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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52942645 No.52942645 [Reply] [Original]

So what will you be buying in the next bull run? Pic unrelated.

>> No.52942661


>> No.52942677

>the next bull run

somebody tell him

>> No.52942689

would not

>> No.52942720



>> No.52942765

i would
be a positive authoritative male presence in her life

>> No.52942766

>the next bull run

>> No.52942822
File: 41 KB, 600x799, 6a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>problem glasses
>caked on eyeliner
>painted on eyebrows
>dyed hair
>somehow has a fat nose

>> No.52942864

im buying MATIC before the next bull run because it will be pushing polygon one step closer to joining bitcoin and ethereum in the top 3

>> No.52942891

>buying IN a bullrun
never change biz

>> No.52942946

Guys I dont see a bull run ever happening. There are too many ppl , not to mention massive investment firms , who are waiting for it to go back up just so they can dump millions if not billions and get away from this shit. Institutions invested and are down like 80 and 90 percent, they want to offload at the first pump. Whose left to invest ? Normies , institutions, and Chinese whales are all bag holding . It really is over.

>> No.52942958
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as opposed to buying out? wrong emphasis, dumbass. learn to shitpost.

>> No.52942978

how new can you be my dude? we didnt dump from 69k to 15k because of retail and institutions are just diamond handing all the way down. institutions have been selling for over a year.

>> No.52943000


>> No.52943089

lol, how do I upvote a post on 4ch

>> No.52943168
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you reply with "based"

>> No.52943761

lmao imagine doing that to your eyebrows to fit in with your zoomer whore freinds and powdering yoru nose, putting on that exact eyeliner and masacara EVERy SINGLE GODDAMN FUCKING DAY. AHhaha What's suicide like for a zoomer these days?

>> No.52943781


Crazy bitch... I love you...

>> No.52943783
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>> No.52943792

There is no next bull run

>> No.52944745


>> No.52944878


>> No.52945267
File: 71 KB, 1024x788, 1637276757191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The XOR bags are currently looking extremely hot

>> No.52945364 [DELETED] 

I rarely load my bags in the bull run, but if I have to, I will continue to stack privacy and oracle tokens

>> No.52945439

I am buying as much web3 tokens as I can now: OCEAN. ENS, DIA and ORE. I don't buy the idea of stacking so much in the bull

>> No.52945462

Privacy bags have the potentials to be hot

>> No.52945474


biz is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.52945670

Slurping web3 and defi assets

>> No.52945788

You forgot:
>is male

>> No.52946203

flip a house in a place I can stand the neighbors

>> No.52946218

Watch this video to find out:

>> No.52946320


>> No.52946799
File: 74 KB, 750x1000, femjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what will you be buying?
a few hookers

>> No.52947922

Eth, Tezos, Ride, Pond
In that order of low to high risk

>> No.52948757

MATIC and ALBT is all I'm gonna bag if the cops didn't carry me before the bull run.

>> No.52949769


>> No.52949784
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>> No.52949802

Investing in pussy has a long term profit

>> No.52949972

Just the top tokens

>> No.52950018

Lmfao, she's drunk

>> No.52950096

Matic mostly, then reef and sylo
i'm keeping them till the next 2-3 bull runs before selling
Good times. Dot used to be my biggest bag, I hold KSM now, a faster version of it.

>> No.52951776

One is the only token with a better future here since they are bringing interoperability solutions to DeFi alongside allianceblock. Bag MATIC instead of Dot because that's the new he of NFTs.

>> No.52951959

Sir, you forgot your meme arrows.

>> No.52952596
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 2938474835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die poor you faggot. More people are getting into space, thanks to simplified wallet solutions. Go kys when it happens next year

>> No.52952624

Nothing, just gonna keep hodling my assets in my private wallet.

>> No.52952642

Nothing close to ORE, if you take a look at how much it did despite the crazy year

>> No.52952689
File: 16 KB, 334x302, 1621585799487[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop the senseless MATIC shill, the only area worth investing in before the bullrun is Privacy or nothing.

>> No.52952722

I doubt it, the hottest bags are in the web3 and NFT management communities.

>> No.52952749

ENS and ORE are your best option, the decentralized digital identity niche is growing faster than predicted.

>> No.52952789

Privacy is the only area in crypto that is currently serving very useful and important usecase in terms of security, all other strategies are BS.

>> No.52952812

Projects offering Multichain access in web3 anhd Defi will unironically beat this bear market as they are needed.

>> No.52952826

Crypto and electronic money are just means to track every transaction you make. No security there at all.

>> No.52952839
File: 126 KB, 250x291, 0810c62091b7975470cc96233cfb71b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more $XOR if their Sora Card project goes well. maybe i'll bite the bullet and open a Binance account to buy some stuff there as well (bnb and such)

>> No.52952918

Ikr, creating wallets via Gmails and facbooks identities. Mainstream adoption coming in faster than anticipated.

>> No.52952957

You have the brain of a 2yrs old. Anon mentioned privacy as a means of security, obviously talking about on-chain privacy for crypto transactions.

>> No.52953367

>ORE based
ENS is fucking expensive. You have to pay for the domain names or something

>> No.52953379

refreshing meme

>> No.52953398
File: 109 KB, 1062x1080, 1643026963007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants it simple and it's easy to understand why. UX in web3 currently is not the best

>> No.52953406
File: 619 KB, 1125x768, 615B74A9-D3D3-497B-9C78-B3FEF37E4E42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! With projects such as RAIL and SPIRAL, we are sure to dominate the

>> No.52953424

Good morning sir! Remember to be safe and redeem the soap!

>> No.52953450

Regardless, there are technologies (such as zk-proofs) in place that have been used to develop ways to shield every transaction you make.

>> No.52953472

Keep RAIL out of your fucking mouth you retarded streetshitter
Worthless jeet

>> No.52953513
File: 41 KB, 768x374, 1667488029410508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's myopic. Investing in privacy crypto is a good one but that's not the only area worth investing in. Stop talking like an absolute idiot