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File: 488 KB, 2500x1713, Pretium Brucejack mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52942680 No.52942680 [Reply] [Original]

Golden Triangle Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt, Bitcoin

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous thread: >>52875534

>> No.52942713

evening all! Have a bit of news for the start of a new thread!

Natives go to court to do away with BCs "archaic" mineral claims system.


>> No.52943447

How do i profit from this?

>> No.52943674

Reddit is saying gold and silver will moon on December 27, anyone here want to argue or agree to that?

>> No.52943683

The Banks island situation is kind of a big deal, i am not sure how anyone profits off it. The other bit of news is very interesting, i am hoping more juniors get the backing of the US defense act, a few Canadian projects might get that same backing too soon.

>> No.52943851
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Good evening to everyone except neo-nazi anti-bayhorse shills!

>> No.52943872

Are you trying to be a giant faggot or is that just natural for you?

>> No.52943903
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Oh boy, weve got one! Lets hear about how those nasty jews are running the bayhorse silver mine! Perhaps youll even say the holocaust never happened (very original)?

pic related, a hilarious meme i got from the bayhorse community over on r/bayhorse

>> No.52943914

If you hate neo nazis and you come on this site you will be busy for a long time.

>> No.52943984

imagine the smell

>> No.52943989

reddit isalways saying gold will FUCKINGMOOONFUCKIINGNGFUCk

>> No.52944159
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Opened a short on Whitehaven today. Weekly chart looks like the meme asset bubble chart. Expecting a payoff by Feb

>> No.52944214
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>calling the white man's mining technology "archaic"

>> No.52944251

they just want their say over the mining / permitting process, which honestly means total control over resources. Thats not the brightest idea. I understand though too why this specific group is pissed, they have a bankrupt / abandoned gold project on their territory they were conned into supporting.

>> No.52944665
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do we wagmi Tuesday?

>> No.52944682
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or more of this?

>> No.52944703

I’m entering a job where I likely will have more than 1000 USD per month I could be using in investing in valuables. I’ve been thinking mostly firearms(I’m an American thankfully) and silver/gold/other precious metals. But what other types of commodities could I be investing in that I’d have physically at my residence that would theoretically always be valuable regardless of the worth of the dollar or the economy? Just like water filtration, seeds, non perishable foods, etc.?

>> No.52944740
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Yeah they wouldn’t even be mining shit or even know what’s under their feet without someone not in the Neolithic age coming around

>> No.52944775
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I don't know what, but PMs either moon soon or fall off a cliff

>> No.52945107

>that id
ok Babe

>> No.52945415

Reddit says Dec 27 we moon. Max out your CC on oz buying.

>> No.52945730

thats not two weeks away tho

>> No.52946416
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Currently selling everything at a loss on Degiro and transfering my fund on Interactive. Will buy back hopefully at the same level. Even though it doesn't change anything, I still hate that feeling of selling low

>> No.52946620

What's the intuition behind this?

>> No.52946887
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Of course it pump right after

>> No.52947042
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No because they've been saying that every two weeks for the past 2 years, dipshit. They'll eventually be right but not because they actually know anything, in the meantime fuck off back there and stop asking this question every thread.

Stop falling for low-IQ bait

>> No.52947785

So should we pull cash from our bank accounts for the next few days?

Dude fuck

>> No.52947887
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Gold +$21 $1808
Silver +.85 $23.83

>> No.52947960

>Anon-sama... Please buy our 10 year bonds
I hate women

>> No.52948367
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$1800 and $23.50 now, criminals busy tamping

>> No.52949184
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will we close over $24 today?

>> No.52949661

Maybe... what matters though is the weekly close.

Also platinum spot priced is healing now, up $34.

>> No.52949803



>> No.52949829

Dude please tell me you were joking

>> No.52949876

Why didn't you transfer the digitized stock certificates themselves? Would have taken a couple of phone calls.

>> No.52949932

Is 100k lbs alot?

>> No.52949968

>silver 24
>SILJ below where it was when silver was at 22

>> No.52949997

Imagine if reddit of all people called it, lmao.

So what happens next?

>> No.52950039
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Selling was better for tax loss, it just had to not pump right after...

Main reason for selling was because the currency was €; wanted to transfer funds on IB to buy with CAD.

Thankfully, Guanajuato and Impact (didnt sell Kuya and Blue lagoon yet) price didn't change that much yet, so i'm not cucked. Will be able to buy back Friday. Finger crossed...

>> No.52950140
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Someone explain why URNM has not gone up. I'm down like 19% and if I'm retarded that's fine educate me but wtf am I not getting here? Still not selling but it's like half my portfolio. Did I go to heavy on uranium? Wtf why doesn't the world understand nuclear power is the only and best way? Pic related

>> No.52950173
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I feel you bro. Same thing happened to me when I swapped my shit about a year ago, except I tried to swap the shares and they forcibly liquidated it all anyway.

>> No.52950211

and people here sold uranium last week at the bottom of bottoms to buy silver lmao

>> No.52950286

I'm buying another tranche on Friday as well, waiting for funds to transfer. Will buy whatever is still cheap if shit keeps going up in the interim.

Patience. We could still have another 150-200 days of consolidation, going off of historical consolidation periods during uranium bull markets. Being down 19% is nothing when the upside is 500%.

>> No.52950300


>> No.52950435

its called being a bagholder. We shilled uranium mid 2020.

It will go up with Uranium but patience is needed. You bought the hype. Read past thread, we explain this every time, its annoying and tiring...


>> No.52950444
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>> No.52950512
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Silver bros are we still here?
Or did everyone die?

>> No.52950625

Seven million dollars in cash. They have three million proven pounds at just one of their many properties. Total estimated inferred pounds owned by encore is in the 500 million range. I m happy to go into detail later about how many pounds they have.

>> No.52950637

We wait. The stock is fifty percent below the high of this year and all of these major developments gave taken place. This stock will go 30x. I will retire.

>> No.52950650

It will turn around next year. Markets are retarded. We were early. Welcome to the party. I'm down 50%.

It's all turning around though.

>> No.52950657

Sentiment was obvious.

>> No.52950692

I have SILJ calls that actually went down over the last two weeks.

>> No.52950842

25% of my portfolio is silver miners

>> No.52951239
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look out fellas the "energy crisis" bring promoted by the government is gonna leave your EV sitting in the driveway.
The govt won't stop using energy, even when they ask you too. Typical senpai.
The commisar will be pleased

>> No.52951248

Been waiting for a chance to jump into UAN, am I being greedy waiting for another 10-15% drop? love the outlook, love the divvies, hate the current sentiment in the market in general. Thoughts?

>> No.52951261

Def being greedy

>> No.52951374

>the bayhorse community
you are the only faggot pushing faghorse on here, reddit, or the shitty ceo.ca site. You deserve the glue factory just like those retarded horses are going to. You shilled that shitty stock nonstop and ripped off the new people that came here to find out about investing in miners.

