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File: 28 KB, 730x411, elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52937673 No.52937673 [Reply] [Original]

How come all the richest men in the world are fat bastards who only sleep like 4 hours a day? I was told that exercise, clean eating, and testosterone would give me more energy, mental clarity, better work ethic etc and that discipline was the key to making it yet the rulers of the world chug two liters of coke-a-cole and eat big macs and do cocaine and they make it while I'm still a lazy anxious low-energy retard. Is sacrificing babies to Satan really the only thing that matters for truly making it? Do they just give their souls to Moloch in exchange for infinite wealth and energy?

>> No.52937706

Fin fucked up his hormones

>> No.52937722

> I was told that exercise, clean eating, and testosterone would give me more energy, mental clarity, better work ethic etc and that discipline was the key to making it
These people are selected their looks and discipline don’t matter

>> No.52937727

Most are probably still miserable alcoholics or drug addicts. Hell even one of Elon's kids is a tranny faggot

>> No.52937735

>infinite wealth and energy?
This sounds neat but I would never sell my soul. Fuck kikes and fuck satanists

>> No.52937751
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rich people are always retarded and have retarded body types

>> No.52937760

He's the "richest" for a reason. Zoom out an see (((who))) is the one hosing the goy down.

>> No.52937778

Better to be bald. It means your testosterone is healthy.

>> No.52937786

Some wealthy people barely work, but most very successful people only get that way through being a workaholic. They define their life by their jobs.

>> No.52937805

classic white man body.

>> No.52937825

shit this makes 200% sense to me. Why Can't we make an alternate merit based economy?

>> No.52937866

Because they are more intelligent than you and have developed better business plan(s)

>> No.52937875

bezos is pretty ripped

>> No.52937895

>These people are selected
he's literally been shit on by every media outlet for 10 years

>> No.52937896

How are they such workaholics while being fat and not sleeping much though? It doesn't make sense to me, I was working two different part-time jobs each about 4 days a week and that shit burnt me out after only like two months, and I was in relatively good shape compared to most people. I take vitamins, supplements, and I'm still low-energy like I have AIDS or some shit.

>> No.52937929

he takes TRT which is lowkey steroids. He still probably lifts 4 or 5 hours a week.

>> No.52937951

glowies/jews/anglos play both sides of every conflict. Ukraine and Russia are not really fighting. Only goyim are dying.

>> No.52938028

supplements are a terrible idea, best case scenario your body dumps them in urine/semen/shit/sweat/breath, worst case it dumps it in your body and makes tumors/clots/nastyshit

>> No.52938060

I legitimately believe Musk is going off the plantation and going rogue. Why else is the entirety of the lugenpresse going ballistic on him suddenly? All the same tactics and talking points too, trying to paint him as simultaneously evil/conniving/retarded

>> No.52938145

Look at this fucking retard

>> No.52938197

Most supplements are a Jew marketing scam selling a solution to problem that can be fixed with a healthy diet

>> No.52938230
File: 31 KB, 487x463, 7F29B96C-D5D9-4EB2-87EA-DF9A16CB4947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking disgusting

>> No.52938237

more than that they often dispose of industrial byproducts and market it as a supplement. Think of it like whey is the byproduct of making cheese.

>> No.52938285

>I take vitamins, supplements
1. Stop taking this shit
2. Lift and/or do cardio on a regular basis. How much exercise you do, will be a factor in figuring out #3 below
3. Re-do your entire regular diet so that all of the food in it gives you at least 100% RDI for every necessary nutrient, and you also meet your calorie requirements in consideration of your exercise amount above (you can do this yourself after lots of research and calculations, or just get a nutritionist to do it and save you time). If you need 1 or 2 cheat days to eat shit that you actually like to eat, do it as long as you're still meeting the calorie requirements for your exercise level and you're not over-consuming bad shit like fried foods, added sugar and excess salt on those days

>> No.52938299

It's genetics, Elon and Kim Dotcom actually eat small healthy portions but they are unlucky genetically.

