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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52951560 No.52951560 [Reply] [Original]

Aren’t people’s net worths being demolished right now?

How is everyone around me so calm?

I understand that only 60% of people own stocks, and only 30% own stocks outside of a 401k, but probably 90% of people have an investment of some form (house, crypto, cars, collectibles, etc.) and everything is tanking.

>> No.52951614
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Hypthoetically yes, but if you live in a house as a regular person you probablby are not aware of the price of the place at every juncture. More likely your priorities are elswhere and you don't really even pay attention. People are not finaically literate and the comes from being apathetic instead of rekless.

Tbh the issues start when more people lose their jobs because that would imply all of a sudden there are a bunch of mortages that can't be paid for. Nothing of that sort has happened yet to my knowledge and everyone else is either too rich or too poor to meaningfully care.

With that, how the hell is there still a worker's shortage? Where is everyone. That's more confusing to me. Lots of people got a couple thousand from the government a few months back and swore off work or sometihng.

>> No.52951643

I live with mommy and daddy and am buying the whole way down.

>> No.52951665

My networth has been demolished. Real estate, stocks, crypto, you name it. I wish the worst on the people responsible

>> No.52951672

>With that, how the hell is there still a worker's shortage? Where is everyone.
Only job available is at McDonald's and everyone would rather just stay home and say they are unemployed which unironically sounds better than saying you work a dead-end burger flipper job.

>> No.52951677
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i simply dont care

>> No.52951679

Working for this tyrannical tranny gov that hates me isn't worth my time.

>> No.52951702

We are all more or less on sidelines and currently selling the remaining holdings.

>> No.52951709

Still coping and expecting the good times will continue.
Ropes are already bought.

>> No.52951754

Most people's NW is in Real Estate which continues to go up. My condos in Alberta are up 10% YTD. Only people losing net worth are stock investors. Real money was always in real estate.

>> No.52951772
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>How is everyone around me so calm?
What would you expect me to do about it?
In AA we ask for "the serenity to accept the things I cannot change"
Remaining calm is the only reasonable response.

>> No.52951817
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>> No.52951848
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>Aren’t people’s net worths being demolished right now?
Actually i'm up big time. But yeah, anybody who isn't a SilverChad is getting raped rn.

>> No.52951864


Housing market hasn't tank yet. It needs to tank 70 percent more to feel the pain.

>> No.52951883

My networth is demolish what do you want me to do about it. Life goes on

>> No.52951882

True. Honestly hoping this wagie holdout results in burger bots sooner than later.

Would rather have a sanitized machine making perfect food than some underpaid depressed and (probably) gross human.

>> No.52951953


Some theories:
1.)Normies spend so much money that in times like this, they simple scale back their spending. Avg biz lurker probably assumes people are already "just scraping by" - not the case. My friends/family who live "paycheck to paycheck" make like 90k a year and could simply stop spending so much money if they needed to, or sell their house that they really couldn't afford in the first place.

2.) As biz lurkers, we're already hyper-aware of our spending, so we are more easily triggered. Things aren't *that* bad, they were just really good for a really long time.

3.) Jobs generally are paying more to retain workers, so that helps even if it isn't exactly keeping 1:1 pace.

4.) Federal Reserve is unironically attempting to quell inflation with the tools at their disposal. Despite how painful this is on asset prices, at least the underclass isn't about to revolt about anything (yet).

5.) Creature comforts are at an all time high and are cheap as hell. There are enough cheap or free bread and circuses that until people are literally starving or freezing, I don't think there will be mass protests.

6.) People are returning to tradition as far as cohabiting is concerned. Even boomers know that it's tough out there and aren't in a rush to kick their kids out at 18. Living with family is back in style (especially when half the population is now hispanic lol).

7.) College scam is almost over. You don't *need* to rack up 80k in debt to get a decent job, at least in my experience. It definitely helps but the meme of being unemployable forever without a degree has ran its course thanks to online courses, certs etc. College is a lot of fucking money, that's an extra 5k a year for 16 years if you look at it that way. That's not even factoring in opportunity cost which is probably at least $10k a year in lost wages for 2-8 years.

8.) new school of Investing has made so many ppl rich that we all have hope now. Dumb answer but I think it's true.

>> No.52952622

Well yeah but day to day is all about cash flows
'Oh no my house is worth less' is not a great thought but does not really influence your daily life as you were not going to sell it anyway. Same with some long term investments and so on. Fatal risk takers are of course suicidal because they lost everything and this happens every cycle.