>> No.52951490
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Was always there since late 2020. Our time will come.

Luke gromen update, last for 2022.

>> No.52951569

Lemme ask you something. When the stock did a reverse split, the next day the market tanked because of September, right? Well like 20 days later it looked like everything was bottoming so I bought some more. The thing is that triggered a wash sale on my encore. I thought maybe it would fix itself but I saw it's still there. Did you get that? Should I tell my broker to fix it, or is that by design?

>> No.52951596

I've been swinging natural gas and held....

At least I sold it all on my family's portfolio!

>> No.52951911

>We shilled uranium mid 2020.
Who is we?
/cmmg/ was created 2021

>> No.52952001
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Welcome newfriend.
>Who is we?
The people who shilled Uranium before the split are the same people who pioneered /cmmg/.
IIRC the first ever OP of /cmmg/ made it off the original uranium pump and left forever (so he claimed at least), leaving the newfags ITT to hold his bags and wonder what's happening, as nature intended.

>> No.52952077


Because there's no immediate hurry or rush with nuclear power. Coal gas and oil will do just fine for the moment and thousand reactors aren't suddenly going to pop into existence.
World has shown it's more likely to build a new coal plant than to reactivate shut down nuclear plants.
Uranium stocks just got caught in a meme frenzy couple of years ago and did insane gains. People here then bought into them at highs.
Now there's plenty of room for them to fall.
Uranium can easily retrace to 2020 levels and then meander there doing nothing and then go up in 2-5 years from now. It's in no immediate hurry to do anything. The fueling cycle that people said was going to pump the price did fuckall.
This shows the "experts" who talk about the thesis have no more idea about this than we do. I believe in the big picture they're right, but in the smaller time frame of few years anything is possible, even total collapse.
I sold out of Uranium around June. I'll buy back in when it has fallen 50% from here.

>> No.52952152
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Not our fault if they're too retarded to sell. There is a difference between telling you to buy Uranium in 2020 and pumping a garbage stock. UUUU was sub 4$ here >>52950444 and went to 9. Bannerman did 10x.

People are ungrateful anyway, not surprised.

>> No.52952413

Bayhorse is the chainlink of precious metals. No matter how much you shill and fud no one will ever fall for it. Take your racist homophobic nonsense back to >>>/pol/ you will never be welcome here

>> No.52952707

Eglin is in full force today aren't they?

>> No.52952970

Wait for it to drop more. It's winter. Look at buying again in early febuary.

>> No.52952990

I'd call your broker.

>> No.52953003

Nuclear energy comprises 20%of the total energy sources in the world

We haven't even entered the awareness phase.

It feels like there's no rush but the situation is critical and nobody knows.>>52952413

>> No.52953013

Bay horse is worse than chainlink.

>> No.52953018

>Who is we?
his dad

>> No.52953290


Yes the energy situation is getting very bad, but considering how slow nuclear moves and how little of a shit people give about it, it's not something that will necessarily move quickly regardless of what happens with energy.
I mean Germans decided to build a new coal plant instead of restarting the reactors, it's that bad with nuclear.
Also it's good to keep in mind the amount of positive stuff we have gotten regarding nuclear and it still wasn't enough to do anything for the price aside from keeping it above support.

The youtube experts said that the fueling cycle is going to make the price pump, it didn't do anything.
Japan restarts was going to make the price go up and only thing it did was prevent the price from falling through support zones.
New announced reactors all around the world were supposed to pump the price and they didn't.
Russia and their enrichment capacity being out of the pic was another big reason for price to move, didn't.
Uranium getting US gov support did nothing but give it a temporary few day boost.

There's tons of fundamental reasons here that have "lifted" the price and only thing they've managed to do was to keep the price from getting destroyed completely.
The stocks ran so far ahead into new highs that this price range seems unsustainable regardless of the news.
This sector is basically being carried on fumes of retail buying the bags of Rick Rule and his billionaire buddies and everyone else who got in 2019 and 2020.
I believe in the uranium thesis long term and people who talk about it are right regarding the big picture, but it might be a +10 year time frame we're looking at for it to play out instead of anything in the near future.
I say everyone should just sell out of uranium sector and get into PMs or something and ride things up and then rotate back into U when it has let out all of the air and there might be a considerable amount to let out.

>> No.52953477

Almost all my portfolio is even keel just now. Gonna be a great year
Stupid cow fell down a ravine. He almost died of lead poisoning

>> No.52953511
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>> No.52953694
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Not selling but thanks for an actual response I don't check cmmg monthly even.

>> No.52953820

Looking to shift some of my BTC miner money into a PM stock. Any suggestions? Preferably something that is still down quite a bit.

>> No.52953917

I have 5590 shares of First Majestic, 730 of Pan American.

>> No.52954381

Sentiment indicator.

I'd agree with taking SOME weighting out of uranium and putting into metals for the immediate time frame bur jot a complete exit.

>> No.52955496
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I'd say just buy the WPM GDX and whatever. You're getting a deal and it doesn't matter it's the safest place now. That or a power company or something but why buy a power company when you can have pirate treasure in a chest in your house. Based as fuck to me

>> No.52956606
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the apes are at it again, squeezing this Friday

>> No.52956677
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Literally who?

>> No.52957510
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I got my first 5 bagger today.

>> No.52957530

Based bayhorse investor

>> No.52957579
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No kys

>> No.52957605
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>> No.52958434
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screencapped and I'll see you in Feb with newcastle coal above 450

>> No.52958644
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We're ngmi thru the long holiday season like this fellas. I'm gonna get a little mining history together for you while I clean up from the season. I'll have some down time. NorCal is full of thousands of tiny towns that, often times, existed as briefly as nothing more than as smoke from a distant fire. The world will forget about it eventually so it's worth it to know, learn and laugh

>> No.52959644
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From the article
>For the LME the nickel market has become a considerable issue since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, because Russia is one of the main global sources of the metal for its contract.

>The 145-year-old exchange has been trying to rebuild its reputation with users after being forced to cancel a day of trades in March when a short squeeze more than tripled nickel prices in a day, to more than $100,000 a tonne. One of its biggest users, Tsingshan, the world’s largest stainless steel manufacturer, was caught out when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine raised fears over supply disruptions.

>> No.52959681
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Is this a cup and handle happening

>> No.52959842

>was caught out
What does that mean

>> No.52959872

From the article
>Beveridge estimates that batteries make up slightly more than 10% of total demand, though that balance is expected to shift rapidly in the coming decades.

″If we go forward 10 to 15 years, we’re actually looking to a future where the battery sector could provide more than 50 percent of the demand for nickel units by that time.”

>But not all nickel is high quality enough for use in EV batteries — it needs to be so-called “class one” nickel, with at least 99.8% purity. No nickel is this pure naturally; it all needs to be refined. But the higher the grade of the original nickel deposit, the easier and less energy it takes to process it.

>> No.52959899
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From the article
>Beveridge estimates that batteries make up slightly more than 10% of total demand, though that balance is expected to shift rapidly in the coming decades.

