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52945350 No.52945350 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't answer questions.
>I plea the 5th amendment.
>Do you have reasonable, articulable suspicion?
>What's your name and badge number?
>Let me talk to your supervisor.

>> No.52945373

>Points his camera to the ground and screams “Keep your hands out of your pocket” and guns you down
Blue Lives Matter

>> No.52945389

>I am not driving. I am traveling

>> No.52945391

>I will not be discussing my day.
>Am I being detained or am I free to go?

Literally all you need. Don't talk to the cops.

>> No.52945405

Man. For some guys who fall for glowie shit every day you sure talk tough about their dollar store counterparts.

>> No.52945434

>hey bro
>oh you don't care where my hands are?
>oh just a warning for going 40 over?
>ok you have a good day too thanks officer
yes I am white

>> No.52945454

>I know you are but what am I?
>I'm rubber, you're glue...
>no u
>thats what your mom said last night
>do you know who my father is?
>Is that a challenge, officer?

>> No.52945466
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This vid is fresh as fuck btw. Here's what will happen: the cop violates your rights and you can't do shit about it. Lawyers don't take the case unless it's a slam dunk

GG no re

>> No.52945482

>>What's your name and badge number?
Heh I've watched enough of these videos to know what happens.

>It's right here *taps badge*

>> No.52945500

god bless the Sovereign Citizen retards

>> No.52945811

I dont get it. he doesn't have any business in that sanitary office or whatever so i dont see why he has to be there. i suppose there's nothing saying you can't be a pest in a public space but he's being a pissant nonetheless. am i missing something?

>> No.52945830

stupid, for mutt burger mcdonalds cop best you can do is let them have their temporary ego power run and fuck them over later in court

>> No.52945836

replace what's your name and badge number? with
>Whats your full legal name and payroll Id number?

>> No.52945839

y y y you are a p p p pest!!

>> No.52945889

I saw one video where the guy had his window down about an inch and just stared the cop down and didn't say a single word. He had a calm demeanor and neutral expression. Cop asked a bunch of questions and finally said, 'well alright, have a nice day and left".

>> No.52945898

what a turd. he's a tort chaser, should be killed.

>> No.52945999

ever been in cuffs? it hurts. you sit on them digging into your wrists and back. they had no right to detain, and he clearly told them that. tell the truth anon ever licked a boot?

>> No.52946006

fag you started it chasing torts. they shoulda given you a real wound

>> No.52946015

>the guy didn't sue
>hes heckin tooooooorting
bootlicking chink boy

>> No.52946025

dumbass tort chasing spic. they should cave your skull

>> No.52946039

kys brown boy. again he DIDNT sue. he should sue. cunts who power trip should be put in place. otherwise psychos like you exist. btw did I mention kys tranny?

>> No.52946051

>power trip
that spic went into a public office recording, trying to instigate something. that's called tort-chasing. he deserves to be curb stomped by the police but they were too nice.

>> No.52946059

kys for real just 42% tranny

>> No.52946067

you deserve to be choked out by police officers but they let you go.

that guy is right - you're a loser. you seek to harm others for your youtube channel. you are scum

>> No.52946071

Checks and balances, faggot.

>> No.52946077

literally not what he's doing. he's holding chinks like you accountable. YOU WORK FOR ME, CHINK. remember that?

>> No.52946078

buzzwords, dumb spic. those officers were too nice

>> No.52946082

>too nice
>broke their own rules and need to be reprimanded

>> No.52946084

aha, the delusion. you pay taxes, doesnt make you anybody's boss. you are a loser trying to chase a lawsuit like the social parasite you are.

>> No.52946089 [DELETED] 

Imagine being a welfare leech beannigger that harasses hard working white people all day.

>> No.52946096

>instigates in a government office, has no reason to be there, is only there to fish for lawsuits

you are a social parasite

>> No.52946098

that's the thing. those public workers, the dumb roasties, sit there all day on my tax dollars to play solitare and like he said give old people a paper once a month. YOUR DAMN RIGHT THEY WORK FOR ME, ITS MY BUILDING AND I CAN ENTER AND HANG OUT SIT IN THOSE CHAIRS AND MAKE A COFFEE.

>> No.52946107

>my tax dollars
lol you dont even pay taxes, spic. shut the fuck up, you social parasite

>> No.52946112 [DELETED] 

Your youtube channel doesn't generate enough money to get you kicked off of food stamps. Stupid, dumb, poorfag scum.

