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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5291934 No.5291934 [Reply] [Original]

Started trading cryptocurrencies a week ago, so I'm both a newfag and a poorfag. Only have $300 in, but fuck me, this is stressful. Makes me want to take a drink every time I look at the dips and rises.

I have iron hands though and am in this for the long haul. This shit's too fun to jump out of. I AM going to be switching from Coinbase to Delta soon. Any other tips y'all have?

>> No.5292009

this is the post that finished /biz/

>> No.5292032

Started about a week ago also with $200-250 in. Just cashed out $300 to cover my initial investment and have about 1100 worth of altcoins in my bad right now. FeelsGood. Cant believe I haven't jumped in earlier tho as I have been watching cryptos for a couple month now.

>> No.5292065

Why the fuck are you posting ??? Lurk more you fucking fag and stop clogging up the board with your shitty $300 lunch money post

>> No.5292069

this is why trading is a rich mans game.

if you dont have cocaine and hookers at your fingertips its just not worth the agony

>> No.5292076

Just do it. In a weeks time youll be shilling a coin offering an expert opinion to the next noob who posts here.

Enjoy the ride, thats all this is, a giant dopamine farm.

>> No.5292113

started with $850 10 days ago and at $2140 currently. swing trade every day.

>> No.5292126

board janitor

fuck off

>> No.5292142

>Cant believe I haven't jumped in earlier tho as I have been watching cryptos for a couple month now.
i have been posting about and watching cryptos since 2010. really, shitposting on the sa forums about buttcoins. i only bought in this month. fuck me...

>> No.5292158


suck my dick , nobody likes these retarded newbie posts

>> No.5292182

>this is why *bitcoin* is a rich mans game.

Penny coins are the poor man's wormhole to owning a 24k toilet

>> No.5292226

feel free to jump to another thread fag

>> No.5292255


Serious question: are you retarded? That's like watching a group of porn stars walk naked past you and all you do is just stare with your limp dick hanging out.

>> No.5292315

>telling the janitor to suck a dick
>not banning him

Mods were Gods before now what is this

>> No.5292322

Pretty much my thoughts. Start off small. Make small returns. HODL on during every fucking dip, and slowly pour in more and more.

Granted, I have no idea what the fuck to make of the whole Bitcoin and Bcash stuff, but I suppose I should make bets one way or another and prepare to lose everything :D

>> No.5292352

I don't know man it's all relative. I made a few hundred bucks even by FOMOing and shit, now I want to get better and get more but imagine how happy a poorfag would be making 500+USD a week just by hodling the right stuff

>> No.5292415

>He's switching from a buy/sell and wallet service to a crypto portfolio tracker.

Nice, OP. Let me know how it goes.

>> No.5292438

>only have $300 in, but fuck me, this is stressful.

"I have iron hands" kek.

I have over $110K in crypto and don't sweat at all.

>> No.5292496

i know I KNOW



>> No.5292518

This made me laugh for real

>> No.5292533
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>> No.5292608

Lol, yeah, It's nerves getting the best of me. Trust me, if I had it, I'd put it in. Still, I've got to graduate from lunch money and start putting in real cash.

Not sure if to do it in baby steps or in all out "fuck it" mode.

>> No.5292694


agree with the other anon. you need to lurk more. get ready to lose all your money

>> No.5292759

kek. this is like when people post on bodybuilding.com, because the like the memes, for 5 years before starting to actually lift

>> No.5292864
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You think your poor? I started with $0 and now I've reached the $9.00 mark with only moon faucets and holding. Gotta love exponential gains. If I end up reaching even $100 in the next few months, you can bet your sweet ass I'll aim for $1000 and beyond, hoping to never have to legit work a day in my vibrant 18 years of youth.

>> No.5293164

If you reach $100 and keep on doing what you've been doing, than you will become a fucking millionaire.

>> No.5293252

I don't intend to give up any time soon, so I look forward to that day.

>> No.5293272

Praying to Kek for you anon.

I need this because student loans aren't gonna pay themselves.

>> No.5293344

Thanks. I wish the best for you as well.

Best of luck to you.

>> No.5293560
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Witnessed. We are truly blessed.

>> No.5293778

How do you do it? How do you 100% your portfolio so quickly?

i started a few months back on $300 and now im $800

give tips, thanks

>> No.5294029

that's not swing trade that's day trade, and unless you're a professional daytrader or a bot, you lose out in the long run daytrading

>> No.5294092

Hello anon, you called earlier inquiring about a shitcoin that had huge upside potential with very little downside?
The reason I am calling anon is because something just came across my desk, it perhaps the best shitcoin i've seen
The name of the coin is ChainLink, it is a cutting edge coin with huge developer support and worldwide financial transaction applications - NOW!
Right now anon, the shitcoin trades for 39 cents a coin, and our analysts think it could go a heck of a lot higher
Your profit on a mere $300 investment is upwards of $300,000
>Wow, that is enough for a lambo
Exactly, you could get a lambo

>> No.5294166

read and learn and don't fall for bullshit.

I started with around 650 already up to 1450 after 2 weeks. i've done a bit of flipping, but mostly just holding good stuff.

>> No.5294911

Started 3 minutes ago with tree fiddy on boinbase. Will I make it?

>> No.5294969

Do whatever it takes to hit fuck it mode.

>> No.5295097
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the absolute state of /biz/