>″If we go forward 10 to 15 years, we’re actually looking to a future where the battery sector could provide more than 50 percent of the demand for nickel units by that time.”

>But not all nickel is high quality enough for use in EV batteries — it needs to be so-called “class one” nickel, with at least 99.8% purity. No nickel is this pure naturally; it all needs to be refined. But the higher the grade of the original nickel deposit, the easier and less energy it takes to process it.

>> No.52959903

Wrong article I'm drunk

>> No.52960067
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This is the least shilled explorer here. Nickel creek platinum
And they went and put that luggage thief recently fired from a disgraced Biden administration as their CEO

>> No.52960278
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>> No.52960390
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I'll have to use the laptop I didn't screencap or archive the article. It's paywalled and I'm a cheap faggot. Sorry
Also I may have fucked up my copy pasta like a nigtard

>Fears of an Obama presidency sends lead soaring

>> No.52960557

I invested a lot in gas for 4.27. It's 1.90 now.

>> No.52960672

How much did you invest?
I have 2 500 gallon oil tanks, 2 100 gallon fuel tanks, 3 50 gallon fuel tanks, and probably another 100 g in 5/2/1 gallon cans lying around. If you don't have more than $5k or 1500 gallons of fuel, physically available and serviceable, then why even concern yourself with it? At what consumption rate did you see diving on that much gasoline to save money without a storage solution?
Maybe you tuck away 100 gallons? Wow. You got back 1/7 the price of the tank to hold it, the cost the transport it and store it, and the obvious expiration date on it
How much gasoline are you buying, where are you, and how do I buy a thousand gallons from you?

>> No.52960704

Want to buy some NCP on Friday

>> No.52960836
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>> No.52960896

>https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/nickel-meltdown-puts-spotlight-lmes-search-powers-2022-09-05/LONDON, Dec 9 (Reuters) - With memories still fresh of the nickel market meltdown in March, the industry didn't need a reminder about just how dysfunctional the London Metal Exchange's (LME) nickel contract has become; but last month it got one anyway.

>Months after turbulence highlighted shortcomings in LME oversight, the nickel contract remains broken. Volumes and liquidity are sliding, leaving the nickel industry without a global reference price - with far reaching consequences.

>> No.52960915
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Gotdam yourowpours should a been dun been hearded'd by now

>> No.52960934

How are we doing fellow PBR investors?

>> No.52960941

How many shots of whisky you have tonight?

>> No.52960968

Good morning and good Gary

>> No.52960992
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I think four. She took the bottle from me. I have a stash spot. And reserves. I pretend to look for the bottle, leaving all the doors open everywhere int he house, so when she wakes up she sees I've been looking for them, but her hiding spot is not disturbed, so she thinks I passed out drunk naturally. Dumb bitch keeps buying the handles of booze tho

>> No.52961036
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>Four shots
Are the memes about yanks getting hammered on 1.5% lager and not being able to handle their alcohol true?

Or is it that the memes about British alcoholism are true?

>> No.52961043

Why would you short coal in 2022? Especially Whitehaven which is massively profitable with no debt doing buybacks and prepping for massive dividends? It is still undervalued despite the performing well this year. If you want free money you should be 100% long Whitehaven like I am.

>> No.52961054
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You said whiskey!
Don't go moving the goalposts on me! I've been exiled from classier places than this

>> No.52961078
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I was at my regular haunt last night and the barmaid told me the manager wants to stop stocking my favourite bourbon because nobody drinks it, but she convinced him to keep getting it because she said this one guy (me) comes in every couple of weeks and drinks half a bottle at a time. I don't know how to feel about that.

>> No.52961087
File: 314 KB, 800x1257, 1671599664675535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be coal
>Been around so long children grimace to learn you are a gift
>Be literally so efficient you have to lower your efficiency by making steam for centuries
>finally see your way to the last turn, in stride, breaking abreast
>some niggers near the home stretch wanna call you a dirty colonizer, too proficient, too useful...racist even.
Pity...could have been something

>> No.52961104

What country are you in and what is your favorite mash bill? You know most Kentucky bourbon comes from oy a handful of mashbills?yes?
Makers mark is eagle rare distillate in a different barrel for a shorter length of time. I could have worded that better

>> No.52961121

How do I buy water?

>> No.52961122
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Wishful thinking about muh baby

>> No.52961126
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Britain, and no I don't know any of that shit but it's interesting.
I'm no connoisseur of bourbon by any stretch, I tend to just find something I like and stick to it. So far my favourite that isn't stupidly priced is the Turkey, Makers Mark is good shit though.

>> No.52961147

Just looked that up, looks good
>£130 a bottle
>Not available in the US
F dude

>> No.52961171
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Sorry I didn't recognize you bitmonk. I've been drinking. As always it's different when you're sucking it off the nip.
Pabst tates amazing when youre a stones thrown from the brewery. The aged stuff is pricey, but not very if youre a looker. In fact some of our top shelf bourbon is bought out before it's bottled, and us mutts can only buy it from you guys after paying the exchange rate twice to use our burgers as money. For some reason it's literally cheaper that way. I wish I were kidding

>> No.52961196

I can get cases but $128/bottle all the way. Even If I go to the warehouses in Kentucky I can't buy a cask or keg. They want that tax stamp. So they'll sell the cask but it'll be delivered in 132+ bottles of signed sealed delivered
Bro if I could fuck em I would ve done it when it was worth fucking

>> No.52961263
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Kek that sounds retarded but at least you can make it work. There's a lot wrong over here but the access to bourbon isn't one of them. Maybe I'll treat myself to a bottle of Blanton's if Trillion ever fucking moons. It'll be cheaper than heating when it does.
Is that who does Makers?

So if most the mash bills are the same does it make sense to find the ones used for drink I like or even just the company and try all the other ones they make as they'll surely be similar?

>> No.52961300
File: 130 KB, 220x147, barney-pout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me started. Ever wonder why mila Kunis was suddenly the face of Jim beam or whatever bourbons? Nips love the stuff and the mass bill+distillate is largely the same.
Who is the sazerac family and why was bourbon whiskey consolidated so hastily over such a short period?
The answers may surprise you.
But seriously it's a long ass story with a lot of frivolous malarkey that's superfurolously pontificated!

>> No.52961324

Just curious here lad, being m8s and all.
Where are you in the ratio of energy vs materials? In any sector

>> No.52961347
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>Who is the sazerac family
Who indeed

>> No.52961363
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If I have to stay up all night to keep the thread bumped, then by God Almighty in Bolivia, ether be thy name, bring us comfort and joy, until a better shipment comes thru. Amen

>> No.52961389
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Very good anon! Certainly your are a man who has taste far beyond his years. The lineage is ancient. The purpose hidden. The knowledge forbidden

>> No.52961396
File: 326 KB, 1200x1722, 1629436388762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pf is 50% energy because I'm a degenerate gambler hoping to ride the winter gas wave then rotate heavier into metals.
Was a bit sad to see gold start to move so soon before I could as I was expecting next year, but there's still time, and my other 50% is gold and silver miners with a sprinkling of SALT so no biggie if it does run.

