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52953161 No.52953161 [Reply] [Original]

>wasting your life on video games

>> No.52953171


>> No.52953174

My roommate does this, and also smokes weed at least 7 times a day.

>> No.52953224

This pajeet always hiding his genetic deformity ear is fucking hilarious
His entire schtick is to yell at kids to work out and stop fapping while he rakes in money from them, there's worse people for kids to listen to but he's out of touch as fuck

>> No.52953298

>"Buy my self-help program, sirs"

>> No.52953396
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If you had a choice between being an incel self-improover or a trooner, which would you choose?

>> No.52953434
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Yes I lack all of those things but at the same time I don't want those things.
If I didn't play games I still wouldn't want them. Not sure what to make of this.

>> No.52953469

You /biz/niggers criticizing this guy ITT are such a bunch of faggots. He made a pretty good observation about playooong video games and you cunts come to the thread and cope and seethe about some minor disability he has.
Looks like he's right.

>> No.52953490

so what reveal_success is telling us that he's among the elite, constantly surrounded by his brotherhood and always fucking. His dopaminergic system must be way more fucking fried than someone who games for a few hours a day to unwind.

>> No.52953518

I play video games. I probably outfuck and outearn you and am more respected than you. How will you cope with that, faggot?

>> No.52953520

ill do what i want jeet

>> No.52953526

>Tell people not to play video games, because.... well just because okay! A-alphas don't do that, and it's lazy!
>Makes his money from YT vids.
>Nooooo you must get the six pack abs and the six figures to have a shot with a 3/10 women, noooo. If you don't your a loser!

Blue pilled to the extreme. I'll do what the fuck I want to do.

>> No.52953543

based roomie i wish i was a mindbroken pothead

>> No.52953544
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This has been my greatest hurdle in life, and my own personal dragon that needs slaying. I have deleted and redownloaded steam on more than one occasion, but the severe depression always defeats me and pulls me back. The wasted dopamine also makes everything in life 100x harder. Vidya addiction is real and is no fucking joke. I know boomers and society at large will just mock you as a lazy cunt, so it's definitely a battle you need to fight alone if it affects you.

The white pill is that every time I delete steam, I'm able to go longer spans of time without touching it. If I can just add a couple of days every time, I'll eventually get to the coveted 90 day brain rewiring phase and can it for good. One day I'll get there bros, I swear.

>> No.52953565

I haven't played osrs and I'd boot it up right now if my fucking internet wasn't out
I'm not doing anything social over the holidays
The girl I love doesn't love me back
My friends just want to drink
Fuck everyone and fuck you especially OP

>> No.52953579

And? What are you going to do with your extra time?

Please don't say "muh entrepreneur".

>> No.52953583
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>> No.52953588
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>blocks your path

>> No.52953597

>Chink Tok

Okay zoomer.

>> No.52953612
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>> No.52953622

I got accepted into CS at uni, so I have a second chance at life. If I don't curb this addiction, it's game over for me.

>> No.52953657

Sounds awesome I wish I could smoke weed and play video games all day

>> No.52953660
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>be me
>play vidya most of my free time
>develop great friendships that have lasted to this day
>some relationships offer great business prospects
>garnered respect for my skill level
>tall, successful, have a girlfriend, 5% networth for my age

I still play videogames daily, it's an addiction.. I will add that I always play difficult games that have steep learning curves and reward for long term commitment. some of my best memories are with teammates on games. some of my best memories are at LAN centers or at friends houses all wired up together.

>> No.52953706

Symptoms of having a corporate job too amusingly enough

t. Previously 400k wagie

>> No.52953752

I waste my life on this retarded website. am I better than gaymers?

>> No.52953772

Bring your suffering to God and it will mean something. This is your cross. Bring it to God. You can do it. He loves you anon.

>> No.52953775
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>> No.52953795
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>> No.52953796

Its like smoking weed or having an unhealthy lifestyle, maybe it makes a difference to some retards, but most people that are succesful would still be succesful doing them and losers would still be losers without them.

>> No.52953811

>6 hours a week
Shit nigga I used to play 16 hours a day. If you have kids you won’t be able to play video games anymore. With one kid you might be able to. As soon as you have your second child kiss that shit goodbye.

>> No.52953835
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>> No.52953961

>grow tf up
>while typing on epic zoomer keyboard with a sky mask on
is this satire

>> No.52954184
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Video games are perfectly fine in moderation. They can even help build skills and sharpen the decision making process. The idea that you can never play any video games without being a manchild is about as retarded as people who waste their entire life away on League of Legends or some other gay shit. I don't really play games anymore, since I do feel that I have more important things to do: but my growth as a person who got a wife/career/kids-on-the-way wasn't because I stopped playing video games, rather, I stopped playing as many video games because I got married and got a career started.

Video game addiction is a symptom, not the cause. Anyone saying that your life is going to suddenly improve because you stop playing vidya is basically just a retarded griftoid and should be ignored.

>> No.52954228

yes hes right and also nothing he says applies to females who scroll tik tok for 8 hours daily

>> No.52954255

He's a PUA grifter but he's right

>> No.52954270

I thought all you knuckleheads got paid to play videogames on Layer3, DeFi DAO's with pixelated monkey avatars and shit. Was I misinformed?

