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52946070 No.52946070 [Reply] [Original]

Eventually the world will wake up to the psyop of vaccines. If women ever start desiring unvaxxed men, you know at that point everyone will be lying that they AREN'T vaccinated. If you want to prove you are pure blood, you need to do it while it is still taboo - nothing will garner you more negative attention while permanently recording your commitment like an NFT, so get one.


>> No.52946088

You people still think the vaccine is killing people? kek

>> No.52946126

why yes, i would love to announced to the world im pureblood, so they can harvest me.

>> No.52946196

why are we still talking about vaccines, just take the L and move on.

>> No.52946246

I will not take an L, just like I didn't take the vax

>> No.52946247

The L being not having been a test subject and not once getting sick?

>> No.52946255

kek what a cope, two more weeks?

>> No.52946286

What reward did you get for rolling the dice on your life because Daddy Government told you so? To seethe online about it?

>> No.52946293

At a certain point you just have to admit you were wrong and move on with your life.

>> No.52946298

im still waiting for the winter of death for the unvaccinated

>> No.52946322

Well,I have to admit: I was wrong. I expected people to stand up against the Antichrist, but the majority has willingly sold themselves. Now I think that they all deserve what's to come, and I will not hesitate anymore if I have the chance to join the elite and torture NPCs

>> No.52946458

It's good that you, of all people, understand that.

>> No.52946649

Purebloods will inherent the earth. We are just breaching chronic phase or the experiment.. I am entertained.

>> No.52946660

0/10, see me after class

>> No.52946664

2 more weeks till Bill Gates is sworn in is global prefect of the NWO and the creepy-crawler grey-goo event is triggered in the DEATHVAXXED.
Trust the plan.

>> No.52947080
File: 142 KB, 526x798, C656999E-93DF-4203-88BB-F54C58222A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part is how many dumb niggercattle caved and then fiercely defended this fake&gay shit.
You faggots are absolutely worthless individuals no different than NPCs in vudeogames. You have no autonomy or free will, and chose compliance over defiance.
I will never respect anyone who took the vax because of “muh goyslop vendors/travel/job/etc”.

>> No.52947157

Honestly a bit surprised to see how cucked this board was on this topic. I guess seeing that Biz is now full of diehard corporate VC scam coin shills who can't explain what a hash is good for, it's not too surprising that the opinions here are that of normie retards.

>> No.52947350

There was enough fear that it influenced them to do a foolish thing.
Now there is pride involved in retroactively justifying the decision. It feels better than admitting to having been fooled.
An, yeah, shilling too. This was profitable venture that entities will hope to repeat.

>> No.52947436 [DELETED] 

I didn’t have much respect for humanity before but the pandemic sealed it. Now they act like shitcoin baggies trying to mask their cope.

>> No.52947448

I didn’t have much respect for humanity before but the plandemic sealed it. Now they act like shitcoin baggies trying to mask their cope.

>> No.52947505
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An interesting gesture OP, but I would rather keep quiet in the shadows that I am unvaccinated. The amount of people in my life who dropped me like a sack of hot shit when I refused to get the jab was enormous and I don't need to advertise myself as a political dissident. I don't want to be kidnapped by the IDF and killed in a blood libel.
I will also never forget those instances where people for their treatment of me over it. I cannot believe how they treated me. It was so dreadful. My old work were gaslighting me constantly over zoom calls and making me defend myself over and over again. "Have you had it yet? Have you had it yet, bro? Just get it, I'll come with you just get the vaccine just get it bro just get the vaccine". I had that for 2 entire years it was like they had been possessed by demons.
So ridiculous.

>> No.52947592

woah i havent heard a word about the vaccine in like 2 years. what a mind fuck psyop lol I thought the idiots that took it brushed it under the rug completely

>> No.52947612

I am mostly the same way - but sometimes I see glimpses of people waking up and I think: If it every becomes clear to people that unvaccinated people truly are healthier and of better foresight and psychological grit, that it will become a status symbol.
If that point does ever come, there will be many who will steal the valor of those brave enough and tough enough to actually resist getting the jab. The only way to prove your authenticity then will be to have made a public statement or declaration (hence the NFT) at a point in time WHEN YOU WOULD BE SHAMED FOR IT.
My thinking is, I make this now, I have a couple wallets involved, and at a later date I can show that when being anti-vax made me a social pariah I made this gesture just by proving I own the wallets. Even if no one else gets involved, it gives me that.

>> No.52947637

kys shill.