When I do have more cash though I want to dip my toes into sand too after seeing your posting lately.

>> No.52961481

So this is gonna sound weird because we're hooked on burger per ice cream units of measurement, but...
How many units of overall energy needed to make transformations is representative of how many units of overall materials to be transformed?
There is no right answer desu.
I think the chemical principals of materials to be reansformed will remain consistent as the energy expelled to transform them experiences changes dramatically. Energies will conform to the demands of the natural order of the (im)balance of the materials and their production is unsustainable in that pattern

>> No.52961516

Don't make me start drinking

>> No.52961567
File: 1.28 MB, 3066x1833, IMG_20221120_040236781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not go gently into that good night
Not all sand is created equally. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Man these niggas gonna chase down phantoms thinking they're the hare!!
How many itt think it's the bottom?
I just started buying. I'm a cheap bastard.
It's the bottom

>> No.52961599
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MFW no gold miners

>> No.52961613
File: 1.45 MB, 400x256, 1413937667509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So this is gonna sound weird because we're hooked on burger per ice cream units of measurement
>There is no right answer desu.
I just want to cash in on Europe's gas squeeze even if it is temporary, and mostly on Trillion's imminent producer status.

I've not looked at the charts enough to say it's the bottom desu, or finished Ira's course yet so couldn't say either way with confidence even if I wanted to kek, but I like what I've seen so far from what I know so far so it looks close enough for me to want in.

>> No.52961633

Why not coal?
I have no dog in this fight...yet

>> No.52961672

>not looked at the charts enough to say it's the bottom desu, or finished Ira's course yet so couldn't say either way with confidence even if I wanted to kek, but I like what I've seen so far from what I know so far so it looks close enough for me to want in.
I like your style. We can afford to be patient. I missed buying in March 2020 cuz I didn't see Rona coming but I'm ready now
They won't shake me clean now

>> No.52961676
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My second biggest position is GDGB (GDX on the LSE), but no direct gold miner investment.

>Why not coal?
There's a lot I want in on but I just don't have the pf size to diversify. My pf is only around 40k in GoodBoyPoints right now so I make bigger plays on fewer companies.

The well is too deep and my pp too small to reach the bottom.
For now.
But it's growing.

>> No.52961705

>He's gonna be a sand pirate
Pixar doesn't have that adaptation yet, but we love your enthusiasm

>> No.52961757

Is there a Pixar for sinking ltpojxower

>> No.52961778

I'm going to because humanity needs me to save this nigger faggot from dying of death if the dead didn't know know to make them so dead

>> No.52961824
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>>He's gonna be a sand pirate
Is there a cooler title?
I don't think so.

>> No.52962617
File: 19 KB, 987x298, fury_gold_mines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened to FURY?

>> No.52962734

>the winter is coming gas trade
The classic blunder!

>> No.52962747

when will silver miners follow the silver price

>> No.52963136
File: 2.89 MB, 864x1080, 1665177782521943.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't blundered shit faggot I'm just hungover and phrased it like ass. Like I said here: >>52961613
>mostly on Trillion's imminent producer status.
Literally my only gas exposure. I'm not chasing seasons, I'm chasing production, I just expect it to move before the end of winter. If we do get a gas pump beacuse of Europe being retards then even better.
It's only a blunder if specifically Trillion is a bust. The degenerate gamble is being too heavy in one company.

>> No.52963153
File: 76 KB, 1242x456, Screenshot 2022-12-21 103458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be missing something. URNM hass been hovering 60-65 for the past six months and now its been sub 40 bucks all year? Someone tell me what my dumbass is overlooking

>> No.52963211
File: 1.23 MB, 1287x838, andypandy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French anon put it well, see

>> No.52963253

Nah dude i read that post. What im saying is the chart is showing as if its never been above 60 bucks. The etf just lost half its value but its displaying as if it was never above 60 in the first place.

>> No.52963277

Oh sorry, I misunderstood

>> No.52963537

wescan energy bros?

>> No.52964199

2:1 share split

>> No.52964215


>> No.52964982

AEM calls!

>> No.52965954

half a bottle at a time is also nothing

>> No.52966689

my god that host is insufferable. is the content of the video really worth putting up with the cringe?

>> No.52966700


>> No.52966892
File: 200 KB, 572x170, 1648651054247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the first video where Rick isn't just blatantly shilling his bags, but I can summarize the important stuff for you.
Rule basically says that only 15 uranium companies out of 70 are worth investing in and everything is still very overvalued.
He mostly sold out of uranium and is now sitting on cash waiting for the sector to bottom out in 1-3 years where he'll buy back in.
Everyone who bought this year bought his overvalued glowing rock bags.

>> No.52966912

dire news. but thank you

>> No.52966921

>He mostly sold out of uranium and is now sitting on cash waiting for the sector to bottom out in 1-3 years where he'll buy back in.
If he says that I'm inclined to think he's already buying again.
I don't trust this guy one bit.

>> No.52967004

Generally speaking I don't trust him either, but I believe at this point he's subtly just gloating about what he pulled off and is telling the truth about being out.
I mean he practically just told us that he's been selling all the while he's been shilling this year and everyone is now an idiot bagholder.
He's at the moment investing into PMs so that's where he is moving. Apparently invested couple of million into Empress Royalty.
Gold and silver are most likely the next play and we still have ample time to get into them.

>> No.52967018

>If he says that I'm inclined to think he's already buying again.
>I don't trust this guy one bit.
i actually thought the exact same lel. most U companies are currently at 200ema. it's possible some of them fall through of course, but we're technically already in a buying zone. let's see how it plays out through 2023.

>> No.52967315
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>If he says that I'm inclined to think he's already buying again.
>I don't trust this guy one bit.
9000 IQ post

>> No.52967389

New plan
I'm gonna sell everything I own and move to Arkansas. Land is cheap as fuck there
Pay cash. Go to county office and pay ten years worth of taxes on it.
Shoot myself so nobody even knows where to look or why for a fucking decade

>> No.52967929


>> No.52968119

No, not like that. I was told by a professional to invest in a fucking gas tracker.

>> No.52969780
File: 881 KB, 2306x755, NWO__BLACKEYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick did the same thing with gold/silver miners around July of '20, while he was pumping his holdings in interviews that summer, he was busy selling. I suspected his "Uranium Boot Camp" last year was a similar scam.

>> No.52969785
File: 761 KB, 782x854, 1670858998566023.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up to my URNM shares doubling due to a split and the way the brokerage calculated it it said I made like 50% gains today for like 1 second. I thought I overslept and missed everything lmao

>> No.52970596

I am glad other people already said this. I remember when he did that with gold and silver. He kept saying to buy then like one week to another he goes "oh yeah, I sold 2 months ago". Someone here fell for his uranium boot camp too. I brought up the gold and silver scam to him and he didn't pay much mind. I have no idea who the user was, if I recall he was very much up his own ass wanting to get credit for bringing uranium to our attention. I haven't seen his posts in a while, so I think U being down the last few months humbled him a bit.

