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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 301 KB, 888x966, 1671464782124607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52943969 No.52943969 [Reply] [Original]

The sheer tokenomics of Everest alone guarantees that one day 1 LINK = 1 ID. There are only 800,000,000 ID tokens which will be systematically burned by usage of features on the Everest platform, i.e. regulatory compliant KYCing. Not to mention every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens if they want full access to the features of Everest. It is not only well within the realms of possibility that 1 LINK = 1 ID given these tokenomics compared to Chainlink’s 1,000,000,000 model - it is an eventual guarantee. By the will of Kek and the All Father, this manifestation is destined to take place. Even if it takes Chainlink dumping further.

>> No.52944889

jack pads supporter here I must say its been great watching him crash and burn like rose's tokenomics

>> No.52945597

Are you referring to jack pads, the accused pedophile?

>> No.52945612

why yes yes I am the very one in the same

>> No.52945645

>comparing your project to chainshit
lmao pajeet lol kek even

>> No.52945692
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1 LINK = 1 ID

>> No.52946022

look watch him seethe at The Only Identity node on chainlink.



your fud doesn't work here

>> No.52946035

jack of the oasis is a convicted child rapist
he raped his 4 year old niece and has nothing left in life but a stretched out 0 ring and his fat stack of rose that he slurped up at 35 cents

>> No.52946099

We are going to make it everbros

>> No.52946100

how would you know this?

>> No.52946104
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>> No.52946130

he's been doxxed and found on megan's law website from the seattle area
he's a pedophile and anyone defending him is a lowlife 4chan incel trying to be edgy

>> No.52946143

it's the portland area, not seattle
should see his face, his mother was clearly his sister too KEK

>> No.52946155
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Everest isnt comparing with Chainlink it's completing Chainlink.

Can do a whole universe more with Smart Contracts once you can (privately) discern who exactly is using them. DECO can't do that on it's own, need a Novel Identity.

>> No.52946163

everest is good token, very organic team love community

this token is moonie moon project

>> No.52946181

very good token, hidden jem of crypto

>> No.52946182
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>> No.52946193

good pepe frog post fren

but you need switch IDs to make thread feel more organic

>> No.52946238

this token set for moonie moons

4channel do not sleep on this coin

>> No.52946243
File: 125 KB, 203x249, Ever Bob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew that Jack Pads guy was a faggot.. but a kiddie diddler? Fucking scum

>> No.52946258
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You're Convicted pedophile Jack?! That explains why you've always behaved so mental.

>> No.52946282

the FOMO is real., am going to buy many everest IS tokens

4channel so not sleep on coin

>> No.52946307

Everest have good digital ID block chain program 4channel

have product ready to market to 4channel for moonie moons

>> No.52946335

it’s time for moonie moons 4channel

no sleep on everest ID token buy or stay poor

>> No.52946349

He's here :3
Welcome, dear friend

>> No.52946371

good organic bump

let get some everest digital ID promotion going bros we need to sell 4channel by promoting our token with chainlink

dont forget to switch IDs and remember telegram instruction

>> No.52946385

do not sleep on digital IDs block chain need digital ID like RLC make cloud computer digital oil.

RLC digital oil
Everest digital ID

it just moonie moon token for next bullrun bros


>> No.52946402

it time for the moonie moons, it time for the moonie moons

osais is shit
everest is best

it time for moonie moons

>> No.52946449

wow look at those everest sales tonite

order book flying off shelf with many everest tokens for selling, do not miss out on this coin wow the price going up

>> No.52946455

1 everest = 1 RLC

all relate to digital oils and digital IDs

these two tokens set to moon with chainlink helpFOMO now and pay later

>> No.52946459

I don't know anything about the fag

but if he is
then that checks out.
Do you know where his name was posted and can be found?

>> No.52946489

Clearly this is a scam, you and your street shitter shills ought to stop posting your scam thread daily.

>> No.52946524

Holy shit sneed dude

>> No.52946647

or you're a 1pbtid retard who thought larping as your own exposer calling yourself a pedo is some kind of own.


and then used another device or switch Ips to fake jeet exactly 2 minutes later

and now you change ips again to larp again
jfc get some help
Congratulations on a self own.
it's disturbing at this point.

>> No.52946689
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>> No.52946716

Thank you for fudding every trash ass scam project (such as discreet) on biz

>> No.52946727

this dude is based af

>> No.52946735
File: 304 KB, 1381x777, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of the extremely low quality shit posts of late. Whether (You)'re trying to fud or shill, you look like an embarrassing retard.

>> No.52946747

69 checked and nice

>> No.52946788

Centralized vapor ware

>> No.52946807

>every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens
No institutions would want to risk such amount in a credential tied to a single platform when TIDV can guarantee them access to multiple third party protocols.. keep fantasizing roastie.

