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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52899100 No.52899100 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?

>> No.52900693
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>> No.52900777 [DELETED] 
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Digits confirm. Also, slurped another 5000 Batties this morning.

>> No.52900803
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>> No.52900821

Checked and glad to see you back around regularly. Now we need TP and we are set

>> No.52901205
File: 10 KB, 176x176, __AMLnZu8HsdKnPwMjpP9kRdU9LqXAOa40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if i told you that bat was going to go under 20c 1 year ago, you would have called me fucking insane

these NIGGERS at brave need to get their fucking act together. watching eich sit there and tweet about the efficacy of masks when nobody wears them or gives a fuck anymore, as this shitcoin sinks lower and lower, really pisses me

>> No.52901212


>> No.52901368


>> No.52901518

Glad to be back. Missed my frens.
>if i told you that bat was going to go under 20c 1 year ago, you would have called me fucking insane
Truth. This bear has been a bitch. I watched past bear markets from the sidelines, so I was prepared for this shit. But Christ. Feels bad man. Still hodling. Haven't sold anything. Only bought more.

>these NIGGERS at brave need to get their fucking act together. watching eich sit there and tweet about the efficacy of masks when nobody wears them or gives a fuck anymore, as this shitcoin sinks lower and lower, really pisses me

>> No.52901770

>trip’s confirmed
>.40 EOY
I grabbed 5,938 BAT today with another G sitting in Gemini ready for another slurpening.

>> No.52902931 [DELETED] 


>> No.52903362 [DELETED] 
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Czech'd and BAPpilled! Glad to catch you around!
> slurped another 5000 Batties this morning
Insanely based.

Been busy, but I'm here lad!

Based. I might scoop up a few myself now.

Any of you lads want to fill me in on the Parker lore? I know he was suspected of being a JanJan, but I've heard some crazy shit here and there.

>> No.52903465
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sauce now

>> No.52903484
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>> No.52903492

Imagine typing this racist shit out imagining brave gives a FUCK about what you have to say.

>> No.52903607

In my over 100+ sexual conquests I’ve only laid one woman (maybe 2) flat on her stomach, spread her cheeks and devoured her asshole, but this one would definitely be an exception.

>> No.52903621

Welp, it's fucking over. There is no bottom.

>> No.52903641

>Any of you lads want to fill me in on the Parker lore? I know he was suspected of being a JanJan, but I've heard some crazy shit here and there.
hes a pedophile

>> No.52903653

there is a bottom, and its close.

>> No.52903668
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>> No.52903721
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We got our wish. Now we just gotta buy and wait it out.

>> No.52904020

Who’s selling at this price? The majority of hodlers are out of the money at 19¢. Do people really sell things at a loss?

>> No.52904054

>Who’s selling at this price?
panic sellers, forced liquidations, bots that trade on btc price action

>Do people really sell things at a loss?

>> No.52904154

One of the few times I had to whip my dick out and coom instantly from a webm.

>> No.52904517
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1 out of 100? Gotta run those numbers up and dig in, lad. Get up in there with it. Why just one?

O_o What? Doesn't he have kids? What the fuck have I missed in like a week?! So he was the janny after all?

I'm glad you like the content I post, lad

>> No.52904582

Finally bought back in; let's absolutely fucking go

>> No.52904645

Because I don’t wanna be judged. I’ve already been red flagged for eating the pussy on the first date.
Glad to have you back onboard the team. Let’s fucking do this my nigger

>> No.52904710


>he's a pedo
No, and fuck you for even entertaining the thought. The rest of the retarded shit about me is fine, but I hope anyone who associates me at all with pedophiles fucking dies.
no, but it's not like I can prove it either way
>Monero thread OP/irl Monero thot art
no, Monero guy outed himself as hispanic a few days ago

There's a bunch of others, original Brave-tan, sim-swapped Luke, etc., which aren't true. Check the archives if you feel like, but it's getting old at this point.

>> No.52904781

shut up you disgusting fucking pedophile hentai jannie john faggot piece of SHIT brave tan minecraft rugging NIGGER.

>> No.52904830
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>No, and fuck you for even entertaining the thought
I didn't entertain anything, I just said "What"? That's a pretty serious allegation to throw around and was surprised to read it. Like I said, I haven't been around much. No idea about what Monero thot art is or any of that.
>check the archives
I'm good; don't care that much. I just figured I would ask since I've been getting DM'd about it here and there.
I'm going to start posting sauce in every thot post soon.

Slow down on the one night Pump N' Dumps and keep the real ones around. Pretty sure you're in the clear on the third date or so.

>> No.52904868

I always thought you were a glowie. You’re a Monero maxi making glow threads trying to figure out what crimes people are using it with and then telling on them. There’s only one person in Alberta selling cash in person on LocalMonero and that’s obviously you. The least you could do is request more funding from the agency and buy this BAT dip for all the pain and suffering you caused this community and for reeking havoc at Brave.

>> No.52904929

he freaked out and posted some creepy hentai pedo anime shit the other night and admitted that he was brave tan and that he "wished he never commissioned this art". he posted all this in a thread and then deleted his posts and said he did it because he got scared or something like that

he literally admitted to being the brave tan faggot that robbed everyone, and being a pedo. i had the thread open with 4chanX so saw that he deleted it, and i screenshotted the posts on my phone as proof but then i randomly opened my camera roll later in the week and was disgusted by what i saw and realized i actually dont care that much about the "bat 4chan lore" enough to risk having this filth on my phone and accidentally showing it to someone, so i deleted it

im sure he will lie about it though. but i, and other anons, saw the admission of guilt with our own eyes. hes a psycho pedo disgusting nigger faggot.

also rip, i see this post is deleted, you are probably banned for thot posting again. welcome to parker land. looks like he got you.

>> No.52904965

you are being too light on this guy. he admitted everything in a thread a week or so ago and deleted it right after, saying he was afraid "the jannies" would ban him for it (because he posted some hentai anime porn pics alongside the posts, with the brave-tan girl fucking another anime bitch in the ass with a strap-on)

kind of regret deleting the screenshots now. i just dont like having that shit on my phone. i have an actual life.

>> No.52905020

>Posted some creepy pedo anime
I posted this, a picture the people in the BAT threads explicitly asked me to commission, representations of Brave & Google Chrome

And I was not the original Brave-tan. Most of my commissions I paid for myself expect pic related & the advertisements on /g/

And I'm not the janny, but I know that's a meaningless argument. She gets banned every time she posts, whether or not I'm around.

>> No.52905029 [DELETED] 
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Pic related. Yeah it was retarded I commissioned it, but what's done is done

>> No.52905033

nah that wasnt all you posted

>> No.52905049

I posted this and some generic Google search of "nude woman"

>> No.52905073

lol dude shut the fuck up you pedo you cant lie any longer, people saw.

also, on a side note, remind me who is the one that commissioned the art with the XMR and BAT anime whores in the picture together?

trying to claim that you arent brave-tan is literally just asinine at this point. you might think you are smarter than everyone else because you are self-absorbed, but you arent that smart. everyone knows that you are obviously brave-tan. same fucking style of art, same fucking person active in both communities, same fucking bitches from both "community commissioned art" in the same pics together.

who are you fooling at this point? are you trying to convince yourself? fuckin schizo pedo faggot nigger kys

>> No.52905075

And I didn't admit to any of this retard, fuck it, whatever

>> No.52905079

I don't understand, you guys told me to download this and that you got 15-30 BAT a month from the rewards program. Well, I started using it, turned of auto donate, turned off ad block, turned Brave ads per hour to 10, verified my account through Gemini, and I've earned 0.25 BAT in 5 fucking days and I'm constantly online. WTF gives here?

>> No.52905084

shut up you stupid fucking nigger we all saw it

>> No.52905139
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These threads with all the Parker drama suck. Can we actually fucking talk about BAT? Pic related.