>> No.52970664

Rick Rule says the manipulation of the precious metals market is just a "conspiracy theory". Thats all I need to know to not trust him.

>> No.52970772
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>> No.52970823
File: 139 KB, 2462x1251, FagBags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter how much you shill and fud
keep buying Gram's bags fag, the price keeps falling and you lost all your money. Well, you lost it, Gram has it now.

>> No.52971040
File: 51 KB, 624x352, 19vcz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 920 million dollar fine wasn't enough to seal that up tight huh?
Best I can do is call bullshit

>> No.52971184
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>> No.52971229
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>> No.52971263


I can only hope, I am balls deep in coal stocks and a little aussie one TER ASX is sitting at $1 paying 10c quarterly dividends.

>> No.52971304
File: 27 KB, 518x309, emerita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emo bros, whey you at?

>> No.52971361
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>> No.52971369
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>> No.52971374
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>> No.52971491
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Bros I can't wait to see the shiptoasting from this cat once the cryptofurries are all pink soijacked to the JUST position

>> No.52971914

Was he making a joke or did he really not realize the me too thing is for something else.

>> No.52972984

It's over lumberbtos

>> No.52973023
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>> No.52973088


W-w-what about.......lean hogs?

>> No.52973811

are you people really so mentally deficient, that you're unable to recognize the most obvious troll imaginable, who's been trying to stir shit up for months with the same MO at that? especially this retard >>52951374 who seems to genuinely believe he's speaking with the anon that initially shilled bayhorse. it's ridiculous that people with room-temperature IQ are giving investment advice in these threads

>> No.52973841

Guess who's assay results just arrived.

59% U3O8


>> No.52974252
File: 1.32 MB, 220x220, 1654350665896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Mr. Rule's superiority had caused some controversey

>> No.52974384

wow is that good?

>> No.52974421

>shorting coal in winter
>shorting coal THIS winter

There's contrarian and there's contrarian...

>> No.52974861

grand slam

>> No.52975236

Ii had a dream my atlas shares went
to $45.22

>> No.52976734

Gary says don't pull out of metals, but reduce leverage and move into oil. USO specifically.

>> No.52976758

Interesting divvy picks here. I've had Magellan on my radar for a long time so it's nice to see it being recognized here as well. VOC is obviously the most interesting with its high yield

>> No.52976797
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>USO specifically.
Too late I'm in a 3x Oil ETF and Gary can't stop me.
bring on dat regression

>> No.52976977
File: 142 KB, 667x1000, 1636837234477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the same note, check out TRP. Nice low to buy in right now and ex-div date is 29 Dec. 6.7% yield. Looks pretty low risk so I bought a tranche. Hooray for midstream co's

>> No.52977099

CNBC talking about coal as the hottest asset class.

>> No.52977351

kek 3 days ago gary said to fucking buy metal

>> No.52977365

will it keep going up??? i have 20k shares but want more and im not sure if its too expensive now

>> No.52977545

Better discovery hole than NXE and ISO, with 20 more holes coming in January. Market cap should go to at least $300m, so 3x from here with the right tail wind.

>> No.52977946

Fyi, this is at current uranium prices too, if it starts going back up, could see an explosive 5-10x from here.

>> No.52977951

SGD bros... we got too cocky

>> No.52978186

I thought this place said fission had a corrupt ceo and shit?

Wow is the metal bullmarket Gary called last week already over?

>> No.52978273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52978288

No he's saying we're in for some chop sideways for a while after the recent moves before the next leg up which makes perfect sense given we just hit the 200dma, but piecemeal sub leaks combined with people thinking bullmarket means line only go up results in "it's over" posting.

>> No.52978373

Fission 3.0 (FUU) isn't the same as Fission (FCU)

>> No.52980199

>unable to recognize the most obvious troll imaginable
You are ahhktully brain dead and have business using a computer for any reason. Now get out.

>> No.52980454

your IQ is must be so low you're legitimatelly clinically retarded. I haven't visited these threads for months and can see that mouthbreather still posting the same bait in every thread, and it still goes over the heads of some drooling retards

>> No.52980754
File: 84 KB, 233x533, 1486926680818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right nigger. The Bayhorse troll has been around for ages and posts the most obvious bait imaginable, right down to "here's one I saved from reddit!" and people still fall for it.
I thought people were dumb for taking the Gary's Nuggets poster seriously but falling for this one is embarassing.

Whenever you see a pro Bayhorse post in the year of our lord 2023-221.5hours you should assume it's a troll by default.

>> No.52981316
File: 72 KB, 474x607, 1671693072051226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally horsetroll over on /smg/ since they come here to shit on us. I only do it when commodities are up so it hasn't been for quiet a while yet.
Soon tho

>> No.52981674
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>> No.52982012

Just put in an order for impact silver @.215
Need one little dip to clear it today

>> No.52982098
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, zv6mtvjnra891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a miner that loses money
But silver will be $30 in 2 weeks right

>> No.52982143

>What is DCA
I've said it many times before, metals will have a dump down to pre Rona levels before they spike to summer 2020 levels

>> No.52982348
File: 54 KB, 1080x1056, 1671579399481401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fred barely lost at $18 silver, next Q should be positive at $23

>> No.52982407
File: 221 KB, 900x630, Roof of the Premier Mine Mill in the 1930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

afternoon all how are things? my community just got internet and land line back after the cold snap destroyed the fiber optic line.

Hope i havent missed too much!

>> No.52982426

i hope all of you rope. commodities my ass lmao. i have lost so much money it's unreal

>> No.52982507
File: 77 KB, 900x480, FkT5ZJmVEAEb-_H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't stomach going down 60% you don't deserve to 5x-20x, did you get shaken out like a faggot?

>> No.52982590

>just hold my bags bro lol

>> No.52982636
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Thank you for your cervix

>> No.52982678

this, what happened to the "easy phase"?

>> No.52982693
File: 38 KB, 827x581, bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my commodity "bags" are up slightly this year and ready for the 20x

>> No.52982856
File: 2.39 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20221109_151946_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down about .03 percent this year. Even keel.
Pretty happy about buying low and I hope my bags go low so I can DCA down and slowly accumulate more. Couple hundred bucks a day I'm increasing my positions as they dip under my current DCA. Gonna be /comfy by mid summer
Planning a big trip to Alaska to do some fishing. Sending my f250 to get the mad max package: 12 valve p pump cummins and five speed Ford tranny with the rock crusher gear package. It's about the same price to ferry it up from Seattle as it would be to fly and rent a truck, buy gear, sleep in hotels, etc
Fuck that shit. I need muh guns

>> No.52982994

I agree with what you're talking about but this is the first pullback in the uptrend he's talking about.