>> No.52946808
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>one day
>will be
>will be
>if they want

>> No.52946810
File: 162 KB, 518x473, 8291756C-BC3D-4CEB-B33C-26A2382A7AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch yo mouf

>> No.52947060

>hey we're an exchange we're doing market research on a KYC provider for crypto and we saw you provide that
>yes good sir do the needful very cheap top quality service, you buy 250k of our affordable token and you can use KYC top quality made in India
>*exchange hangs up*

that's the most likely scenario, why the fuck would any company expose themselves to such a huge risk like that, you know how expensive capital is right now? And then you're supposed to commit and invest in a shitcoin with 90% volatility? Why wouldn't companies just use a pay-per-use normal KYC provider?

>> No.52947083

>Why wouldn't companies just use a pay-per-use normal KYC provider?
You just asked the analogous question to
>why crypto..at all... ever?

>> No.52947129

No i didn't say that, there's plenty of crypto services that don't make you stake 250k of a token just to be able to use their product. Most tokens are used for fee payments which are automatically swapped, no need to commit huge amounts to some risky asset.

>> No.52947237
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Don't buy any then.

>> No.52947423

It's just that this fact of "businesses have to stake 250k to use" is not bullish. It seems bullish because you assume businesses can afford to do that, they can't. One of the main goals of a business is capital rentability and setting aside a chunk of capital to do nothing goes completely against that goal. And that's only if the business even has capital to spare (which most don't), so in order to use they would have to take out a loan or get investors, but for what? Do they at least earn a yield when they stake or is it just a ticket to enter the ecosystem? Because you always have to apply at least the market interest rate to your capital, that's the rate at which you can borrow and lend money. If you're capital allocation cannot outperform that rate, you're literally operating at a loss, at best this would be an opportunity cost to the business, at worst a real cost.

>> No.52947472

Committing any amount of money or time (Microsoft will buy my shit tokens on uniswap so they can stake them and use a service that they don't even need) towards an activity that can already be done for near free with zero hassle or counter party risk basically invalidates the principles and foundations of crypto altogether.

>it's an internet spreadsheet

>> No.52947490
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any partnership with chainlink makes me bearish on a project , this has been seen 10 times before when a project partners with link only to suddnely plummet bigly after

>> No.52947506

>dude just buy this low volume low liquidity dead Uniswap shitcoin with the worst price chart in all of crypto and then use this barely working Everest wallet on the Everest chain on the Everest platform to scan your Everest identity to send this Everest stablecoin while using Everest ID coins to another Everest wallet, the future of finance bro institutions will start doing the same any minute now bro it's inevitable

>> No.52947608
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That's a whole lot of words that I don't care.

>> No.52947632

>I invest in tard-tokens because big business is coming SOON to buy my bags, but I can't be bothered to understand how business works because lol whatever
You would've had an easier time finding greater fools to but your bags a year ago, but that was probably when you bought in wasn't it?

>> No.52947640


>> No.52947664

doesn't look like a scam https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1604859606156599296

>> No.52947685
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>chainlink tweeted about it so it can’t be a scam

>> No.52947754
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>> No.52948059

Chainlink are taking over everything and there’s nothing any of you can do about it

>> No.52948203

how is this glowie scam still around? the only buyers are existing bagholders while the team dumps on them

>> No.52948513
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>Token for regulatory compliant KYC
>You don't need a token for this
Every single link integration from here on out is going to be FUD fuel. Link marines are literally going to dread announcements as each desperate integration drives the price further down because not only are these technologies not needed, no one ever wants to use them for funsies. The entire industry runs on more hot air than the fucking BNB token and we are nowhere near the bottom. Three more years of pain and by all measures of likely reality, macro geopolitik and economics are only going to get worse so to the tune of Bitcoin getting sent to a sensible valuation of about $4k while the entire altcoin balance goes to zero.

>> No.52948761

oof, pretty grim

>> No.52949381

no one told this fag you don't have to have 250K to use the services?

>> No.52949814
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We want that to happen, we just know Chainlink can't supply novel Identity on it's own, and that's absolutely vital for Smart Contracts to evolve.


>Everest provides the only solution for human, deduplicated identity, value transfer, and compliance designed for other projects to leverage.

>By delivering proofs of deduplicated addresses and known KYC-d addresses delivered as a service across Chainlink decentralized oracle networks, Everest will provide profound new capabilities to the ecosystem.

>Everest is excited to enable next-generation services with Chainlink which help mitigate types of account abuse, such as shadow accounts, sock puppets, trolls and troll farms, which all require the ability to generate accounts at will.