>> No.52946113

>hard working

>> No.52946120
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>Tort chasing
No crime is being commited here, faggot. You're just a pathetic bootlicking jew

>> No.52946121

That's because this retard literally has no case. Despite what Frauditors will tell they don't actually know the law, or have some inkling of the truth and decide they don't like how courts rule. Just because a building is owned by the county or state and people come in to do business doesn't mean it's the same as outside. "public" outside isn't the same as "public in the building". This is also called a "limited public forum". So this retard actually can't film in there if they don't want him to. And yes you can be tresspassed for being a dumbass. You can get a exception if you actually have business to conduct and it's the only available office but any moneky business and you are in jail.

>> No.52946122 [DELETED] 

Drop your address so one of us can take care of you. You're bitchmade.

>> No.52946123

oh I do a lot better than you blue blood. don't worry. also I'm not the Mexican in the video as I already said om white

>> No.52946124

>shows up to their 9-5 jobs
>retarded loser spic social parasite shows up, starts recording
>plainly obvious to everyone spic is chasing a lawsuit.

you deserve to be arrested for real.

>> No.52946135

its called harassment, faggot

>> No.52946138

in china that's true. in america what you typed is all lies.
imagine being this chink. take your blood pressure medicine with some tap water so you can get your stare back, goy slop eating pig boy.

>> No.52946142 [DELETED] 

You will never be white. I've worked myself up from nothing while you languish in your leftie shithole pissing and crying at white people all day. You're fat subhuman nigger chattel, owned by the welfare state you're too weak to reject.

>> No.52946147

sure you are, pablo. you wetback spic

>> No.52946157 [DELETED] 

What if I found you and beat the fuck out of you? Would you just record me as I stomp your fucking head in and turn it to the consistency of refried beans?

>> No.52946158

you work for the public.
imagine being this sensitive
this must be actual chink women. how can these humans see chink cops break their own laws then spawn here like maggots literally asking for my address (illegal doxxing) to attack me their raging so hard i have the audacity to know the law and say the truth. YOURE ACCOUNTABLE

>> No.52946168

look at this chink go. tell me youre 5 foot 2 with a micro penis without saying it.

>> No.52946169 [DELETED] 

I hope you choke and die on the next burrito you buy with food stamps.

>> No.52946171

I can opt into lawyer insurance as a benefit for my job

Is it worth it?

>> No.52946172

No, filming public servant workers in a public building is 100% legal in one-party consent states.
You're just a faggot bootlicker.

>> No.52946173

kek, seethe more, spic.

>> No.52946176 [DELETED] 

Stick around in this thread, I'm going to post your address in 1 hour.

>> No.52946180

>"its legal because i said so!"
ok retard. keep chasing torts

>> No.52946188

go mr glowie go! cleanse this spic parasite, we both know he's just chasing lawsuits.

>> No.52946197

yes bro I'm the guy in the video because the truth hurts your feelings so bad

>> No.52946201


>> No.52946204

the way you are butthurt from us calling you out as the spic parasite you are, yea i'd say you're that dumbass.

you fucking burrito munching beaner spic wetback

>> No.52946212
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>> No.52946221

they is just people. look at that spic trying to collect a tort at the cost of their jobs, despicable subhuman parasite.

>> No.52946222

no no. im just happy to say the truth which got this one chink to threaten me multiple times and 4 other pigs all attacking. clearly you're all government employees. dont step out of line. and there isn't an issue. any of those people could've gone to a private room.

>> No.52946231

no it's literally how the supreme court and federal circuit courts have ruled on these issues.

no lawyer will take his case because he has none. If he did he would be able to file a section 1983 lawsuit on 1st amendment grounds. I've challenged retards to try this and have offered to pay the 400 dollar fee and give a outline for the complaint. The state will move to dismiss and it WILL be granted. You will also be laughed out of Appeals and Supreme court will actually ban you for from filing another pro se request for cert if you brought this retardation to them.

>> No.52946233

dont waste time, dont show up to government buildings without a legitimate reason. no, tort chasing count. spic

>> No.52946244

sure he doesnt have a tort case no one cares about that. but public buildings in america are absolutely open to the public including filming and they can remove themselves to private rooms. they have no right to remove him and they have no right to keep the office closed for weeks hindering the general public.

>> No.52946251

holy moly tripfag go home

>> No.52946252
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You can keep crying all you want Schmolo, it won't mean shit to these people anyway.

>> No.52946262

>kick in door
>*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*
>"We apologize for officer Wyatt Mann's misconduct in that situation, and have suspended him from duty for a month (still gets paid by your taxes). Thoughts and prayers go to the family of the victim of this tragic accident."

>> No.52946270

you CAN film, and they CAN call you a loser and then call the police for having fuck all to do except chase torts for your youtube channel.

i rage at the tort chasing social parasite

>> No.52946276

sure. and then the police CANNOT remove him, like the lieutenant said. did you watch the same video as me?

