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52936242 No.52936242 [Reply] [Original]

I have never approached, texted or went on a date with a girl, because I was bullied viciously in middle school. It was the time my personality started to evolve, and I expressed myself more outwardly. I got shut down
And I internalized myself that I like being held back and not taking risks

Until this day I fear in my back of my head to assert myself?
How do I handle this given it already cemented in me for 10years

I have a job, 2-3 good friends, some social skills but still hold back of getting social media because I fear Getting judged

>> No.52936283

>social media
You don't need that. It's shit. You see women at work, you see women at parties. Go there and if you both signal to each other that you like each other, the rest will follow. Not that hard really, unless your ugly. You're not ugly, right OP?

>> No.52936314

kill yourself

>> No.52936324
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I was bullied, but still smash,

>> No.52936384

Get a weekend job in which you have to interact with them on regular basis like a bartender. As long as you aren't an asocial retard anyone can get girls this way. I'm not even trying and a new girl approaches me every month or so. It feels like cheating honestly.

>> No.52936477

What job do you do?

>> No.52936530
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All you had to do was to punch them back in school.

>> No.52936572

I know you wont listen to me, but if you took a psychedelic you could resolve this problem in a single day, but you wont because you dont want help you just want people to fix you with magic like every other fucking loser in existence. Eat acid or mushrooms, endure the several hours of effects, and be amazed as you are cleansed by the fire of your own mind and finally stop being such a fucking pussy

>> No.52936598

I took like 10mg aderall daily for 8 weeks and it altered my personality in a negative way ever since, already dissociated

I think I am prone to turn schizo

>> No.52936607

Dude what’s the best way to take shrooms I took 4gs lemon tek and only tweaked a bit. No hallucinations or anything

>> No.52936629

In 2022 you are seen as an outsider weirdo if you don’t have a social media

t.somebody without social media

>> No.52936665

>if you both signal to each other that you like each other
What signal?

>> No.52936673

>t.somebody without social media
Well I think that makes you very very cute, anon :3

>> No.52936683

Wow literally me! I should give up!
Kill yourself Glowtard

>> No.52936688

look up zhan zhuang
its a way to release tension and by doing that you release trauma

>> No.52936690

ultimately this is a form of narcissim and exaggerated self importance.

social media in general is a bit of a shitshow anyways and has in my experience very little to offer in terms of real or meaningful social interactions.
women use it to garner as much male attention as possible, men will use it to sperg and rage at each other and to simp for thots.

know what you want anon. a average looking girl that wants a long term, deep relationship and family, that is a home maker? then all you have to be is the same. look for a woman that is fitting to you, not as a trophy or cum bucket for your perversions or ego but a feminine partner and mother of your children.
so why would you be fearful looking for that?

you are not important but you are also not inferior in any shape or form. you have weaknesses, strength and you will find a girl fitting to you if you want relationship and family, not perversion or ego.

>> No.52936695

I think being attractive is the big deciding factor for that desu

>> No.52936724

All you need is a phone number with phone/text capablilities. You're fucking delusional if you think people think you're weird for not having Snapchat. And even if some do?
>who fucking cares

Eye contact, having body turned towards you, enthusiastic, listening intently. Just being very interested. That's the first signal they're attracted. Then you just bring it up a notch, test the waters, and eventually you'll get their number. Then you call them (fuck texting) and ask if you want to hang out. Make sure you have specifics all lined up and you text them the address of the place you want to meet. If they're a no show, then forget them and enjoy the rest of your day knowing you might have went on a date with a complete cunt

>> No.52936759

correction: knowing that you dodged the bullet on going on a date with a complete cunt

>> No.52936789

Im good looking with no insta and girls dont give a fuck. The only reason i even consider getting one is because its that much easier for girls to have access to you. But you dont need it

>> No.52936843

So much this. But instead I was raised by a single mother who told me to just tell the teachers about it and don't make it any worse. I feel it in my core that it was during that time when things could have turned out better if I just punched back in front of everyone. But I didn't and just took it like the smart little boy, behold where it got me :^)

>> No.52936861

>behold where it got me
i can't. where did it get you?

>> No.52936886

Bartender. It changed my life radically for the better.

>> No.52936904

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.52936947
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This. Get a part time wagie job. That way you can get to meet girls around your age. Also not all social media is bad; I'd suggest Instagram, mostly because you can get away with just posting odd shit, even photography if you're into that. Also gives you an in, when asking a girl for their info. Btw get a hobby, preferably something faggy like photography. Girls love that

>> No.52936979

Schizos only go schizo because of bad oral hygiene, look it up, gingivitis bacteria infect your bloodstream/brain and produce proteins that make you crazy, almost like prions. The amount of humans that are “prone to be schizo due to genetics” is very slim, most of it is passed on bad oral hygiene.

>> No.52937002

>business and finance

>> No.52937015

Give your life to Jesus Christ and He will help you. Also get into a good church. Church people are generally kind and compassionate. Have to stress a good church though. Some churches are more about socializing and looks than God.

>> No.52937016

Sexhavers get out reeeeee

>> No.52937037

>I have never approached, texted or went on a date with a girl, because I was bullied viciously in middle school
This is cope. You have never dated a girl for the exact same reason you were bullied: your personality sucks.

>> No.52937086

I don't have any friends to do it with and I'm not cool enough to know anyone to buy them from.