>> No.52905155

i still dont understand what he was talking about here

>> No.52905205

AS a newbie, I agree, every BAT thread turns into this shit and I have no idea who the guy is. Who is speaking in that pic?

>> No.52905232

>She gets banned every time she posts, whether or not I'm around.
No the fuck I don't. I haven't been for the last 3 or so threads I've posted in with multiple thot posts in threads that stayed up for FUCKING DAYS.

Funny how my last one went down in about 10 mins though...really funny.

>> No.52905252
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The whole thing will be financialized thru BAT. Nobody can debate that these prices are a fucking steal. It’s just a matter of how long it’ll take for the market to recover.

>> No.52905262

Brenden is so fucking based. Imagine tweeting out a problem and one of the great coding minds of the modern era responds and tells you to reboot your computer

>> No.52905286

You seem smart, can you answer this? >>52905079

>> No.52905307

What country are you in?

>> No.52905333

that was me. i sent eich a dm on twitter with a link to the biz thread about brave getting rid of vbat and asked if it was true and that was his response. we bantered back and forth a few more times after that, and then he said "let me ask you a question, why would anyone want to hold vbat"?

I replied that a lot of people were waiting for pay with bat so that they could spend their vbat on actual things straight from the wallet like we were promised, and named christcat in particular as someone who reaffirmed this promise to use within the last week. also gave him the example of a family member of mine that is using brave and has ads turned on via my recommendation, who said they will verify their wallet with a custodian once it's "worth it to do so" (aka $500+ at least because not poor).

he retorted some shit that i honestly cant even recall, something about 'blah blah the jews fucked us so we gotta KYC"

then I asked about the nft cluster shit that he talked about earlier in our message and asked if BAT would at least be involved in that and he said yes.

>> No.52905350


>> No.52905355 [DELETED] 
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Wow. That's probably one of the most pathetic things I've read on 4chan and I've been here since 2007. Spent years being an old /b/ and /soc/faggot as well.

I pity anyone that utterly pathetic and hope their life gets better. Find a purpose, holy fuck. That's coming from a walled Social Media wagie. I'm off it now. Thanks for filling me in.

>> No.52905378

and furthermore, i did mull over what he said, and think he was explaining how then killing BAT (but in super fucking nerd terms) would fuck them. they know god damn well that their biggest advocates are their bagholders and that they need to placate them (us). his math equation is a the autistic expression of what is obvious to everyone else here - if they rug bat they are fucked. only a retarded savant dumbass that tweets about covid for years after its already over would need to express this in a retarded algebra phrase.

>> No.52905385

>and named christcat in particular as someone who reaffirmed this promise
He’s a redditor. Are you really surprised he lied?

>> No.52905394

Nice thread. BAT is back.

>> No.52905425

yeah hes a fucking pedo schizo dude he admitted as much. hes even said a million times that he is going to resign from the bat community and fuck off, and yet he is somehow still here, in the discord, in the bat thread here, everywhere. HE DOESNT EVEN HOLD ANY BAT. what the fuck is this guy doing?

>> No.52905428

I’ve had this happen before. Try clearing your browser history, search data, Brave news, cookies etc. Clear it out and start fresh. See if that helps.

>> No.52905455

Fuck you guys, here's the thread he's talking about. I lost my shit yes, but I didn't admit to any of that shit, or post anything of the sort.

>> No.52905460

>He’s a redditor. Are you really surprised he lied?
nah im not surprised, im just analyzing it subjectively. i dont take any of this shit personally. he was probably just coping to himself more than anything. the last community call was the first one that i joined in a long time and heard his cope from his own mouth. sounded pathetic, felt kind of bad for him almost. almost..

>> No.52905477

yeah okay fuckface, now show us the posts you deleted with the accompanying admissions of guilt and images to go along with it

>> No.52905499


sorry, drinking

>> No.52905539

and by the way, even just making a cursory glance at the remainders of this thread makes it obvious that you are brave-tan.

>Between the original design, everything here (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/68532550)), and the r34 piece, there was more than enough art done to cover your shitty $300.
the fact that you know the exact amount of donations and have the exact pixiv link on hand...you know what, i dont have the time nor do i care enough to dig into this. you are lucky that i have a life you fucking pedo. i saw it, they saw it. im not the only one. we know. get the fuck out of our threads and stay out. you might only visit here to defend yourself or because you think people might still be talking about you. the only thing that keeps people talking about you, is you continuing to show up here to defend yourself. fuck off. get the fuck out. we might talk shit about you for an entire month straight of you not coming here and defending yourself, but eventually it will wear off and we will get bored of it. you deserve at least a months worth of un-defended shit talking for how much of a fucking nigger you were. fucking kill yourself nigger.

we all saw it. dont fucking lie.

>> No.52905567

and what the FUCK is an r34 piece? only the person that pulled this brave tan scam shit on us would even know what the fuck you are talking about, pedo nigger.

and at the end of the day, lets not forget the images you posted in the other thread. if i wasnt so disgusted i wouldnt have deleted them.

>> No.52905617

and by the way, TP, rest assured that if you were interacting exclusively with parker on behalf of brave taking any of your marketing suggestions seriously, he was almost definitely throwing your messages right in the toilet. this guy was sabotaging everything he laid hands on. if you recommended to brave that they jump left, he would tell them you said jump right and called you a nigger on top of it.

kys parker.

>> No.52905655

aaaaaaaaaa I'm about to sluuuuuurp

>> No.52905659

Parker nuked the thread and banned Batty Abby and Thotposter again. He always posts that shitty art pic to use as an excuse to get shit deleted.
Hope you get colon cancer you Canuck piece of shit. Raise your kids and get off /biz/ scamming thief

>> No.52905678

Seriously blow your brains out so your kids have a chance to have a decent father in their lives.

>> No.52905685
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I always get in these threads too late to enjoy thot poster's thots, feels bad man

>> No.52905708

you gotta be quicker than parker to catch the thots nowadays. remember how they used to just stay up forever and he never got banned? yeah i member.

then all of a sudden, around the time parker showed up, TP started getting banned! what a coincidence. SO MANY coincidences, that its hard to believe. literally.

>> No.52905722

So no non-kyc wallet?

>> No.52905737

Wtf bat bros...I'm gonna puke...

>> No.52905751

My $400k in BAT last year is now worth $40k...I literally hate myself for not selling. I might literally neck.

>> No.52905753
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>> No.52905755
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I do remember, but I don't think the timing coincided with when Parker got involved with BAT

IIRC Parker may have sold all his BAT and went all in Monero, right? Maybe that's when it started. But I don't think anyone can prove anything one way or another. Either way it's really fucking annoying and suspicious that BAT threads clearly get targeted for mass bans/deleted images. There was a plain-jane Brave thread a few weeks ago and I posted a NON NUDE image, literally a clothed girl in front of a Brave sign, and I caught a 2 day global ban for it. EXTREMELY weird and suspicious considering I never ever catch bans on /biz/

once again, I don't know or have any reason to think it's Parker, but there's definitely some jaded ex-BAT bagholding tranny that is very upset about attractive women being posted

>> No.52905782

>There was a plain-jane Brave thread a few weeks ago and I posted a NON NUDE image, literally a clothed girl in front of a Brave sign, and I caught a 2 day global ban for it. EXTREMELY weird and suspicious considering I never ever catch bans on /biz/
occams razor dude. its parker. other anons here have dug pretty deep to come to that conclusion. im a cursory peruser of bat threads and its even become obvious to me. its him.

>> No.52905851
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I'd just feel bad for the guy on the off-chance that it's not him. I don't really give a shit either way but there's a real dude behind that name and it would be fucking weird to have people slandering you online for something you didn't do. Once again, no horse in this race

anyways we need to find a work-around for thot poster's thots. When those thots actually stayed up, it was a sure-fire way to bring horny jeets to these threads. Maybe post them on another board and link to that board or something, that can't be against the rules can it? plus that way you're getting some coomer board tangentially interested in BAT too

>> No.52905861

>I might literally neck.
Link us in Brave talk and do it live

>> No.52905987

I cannot honestly believe thotposter is still in these threads

>> No.52906047

Below 10¢ per BAT seems possible now.
It's fucking over.