>> No.52946285

yes they can, they ORDERED you outside and you didnt listen.

hes lucky then didnt bash him over his spic skull with their batons.

>> No.52946288

It depends on the building type and function, in places like a office building to get permits or pay bills with the county that is not actually considered a public forum. They can restrict recording. Now I understand you may not like that, I've suggested to people who want this ability to walk into any government building and record to petition their state government or try to get a ballot amendment to their state constitution that would designate it as a public forum. Of course the local and state governments would just then restrict everything to appointment only and turn it into a nonpublic forum.

>> No.52946290

not how it works. they dont order us. thats the whole point, pig.

>> No.52946300

they dont need to ORDER us if we simply listen and comply and dont make their jobs difficult.


>> No.52946303

They can't order you to do shit without reasonable articulable suspicion. And no, filming in a public building does not count.

>> No.52946309

that's not what this building is. its a public sanitation building or some shit. ive seen this guy before he goes to school administrative buildings and governmental buildings to hold them accountable. you can cry all you want for his identity and boohoo dont film, but in reality except maybe 1 exception you seem to be naming he is ALLOWED to be there and get YOUR NAME not the other way around. YOU SERVE HIM. he asks for public complaint forms and documents and you have to get them for him. that's how it works. stop fucking skewing things. and he's allowed to film. ALSO cops aren't allowed to grab your fucking phone and stop the video. what the fuck are you even talking about retard

>> No.52946314

they don't get to ever order us. detain or nothing.

>> No.52946323

yea they can, spic was harassing them chasing torts.
seethe, spic

>> No.52946329

yea they do, spic. just because you're a social parasite doesnt mean everyone else is retarded like you.

>> No.52946336

they don't. look at the laws, chink. then go home back to China no one wants your opinion on it.

>> No.52946341

Which is public for the function of doing business with people for sanitation services. Anyway,
As I've said, section 1983 lawsuit. I'm a law reader and would offer any anon who posted a thread with them being a retard and doing this the filing fee and give them a outline for a complaint so they can actually see what's what in a federal court. Then we can all point and laugh at the retard and have this issue settled once and for all.

>> No.52946354

again I never said anything regarding the tort. I do believe in accountability, not specifically every mistake costing the tax payer money.

>> No.52946360

im more American than you, spic. in fact my laws are better than whatever your spic brain thinks is "right".

go back to the cocaine fields spic

>> No.52946369

>what specific infraction are you contacting me for officer?
>I request to speak to my lawyer before I comply with any of your requests understand it is not a matter of rudeness or defiance I am simply exercising my legal rights to protect both myself and you

>> No.52946379

that gov office did nothing wrong, spic. that spic IS a tort chasing loser with a youtube channel and he got FUCKED.

not fucked enough though, a good bashing with the batons would have been good.

>> No.52946380

also your little intro is wrong. Anyone can enter the building. why? they arent allowed to demand your identity like that. they dont get to demand your intent. so your little bullshit chink line of: oh you must be there for sanitation services is bullshit. its OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. like I said he can go in, have a seat, have a coffee, 3 hours later ask for his paper work. HE DOESNT NEED RUSHED. DOESNT NEED QUESTIONED. these are his fucking rights. unless your chinese.

>> No.52946393

you have no fucking rights, spic bitch *kablam*
tort chasing parasite
yea they can, spic retard. you have no rights, spic

>> No.52946398

awesome, so go do it, post a video. I'll send you $400 and a pdf to file a complaint.

>> No.52946414

the lieutenant said otherwise. lick his boot
not about getting torts like I said. its about being clear these are our rights. chinks like you dont get to define them. I dont need intent to use the public building good enough for you to be in there or with the correct group. curious citizens can wander in, ask around, say nothing of themselves, AND LEAVE WHEN THEY WANT FREELY

>> No.52946439

lieutenant was there. if he was he woulda buried that little tort chasing spic himself.

lick the boot

>> No.52946446

rewatch the video. the guy said "your lieutenant told you to let me go right" and the cop said yes. meaning clearly over the radio. meaning the guy wasn't supposed to be detained, or removed through order as you say. the COPS BOSS sided with the guy in the video

>> No.52946456

He has business. Taking videos is his business ;)

>> No.52946463

Gee then why did they let him go?

And are you sure about the trespassing part? You can't get trespassed from public, retard. He says it a billion times in the video

>> No.52946471

We seem to be misunderstanding each other, I'm saying file a lawsuit for VIOLATION OF YOUR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Not hoping the cop decides to beat the shit out of you and sue for excessive force. A federal courts opinion verifying your understanding of the law, especially at the appellate level, would be a HUGE deal. Every local cop beat officer would be required to take a class to understand what your understanding of the law is how it goes.