You want proof that Chainlink can't solve this issue on it's own? Look no further than whales making dozens or even hundreds of wallets to occupy the Link Staking pool. Novel Identity is needed so Smart Contracts can run as intended.

>> No.52950137

Link redid the medium on theirs too

>> No.52950181

good organic bump team

saved it off page 5 my top kek and pepe

4channel buy coin or stay poor, do not sleep on everest digital ID

>> No.52950250

4channel this good coin., real hidden jem of crypto

>> No.52950326

loving team, good community here, just feeling organic

might pick up everest bag for cheapie if good buy i think

>> No.52950820

I bought a massive stack of ID as soon as I realized they were the real deal regarding identity for web3 a long time ago
identity is going to be such an integral piece to trustless agreements, I have been surprised by the horrible price performance and assumed I had hitched my identity assumptions to the wrong wagon
however this partnership with LINK has solidified my theory by a large margin
I have never sold a single LINK or ID
My entire stack for the past 5 years has only ever consisted of
As of 4 years ago I reduced all of my BTC for additional LINK
I am very happy to see ID making the right moves, I hope they become the authority on decentralized identity

>> No.52950845

ooo good post we need to tie everest and chainlink even closer for marketing purpose

attention everest, check your TG instructions for new posting guideline in five minute

>> No.52950974

absolutely seething and coping severely

>> No.52951077

Great to see your confidence renewed fren.
Everest has taken detours so they will be ready to simultaneously mass implement & scale, and they are starting to deliver the fruits of those labors now, Chainlink Node being the first.

Another thing they teased the other day is a working demo of the Identity widget, that can be white-labeled into any sites/apps as needed:
Multi-chain KYC + Identity on demand with wallet connectivity.

Then they have a payment similar widget that can make fiat on/off payments.

>> No.52951118
File: 433 KB, 1508x2639, chainlink backing every jewish scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, chainst*nk backing yet another jewish scam..

>> No.52951192

based chainlinktonight paid marketing thread

if you dont like it just leave the thread this is a strictly one man operation

>> No.52951215

this shit coin depends on sergey to get off his fat ass and turn the network on. this is not happening anytime soon

>> No.52951233
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Enjoy it.




You'll be scanning your face soon enough.

>> No.52951498
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Scan this, kike.

>> No.52951540

redpills and basedo

>> No.52951581

still seething on multiple IPs I see?

>> No.52951682

Do you really want to go there?

>Biometric keyed wallets have become global standard
>AI generated Liveness exploits have forced the system to resort to fallback biometrics
>"Identity verification required. Please insert the device."

>> No.52951698

how soon please

>> No.52951705

>only 22 more years bros!

>> No.52951912
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Soon as it becomes required. EU passed their MiCA regulations and Congress is drafting a Bill that will require crypto services meet regulatory standards, its coming.



Everest offers regulation as a service, allowing Dapps/exchanges to meet those standards while being built to scale and licensed to work globally.

>> No.52951968

You must have descended from a useless generation. Is chainlink partner, Allianceblock driving innovations in DeFi lately...

>> No.52952365

it doesn't but instead gives sergey incentive to do so. Identity will enabled the usecases for chainlink data that everyone is dreaming about.
You have to be able to identify the people places things inside smart contracts

>> No.52952755

everst team doing good today., good organic bumps and good anon posting

we got high visibilie on 4channel today and anons love chainlink and pepe frog

>> No.52952795

4channel buy everest or stay poor,, DYOR- good moonie moon coin

>> No.52953247

I can confirm that there is at least one other individual person in this thread.

>> No.52953409

Ironically no, man. This is the RLC spammer pretending to be a jeet to convince you it’s a scam when in fact it’s a gem. He’s been doing it for months

>> No.52953813
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This article is getting at that.

>To unlock new use cases that enable interactions based on non-financial variables such as social capital and reputation, web3 needs an on-chain identity layer that uses decentralized oracle networks to verify identity data while maintaining a certain degree of privacy.

>Everest’s identity data can be used to verify that the owner of an address is known, unique, and deduplicated, supporting a wide range of identity-based web3 use cases that involve compliance, voting, resource distribution, and access control.

>“Everest is excited to enable next-generation services with Chainlink which help mitigate types of account abuse, such as shadow accounts, sock puppets, trolls and troll farms, which all require the ability to generate accounts at will.”

>> No.52954473

I like what I see with the Everest token. The team seem like they know what they are doing! The tokenomics allow for high price of token

>> No.52955968


fuck off oasiscuck.
everyone knows the only reason why you fud is because you are scared of Rose no longer being associated with Link and instead people talking about Everest which means you know people will sell their rose bags for ID which means you'd be left holding those big 15M+ bag that you keep trying to OTC sell to save your price and leave with something intact.