>> No.52906067

thats crazy. that was the capitulation bottom for the covid dump kek. cant believe brave fucked up so badly.

>> No.52906083

make sure you report all Monero anime and fiverr thot pics in those threads. You know who is behind the general and all the scam commissions

>> No.52906106

It's -90.7%...Everyone knows BAT is dead except the deluded. Why didn't I sell...

>> No.52906116

I knew BAT was going to dump, but this is beyond bad.

>> No.52906225

they have been dumping the UGP on us for years. not only that, but the entire team and all their friends insider trading using bat as a pump and dump scheme

>> No.52906239

If that's true then Brendan is going to jail.

>> No.52906263

what? how? do you even know how crypto works? lol

>> No.52906299

if you don't want to follow the 4chan rules why be on 4chan? like why is this so hard just buy an ad and save all of your time like i know all of you have brain damage holding a coin all the way to -90% but goddamn

>> No.52906307


do you even know that brave is still to this very day, flooding the entire market with enough bat to dump us into oblivion? just because the volume on bat has slowed down isnt stopping them, they are dumping as much as possible on a consistent basis to harvest as much money from us as they can.

>> No.52906333

Easy case for SEC, just like XRP.

>> No.52906335

they sold over half a million bat, TODAY, into this wreckage, while you are crying yourself to sleep, like it aint fucking shit. it means NOTHING to them. they dont give a fuck about you, the price of bat, anything. the only reason they didnt sell 5m is because there isnt enough liquidity for it.

>> No.52906408

jesus fucking christ man what the fuck. its one thing if they need to sell some of the ugp so that they have more breathing room and can fund brave development. at one point i used to periodically watch the on-chain bat movements but lost interest along the way. this looks really, really bad. they are dumping 565k bat into an illiquid coin on the most illiquid exchange on the worst fucking day? they havent even dumped anything close to this amount for a long time, and they decide that just now is the time to do it? it literally looks like they are trying to crush the price with ugp bat so they can buy cheaper with their own money, either that, or eich is panic selling because he doesnt know how far crypto will fall from here. either way, bad.

ive about had it with this fucking coin and this team.

>> No.52906487

cocksucking fucking niggers

>> No.52906590

You know, that's the first nice thing anyone's said to me on these threads for months. Don't expect anyone to take my side, they'd get shit on too. But all the same thanks.

Obviously I'm bad when it comes to responding to it, but the pedo shit, and the shit against my family is pretty fucked.

Whoever it is, I do think they have a history with BAT though. Biggest wave of bans happen around midnight UTC, or when I'm around. It'd be retarded to simultaneously ban someone while trying to convince them it's not you, but a good strategy if someone else is hiding their trail.

>> No.52906631

>Whoever it is, I do think they have a history with BAT though. Biggest wave of bans happen around midnight UTC, or when I'm around. It'd be retarded to simultaneously ban someone while trying to convince them it's not you, but a good strategy if someone else is hiding their trail.
shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger, stop trying to pretend like theres some other pedo obsessed with this coin that "would do the same thing as im doing and pretend its me if they are smart". just. fucking. stop. it. just STOP IT. go away. go. the fuck. away. we know its you. go fuck off to your monero threads. next time you see a bat thread, do not fucking click on it. do not wonder if people are talking about you, they are. they will talk about you probably for an entire month straight unless you come in again and try and defend yourself with another weak ass excuse. fuck. off.

LEAVE. you fucking pedophile nigger. WE ALL SAW IT.

>> No.52906708

and by the way, you filthy NIGGER. you forgot to change your IP back to "hehe its me just lil ol parket" IP address before this post. fuck. off. every time you come into these threads, try and defend yourself. your timer resets. i am going to personally post your picture inside every fucking bat thread for an entire month until you fuck off. i hear one peep about how "hehe im parker just chiming in here to defend myself because someone else is doing the exact same things im accused of at the exact same time and if they were smart would literally be me in make-believe-land"

i will reset the timer for another month

>> No.52906753
File: 64 KB, 170x174, PARKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and to be clear, if you make any comments in the discord server or send a message to anyone who you think is "on your side" about bat, or make any posts in any of these threads namefagging and trying to defend yourself from what you have already self-incriminated yourself with, i will reset the timer.

any fucking peep out of your canadian vaxxed pedo faggot ass for a month, lets say 31 days, and the time resets.

>> No.52906823

you send a fucking text message to your own mother about BAT, i will reset the timer. 31 days. thats january 16th. and from there, i will stop posting your picture in every thread, but thats all i can promise. idk if other people will still do it. im not the one who figured out it was you pulling this scam all along.

if after 31 days i see you, "parker" reappear in the threads to start namefagging about some other bullshit? the timer resets, but double. 2 months. you fucking pedophile nigger. fuck you. we all saw it.

>> No.52906861
File: 342 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20221216_211056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we get it. The guy fucked us. It's frustrating but I'm sure we've all done things online we aren't proud of. Well at least I have, but I didn't namefag while doing it against a bunch of people that were losing 90% of their money and laughing at them for it lmaoooo

>> No.52906892

Why do they have to take our thots away? We literally never catch a break with BAT. We are the laughing stock of the board and our community is next to nothing these days. Why can’t we have our thots? Literally one of the handful of OGs left and they get banned for keeping morale up.

>> No.52906912

Guys by the way, make sure that in every single post in a BAT thread and even non BAT threads that you say the word BAT at least a few times, because there are tons of BAT algorithm 4chan BAT biz BAT bots that track the BAT token BAT names said on biz BAT and then report that volume BAT to other BAT people. Though it might be over BAT post and not per BAT comment. So at least BAT try and BAT make BAT sure BAT you BAT say BAT at least BAT once per BAT comment. Thanks BAT.

>> No.52906934


>> No.52906951

Tldr say BAT at least once in every comment you make because there are multiple bots that track crypto tickers and report them automatically on Twitter. We want to see bat here every fucking day. Just make a few comments on biz per day with the word BAT. We need to stay relevant in the bear market.

>> No.52907001



>> No.52907020

parker BAT is BAT a BAT nigger BAT and BAT i BAT will BAT post BAT his BAT face BAT in BAT every BAT thread BAT until BAT he BAT fucks BAT off BAT

>> No.52907108

> The Gang Gets Their Token Wordfiltered

>> No.52907170

Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop
>"BAT ain't 'bout this, BAT ain't 'bout that"
>My boy a OG on fucking r/cryptocurrency and them
>He, he, they say that nigga don't be putting in no work
>SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! y'all niggas ain't know SHIT!
>All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about
>"BAT ain't no real token, BAT ain't this, BAT a dead shitcoin"
>SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!, y'all don't live with that nigga
>Y'all KNOW that nigga got caught with a Solana wormhole
>Shootin' at presearch and shit
>Nigga been on every exchange since fuckin' I don't know when
>Motherfucker, stop fuckin' PLAYIN' him like that
>Them niggas savages out there
>If I catch ANOTHER MOTHERFUCKER talking sweet about BAT
>I'm FUCKIN BEATIN' THEY ASS, I'm not fucking PLAYIN' no more
>Know them niggas roll with Brendan Eich and them

>> No.52907311
File: 30 KB, 598x600, BEA07966-6C83-4C39-94EA-EF26A8391241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is completely fucking dead and none of you pedos or trannies can refute this.
>check em

>> No.52907344
File: 373 KB, 600x624, 1657247509615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who fucking cares about BAT ffs someone just post the source on this girl

>> No.52907462

Nobody would know but Thotposter who got banned you newfag retarded faggot. Go fuck off.