So I really don't understand the point of these videos then. Seems like it's just some midwits making content for retards. "Aww man anon it ain't right. We are gonna AUDIT HARDER not actually try to file a lawsuit or even try to make it a ballot issue".

You don't get arrested for trespass initially. Trespassed, the action, the officer takes your information and then records him telling you are no longer allowed back. Then when you return you can be arrested for it.

>> No.52946476

wrong. tort chasing spic had NO RIGHT to be there, let alone record and harass the workers.

he got off easy

>> No.52946483
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Shut the FUCK up tripfag.

>> No.52946484

please provide a list of all the people banned from entering all public buildings in america. oh its 0 names on the list. no one is barred from entering public buildings except threats which is arrestable. not what happened here. he didn't trespass and its not possible to trespass in buildings open to the good standing public, that's the key its right in the name so try to follow along "open to the public". thanks for reading our laws though Sven.

>> No.52946491

I know how trespassing works, but clearly you don't if you think you can get trespassed from PUBLIC property

Hell, the manager of the building even confirms it before the arrest

>> No.52946494

shut up spic. you talk too much

>> No.52946498

Nobody here is a spic so fuck off with that.
The guy in the video is white but he probably grew up around soics which is why he talks like an esse

>> No.52946499

>PUBLIC means its basically my building

>> No.52946503
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Well jeez, it sure is sad to see that some brown spic who somehow knows just as much English as you do also knows his right better than 99% of most cannon-fodder sheeple out there.

>> No.52946515

and what about the workers rights, and officers rights, huh spic? oh you didnt think about those, too busy chasing torts for youtube.


>> No.52946553

This guy deleted his account but this 1A frauditor in question tried this shit, got booted out, came back, arrested for trespassing after being cited from before. You idiots think because the cops don't want to bother with petty shit you "win" the legal argument. and in the video it isn't clear what the guy is talking about the LT said, seems like they are just doing the "nod and acknowledge routine"


>> No.52946557
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They have the right to DEEZNUTS.
Public workers only exist to serve the taxpayers, nothing less. They work for ME.
I don't fucking understand what your obsession is with spics since everybody on this entire god-forsaken website is white anyway so shut the FUCK up.

>> No.52946582

KEK. you get called a spic for defending that tort chasing spic. YOU CHOSE YOUR SPIC SIDE

>> No.52946584

>what is in good standing public
the cop clearly said "yes I see that now" when he said you cant remove me from that public building. no ones claiming you can go in and damage the property take a piss on the floor and they cant do anything. but how about lets keep in mind that's not what he did. he wasn't confrontational. he wasn't aggressive. he wasn't threatening. he wasn't in bad standing. he didn't have to identify himself. he doesnt have to answer their questions to get into good standing. he doesnt have to have a reason for being there. he doesn't have to do literally anything you want him to do hes still the public in a public place, he could sit down and have a coffee like I said WITHOUT SAYING A WORD

>> No.52946596

he was RECORDING and HARASSING those workers like a LOSER.

>> No.52946600

He's based as fuck. He got that Asian woman to fake cry

>> No.52946607

based on what, taco bell

>> No.52946633

> the manager of the building even confirms it before the arrest
The manager very clearly said he WAS trespassing.
Doesn't have the right to record, limited public forum.
Again, I have $400 and a pdf outline, offer stands to anyone who wants to try this and see what a actual federal judge tells them.

Noone is taking me up on my offer because you know you will fail. This retard knows he was told that he has no case, when these guys always get pressed on it about starting a gofundme
"Aww man those judges are corrupt. Can't win".

>> No.52946657

>I'm sorry sir this a 'means of conveyance' not a transportation vehicle.
>Now it seems strange i know sir, but the articles of confederation make a very clear differentiation between a 'means of conveyance' i.e a carriage or vehicle being used by an individual or a group to transport themselves to a location and a 'means of transportation' which is used to transport goods.
>So no i don't require a drivers registration.

>> No.52946663

>Sir US law says I'm not in a commercial vehicle or conducting commerce.