You're scared of regulated projects investigating scams that work with tokens like tether. Dawn already burned that bridge by kvetching over payments from chainlink.

>> No.52956941

is this what CLL employees get paid to do? post on here

>> No.52957022

watch Bob suck SBF's dick and gargle his cum like a faggot at 25:31

>> No.52957201

>"We keep the vast majority of our treasury there"
lmao yikes

>> No.52957233

This was over a year and a half ago (when the whole industry was sucking Sam's dick) they didnt have their treasury there when the collapse happened.

>> No.52957246

it's ok, Bob

>> No.52957866

based noticer

>> No.52958182

And by "device" they mean cock.

>> No.52958194

hello I was told there would be penis biometrics

>> No.52958304

They'll harvest you at the same time for the clone labs. +1 Social Credit

>> No.52958312

I am okay with this fate harvest me senpai

>> No.52958455
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Not on the current whitepaper but not out of the question

>> No.52958484

What the fuck is this about? Need to know.

>> No.52958628


>> No.52958661

Kilt is better

>> No.52958686

Actual schizo shit in the thread. Name dropping and accusing someone of that is not something ever taken likely especially on chans, the post and replies are all weird as hell.

Someone come clean about this "Jack of the Oasis", he is in a few discords.

>> No.52958699

Whitepaper 3.0 cock biometrics confirmed.

>> No.52958748

it is fake it is all fake they are just mad about the posts

>> No.52958842

Jack of the Oasis is a real anon. Got into LINK late relative to OGs and aped into ROSE so that he could be early to something. He was known for aggressively shilling ROSE to LINK OGs, and getting some to buy. This thread is the first I am hearing of him being a rapist so my assumption is that the rape stuff is made up and the thread is full of discord trannies fucking with him as revenge for convincing them to buy ROSE.

>> No.52958894

Shilling rose is also pretty egregious

>> No.52958916
File: 427 KB, 512x512, 4i32432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike Everest, Kilt isnt designed with user deduplication in mind, which is important in a foundational layer for blockchain Identity, I do believe Kilt & many other Identity projects will have a place to aggregate & contribute identity data ontop of that foundation.

Also for regulatory KYC, Kilt would need to be properly licensed (and again prove user deduplication) or no financial institute will even consider their KYC.

Well all the meanwhile he was non-stop harassing Everest and spamming the threads, and schizo ranting about it in CLU in a strange attempt to fud.

>> No.52958995

>Well all the meanwhile he was non-stop harassing Everest and spamming the threads, and schizo ranting about it in CLU in a strange attempt to fud.
Interesting. Seems like that's what's happening with LINK.

>> No.52959316

Everest ID and ORE ID are two of my most preferred web3 assets because they resolve the issue of identity theft

>> No.52959328

people hate link because of of many reasons. Everest is literally globohomo and should die, imagine investing in your own prison

>> No.52959449
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But it isnt. Everest is a Private Identity wallet that only the user has control over, all of their personal data is stored in their datagram (like a black box of your data) data from the datagram can only be shared on a ZK basis.
In extreme circumstances the Everest Foundation DAO can access a user's Identity wallet, but they are both not allowed to collude & only act when given a court order from the user's local jurisdiction.

You want a prison? Try Soul Bound Tokens. SBTs will give any government/corporation/asshole the ability to hand out a "Yellow Star" to anyone they decide on a whim, and exact full control over what they can access.

>> No.52959505

>Kilt would need to be properly licensed (and again prove user deduplication)
and provide constant heartbeat checks against the kyc aml pep cft fincrimes lists.
DID without novelidentity is DOA

>> No.52959521

SBTs don't work anyways and are movable.
vitaldick btfo

>> No.52959538
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This woman is so fucking annoying.
>mhmm mhmm
Reminds me of this cunt who interviewed Sergey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulyI_K-TFDI
Spotify is cancer too.

>> No.52959639
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she cute though, looks a little like a celsius khater minime iykwim


>> No.52959648

if you threw it at a brick wall and beat it with vocal fry and 35 yesrs of later night law parties

>> No.52959661
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Women (or people) with her personality should not host podcasts.

>> No.52959759
File: 127 KB, 1017x1280, 3208EF83-5357-4A01-ACF5-A64067670E22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just happy the maltese lawblondie made room for Bob and undertstood the importance and difference between identitty and credential sharing DID layer which is local and needed alongside chainlink and eberest

>> No.52959783
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>> No.52959882
File: 140 KB, 891x1280, 5E36AC39-6BB5-4106-B823-9F3838D0B25F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say I disagreed. I'm saying she is on spotify, apple, google, youtube, linkedin, and allowing Bob to teach DID projects about foundational identity which is the lynchpin of a good ecosystem; blockchain or not.

>> No.52960010

rent free