>> No.52953019

Normies own houses to start a family and don't care about the price of the house. It's a novel concept for autistic incels like us, I know.
They buy collectibles and cars cause they like them not to resell them too. And they couldn't care less about their price after buying

>> No.52954106
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You’re that anon who listed reasons why people should move to Cambodia, I can FEEL it

>> No.52954117

my condo has not tanked, speak for yourself.

>> No.52954167

Everyone sold except you

>> No.52954201

a large swath of boomers chose early retirement during the pandemic. those workers are all gone.

>> No.52954217

Im down over 1million since Nov 2021. Its old news now.

>> No.52954221

because there is no incentive to work a dead end job anymore. Manufacturing jobs, factories (and now even majority of trades) etc all used to be lifetime jobs with reasonable wages and retirement packages. Gov destroyed the workforce with mass immigration, which lowered wages and giving people more and more options to just opt out of working entirely to collect gibs.

>> No.52954222

This. I was wealthy once and now am worth no more than $600,000 including home equity. I’ve had to go back to waging because my passive income streams are basically DOA. Lost more than 70% of my NW in the last year. Trying times.

>> No.52954315

They died. Sudden death is going around. Funerals are up 40% in 2022. We also lost lots of people to early retirement during coof.

>> No.52954335

I guess I am a normie then. Why would I buy something if I plan on selling it. I would rather save the money and buy stuff I want to have

>> No.52954353


Not yet. More like a 10-20% haircut. We're bordering on a bona fide crash though.

>> No.52954370
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My precious metals stay precious

>> No.52954451


No, I'm pretty skeptical of any plans to move to Asian countries. I think most Trad USA folk would fit in better in S.A. - it seems like USA but with actual freedom.

>> No.52954471

based silver fag

>> No.52954485
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I just lost $1162.80 on a single darts match
I make $600 a week

>> No.52954508

Post reasons one would move to cambodia

>> No.52954518

This is the truth right here. When you're no longer manufacturing anything of worth because you outsourced it all to Asia then all that's left is slightly above minimum wage jobs unless you luck into something reasonable.
>inb4 I make 200k+ doing nothing
You lucked out. And that's yet another overinflated bubble ready to burst.

>> No.52954549
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>Aren’t people’s net worths being demolished right now?
Currently I don't have much monthly expenses but my job is low paying, so as long as I don't spend most and budget I can save.
I have crypto, shares, metals, however I want to buy more silver and gold...would like to purchase a gold coin.
To be fair Americans and Westerners tend to spend alot of their money and never really save or invest but getting good investment advice is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.52954556
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Also fuck off if you don't like anime.

>> No.52954562
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My net worth is up a little since this time last year. 75% shares, 25% cash. About 30% of my shares are mining companies and most of the rest are blue chip value dividend companies.

>> No.52954578

>Blaming the immigration and not your retarded socialist policy that killed manufacturing in America.
>Not to mention being sold over seas.
It's too expensive to start a business in America.
Stop blaming immigrants for being uneducated and working a low paying job.

>> No.52954580

>When you're no longer manufacturing anything of worth
I see this parroted often; however, is the USA not the second biggest manufacturing powerhouse behind China?

>> No.52954581

>he can't think 10+ years into the future
Won't matter that things are tanking now. They will go back up

>> No.52954620

based financial degenerate

>> No.52954642
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If we're all tanking at the same time then it's not "my problem." I can't worry about things I cannot control.

>> No.52954643
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I have more cash than Ive had for a while. Im ready to buy all this shit.

>> No.52954647
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>> No.52954706

>Stop blaming immigrants for being uneducated and working a low paying job.
If I travel to another country to get a higher paying job at the expense of the actual citizens because my own country can't manage to figure out how to run civilization, doesn't that mean I'm the piece of shit? You know there doesn't exist infinite resources and land, right? You can't just import literally millions of people in the name of capitalism under the veil of demographic replacement and a democrat uniparty and not expect to have your wages lowered across the board.

If your angle was to criticize and attack our ruling class for intentionally pushing for replacement migration then I would agree with you. Unfortunately you seem like the type to place the children of your enemies over your own. Whatever you do I hope you get replaced in your own field.

>> No.52954722

Quality post, unfortunately when you post truth no one has an issue with it so you get very few (you)s.
But I appreciate the insight.

>> No.52954747

>everything is tanking
I've made 100USDT today trading DOGE lmao. Surely the market can't be that bad

>> No.52954933
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>If I travel to another country to get a higher paying job at the expense of the actual citizens
It's not at the expense of other citizens, I'm a citizen, I'm working a job other faggots didn't want.
Cry more you fucking faggot.
If you're European you belong in Europe, not North America.
Go back, faggot.
>If your angle was to criticize and attack our ruling class for intentionally pushing for replacement migration t
There is no such thing.
Cry about it, every country has immigrants on some level or another.
Get a better paying job or fuck off to some place with a better paying job market.