>> No.52946675

a case for what? youre clearly delusional its not even worth it at this point. he already won: he didnt get arrested, he's allowed back in the building, he IS allowed to film there despite your rambling, literally nothing changed for him, he has all his rights and is a good standing member of the public. from there, the banshees in the office and Mexican man Sergio should be reprimanded for being so confrontational when they have no right. he actually can film everything in there, I might agree with you about filming people but generally they had more than enough chance to dismiss themselves to a private capacity until he left. he didnt shove the camera in their face until they engage. he is allowed to record and picture documents on the wall, etc. then from there as we saw and you now know he's still allowed in the building and allowed to film. Sergio the Mexican has no right to close the building. the cops didn't have a right to remove him, or stop his film, or take his phone, or order him, or put him in cuffs but we definitely aren't heckin detaining you just touching your phone while its unlocked and your in cuffs let me email your mom

>> No.52946676

>Sir, I'm a citizen of Morocco with diplomatic immunity, Just look at my license plate.
>Did you see us playing in the world cup last night by chance?
>*Wearing a Shriners/NOI fez hat the entire time*

>> No.52946720

oh I forgot detained in cuffs in a locked car. while the cops steal your crypto off your unlocked phone.

>> No.52946731

>a case for what?
Section 1983 lawsuit. You can sue state and local government employees for violating your rights. So if this guy has actually has a 1A to just go in there and record like you claim his rights were violated. He can sue, even if he doesn't want any money, a Federal Judge's opinion would do more work "informing" the police about these rights than just going into random places and filming. Isn't the endgoal of this "to educate the police"?

>> No.52946739

lol imagine taking this angle. again he has all his rights, he won. he can go film ANOTHER VIDEO in the same building tomorrow

>> No.52946770

This guy wins that lawsuit on that specific issue as you understand the law, every police department in the state of California issues a department memo from a statement from State DOJ explaining it. It would seem to me if someone wasn't a retard they would crowdfund all of the frauditor money together and find a lawyer, oh wait, they can't because anytime they go try to talk to one they get told they are actually wrong and THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO RECORD.

>> No.52946774

You faggots are the type to disobey every order a police officer gives you only to get your shit kicked in.
No police officer wants to deal with this shit much less make any arrest. The paperwork is atrocious and you have to stay late, fuck that.

And for the record you can be issued a trespass notice on public property, at least in my state

>> No.52946779

>fat mutt retards problems

>> No.52946804

its sad that suing your parasites is the only thing we do honestly at some point. how do we get these evil servants to see how they did wrong? its our job to sue and take them to court and keep our normal life going at the same time? most people don't have it in them and the servant knows this so they take our phones while we are in cuffs and steal our crypto on our unlocked phones while making it clear we arent detained currently as he closes the locked car door

>> No.52946811

being a weirdo is illegal sorry homo

>> No.52946817

keep in mind the cop clearly thought there wasn't a second recording device. he did this ultra bullshit maneuver after crossing the line to touch the unlocked phone

>> No.52946833

remember because he wasn't detained no paper work. so as this guys phone which connects to his social media which I assume is how he makes his livelihood is gone through by some cop who claims its not a detention. I mean I suspect theft. it's shady. id be paranoid as fuck of that. he could also put malware onto your phone. who knows. and no paperwork so in 3 weeks when they review it, oh it never happened, it wasn't an "arrest" just arrested him but totally didn't countarino

>> No.52946837

even in an arrest they can't touch your phone to be clear. they need a warrant. no pigs should turn off our filming.

>> No.52946901

Also just want to add, most frauditors are creepazoids. This one kept trying to film my wife who works at a library, claimed the same shit. Had to be manhandled by 4 of the state's finest, talking off his feet arms and legs retrained, to get his ass out.

>> No.52947136

>a trespass notice on public property
you're retarded if you believe it

>> No.52947169
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>> No.52947336

They can if you are breaking the rules of the building, as I've tried to explain several times, a county or state owned building can be considered a limited public forum and you DO NOT HAVE THE 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO RECORD. Stop taking the cops not wanting the hassle of locking these people up as "wins"

But enough back and forth, I'll just start googling the many legal cases and posting them since retards need to see it clearly spelled out.


>Man walks into police lobby and tries 1A frauditor horseshit
>Gets arrested.
>Finds out his YT legal advice doesn't work and gets BTFO at trial and appeal

>> No.52947389


>> No.52947434

I can keep going. Say it with me,


>> No.52947492

>never did anything illegal
>never been stopped by a cop before
feels good not being a retarded faggot

>> No.52947675

which is why the guy didn't go in any rooms marked private or open doors into private rooms. youre making shit up still I see, have you ever considered this lobby isnt the same as a police station lobby? no I suppose not. look at the building setup you downie. they literally have a public room with chairs, a table, and a FUCKING COFFEE MACHINE for the public to use. not in the back. not in a private room, they give you free fucking coffee. inviting. open to the public. not restricted as you're suggesting such as trying to record police documents from the lobby or some bullshit