>> No.52907579

BAT never fails to disappoint.
Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.52907945
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 22677E81-2DBA-4502-A945-5A29D763CB0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52908157

I'm thinking that I wish I had have sold mine last year. Even if I sell now it's all profit since I've never actually bought BAT, but it'd be nice to have a few extra hundred dollars in my pocket.

>> No.52908182

testing testing parkers a nigger

>> No.52908218
File: 188 KB, 492x1996, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uhhhh yeah it seems like your claims are accurate, they are indeed dumping bat on us from the ugp...but only because ad sales are down and they need to pay the jeets bat to push their brave wallet and brave talk ads to make up for the gap in ad sales.

wish i had better news but thats what he said.

>> No.52908262

so basically yeah, since ad sales are down (since all their ads are crypto related and we are in the midst of a crypto capitulation event and none of them are buying) they had the bright idea to dump the largest amount of their coin into a thin book on top of us to fund "brave wallet" ads so that all the 3rd worlders could get their fill of ads

or, they could have just had less ads this month and not crashed the fucking price. sorry bros i wish i had better news lol. pretty ridiculous desu. im lightening my bat position

>> No.52908276

the worst part is that they arent even smart enough to lie. god dammit lol. its funny, but not really

>> No.52908385

if you're thinking about how the modular ethereum layer 2 network, mantle, will be bringing never seen before innovation to web3, then yes anon im thinking what you're thinking

>> No.52908394
File: 745 KB, 1080x1977, Screenshot_20221216_232731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they dumping B** on us. They should not do that.

>> No.52908415

They won't let me say B**

>> No.52908444


>> No.52908457


>> No.52908473

baseball bat

>> No.52908700

So I guess they’re gonna start dumping the vBAT all over us. Can you ask Brendan at what price he’ll stop dumping us?

>> No.52908835
File: 473 KB, 1242x1844, 3B67D66A-B3BA-49D1-8502-DD9AE14DACED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m a fag

>> No.52908877
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 63C96B70-6010-423D-B18E-F5A17F29509E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT fag will make it

>> No.52908938
File: 110 KB, 500x557, 124444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was getting a good deal when I bought the 38 cent dip

>> No.52908942

I just got dicked down by a huge cock

i’m here to shitpost, 50k BAT waiting for $40

>> No.52909039

Fuck this coin. Bye.

>> No.52909051

BAT. Hopefully. Idk. We'll see. Sad.

>> No.52909214

why is 40 dollars the magical price thrown around so often

>> No.52909459
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, 2l32scp7v0q51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very unfortunate turn of events my frens. i thought we would make it all together and attend the yacht party with thot poster, but now i am looking to finally dusting off my ledger and moving on. 2 years down the drain. i am very surprised that brave shit the bed so hard, they had everything going for them. they wasted a lot of time and resources creating a dex that nobody uses which was supposed to have utility for bat. then they wasted time and money building a wallet that nobody uses. now they are adding endless retarded shitcoin support and 3rd world nobody projects to the wallet, like afrodao. literal nigger tier scam projects. and sol? yikes. self-serve still coming though bros. they have an entire search engine here with ads now that is perpetually advetised on joe rogan, and yet the advertisers need to call the 1-800 brave number and speak to an employee to buy their ads? get fucked man. what a joke. and then the end of vbat. based on any actual regulations? nope. just based on eichs suspicion, that maybe, someday idk, pfizer will come in and tell us that in order to earn bat that the brave users need to wear a mask while browsing! and from the unfortunate following of eichs twitter account the past 2 years, we all know that those things dont fucking work! hell, they may have been scamming us all along with "infinite" amounts of vbat backed by nothing. it was always strange that the volume on gemini for the ads "purchased" from the transparency page never matched up with what they said they bought. and now they are selling bat over our heads? im really not happy with this.

>> No.52909485

God damn that's fucking drab. Anyways, $40 soon. Right?? S-slurp?

>> No.52909575

Sold 60k. Good riddance. Glad I didn't have more.

>> No.52909609


>> No.52909685

what is this whats happening why is there water coming from my eyes

>> No.52909703

It's called UGP jizz coming out your eyes. Cry all you want but for the love of God don't sell. Stop selling.

>> No.52909707


>> No.52910917

Someone ask the Brave team why Reddit can distribute moons directly on chain WITHOUT KYC but Brave cannot do the same for BAT.

>> No.52911083

LMAO what the fuck
This is true then? Eich was dumping BAT on us this whole time?

What a fucking joke

>> No.52911548

So Eich was basically doing his own version of Sirgay betrayal for the last 5 years?

>> No.52911556


>> No.52911611

>pfizer will come in and tell us that in order to earn bat that the brave users need to wear a mask while browsing!

lel'd. All is not lost tho fren. Just 2 more weeks.

>> No.52911618

Will this shitcoin go back to 10 cents now that Grayscale is selling everything?

>> No.52911786

BAT will go to $40, it's literally right there in the smart contract

>> No.52912351

At least LINK pumped while Eich killed every BAT pump with his greedy dumps.

>> No.52912506

I don't give a fuck what you think, all I think about is make some bucks. Slurping some NFTs and wbe3 assets waiting for the supposed bull run

>> No.52912551
File: 695 KB, 1284x1478, 0536F804-02C7-4FF2-A5D7-9BEBA727A2BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a meme number like 1k LINK like it’s entirely possible if you wait long enough and if the team delivers but not really realistic in terms of market cap in the short term (1-5 years)

I’ll probably sell some above $1 like I did last time. i’m comfy staking LINK but I contemplate selling BAT for BTC almost daily

>> No.52912662


>> No.52912729

They’re dumping, but no more than they’re dumping anything else and the amounts are minuscule

>> No.52912894


>> No.52913990

$0.036 was the ICO price for a single BAT.
I'll laugh hard if we crash lower than that.

>> No.52914119

Wow. They’ve dumped so much on us. No wonder we plummeted near ATH.
Makes me legit sad. I thought we had found the one project that was different and was going to make it.
What price are you selling at?
LINK at least pumped. We never got off the ground. Makes sense why they never tried to market the token. It’s nothing but free money to them without raising suspicion.

>> No.52914138

Would love to hear what the OGs think but they all been banned. Thotposter spent years trying to keep threads enjoyable while eating ban after ban. It wasn’t supposed to be like this bros

>> No.52914185

brave dumping on us is bad

>> No.52914251

if they are going to dump their bat then why should we not dump ours? bat has been tanking hard for weeks

>> No.52914358

it might correlate to browsing volume and encountering advertisements and things like that. a quarter bat seems very low but i don't use it much lately.

>> No.52914624

all this time we thought brave was buying bat off the open market, meanwhile they are just dumping and faking all the vbat buys

>> No.52914874

I think the biggest red flag outside of the buys not lining up with Gemini is the totally decay of ad quality. We had tons of the biggest names like Walmart, eBay, Verizon, etc and now all it is the same scam Amazon prime “hack trick” and maybe like 3 others. Even the shit scam exchanges don’t run ads on Brave anymore. Total 100% failure

>> No.52914922

Feel like a African American at a peaceful protests at these levels

>> No.52915052

Checked. Not going to lie. This is really, really demoralizing, frens. But I'm still scraping up what I can.

Also. Fuck Parker.

>> No.52915097

That faggot pretty much proved everything was true about him yesterday. You and TPs posts were up for hours until he came in to “defend” himself. He posts that same art pic every time and threads get nuked shortly after. Did you get banned?

>> No.52915113

Slurp it up fren this is the final shakeout

>> No.52915133

What’s schizo nonsense are you talking about

>> No.52915204

Read the thread. Should give you a good idea. Done mentioning that faggot since it’s doing nothing but destroying our already half dead threads.

>> No.52915208

Yup. Sent to the woodshed for posting non-finance related content in my pic related. The nigger mind is truly incomprehensible. Watch me get banned for racism now. Come and get me Parker. You'll never convince me to sell my Batties.
It feels different for sure. Thinking of cracking open the savings accounts for more capital now. Haven't done so yet...