>> No.52938326
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>> No.52938335

Because the kikes that rule this one via debt, usury, and blackmail wouldn't like it.

>> No.52938378

Oh my lawd

>> No.52938392

lol you take steroids? or eat wild pig bollocks? the latter is far less queer, but still, lol
but yes exercise, eating well, sleep etc are all good FOR YOU
being a slave to money is good FOR THEM
you see your problem?
if "making it" is being a stinking rich nonce lord then you're a piece of shit and should be murdered
infinite anything is peak gay
just sort your shit out, shack up with a lady, take the lead so that she takes the support role, and have a nice life
getting a piece of land, having a business, being financially comfortable, starting a family- these are all up for grabs to the vast majority even a lot of doom pilled faggots here
the trouble is not selling your soul and giving in to temptation
my bro had a business, was good, a wife too, had kids, then he started doing all sorts of fraud thinking he was a genius, he wanted to be balling rich, he started cheating on his wife, anyway, shit's fucked for him now, he had it all, it was good, but he wanted more
just eat, sleep, exercise, treat people with respect and you'll be alright
oh and ask for opportunities from those around you, like you know someone who has good work and you want in and have ideas, ask, don't be a pussy

>> No.52938446

so? is the plan to be debt slaves and cattle forever?

>> No.52938598

>if "making it" is being a stinking rich nonce lord then you're a piece of shit and should be murdered
>getting a piece of land, having a business, being financially comfortable, starting a family
Sounds gay, why would I want to be average?

>> No.52938761

because you're currently a less than average?

>> No.52938843

Fuck off retard
The same people recommending your daily intake are the same people who want you dead so they can reduce your carbon footprint

>> No.52938868

Probably because they don't sleep only 4 hours a day.

>> No.52938925

>clean eating
what a retarded phrases. what is that even supposed to mean

>> No.52939053
File: 140 KB, 999x1024, 1642712799926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this part of the new kennel master roster?
If you need this explained am sorry for you Burger anon.

>> No.52939113

ahdh is a hell of a mental state
ocd either makes you a mechanical pencil collector, videogame speedrunner or workaholic entrepreneur

>> No.52939154
File: 966 KB, 1920x1080, Free_Press_J___2022_11_17T183245_443[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you retard FUDers Elon doesn't look like that anymore. Fin is safe and based, that faggot Bezos has to take HGH to compensate for his bald insecurity.

>> No.52939160

Coffee, tobacco, stimulants. When I was a banker, my coffee intake slowly crept from a cup or two in the morning to an entire pot over the course of a day.

>> No.52939262

The richest men in the world were all born into money and are part of a social network that keeps them rich. Every now and then a few outsiders get in, usually by making a fortune through whatever shady dealings are common in their day. They have no particular merit.

>> No.52939647

Some people are just really high energy naturally, even if they don't seem to take care of themselves. Biology has gradiance.

>> No.52939719

Fin fucks up your hormones cope more and try to gain some self respect that does not rely on resisting looking like a man by subjecting yourself to pharmaceutical hormonal therapy
12 cups a day for a high IQ and long life

>> No.52939797

coffee gives you weak veins and varices.

>> No.52939822

They are psychopathic grifters. They lie to the masses to subvert them into believing their place was earned by merit and not because they are part of a Jewish satanist blood cult.

>> No.52939937

Retards and geniuses are GMI during bear

>> No.52939958

>low key
Testosterone is a steroid.

>> No.52939973

it is indeeed

>> No.52940030
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, 239874239585723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nigga never heard of amphetamine

>> No.52940046
File: 87 KB, 1046x1046, FkRw6aXWIAA1laG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is him yesterday, still carrying bitchtits

>> No.52940065
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>> No.52940267
File: 1 KB, 96x125, 1642501221752s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is?
Oh sheeeeeeit, Caroline, you're involved?!

>> No.52940451

I think too much coffee makes you fat