Just being the messenger.

>> No.52983005

You should be looking for sell opportunities right now. It will dump after the ends settles and then go up later.

>> No.52983906
File: 54 KB, 657x527, 1669012098918685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking good unless you are raising them to eat yourself or sell to your neighbor

>> No.52984065

Why yes I was browsing a new aggregate site, how could you tell?
I'll try to clean up my links. Being a phone fag is not an excuse

>> No.52984149

One would think that a combination of cold weather, increased Mexican demand, production freeze offs, and the terminal at freeport re-opening would be bullish but that is ignoring the obvious truth that natural gas only goes down.

>> No.52984350
File: 53 KB, 500x281, Canned-food-and-shotguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the article
Peter Schiff interview
>Peter said he agrees the Fed is going to ease, but that will be a mistake.

>"It hasn’t gone far enough. The problem is it left interest rates too low for too long. It already expanded the money supply so much that we haven’t even had enough price increases to catch up with the previous expansion of the money supply. So, even if [the money supply] is growing more slowly now, it doesn’t matter. There is so much inflation already in the pipeline. And the only thing that was keeping our inflation rate lower was the fact that the dollar was rising when everybody thought the Fed would quit hiking. But now that the dollar is falling, that is going to add fuel to the inflation fire. I think it’s going to burn a lot hotter in 2023. But the economy is going to cool off even more as inflation heats up, and that is a no-win situation for the Fed, and for the country, unfortunately.”

>> No.52985139

How have you lost money on oil? Are you retarded?

>> No.52985551

I was planning on selling 3/4 of my shares tomorrow or early next week. I'm not sure the assays are priced in yet -- today was kind of lackluster but that might be because it was being priced in weeks prior.

all the gurus always say "After this dip is the real one!!" and really none have any idea what theyre talking about.

>> No.52985574

>ferry your f250
Yeah but now you're putting a ton of wear on your own truck. Just rent it so you can beat theirs up

>> No.52985621
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 1670778372913678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point if I rent it here then ferry it there with all my shit locked up inside it
I'll think on it.

>> No.52985792
File: 75 KB, 460x613, 1667295419640276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the article
>Australia’s A$200 billion ($134.28 billion) sovereign wealth fund is increasing exposure to gold, commodities, private equity and infrastructure as it warns the future will echo the low-growth, high-inflation era of the 1970s.

>The Future Fund outlined the changes, which also included widening its currency basket, in a note on Friday that questioned the value of traditional 60-40 portfolios and called for an investing shift to confront a world dealing with war, inflation and climate change.

>“In this kind of environment there is a real risk of simultaneous slow growth, high unemployment, and rising prices that has some parallels with the stagflationary period that struck developed markets in the 1970s,” the note said.

>Investors large and small are scrambling to adjust portfolios and philosophies undermined by the simultaneous cratering of equity and bond markets.

>The eight-page note called time on four decades of investment tailwinds including falling interest rates and taxes, energy abundance and growing globalisation driven by China’s rise.

>Investors now faced a world corrosive to asset prices: more war, the risk of capital controls and confiscations, bigger government, and the spectre of higher inflation.

>> No.52986073
File: 359 KB, 720x1243, Screenshot_20221222-163517-097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52986154

andy thinks we're good tho still and i'm no, i'm not selling

>> No.52987241

Snow line gold down 25% in one day. I hope that one retarded anonymous sold back when we told him to.

>> No.52987648

my internet is terrible today so i cant check their press release but didnt they just have good news on some drill results today? Something like 300m of 1.3gpt Au? What turned people off?

>> No.52987710

Think it's the banks selling whatever they can so they can have a profit on paper for year end. RBC, BMO, etc. selling shitloads of miners.

>> No.52987717

yea that was my thinking too, it was very good results so it makes perfect sense to sell now and buy back in later.

>> No.52987873


>> No.52987888
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>> No.52987891


>> No.52987972
File: 70 KB, 1673x314, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still hodling, haven't sold a share, retardation level to be determined
previous long intercepts were 2+gpt, so the spoiled clown market thinks today's release is terrible. Jeff sums it up pretty well


>> No.52987979

>price went from 130 to 70
>how did u lose money? hurrrrdurrrpfffflaaaatjrlekqnq

>> No.52989703

lol look at XOM chart. How do you lose money with that?

>> No.52989927 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to dig more and Blue lagoon, was Golden Eagle Mine Topley the previous name during the 20s and 50s when it was mined ? Trying to find how high grade it was

>> No.52989934

I'm trying to dig more on Blue lagoon, was Golden Eagle Mine Topley the previous name during the 20s and 50s when it was mined ? Trying to find how high grade it was

>> No.52990602
File: 87 KB, 716x764, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a uranium position, but since this is Japan related and I want uranium frens here to wagmi:


>> No.52990678

Sell all gold


>> No.52990713
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1333, 1668283200698201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, if they want to pump gold now to the masses the way they pumped crypto, after FUDing gold for years, I'm okay with that. Maybe it means all the elites are gold-positioned and ready to see it rip.

>> No.52990819

Bearish. Could only be worse if Jim Cramer endorsed that as well

>> No.52990859
File: 70 KB, 720x432, ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, noes, natty broes!
Hope you got your KOLD.
$3 handle soon.

>> No.52990915

Basel iii implementation. Been planned for ages

>> No.52991423

I remember last time you started making posts like that, KOLD fag. Major bull indicator for natty right here brose

>> No.52991447

>KOLD poster is the /smg/tard who falls for bayhorse trolls
why am I not surprised kek

>> No.52991469
File: 264 KB, 720x1223, 20221223_092115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe moar, natty hoes.

>> No.52991486

Obvious top is obvious. You'll be all quiet again soon lmfao

>> No.52991507

>screencapped for future keks

>> No.52992039

Will Santa rally today?

>> No.52992108

Nope it has always been known as the "Dome Property" or "Dome Mountain Mine", however its been mined over the century mostly by small scale leaser miner crews from the local area, corporate work only really started in the 1970s and 80s if memory serves. The grade of ore in those days was likely very different to what we would expect today, as the leaser miners were highgrading the best of the best ore they could locate. All the small scale mines I saw there as a child were hand sorted piles of "best" and "not the best", only the best material would be sent for milling. This link will take you to one of the spots i used to visit at Dome, though its placement on Minfile though GPS is incorrect.

Golden Eagle is to the south at the "Topley Richfield" Mine 20 minutes up the Babine landing road from the village of Topley.

>> No.52992136

for oil, yes!

>> No.52992302
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>downtrend: broken
>oversold: embedded
>200dma: calling
Oilbros, I think we're back.

>> No.52992428

How do I get my bank not to chimp out when I try to buy a kilo of gold? I'm retarded and worried about them refusing to let me spend my own money.

>> No.52992444

Withdraw cash and use that.