>> No.52954272

Is TV acceptable?

>> No.52954305

Better to waste time playing games then contributing to the Jewish globohomo

>> No.52954386

good point
vidya 1 - 0 men with wives

>> No.52954420

I do this too but I also wfh and clear 400 a day post tax

Dunno how to unfuck myself desu

>> No.52954511

Idk either. I’m trying with Jesus but my wife is such a god damn bitch she makes me wanna kms unless I’m high.

>> No.52954546

Maybe your wife would be less bitchy if you weren't spending so much time with some Mexican dude instead of her.

>> No.52954565

weed is medicine. try upping your dose, not lowering friend if youre this stressed

>> No.52954592
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>wasting your life on living

>> No.52954599
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It's either video games or dying in a hail of bullets by a zog cop who is defending """democracy"""

If I wasn't so poor I would be doing opium instead

>> No.52954615

Try telling that to my bitch wife she calls me an addict

>> No.52954622

Tell her that you are and she is not helping kek

>> No.52954650

hes right, when I was gaming 15 years ago when everyone online was a teen it was lighthearted and fun everyone calling each other faggots. I tried gaming recently and everyone is old and bitter and machiavellian and reports/mutes you at the slightest banter. The only based people online are 3rd worlders who will scream back at you and call you a dog bastard

>> No.52954663

>i can't heckin afford to gardenarino

>> No.52954684

I live in an apartment, like literally every other young man does

Where the fuck are you going to garden?
In your 40 x 40 shower?

>> No.52954688

a 2x2 closet?

>> No.52954693

OP is spewing jewish bullshit and might as well be a fucking jew.

>> No.52954703

based i think I will go play some sc2 custom games kino now

>> No.52954757

I blame the politicians
If all the corrupt swine in government would be hounded before justice
I believe gaming would be more fun again
It would be a way to relax again
Not an escape from a harsh reality that nobody really wants to face
That this rotten infestation is every politician in every country, nowhere is safe.
Everywhere is gonna get worse and worse, the last to notice will be the people in government.

>> No.52954772

yea its the politicians who let so many chinese out of their firewall and allowed them to take over the majority of vidya community. say thanks twitter for hiring 90% chinese from china staff. trickle down community

>> No.52954930

It's politics, of course China wants to censor Twatter.
No more Free Tibet, Hong Kong, Uyghyrs or Taiwan allowed.
Did you know the whole world calls Taiwan Taipeng in front of China, except Lithuania (which they got a lot of backlash for)
Everyone is a slut and they do it for the money.
Sadly the video games industry is going the same way, it seems a majority of games now are made to milk money out of gamers instead of making fun games that sell well.
Blizzard-Activision can hire, rape and fire anyone they want and pay them shit.
They can market gambling to children and say fuck you bad parents, even though they try to make it as easy as possible to buy.
So can EA, Bethesda and the lot of them and nobody will do shit.
Because they have good lawyers and even political connections.
So fuck you, pay me
Is the motto of the world, it sadly seems.

>> No.52954988

garbage room

>> No.52955010

>taking roids so a 2/10 white woman will let you simp for her

>> No.52955055

No comments above yours criticized him

>> No.52955059

anon, if you want to fix this, or anyone else:
get an iphone and apple computer (second hand or whatever)
set up screen time blockers on both and give someone else the password

>> No.52955064
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>> No.52955098

It's a know fact that online gaming peaked in 2005-2010

>> No.52955113
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I tend to get addicted to gaming but havent played in several months. I have a son, now. Should I play videogames with him when hes older (like 5+ years)? When I was a kid age of empires and aoe 2 got me interested in history and that interest persists to this day. I hope to instill the same interest in him with moderate gaming

>> No.52955214

wasting your life on video games > wasting your life on tiktok

>> No.52955467

Dude is pretty based. Can't even lie. A ray of light amongst the weak feeble-minded simp collective.
All he seems to be trying to do is help guys turn their lives around so that they try to make the most of their time and be the best they can.
But some of you guys are so set in your ways of just giving up, that you'd rather just criticize the guy trying to give you good advice.
Such a sad state.

>> No.52955530


>> No.52955542

>pradeep notices there's still room to milk tatetards
>do the needful and buying my course dears!

gm sers!

>> No.52955564

That's where I farm shrimp, silly

>> No.52955582

Vidya is for children and no adult men should have time for games but i still hate this alpha male self improvement faggots so much.
>workout bro!
>be an entrepreneur bro!
>make money bro!
>yaaay! im finally visible to white women

>> No.52955605

Ok, thank you. I will keep him away from videogames.

>> No.52955606

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.52955629

Can you post a pic of said ear?

>> No.52955690

Playing Doom helped clear my post 'rona brain fog. I'd invest in Id if they had a ticker.

>> No.52955752
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>Oh man I had to stop playing video games bro such a waste of time
>Browses social media 6 extra hours instead

>> No.52955950

I work out, make money from hobbies, and play vidya. deal with it. imagine not chilling to some mafia with the homies

>> No.52955962

Did you mean to post this on facebook? Nobody here dumps videogames to use cancerous social media