>> No.52937109

Grow your own easiest shit I’ve ever done just takes time. Look up the uncle bens subreddit

>> No.52937110
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I'm a religious guy but in my experience most of western christianity is dead
the Church is a walking corpse, Catholics are stuck in empty traditions and while in my xp some of them believe, it's hard to express it through empty rituals and a pope that is probably satanic
As for protestant, I have never met a single protestant who actually believes, or even knows what Christianity is really about. Most of them are desperate and are overriding some deep fear with zealotry or just there for the community

I have to hope Orthodox christianity is better but it's non-existent in the west

Better off embracing buddhism but even there there's a lot of fake New Age bs, hard to find a legit tradition like Theravada/Tibethan buddhism. But it can be found.

Islam I don't know enough about but it seems sus to me, I think they worship the demiurge. Could be wrong. Hinduism/Sikhism only works if you're a brahmin/nobility.

>> No.52937120

^said that you should take psychedelics, Adderall is an amphetamine that will make you more prone to social anxiety

>> No.52937126

>Schizos only go schizo because of bad oral hygiene
I've worked in a secure psychiatric hospital and can confirm this is 100% solid fact

>> No.52937137
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I am unironically think of doing this to develop my social skills. What cocktails should I learn to make before applying? Is there anything else that I should be aware of regarding bartending?

>> No.52937159

Doesn't looking at religion from a topical view (this one seems better than this one, therefore I'm going with this one) take away from the very idea that you must believe one is absolutely right and other's are not? Can't have it both ways

>> No.52937166
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Same but I'm mid 20s and I genuinely feel like it's over, no one can radically change their personality at this age anymore. The only social events I go to are concerts/shows but I already feel like an old fuck around all of the zoomer girls.
I can't even get invited to parties or places where there are single women because my few friends are ALL in long-term relationships and act like old married couples. I'm always treated like the third wheel, single retard when we meet up twice a year.

>> No.52937170

this thread belongs on r9k
about to dump a load in my fiance while i 'work' from home

>> No.52937197

>no one can radically change their personality at this age
you're just lazy and unmotivated
stop waiting for change to come, be the change instead

>> No.52937198

Where can I learn more about this???

>> No.52937214

ok maybe you're right, but I genuinely don't know where to start

>> No.52937238

Change your daily routine by small steps
Do you smoke weed ? Stop it tomorrow
Do you like something that you don't do anymore ? Do it tomorrow

>> No.52937294

>hold back of getting social media
You're doing great. Maybe for the wrong reasons but staying away from social media is unironically a good idea.

>> No.52937328

Listen here OP. I’ve been through a lot of mental angst and psyche problems induced by trauma. And, I can assure you that there is a way out! I went through an entire transformation in this department and I can promise you there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

But, what you need to do at first is eat your humble pie and grow some balls. You have no instincts with women, or maybe minimal instincts. You don’t have a clue. That is OK. Don’t worry. But it’s gonna be a hard journey if you’re up for it.

You need to start trying and failing. Go to bars and work up the courage to talk to women. Watch them reject you. Go home and internalize the angst. But don’t stop being tenacious. Try dating apps too. Im telling you man… if you just keep trying and failing then your instincts will improve but it won’t be a quick process. Im talking about like trying to talk to 50 women at bars over the course of 6 months to a year.

I’ll refresh this thread if you want some more specifics about my own experience. But, you can get to the point where your instincts are just better. You know what you’re doing more (while still realizing that the world is an uncertain place where anything can happen and women don’t owe you anything). And eventually, in a couple of years from now, you’ll be going on dates with minimal anxiety, not caring as much, and getting laid. Trust me. Ask any questions. I went though this whole experience and transformation.

How old are you by the way?

>> No.52937389

The entity that made this particular thread is the same entity that created the Stacy/incel/camping post.

these are demoralization operations meant to hurt people

>> No.52937396

Really depends on the bar and the place you live. Where I live there is a huge manpower shortage and they will take everyone regardless of skills or experience. I've been working here for a year and the only cocktail I know how to make is a gin tonic. A lot of people who joined didn't even know how to draw a beer from the tap, everything can be learned on the job. Unrelated advice is to try and find a real chill place with a good natured boss. My coworkers and I barely ever work sober as we're allowed to drink as long as it doesn't affect our work.

>> No.52937437

So OP isn’t a real person?

>> No.52937480

are you white?

>> No.52937496
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>My coworkers and I barely ever work sober as we're allowed to drink as long as it doesn't affect our work.
That sounds based af! I actually don't know what the market is like for bar employees where I live lmao will it be too autistic if I just call the place and ask them if they hire? Also what are some red flags that I should be aware regarding the work environment?

>> No.52937537

have you tried investing in Algorand?

>> No.52937589

>Watch them reject you
This is so hard. I went to a coffee shop recently after feeling disconnected by my inability to meet people at church. I went in saying a small prayer that "I just need a small victory" because I've been in this city for 5 years without forming any kind of friend group, and saw a 6-7/10 girl studying, and she was making these absolutely adorable faces while she was writing. I worked up the nerve to go talk to her, and actually had what felt like a decent conversation. She seemed a bit neutral, but didn't outright reject me. At one point, I finished off my coffee and decided to go get more, said I would be right back, and before I could even get to the line, she had packed up her book/tablet, and practically jogged to the door with a panicked look on her face as she made a phone call, presumably for someone to come pick her up.
I was emotionally fucked up for about a week after and got nothing done at work or around the house.