>> No.52992490
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It really is a sight for sore eyes. Majors are making higher highs and lower lows. Dividends and P/Es are magical across the board. Oil is never going below $70. Natty is a bit of a wild card in the US but almost guaranteed profit in EU. Coal is also partying.

>> No.52992723

Russian embargo actually happening? I thought lessening production would shatter much of their infrastructure. Would they do it?

>> No.52992742

They announced oil price cap a few days ago. Putin expected to counter that next week. Also USA begins refilling SPR

>> No.52993242

What are the odds Pebble gets approved?

>> No.52993448
File: 115 KB, 970x755, 55g-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Jones trying to pump a 55 g-m hole

>> No.52993555

Seems like somebody has a lot of some very heavy bags heh

>> No.52994685

Liberty Gold has healed back to its May price level. Rounded bottom. Some people here thought it wouldn't do well, I bought at $0.38, almost 2x for me so far.

>> No.52994738

Just got paid back 2k on a 10k debt that was years old. Was t expecting it to get paid back at all.
What to buy with it tho....
Taking suggestions, otherwise I would just buy more physical silver or sand companies. I have no position on energy and I don't like it's volatility, but I do like buying cheap shit while it's cheap

>> No.52995667
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>Just got paid back 2k on a 10k debt that was years old.
The fat guy from WSP?
>I have no position on energy and I don't like it's volatility
>Taking suggestions
Oil. See >>52992302 and >>52976734
I bought into a 3x Oil ETF and ATH which has done very well today.

>> No.52995788
File: 198 KB, 720x1258, Screenshot_20221223-125308-376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat guy from WSP
He doesn't owe me but the scuttlebutt around the campfire is he owes some big fish in Atlanta. Musicians don't pay for drugs. Cock suckers that they are
Damn yeah. 80% in a year.
Athabasca materials is doing well today. And is up 23% on the week.

>> No.52995991
File: 2.87 MB, 800x800, 1626719087049.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musicians don't pay for drugs. Cock suckers that they are
kek I'd be offended but it's true. I won't take anything for free unless though it's a true gift even as small fry. I hate debt, especially for drugs, fuck that.

>Damn yeah. 80% in a year.
Yeah, and 9.8% just today but it lost its oversold embedding two days ago so a magnet to the 18dma was very likely (thanks Ira). I made some good profit when I sold for around 2.60 back in June after Red's Oil call. Been meaning to buy back in for a while and got back in recently with a small position in anticipation of Oil's regression to the 200dma. Tickling oversold at 70.96 right now but I'm more interested in oil;s rsi

>> No.52996089
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Oh shid that's what I should throw the money it is iras courses! Then it won't be out of pocket in a sense.
I'll look into ath more. MC is over a billion maple leafs idk how much that is in burgers, but how big of a move could it possibly make with a billion MC?


>> No.52996300
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>I should throw the money it is iras courses!
Well fuckin obviously. I would have said that I'm sure but I'm 1/3 through a bottle of turkey. It's only about 6 hours long and I have about an hour left, it's very good. Do it faggot.
I'm probably taking the enhanced BB course and the Outside Day one afterwards

>but how big of a move could it possibly make with a billion MC?
ATH makes money even at todays oil prices, so when we inevitably go to 300 a barrel it should do alright. IIRC they were talking about future dividends at some point. I really don't have the DD to sell you on them right now sadly so consider it hearsay, but others here can probably tell you more.

idk wtf i just watched but i watched it 3 times

>> No.52996387
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Ok I'll sign up today. I thought it would be much more than six hours long. Idk why

>> No.52996515
File: 728 KB, 1520x2048, IMAG1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so did I, but you can end up revisiting and rewatching a lot of videos so it's not as clean cut as 6 hours runtime. Each one is rarely longe than 10-15 minutes so they're easy to study. I'm doing the watch once then watch again pausing and rewinding to take copious notes approach.

The first one was already running dry so bottle two is now open. Happy Friday niggers

>> No.52996594
File: 692 KB, 1670x2005, IMG_20221223_141023748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a drink with you m8
Happy Friday indeed. I'm green by $100 on my pf (>$3k) after today closed. Waiting patiently to toss more in but the itch is very real.

>> No.52996686
File: 1.71 MB, 480x360, Chink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm green by $100 on my pf
You're beating 99% of the thread lmao myself included. I'll drink to that kek cheers brother, and congrats on the patience, you're a wise man with willpower.
>he uses a glass
Get a load of this fancy pants.I bet he has a dishwasher too

>> No.52996710
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Proofs in pic

>> No.52997194

thats really hard to say, its a strategic resource so it should be developed but it has a lot of detractors against it. It might get approved in a different form but its current planned scale wont likely meet muster with regulators.

>> No.52997486
File: 345 KB, 400x600, l5HjLU7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me your QRD on this >>52995788
Yahoo does the squiggly lines just like trading view but I'm more familiar with Yahoo since job 10 years ago used everything thru Yahoo portals I just became forever fluent in Yahoo. This helped to give me the 'tism
Jedi 'tism comes from recognition of redundancy and oversight, equally.
I used to fly coast to coast on a nonstop that would be $480 but if I flew thru that city to a regional airport, I could be on that same nonstop without checking any baggage and simply leave the airport without catching the last let to my final destination for $260. Naturally, I worked that like a rented mule for years until they caught on and sewed it shut.
I'm dumbstruck by how these Al Gore rhythms aren't able to catch on, especially since most of these mega firms rely on them heavily.
Just goes to show the people at the top aren't that smart

>> No.52997894

>you're legitimatelly clinically retarded.
Correct, that is why I am here arguing with you, fellow retards.

>> No.52997917
File: 136 KB, 1507x653, AMI Daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usingthe TSX ticker AMI because the ABCAF has shit bars on it for some reason so I can't manually draw the swinglines, hopefully you can just translate anything relevant to the OTC ticker you're using.

On the daily it's in a downtrend. On the swinglines it recently broke the lower highs lower lows with a single higher high which doesn't mean much as it needs two to form an uptrend so it could easily resume it's downward motion, although bouncing off support which is a plus.
It's below each moving average (200 green, 100 yellow, 45 purple) in order which is bearish as fuck, and then it's also below the 18dmac (red) which is also bearish. 100dma and 45dma are converging to make heavy resistance.

>> No.52997925
File: 152 KB, 1510x879, AMI Daily Zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closeup of the swingline downtrend being broken, but again you need 2+ higher highs to be an uptrend. RSI is also a bearish crossover as the K line dips under the D line

>> No.52997948
File: 236 KB, 1508x833, AMI Weekly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weekly doesn't seem much different, except the 45 is above the 200 and 100 which is nice, and the K line seems to be stalling at oversold on the RSI but ultimately I do not like this chart. I don't want in it until an uptrend is resumed, a dmac is acting as suport, or the RSI momentum is upwards.

Bear in mind that I'm losing steam since I started this venture and I'm almost 1/4 through the next bottle, so please anyone feel free to correct any stumbling as at this point its safe to say I'm hammered, but this is my drunken two pennies. I haven't looked at my notebook once, this is all from memory. Take the course and everything I've said will be obvious as the sky is grey, barring any drunken mishaps. Godspeed.

