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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52942759 No.52942759 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t you think the forces at play are pushing it a little too much? What happened to boiling the frog slowly?

>> No.52942774

budget soon
gotta wrap things up

>> No.52942783
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Looks good anon

>> No.52942791

what a sad pile of sloppy shit

>> No.52942828

God I love canola oil so much its unreal I just do enemas with it

>> No.52942853
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Why are fried foods in these "takeaway" boxes always so under-cooked?

>> No.52942861
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>t. Europoor who can't handle Midwest excellence

>> No.52942859


>> No.52942863

my local kebab joint gives you more than you can eat in one sitting for 9,50€

>> No.52942900

Look at the soda brands you dumb nigger. That’s spic cuisine.

>> No.52942913

It's called pop retard

>> No.52942938

>This food

>> No.52942941

Ha you call it pop.

>> No.52943028

>we wuz Midwestern cuisine and

>> No.52943064

It's called coke, yankee

>> No.52943096

It's been left in a box and the cinde station can't escape, so it essentially steams itself. Made this mistake once. Prepared some hand made home cooked sweet potatoes fries in oil and then wrapped the plate in foil while I prepared the rest of my food to keep it warm. 20 minutes later I took off the foil and my fries were a soggy gross mess instead of crispy.

>> No.52943145

wagie at the stove who wanted to get more orders done and if you're at an airport they won't see you again so why not

>> No.52943221


>> No.52943241
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But coke is coke. What if it's not coke? There's no such thing as orange coke or dr. pepper coke

>> No.52943329

It's bait nobody actually says that

>> No.52943448

>costs only 2 hrs of waging.

>> No.52943477

no.... I live in the south, they do. However its still more common to say coldrink

>> No.52943479

Soda is a generic name for all that. Coke is also used as a generic name for all that. If you need to name one, you do.

>> No.52943486

Are those circled turds wtf

>> No.52943491

Nobody says colddrink in the south

>> No.52943502

It's bait nobody talks like that

>> No.52943513

When i'm imagining hell, your pic is exactly the kind of visions i have.

>> No.52943514

You're bait, nerd

>> No.52943519

Brits like to eat fried blood in a sausage casing

>> No.52943520

With where we are going, this is slow. Get comfy

>> No.52943528
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Never buy a house in any of the places /biz/ recommends then

>> No.52943591

>Pablo pick up the fucking pace! We've got 6 orders on the line that you're holding up! How long can it fucking take to cook X?!

>> No.52943702


>> No.52943789

Pennsylvania is like the worst of the south (racism), midwest (white obesity), and northeast (rudeness) all combined

>> No.52945447

Best we got

>> No.52945465

I’ve always wondered what those Orange things at the top were? Some kinda marinated chicken?

>> No.52945469

nice how many hours does that keep u eating

>> No.52945574

a good couple id say

>> No.52945851

>he's never had Dr. Pepper Coke

>> No.52945906

in the south we call everything coke

>> No.52945914

Not really, I think they're doing quite well actually. Long term, I do believe depopulation is on the agenda list, but I'll cover that one more effectively. Stress is one of the biggest killers for humans, stress too much for too long and you shorten your lifespan. Isolation adds to this, lack of economic mobility, etc. Mental illness as a diagnoses was a fantastic psyop so people identify themselves as weak and consequently producing it as well. Weak people suffer more and die sooner. The game plan was resource allocation and long term cull of populations. Why do you think YouTube allows MGTOW and anti women videos? Answer, depopulation. This was years in the making. Embrace it, strengthen your self, and become a community pillar for those who are good. Those who aren't, cut them out. Their time has come.

>> No.52946347

Proper Lush

>> No.52946363

Tandoori Chicken probably.

>> No.52946391

Yes that's exactly it. It's an arab thing.

>> No.52946993

>Meal for one
You greedy fat fuck

>> No.52947451

>What happened to boiling the frog slowly?
The frog wants the pot hotter.

>> No.52947486

Because you dumbasses are dumbasses and as dumbasses lost the civil war because you're dumbasses. Dumbass.

>> No.52947502

>Not using your Big American Salary to live somewhere more pleasant

>> No.52947509

you know why they charge this much?
because you fucking paid it, you idiot

>> No.52947516

same retards who continually moan TWELVE BUCKS FOR A BEER at the baseball stadium while they hold one in each hand

>> No.52947545
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No food trucks in Europoorville?

>> No.52947548

are you an autist ?
1) Virtue signal about how life is getting more expensive.
2) Wealth signal by bragging you can pay for the overprice.
3) Tribal markings in 1) and 2) for finding like-minded people.

Never assume stupidity when it can be explained by Evil.

>> No.52947582

Eh no we don’t retard

>> No.52947601
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>> No.52947610

this sounds like cope for the fact that you can't sit through a sporting event you chose to attend without getting shitfaced

>> No.52947706

it’s blatantly british

>> No.52947859

Just learn to cook bro it's worth it, plus women love that shit

>> No.52947955

must be cause im a dirty norf bong but that looks gorgeous. would definitely mukbang that after shagging a fat slag and hate myself after

>> No.52948147

based EAST LOS foodie
now go listen to Morrissey

>> No.52948194


>> No.52948213

Is it Ireland? Euro, beans, English....

>> No.52948237

Yeah, I would absolutely agree that the goyslop epidemic is terminal.