>> No.52954964
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People who bitch about immigration are either poor fags or trust funds.
Fuck em, I got bills to pay and silver to stack.
They can get an education and a trade skill and go work 60 plus hours a week of they wanna get paid.

>> No.52954987
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>because my own country can't manage to figure out how to run civilization
Yeah, I blame Liberals, Jews, the federal reserve and shitty economics.
Sorry, but I'm literally okay with immigration.
My country is better than USA school shooter land.

>> No.52954997
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>You can't just import literally millions of people in the name of capitalism
But you can and they do, faggot.

>> No.52955351


there's a worker shortage because a large amount of old people decided to retire or died during covid. the others left the job market (or the world) due to covid economic conditions, health issues, or suicide. hot take, covid should've killed more old people. we needed a great reset. we got a mini reset, and it led to huge wage growth for younger earners. imagine if covid had actually killed a significant part of the population. now the old people that are remaining are taking revenge on the economy

>> No.52955969

>It's not at the expense of other citizens.
Tell that to the hundreds of sectors permanently taken over by migrant work despite that same work paying a livable wage to citizens decades ago. You are seriously advocating for near slave labor because you would rather not hurt the nigger fee-fees.
>There is no such thing.
Tell me in 50 years what the demographic makeup of America will look like.
>every country has immigrants
Yes, but not every country will be replaced with said migrants in the timespan of a few generations leading to an economic zone instead of an actual nation state.
>Get a better paying job or fuck off to some place with a better paying job market.
There will be no place with a better job market if you let millions of migrants into your country faggot.

>Yeah, I blame Liberals, Jews, the federal reserve and shitty economics.
I'm glad we can agree.
>My country is better than USA school shooter land.
Then you better hope you don't invite 30 million migrants in your country to replace all of your work.

>Reading comprehension

>> No.52956056

A house is and isn't an investment. If you're living in it then it's not strictly an investment until you want to sell it. Up to that point it's just where you eat and sleep and you need to eat and sleep somewhere. It could be worth 1BTC or 1,000BTC it doesn't really matter. You're living in it. If you're buying multiple properties then it's absolutely an investment and you're going to get ass raped in the next few years. And don't even think about putting up the rent because you'll be lucky if your tenant has a job soon.

>> No.52956061

We all lost everything. Were just kind of waiting now for it to end.

>> No.52956093

i developed worse schizophrenia during the pandemic lol

>> No.52956119

>worker shortage
Bull. Shit. try getting a job at anything more than minimum wage. Governments are importing immigrants at rates never seen before. There isn't a worker shortage, there's a shortage of decent paying jobs. People were sold the lie of education and loaded themselves up with debt and rightfully expect more than minimum wage. Problem is, immigrants will work for minimum wage. Employers are being picky and expect degrees for minimum wage and lots of people have said "fuck it" and have decided to lie flat.
But let's not say anything bad about immigrants because that's racist. This is a biz/ board and we all understand supply and demand.

>> No.52956630

you wish for a holocaust?

>> No.52956673

is this thread a meme thread? what exactly is going down? crypto prices have been flat for 6 months straight. which means most of us are up 2-5x from trading or yield farming

>> No.52956685

I'm still up because 90% of my crypto funds went into BTC under 10k and ETH under 500 (started in 2020 shortly after the COVID crash).
Lately I've been putting more money into stocks though.
Did you lose money in FTX?
holy shit you're fucking retarded.
imagine thinking 40% of the population is dropping dead but somehow no one is noticing. oh yeah, and while we just surpassed 8 billion global population lmao
go back to your containment board retard

>> No.52956765

Depends. 90% of people didn’t spend their life savings on a volatile asset to sell it on the next 1% pump

>> No.52956785

Most people don't even know we're in a recession, normies don't give a fuck that's why they still make it to 85 years old despite being always worried about money, while you and me rarely make it past 60 worrying about money, girls, death, the economy, girls, the jews, normies, girls and girls.

>> No.52957860


You stupid naive faggot disgusting retard kill yourself immediately

>> No.52957890

i live at home while collecting disability i just invest tax dollars into the system

>> No.52957906

>Lots of people got a couple thousand from the government a few months back
nig that was two years ago. no one is retiring off of two checks.

>> No.52957984

>stop blaming immigrants
do you not understand demand and supply?

>> No.52958013


Sorry that someone with a 4th grade education and no knowledge of your native language is outcompeting you for jobs anon.

>> No.52958189

Same. Fuck. I have 30k left