>> No.52998004
File: 834 KB, 4080x3060, 20220929_184555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you senpai. I'll look all this over. Idk how to do that but I'll use your image of the ol slap and tickle on muh tele next to muh crotchpokey and see what pans out.
I'm actually hoping it'll dip lower I want a chance to accumulate. I can't time the bottom or the top but I can buy at the end of a downward trend, and sell before greed sets in

>> No.52998025
File: 1.35 MB, 540x360, 1671628459680705.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since I started this venture
Damn that took me an hour but it felt like 5 minutes, yet I feel several days older.
Is this the power of 50% neat? I shouldknow but I cant remember

>> No.52998058

>I'm actually hoping it'll dip lower
Maybe between 1.60 and 1.50 (on the AMI chart in CAD, currently 1.90) as that seems like some solid support, but I don't like it until it has a bit of momentum higher

>captcha hpv42
Not in a while, thanks

>> No.52998108

and I'm too for getting unreasonably buttblasted after seeing people falling for trolls. cheers

>> No.52998176
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 1421643505112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not alone bro
the trolls dont get me but the responses do

forever a victim to the the doubleblufftroll

>> No.52998296

good to know I'm not alone. it's really astonishing he's still able to get replies in every thread like a clockwork doing the same lazy bait for like a year

>> No.52998308
File: 436 KB, 1053x1437, 1609478483845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took long positions in TRP and PXD these past few days. Also PXD and OXY calls, though I sold the former for some nice profit. Very happy to have those positions right now. I'm a bit more concerned over some of my puts since there was a bit of a surprise rally at the end of the week. But we'll see where things go.

Anyways, have a peaceful and fulfilling Christmas weekend boys! I hope you all get to spend some quality time with loved ones.

>> No.52998351

Clftranny is that you?

>> No.52998357

Absolutely not.

>> No.52998364
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>> No.52998396
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But I still wish you a merry Christmas!

>> No.52998443
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>> No.52998556
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>it's really astonishing he's still able to get replies in every thread like a clockwork
I understand the emotional response given how strongly so many people feel about the forbidden horse, but damn nigger.
Even Lassenbro doesn't fall for it. Not to imply he'd be dumb enough to, he's one of if not the smartest fella(s) in this thread by a wide fucking margin, but if anyone had a reason to react emotionally to horse posters youd think it would be the og, yet he sees through that shit likeg glass while smg tourists shit themselves overit. It's embarrasing.
Red falls for it too but that's because he's inherently aggro as fuck which is something I respect, but I'll still call him a faggot for it even though he is probably the only person ITT who could take me h2h kek

>> No.52998659
File: 92 KB, 449x443, Screenshot_20221217-003851-993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They lurk constantly. If you were confident at 65k bitcorns and had the world swept from under you, wouldn't you lurk the threads that laugh and gloat about gold dropping from 2k to 1700? We don't pink wojak here. We praise kek for the ability to accumulate cheaply.
We love the pain. Our pain is weakness leaving the body.
>Different ID every time
Shits getting old

>> No.52998803
File: 3.13 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20221217_133748118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promised you fellas a history class, riveting, poignant, entertaining, and fulfilling. I can't find my laptop just now, however it wasn't supposed to be unveiled until tomorrow when the thread fell off like the last lingering leaf on a blustery winters morning.
I do have a little something to hold you over
Notice the large rocks. They were scattered by the eruption of mt lassen
Many photos in that link lads
The guy who predicted it's eruption, I forget, but he's the reason so many angles of the eruption exist.
His story is unbelievable, but it happened
I have a surprise for you fellas (don't ruin it Bob and Pan Man)
Not that I think you would but I'm the faggot that telling the story. Correct me anytime but don't upstream me please

>> No.52998868
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>> No.52998877
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>> No.52998887
File: 235 KB, 720x1227, Screenshot_20221223-184847-064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it won't take us by surprise again

>> No.52998911
File: 922 KB, 859x1155, 1556692902204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deciphered both your posts with my hand over one eye. Might be bed time.
I want a history lesson but sadly I don't think it'll sink in, forgive mesenpai =

See you next thread fellas

>> No.52998997
File: 2.39 MB, 4322x3242, Mt Edziza Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet bit of info bud! I wish my part of the Ring of Fire was a bit more volcanically active, Mt Edziza in Northern BC is the most active area i ve been to in recent years.

>> No.52999051

Glad to see you brother. Was worried since your limited responses but understanding due to your reasonings.
I do always worry about you, no homo. People just don't understand the bush. Nothing magical or mystical, but a misstep could lead to much worse, in the field. I worry about you everyday.
I'm a Clamper.

>> No.52999064

its been so dam cold here for the last week, -45 / -50 in one night, we lost internet and phone for a bit but it seems like were back just in time for Christmas, hope all is well on your end too, its been cold all over the place!

>> No.52999089

>The motto of the Order, Credo quia absurdum, generally interpreted as meaning "I believe it because it is absurd;
I believe it because it is absurd
I must beg your pardon gentlemen, as I have a dinner to cook
Pan seared deer sausage with steamed green peas over fried rice.
Love you fucking guys and I hope your holiday wkend is tip top

>> No.52999125

Dude if it was that cold the last thing would think of was internet. You, me, none of us is above eating our frozen dead to sustain ourselves.
We would eat /smg/ first, then the weaker ones, and Bob the moment his knowledge was eclipsed by his caloric value. We would have used red as bait on both tinder and Grindr until his phone died. Then we would have to convince him to kill himself since he's to damn big to die
It'll be like the movie cube. Only the retard survives. It'll be the prep the BHLL poster, drooling in the corner that emerges to be the meek that inherited the earth

>> No.52999345

>Bob the moment his knowledge was eclipsed by his caloric value.
you don't get this smart without a constant diet of lead and mercury vapors. You don't want to eat me, I'd probably kill you.

>> No.52999388

Some of us drink a ton, some drink none. America doesn’t have a monoculture like a smaller European country. On average we drink less than euros though.

>> No.52999622

I did the same thing. Be prepared for the sideways churn though.

>> No.52999628

I hope you know we mean athabasca oil and not athabasca minerals.

>> No.52999643

>aggro as fucl

Come on man. I've chiled out a lot over the years. I've been meditating bro.

>> No.52999964

>Even Lassenbro doesn't fall for it.
It was not that long ago there was a group conspiring to make false accusations against him because of his posts. That was some of the funniest spazzing I have seen in a long time.

>> No.53000427


>> No.53000877

>there was a group conspiring to make false accusations against him because of his posts.
the dude posts a felony a week, what are they planning on accusing him of?

>> No.53001097

new thread

>> No.53001523
File: 339 KB, 600x450, 1418084759161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I just went by whatever ticker was in the post he linked, unless you meant you hope he knows.
My head hurts