices of the bear market.

>> No.52964754
File: 408 KB, 512x512, bassilisk-spawn-4chan-frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to win against a shill jeet you have to descend in the shilljeet role and countershill the jeetz. that's how you win. anyway. AVAX SUCKS

>> No.52964771
File: 57 KB, 619x703, 1663198101643191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All turkroaches are scammers. Never trust them and don't buy their shitty fucking bags of a useless fucking roachcoin.

>> No.52964823

Dumb nigger do you know how many NORMIES lost tons of cash of specifically Avalanche DAO's this past year? You had normie money, which is what you need, and it is gone FOREVER - they told all their cubicle and R*ddit buddies and they'll never throw another cent into AVAX, you fucking retard

Hope you cashed in when the money machine was brrrrrrrrrrrr because Avalanche is OVER, anything else is literal paid cope posts

>> No.52964828
File: 182 KB, 579x536, 1671500776898834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just like the nfts

t. chikn holder

>> No.52965102

>latency triples from doubling validators to just 64 lmao
Latency scales logarithmically also sharding makes this a non issue.


>> No.52965228


Based Deloitte Subnet.

>> No.52965291
File: 179 KB, 360x360, Carl_Johnson_GTA_San_Andreas__28Mountain_Cloud_Boys_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest piece of fud is that its main biz presence is some autist that wont stop paying (like a cuck) to ai generate pics of his waifu to slap his married bags on top of like a pathetic beggar.

otherwise yeah, i like avax.

>> No.52965323

>that wont stop paying (like a cuck) to ai
Nigger its FREE, anyone can download and make SD pics themselves.
Lmao why is every AVAX fudder a completely clueless and utter Laggard when it comes to tech?

>> No.52965333

You need to pay for the ai generated pics?