>> No.52915275

>the biggest red flag outside of the buys not lining up with Gemini is the totally decay of ad quality
I mentioned that the Brave initiated BAT buys were a larp a while ago when I noticed there was no volume spikes on their mobile app and people were just saying Gemini is retarded. An on-chain record of the purchases would have to exist somewhere, right? That’s the whole premise of crypto. I remember they used to post a little transaction number on the transparency page, but it certainly wasn’t anything verifiable. How were we so dumb?

>> No.52915279

We have to stop mentioning that faggot from now on. It just gives him a reason to janny the place up. I think TP got banned for the post calling him pathetic and not actual thot posting. Either way we need to cut this cancer out of our threads

>> No.52915312


>> No.52915370

Bat signed its own death warrant when it decided to move over to Solana as its base chain.

>> No.52915394

BAT is an ERC-20 token you fucking mongoloid. It never moved to Solana as a "base" chain. Come up with better FUD.

>> No.52915422

Damn looks like I missed a super spicy image.what was it?

>> No.52915479

I remember when everyone was coping that it was Gemini’s fault the purchases wasn’t being shown. I think it’s been mentioned that most of the bigger names that ran ad campaigns were complimentary from Brave too but I don’t know for sure. I’m in too deep to sell this low so meh. You still going to hold?
Thotposter was dropping some 10/10 thots earlier. Probably the images you’re talking about that’s gone missing. Batty Abby posted some of the usual milkers too.

>> No.52915551

it was a girl with a big ass

>> No.52915636

>You still going to hold?
I’m in too deep as well. All I can do now is wait and see how badly they fucked us.

>> No.52915828
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>> No.52916121
File: 240 KB, 384x534, CC7790D8-62F5-48BB-A7E1-B5D979FCD294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Tuesday was an alright start but you need to go harder on the next call, you have plenty more ammo now - you’re welcome for that.

>> No.52916220

bats a nigger coin

>> No.52916548

They're just gonna bring in more reinforcements and stonewall us. It’s a shame that batbros gotta go to war with Brave to get them to come clean. We did a fuckton of our own marketing for them and they repay us by dumping BAT all over our heads. I guess them eliminating vBAT is basically admitting the party’s over, but it makes me sad. Hopefully they didn’t beat BAT to death and it’s able to recover.

>> No.52916563
File: 72 KB, 1396x806, batusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat is currently at its most oversold RSI level in its entire history

wake up you idiots. its time to BUY, not sell.

>> No.52916576

i would say that i am surprised to see people selling the bottom here, but then again, this is all in typical biz fashion

>> No.52916609
File: 199 KB, 672x644, 1661939417310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy when it goes lower, much lower

>> No.52916672

good luck.


what we may be seeing right now is forced selling of grayscale funds, including bat. if you aren't buying as a large fund blows up and is forced to capitulate at -90%, then i have no idea what you are waiting for.

>> No.52916789

It was only a few hundred dollars but holy fuck I feel like a retard for putting money into this garbage

>> No.52916831

Honestly, I feel like an idiot for putting money into crypto at all. But still. Not. Selling. This anon
is speaking sense. Don't be a biz-tard. Act like a Chad. Hold for your lives.

Brave search keyword staking alone is enough to make me hold this shit.

>> No.52917826

brave was always selling bat from the ugp by the way. it wasn't a problem at the top, but just now it is a problem all of a sudden?

>> No.52918021

I’m more concerned with the fagazi Brave initiated BAT buys on Gemini

>> No.52918812

I keep buying even if the skitzos in this thread say not to. I cannot be dissuaded when I have nothing to lose

>> No.52918874
File: 598 KB, 1284x1945, D14981F9-25D2-4980-A6A2-56E0033D42A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you 100% in BAT? wtf

>> No.52918936

some of the buys you can see the volume but some you cant

>> No.52919063

Most of the buys were fake. In fact, there’s no actual transparency at all on the entire transparency page. I don’t think they hit even 50 million MAU at the end of 2021 either, but it was their goal and they probably weren’t that far off, so they decided to fudge the numbers. There’s no accountability at all, but I think they’re making an effort to start reigning things in and purging the company of some of the leftover Jews. The MAU is probably accurate now and they’re making an attempt to fix vBAT. Sucks that it took the SBF situation for them to sober up, but I’m glad it happened.

>> No.52919141
File: 1.00 MB, 1617x2156, 1671336740386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, which one you weirdos did this?

>> No.52920568 [DELETED] 

Not at all. I own three BTC, a handful of ETH, and some FUN shitbags of LINK, PNK and LUNC. BAT is my third heaviest bag after my blue chips

>> No.52920585

Where is this

>> No.52920591

Fuck no. I also own three BTC, a handful of ETH, and some small shitbags of LINK, PNK and LUNC. BAT is my third heaviest bag after my blue chips.

All of that doesn't equal what I have in boomer stocks anyway. And I also own real estate. BAT and my other crypto are a relatively meaningless play for me if it goes to zero. But it will liberate me from waging if it moons.

>> No.52921060
File: 493 KB, 480x270, phil2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT will literally never be a dollar. It's impossible.

>> No.52922144

Reminds me of the failed sticker project and I won’t bring up the person who blew that deal

>> No.52922715
File: 208 KB, 685x1350, 60DEC889-E9FD-499C-B07C-2869E2E2FDEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah BAT should be one of your smaller bags

I’m a low 6 figs NW fag and if BAT went to zero I wouldn’t even think twice about it

I sold my ETH post merge, just staking LINK and stacking sats currently, but I still have to pay taxes FML

>> No.52923510

The true the market price is actually very logical at 0.18 - 0.20-- unless and until market conditions change in a big way BAT isnt going anywhere but sideways. My guess, BAT wont touch 25 cents ever again. feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.52923665

is this nigga serious

>> No.52923909

A bathroom in a bar from the looks of it.

>> No.52924084
File: 851 KB, 1058x880, FD2EC834-9600-43D8-94CC-6052EA64C508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duh. BAT is a stablecoin and temperature gauge for the crypto market as a whole

>> No.52924138

whats a sui stack? i got 6k BAT currently, give it to me straight battys

should i accumulate?

t. im a fan of the browser and use it as my main browser outside of chrome which i use to watch streaming services which dont work on brave

>> No.52924174

50k sui 100k make it. What streaming services are not working on Brave?

>> No.52924277


>> No.52924304

u retarded then

>> No.52924331

thanks, i was being lazy looks like i had to turn on Widevine and with a quick spot check amazon video now works, will have to check the others like netflix,hbo max etc i think dont need chrome anymore now.

>> No.52924453
File: 737 KB, 828x468, 4c72d337bfa96755f9791f35e7bf2c95ca63f81b4377a0b82cf77751eda4a310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got almost 20k in bat from just mining maybe I'll finally buy some I can easily afford to drop a grand on it and forget about it anything higher than 7ct and I'll still be making out like a villain. I't must suck to be somebody who actually pay for this. Kek

>> No.52924860

this anon bypassed all Brave's "genius" fraud detectors and mined 20,000 BAT, and all you idiots PAID for it! do you feel demoralized yet? I sure do.

>> No.52925026
File: 844 KB, 260x146, ScratchyHealthyHog-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's easy just go outside make stupid boomer friends and show them this hekking cool browser that blocks ads then check-up on them the end of the month and harvest. the Bonus is raw dogging some Gilf pussy.

>> No.52925950

Wasn’t there an anon who setup all the displays at Best Buy, Walmart, target etc. with Brave and came back to tip himself?

>> No.52926369
File: 42 KB, 711x960, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shiiiiiiit good idea but don't they track ip's now?

