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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52929504 No.52929504 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52929516

sorry Dave you were right.

>> No.52929532

He's an incel. He didn't even learn actual finance

>> No.52929572

He just has different values than the instant gratification, early 20 year old crowd here. He's actually pretty based once you get past all the rice and beans memes. Easily one of the few finance gurus that has clear, actionable advice that isn't behind a paywall or "MUH COURSE BRO"

>> No.52929636

You're deluded. The fact that he doesn't want you to take advantage of credit card churning is proof of this. He actually firmly believes that you're a child and have no restraint on spending with credit. Lol the fucking irony from Mr. bankruptcy filer himself

>> No.52929644

Quintessential boomer

>> No.52929703

Credit Card churning has it's place don't get me wrong, but that's not his audience and he knows that. It's actually pretty good that he gets completely retarded single moms to stop taking on more debt. With people like that you can't start sugessting shit like yeah bro just open more credit lines even though it's like crack for you.

>> No.52929797


>> No.52929802
File: 1.52 MB, 1270x763, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>case shiller at double 2008
>this nigga saying there's no crash

>> No.52929955

They were handed everything indirectly. That's why they can't accept it.

>> No.52930151

>what the hell is his problem?

He thinks paying (((the tribe))) interest is bad for regular people.

>> No.52930160

Lived during the peak of civilization and thinks that any retard can make it because other boomers found success too.

>> No.52930246

His portfolio is down by 1/3 from the start of the year. He likes to mock dividend investors. Looks like we got the last laugh.

>> No.52930256

Ok you're an upstanding gentleman and I recant my name calling

>> No.52930262
File: 22 KB, 277x340, index (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Dave's book and paid of $16,500i n debt. I'm never going back. This book is the Red Pill for money - read it if you need it.

>> No.52930275

He has secret position in Chainlink

>> No.52930608

He just wants you to give a firm handshake

>> No.52930652

Yeah he is a my shit don't stink religious boomer who condescends his own supporters. He is a con-man who offers basic as shit advice to people who are uninformed and then tries to sell them on all his affiliated products and books and home loan / agent affiliates. He is like on step of from a con-man. Also look into all the lawsuits going on from former employees. he is trying to run his business like his own private church and fires people for "violating his values" aka getting pregnant. His investment "returns" tell you everything you need to know about this loser.

>> No.52930676

>access to generous loans from mommy and daddy to grow his business
>survivorship bias
decides to give tough love financial advice to
>people without those certain privileges

tl;dr: spoiled boomer with well-connected parents that helped finance his startup gives condescending perspective-lacking advice to average joes. he also "employees" his kids (ie gives them a six figure allowance to run his youtubby businesserino)

>> No.52930680

This video is going to be right up there with Jim Cramer's Bear Sterns mad money clip in like two years. Buy puts on the VNQ with exp in late 2023. there is a reason they are expensive.

>> No.52930683

literally who?

>> No.52932619

>He actually firmly believes that you're a child and have no restraint on spending with credit.
Most people are retarded and will end up drowning in credit card debt, he's the best normie financial advisor.

>> No.52932666

>tell people to not buy shit they can't afford with credit cards
>get hailed as some kind of boomer financial genius

I hate boomers so much it's unreal. Materialism is so ingrained in their lead gasoline shrunken brains that it's some kind of big brain concept to not living beyond your means.

>> No.52932693

He is an angry boomer that goes on angry boomer rants. His advice is mostly good though.

>> No.52932817

Der Ewige Boomer