>> No.52927077
File: 51 KB, 513x525, JUST maccas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 cents
Tell me why I shouldn't kms immediately

>> No.52927178

Because it’s one 5-10% of alts that’ll put a new ATH on the board in the next bull run. It might even do it in the bear market if they actually start buying the BAT they claimed they were and stop taking huge shits on us. It pisses me off because they always acted like they were above the fray of shitcoinery.

>> No.52927398

Bounce incoming

>> No.52927706
File: 9 KB, 320x240, losthissmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on to your female penises ladies, things are about to get rocky

>> No.52927855
File: 205 KB, 1880x1059, 5AFBD05F-6873-4CCD-95BD-C4D59560B9AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52928226

>BAT thread lasting 3 days
Very nice. Let's see if we can reclaim 20 cents.

>> No.52929182
File: 534 KB, 1438x2204, Screenshot_20221216_171948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3 days ago I got banned for replying to this post who was referencing 4 1pbtid's.

>> No.52929249

Haha! That was me! Serves you right faggot. You never even clarified what you meant by "page long screeds" when I only typed 1-2 sentences max.

>> No.52929314

No, that wasn't me. My offending post was deleted and is included in the screenshot.

I don't see anything partially offensive with what I said and don't understand how it would be more appropriate in pol or x. Not complaing, just curious.

>> No.52929335

Ah gotcha, apologies. I don't get it either.

>> No.52929371


>> No.52929444

I have some actual real inside info on BAT. I think you guys will like it. Turns out, the shit storm that was created by you guys re: vBAT fud, ugp, etc. has ruffled some feathers up the chain and stirred some serious discussion up the ladder about disappointed BAT holders. Brave is going to announce a new BAT utility function soon. I'm not talking about the NFT keyword comp rev shares either. This is something totally new. Dubs with a (you) to this post and I'll give a CLUE about what it is. I can't tell you exactly because only a handful of people know, but I can tell you something.

>> No.52929460
File: 944 KB, 3040x1440, Bat sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got trips, just say it.

>> No.52929463
File: 166 KB, 756x743, 1656511781541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked on the trips. rolling for dubs. just fucking tell us faggot, morale is at an all time low. we cant take anymore.

>> No.52929484


>> No.52929515


>> No.52929523

hate jews

>> No.52929539

Just don't say it. I don't even want "good news" anymore. So far nothing seems to effect the price so I'll just wait for the price to be my good news, assuming it goes up.

>> No.52929545

Come on just tell us. We got suicidal people in here me included

>> No.52929551


>> No.52929588

i keep buying BAT no matter what. fuck everyone of you dumb niggers that dont hold bat.

>> No.52929591

literaally gonna keep rolling

>> No.52929637


>> No.52929727

Alright fine. It's a BAT rebate structured utility on a new product. Like what was promised with the swap rewards, but something different. The problem with the swap rewards was one of engineering. It's still planned, it's just harder to implement than expected. Getting rid of vBAT will open up more doors on what is possible with BAT functionality. Yes, KYC is unpopular, but it gets rid of fraud, compliance, and technical issues. It opens doors. Truth is, it might temporarily sting at first, but advertisers are going to be very receptive to a near-zero fraud system with much higher than normal engagement. Keep in mind, it's very difficult to keep adding BAT utility to unverified wallets. Besides, a better exchange option is in the works and currently being finalized and should be coming in Q1 anyways. Think top 3 exchange.

As far as the new product, I can't say too much about that yet but it's going to be something that I highly doubt anybody here sees coming.

Keyword rev share on search not coming until q3 or q4 2023 by the way. Hard to even put a timeline on that before ads are even out.

>> No.52929741

cool so literally nothing, thanks

>> No.52929758

and you know what, fuckface, while advertisers might be receptive to a "no fraud system", they sure as fuck wont be receptive to a system that HAS NO FUCKING USERS

kyc becomes mandatory = 90% of rewards users turn ads off

>> No.52929776

90% drop-off is vastly overstated. There is a plan in place to increase opt-in rates once vBAT rewards are turned off. Don't be surprised if opt-in rates actually increase overall, rather than decrease as some suspect.

>> No.52929793

you are lucky im too deep in the red to sell this shit anyways.

>> No.52929801

Nice trips

>> No.52929803

Shut the fuck up you flaming faggot

>> No.52929887

>Think top 3 exchange.
Is it Coinbase? I have no idea what the other thing is but it sounds like another self serve pie in the sky.

>> No.52929999

The only reason self-serve was put on hold is because there isn't enough demand for ads to warrant it yet. That's why you are currently seeing a lot of Brave wallet ads. By the way, UGP isn't being "dumped" on you. It's being distributed via monthly rewards. Yes, it is adding a tiny bit of supply at the end of the month once payouts happen, but the main concern now is retaining opt-in rewards users. The increase in circulating supply is literally like 0.05% from the ad subsidies, and not all the people they get them sell anyways. As far as self-serve goes, the infrastructure is pretty much finished for it, but there is no point in rolling it out yet. One of the main reasons that the search engine was acquired was so that we could expand our ad sales. Search ads are a proven model. Once and demand increases via search, then we can upsell to notification and new tab ads. Then self-serve will roll out, when demand is sufficient.

>> No.52930073

If you guys would open up smaller self serve regional ads, you could build so much revenue it’s unreal. Make the ads like Groupons with QR codes for discounts and give incentives for advertisers to accept BAT payments and everyone will love you guys. Fuck begging big advertisers. There’s a whole world of small businesses that would love to run interactive ads somewhere besides Facebook

>> No.52930096

imagine the measurable increase in sales data you could tout with pop up ads that are actual coupons

>> No.52930189
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checked. i am unironically trusting the plan again bro's.

>> No.52930219

idk man. you guys better fucking do something, and fast.

>> No.52930236

Nah I didn't sell not yet bruh, this token gotta pamp hard and ain't gonna sell the 10k units I'm hodling, night buy more to add to other privacy gems say Qredo, Sylo and ZKP. Fucking tired of the market volatility can we do better already chads.

>> No.52930241

fuck off with your shitty jeet shill shitcoins nigger.

>> No.52930250

you know what, i wanna know something. are you absolute fucking black NIGGERS. ever going to make this coin moon or not. give me a simple answer. yes or no. if you are going to keep doing the fucking bullshit you have been doing, then the answer is no.

are you going to fucking make this coin moon or not. yes. or. no.

>> No.52930274

>I don't give a fuck what you think, all I think about is make some bucks.
Hell to the fucking yeah, this token shitty ass gains made me install that slow witted browser on my PC that keeps crashing.
NFTs that I'm going degen on are mainly these hungry ass Aptos and SOL NFTs, keeping the rest say Skyjack NFTs in my wallet, benefits while hodling stands as I can upgrade my advanced droids in the near future whilst playing in its web3gaming.
Erc721 are good catches too, no cap.

>> No.52930302

Who tf shills shitcoins this period when hungry ass nuggets are out to rekt you. You get your facts right, boy. If man spoke about privacy be it data or transactional, security niches or others then that's his preference. Lower those damned blunt fangs of yours and learn. But then have fun staying poor.

>> No.52930313

Look, good things are coming. You can. Sell the bottom now if you want, or wait and see. Your choice.

Kill yourself.

>> No.52930329

stfu moonboy. we already know you got rekt by the recent dump, so take it to plebbit or twitter if you're going to be a faggot. either that or just stop being a bitch, buy low while you have the chance, and sell when the price rises back to the norm.

>> No.52930425

are you that brandon ich guy

>> No.52930453
File: 460 KB, 1922x2018, B1CA6E83-C92C-4EFB-BAA6-6B0741FFF60D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im buyin that bat

>> No.52930618

Everything good at home boy, you sound pained, take some meds I can't help dealing with another retard. But then son spread your anger elsewhere, this ain't gonna stop the big caps from recovering and NFTs minted with Sol, Apt, Ride or Eth from pamping, just fix yourself you'll be alright.

>> No.52931284


>> No.52931991

Alright jenny. Damn, you don’t have to be so mean.

>> No.52932324

Lol good question

>> No.52932421

I'll still keep using BAT if they require KYC seeing as it's already linked to my Gemini account. The people crying about KYC must be Indians and dirty spics mad their BAT farms are about to be obsolete.
Seriously, pop into one of the community calls, more than half the people are from some shit hole country. There was even a Nigerian prince who joined us one day. Special mention to the BAT resident retard FGoogleNBigBro.

Anyway, all you pissy crybabies should sell. I want as much BAT as possible and $0.10 would be a Christmas miracle for my weekly buys

>> No.52933867

A more general question RE: online rewards schema: is there any non-KYC rewards system with a remotely comparable userbase to Brave? People bring up other projects/examples of revshare without KYC, but the userbases seem like a fart in the wind compared to Brave. I understand many of these people are just being disingenuous and using the FUD Greatest Hits collection, but I want to hear a compelling argument for how to do rewards in the US/EU without KYC.

>> No.52933887

>I want to hear a compelling argument for how to do rewards in the US/EU without KYC.
literally just do it

>> No.52933906

do the rewards, and then send them to users private eth wallet. eich is afraid of regulations that dont even exist yet.

>> No.52933927

holy shit BAT is about to hit 10c again

>> No.52933945

Reddit has way more users than are opted in to Brave's rewards and they can do it directly on chain without whining about MUH KYC MUH REGULATION IF WE DON'T KYC ISIS WILL USE BAT TO FUND THEIR TERRORISM!!!

Brave just wants to make money and they don't give a FUCK about BAT baggies. Do you think it's a coincidence that they're removing unverified BAT earning right before the launch of search ads? No. They're doing this because they'll show ads to EVERYONE who uses their search engine regardless of whether you're opted in for ads or not. The only way to not see ads is by, guess what, PAYING BRAVE $3 A MONTH. For Brave it's better if you see ads and are NOT earning BAT because then they don't have revshare with you. They get 100% of the earnings instead of giving you your few pennies every month.

You have to be fucking blind to not see this. Brave doesn't give a fuck about you, they used your ICO funds as a way to raise capital to bootstrap Brave without having to dilute ownership of the company.

>> No.52933967

>literally just do it
OK, now my company has the DoJ breathing up its ass because I just took a big messy shit in defiance of AMLs (and at a time when the public and government wariness over crypto is at an all-time high to boot). You can say the "regulations" don't exist by going nyah-nyah BAT isn't actually money so it doesn't count; as if organized crime aren't deeply involved in cryptocurrency. What you're suggesting is that a company be allowed to send millions of dollars every month to anonymous recipients.

>> No.52933971

>Yan Zhu

>> No.52933977

Yes. Everyone sees red and they know red means "bad" so they exit the markets. Red, to me, means "sale!" And a market this red means "fire sale!" Get it while it's hot

>> No.52933996

(You) masterb8

>> No.52934024

>reddit rewards
Hold up, are talking like Reddit gold to be exchanged only in return for Reddit services, or are we talking about #MOON (3000th something marketcap shitcoin)? The first instance poses no relevant issue, and the second one, to my original asking point, is so fucking low on the totem pole the feds wouldn't even look at it.

>> No.52934120

Moons is not 3000 it's around 800 (https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/moon)) and it's not the only reddit issued crypto. Multiple subreddits have their own tokens. Moons is just for the cryptocurrency subreddit. The fortnite subreddit has Brick for instance. If reddit, which is a much larger company than Brave, isn't afraid of directly issuing these tokens on chain without going through a third party KYC provider then why would Brave be so scared to do the same?

They could even try to work on doing everything, from the ad buys and reward distribution, through smart contracts so that they wouldn't even touch the money or tokens in the first place but they're not even interested in attempting to do anything about it. Instead, they just string users along for literal YEARS and then at a convenient time completely drop support for unverified BAT earning. Who in their right mind is going to KYC with Uphold or Gemini for like $3 a month in BAT? Some countries can't even USE these exchanges.

>> No.52934216

>800th rank crypto
OH MY, EXCUSE ME. I didn't know we were comparing such serious money. I'm not much into Reddit so my knowledge runs short here, but by "on-chain" what do you mean? Does Reddit have its own blockchain I'm unaware of, or are we describing several discrete ERC20 tokens that happen to be associated with different subreddits? I'm sure you appreciate that 15M Brave Rewards users represent a significantly more important userbase, in terms of both real dollars and potential federal attention, compared to smaller, fragmented segments of certain Reddit groups.

>> No.52934284

The way Brave is going it won't be long until BAT joins it there. I guess according to your logic they can start doing on-chain distributions then right because the government somehow only cares if projects that are above a certain market cap do it? wtf kind of logic is that?

I don't use their moon systems but I read up on it a bit because I don't understand why Reddit can do it on chain but Brave cannot. As far as I know you get Moons according to your upvotes or whatever. Those moons are ERC20 tokens that you can withdraw directly on chain without having to do any sort of KYC or anything like that.

By the way, you have no idea how many people are opted into rewards, but it's for sure not 15 million. If it's really 15 million then that's showing an even bigger problem for brave: no demand for their ads. In November, one of the highest ad-spend months in the year due to Black Friday, they've only done 300k USD in BAT buys (https://bravebat.info/)), that would mean every person opted into rewards only earned $0.02, which is not the case even if every person opted in was a pajeet. If the bare minimum average monthly earnings are around $1 that means there are only around 300k people opted in to ads.

>> No.52934520

fucking system thinks my post is spam l e t m e t r y t y p i n g l i k e a f a g
>R*ddit can do it on chain
But again what does "on-chain" for R*ddit mean? It's not literally R*ddit's blockchain right? And R*ddit's owners are likely not on the line for whatever minor shenanigans occur on a nobody-subr*ddit. You make it sound like R*ddit is actively overseeing and sanctioning that activity, which it very clearly is not. BAT is also an ERC20, but Brave sure as shit is responsible for it. And you're right, Rewards users are not 15M, it's closer to 12M; that's my mistake.
BAT was in the top 100 five years ago, and it's still there now. Only about a dozen crypto managed that. But if you're holding BAT there's no shame in selling.

>> No.52934717

Mate, if it's an ERC20 of course I'm talking about on chain on Ethereum/Arbitrum or other layer 2s. Brave doesn't have its own blockchain either and could just issue the BAT directly on chain on Arbitrum with neglible gas fees as well.

As far as I know, Reddit did actively participate in it. Their wiki says: "Moons are an ERC-20 token on Arbitrum Nova launched by Reddit admins in May 2020 as a part of the Community Points project."

Even if they were not "Reddit official", Reddit officially allowed certain users with a lot of karma or something to mint NFTs that are also directly issued on chain without any KYC requirements that can also be traded for other crypto or real money (https://nft.reddit.com/)), which is in essence the same thing.

If Brave can give a good explanation for why they cannot do it while Reddit can do it, I'm all ears.

>> No.52934763

i still cant believe how hard brave fucked us

>> No.52934789

anybody know when exactly the mandatory kyc update is coming

>> No.52934949

OK, but again I'm trying to find a comparable, or ideally larger, instance of a rewards scheme compared to Brave. Reddit and its 50M+ DAU are very obviously not all using these tokens you speak of, that comparison is entirely out of line. MOON is the largest, I think, and distributed to r/cryptocurrency users which are about 6M total. Let's say a 1/3 of these users are daily engaged, to be generous. Of those users, they further need to activate their "vault" to receive MOON, which is currently a handsome nine cents, and <$10M total mcap, compared to BAT's $280M. And it's not as if MOON is remotely core to Reddit's business model unlike Brave's.

This is all to say, to answer the question of why Brave can't "just get rid of KYC", is because that is deeply unwise legal decision, and small potatoes shit like MOON lives on the wild, non-KYC side of things by the grace of God. Let's see an actual big player dare to do non KYC rewards.

>> No.52935100

> Reddit and its 50M+ DAU are very obviously not all using these tokens you speak of, that comparison is entirely out of line.

Neither are all of Brave's users signed up for rewards. You said 12 million are, but that would mean that each user on average earned $0.025 in November, since there was only $300k in BAT buys that month, that's far from accurate. The number of people currently signed up for Brave rewards is probably under a million. Meanwhile, over a million Reddit NFTs have been minted (https://opensea.io/assets?search[categories][0]=reddit).

It's disingenuous to portray Reddit as some small company that flies under the radar and can therefore break the law. They're one of the biggest websites on the internet and Reddit is much more widely known than Brave. In addition, both are headquartered in the US, in the same state even, so the same regulations should apply. If doing all of these things without KYC is unwise for Brave, then so it should be for Reddit.

>> No.52935672

your arguments are pathetic

>> No.52935835

Seems like you've got Stockholm Syndrome from being fucked by Brave too long. It's alright, I've been there too. I guess you want another thread full with copium and "WAGMI $40 EOY!! Self Serve any day now! The DEX is going to send us parabolic!" so that your safe space doesn't get invaded. We all make mistakes, buying BAT was one of mine. If you think my arguments are pathetic feel free to refute anything I said, I'm open to hearing it.

>> No.52936044

He’s got a point about reddit not force KYCing people. Is moons listed on an big CEX’s?

>> No.52936127

The future of mainstream crypto will involve KYC, full stop. I know it's not what people want to hear, but it's the bitter truth. Binance now accounts for like 3/4s of all CEX volume. I'm not here to sell BAT for forty dollars, that much is true, but I have, and will, make money with it.
>is moon listed on an big CEX
No, it's not. Because it's an absolute shitcoin-- a literal Reddit shitcoin.

>> No.52936363

Fuck, it's dumping again.


>> No.52936671

Didn't Brendan make Javascript? Dude is a legend.hello mr. Eich ^_^

>> No.52937619

It's over bat bros

>> No.52937850

this thing is literally never going to stop going down

>> No.52937945

oh would you faggots stop, BAT's holding up about as well as the rest of my blood red portfolio

>> No.52938379

looks like its doing worse than others.

>> No.52938401

and by that, i mean it is falling down the CMC top 100

>> No.52939027

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Please Brendan stop dumping on us!!!!!!!

>> No.52939068

Forget about the bullrun for now, just slurp and hodl. Web3 and NFTs are going places together.

>> No.52939101

Projects offering crosschain interoperability aint going nowhere, they either Pump or pump. They make the crypto world go round.

>> No.52939155

Like the audacity these plebs >>52930241 got having the stance to still wanna stay poor after all the hits, get yourself niches you fully deserve save on good self custody wallets prolly Metamask or even dual purposed ones like Sylo. Trust no one with your keys.

>> No.52939311

what the fuck are you even talking about this is a bat thread

>> No.52939326

When tokens got web3gaming and NFTs in it I get this damn liking on them like tf not; 2021 saw the emerging of these niches and the fact that they're still based and milking profits in every sector automobiles hence changing boring car rides narratives via the gaming; sports, fashion, entertainment and more.

>> No.52939367

I noticed which of the homosexuals is this basedjack this week. Let's call him Jenna fan #3.

>> No.52939375

you blind or ain't you?
man is replying to someone and I think they got their conversation in another way possibly linked up to wallets or something else.

>> No.52939414

>>52939311 this is the one you should be directing at, wrong tags.

>> No.52939441
File: 31 KB, 413x425, rektcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit we got kinda fuckrekt here.
I`m holding but only 280€ worth of it.
Bought at 0.215€ and 0.205€.
Don`t think it`s going anywhere unless Brave developers remove it from the browser.
Long term it should still recover well above my buys during a bull market.

>> No.52939455

>Bought at 0.215€ and 0.205€
what is this in real people money?

>> No.52939491
File: 149 KB, 430x415, bombbombbombbombbombIran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean: nigger money

>> No.52939507

stay mad buttmutt

>> No.52939515

0,22$ and 0.23$ negroid currency

>> No.52939553

Day 9 of using this fucking browser as you guys suggested and I have 0.275 BAT. WTF? You guys said you were getting 20-30 a month.

>> No.52939608


how much are you on brave? i have 8.345 BAT pending for this month so far

>> No.52939689

12+ hours a day

>> No.52939750

>5 months of bleeding
BAT is simply amazing. The ultimate shitcoin.

>> No.52939781
File: 9 KB, 249x203, 1649168261719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, I don`t really get what they are doing with it.
I got over 200€ over the years with just the BAT output from my brave browser instances, sold mostly when it was close to 1€ each in value, which I`m planning on doing again next bull market. Obviously now having bought into BAT instead of just earning via ads, I would stand to gain much more than that.

Now the problem is, somehow, Germany is now on the list for countries that Uphold no longer works with for verifying and taking in the BAT payouts, and neither does Gemini.

I do not understand why they don`t simply implement a BAT wallet inside the Brave-Wallet, that you could then optionally use for your BAT payouts. It seems like a painfully obvious step and a way to benefit both BAT and Brave Wallet adoption.
I`m somewhat worried about the future of BAT if it keeps being ignored by the Brave devs, which hasn`t been the case in the past.
It has huge potential, Doge was pumping hard when Elon mentioned a possible similar tipping functionality implemented in Twitter.
Which would basically be what BAT already is, but implemented on a huge platform.
Although new features and the whole verification support was always coming in slowly and steadily, during past bull runs as well.
I have certainly profited from BAT either way.
This is the first bigger dump I`m holding it in, I don`t have much in it and I still see a huge upside because I bought relatively low.
I don`t like the KILL YOUR CELF aspect of it and would prefer it not being a part of it, although I had to do it for Uphold and Coinbase, the Bank etc. anyways.
Obviously they can make more money with attaching your Browser usage to your identity and your ads etc. then.

>> No.52939865

i think they are adding coinbase in the next months or so

>> No.52939880

been getting double digit BAT every month but november numbers just came in and I'm getting 0.65 fuck lol ad buys must have plummeted massively

>> No.52939888

This token is a massive failure

It was launched in 2016 godammit

Brendan seems more interested in Covid than building Brave

>> No.52939981

>It was launched in 2016 godammit
it was july 2017 actually. and yeah hes a nigger about his covid ramblings. he should stop that and get to work before his company fails.

>> No.52939988
File: 233 KB, 768x766, entergate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be sick, I hold my bought BAT there. I could nicely merge it all up then and cashout with low fee, Uphold is very bad with trading, limit orders do not work properly and they always take away big fees.

Install brave with mutliple instances on different devices. Put the Brave ad cooldown to maximum in the settings. When you see an ad popup, you need to actually click it and let the webpage it links to load up. I think you can just instantly close it without reading or interacting with it and get the maximum amount.
Sometimes an instance of Brave may get more ads than another one that you have.
I`ve had my tablet for some reason give me more ads than my secondary phone, it changes back and forth though.
I have currently ~109.7 BAT in Uphold, ~25BAT in my PC browser, ~10BAT on my secondary at home S10, ~5BAT on my primary outside phone, some on my tablet, some on my notebook, etc.

>> No.52940084


>> No.52940117

>The only reason self-serve was put on hold is because there isn't enough demand for ads to warrant it yet.
Build it and they will come

>> No.52940629

I have everything set to maximum, verified on Gemini, and I only use my PC. I've tried deleting browser history,restarting the PC, etc. I haven't even seen an ad, and their ToS specifically says you do not have to click on ads, and you should only click on ads you are interested in.

>> No.52940695

did you try starting the pc on fire?

>> No.52941672

If you want more BAT verify a Reddit, Twitter or YouTube page. They’ll send you random BAT throughout the month sometimes and give you more BAT than your monthly estimates