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52923789 No.52923789 [Reply] [Original]

>Average entry: $30,644
>Total loss: $1,813,065,087 (-45.53%)

>> No.52923796

a real nigga

>> No.52923805

>buy high
>sell low
is he done dumping his altcoin holdings?

>> No.52923820

absolute chad
not even blinking an eye

>> No.52923822

a true /biz/raeli

>> No.52923855

he keeps holding therefore he is based. I remember some Japanese Billionaire bought Bitcoin at $20k in 2017 and dumped and $15k

>> No.52923865

this guy was just a meme to lead tards up the garden path.

>> No.52925270

Not even breaking a sweat

>> No.52925337

he bought all the way down. no way can he still cover down to 3k. I guarantee he can't even cover at 12k anymore.

>> No.52925361


This fag stepped down as CEO of his company because his BTC support was becoming a negative effect on the business, and right now he is super FUDDING any thing that is not BTC since if the price drops any more he will be margin called.

Fucker is praying for dear life that the market does not crash the price down to the 10k range.

>> No.52925413

The Man lived the caricature

>> No.52925447

You're a straight up faggot aren't you? Have you ever inserted something in your arse before mate? I bet you have.
Ok on to your actual post. He didn't step down, he is now focusing on BTC for MSTR you goofball. He has also always fudded anything but BTC for obvious reasons, stupid.
Last, he has stated he doesn't need to worry about the price at all unless it reaches the $3k region, which it won't. Shit barely stays under $15k during this fucked up time we're living in. So in short fuck outta hereee.

>> No.52925475

Lay off the porn bud

>> No.52925481

yes, I too only need to worry when I am $4b in minus. The amount of poor people on this board moaning about a mere $1.8b or so loss, its astounding.

>> No.52925493
File: 285 KB, 1758x1128, saylor dumping his btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, considering he also started to dump his btc to service the interests of his current loans.

>> No.52925514
File: 115 KB, 1286x931, Screenshot from 2022-12-18 18-01-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even past 50%

>> No.52925526

Yeah and you don't hear a peep from him, meanwhile you guys buy and watch charts all day and make threads about "how fucked am I" when you see -5%

>> No.52925542

>He didn't step down, he is now focusing on BTC for MSTR you goofball
>you need to be on full time job just to click the buy button at each local top

>he has stated he doesn't need to worry about the price at all unless it reaches the $3k region
lmao, imagine believing this complete bullshit. The price crabbing around 16k for 6 more months will be enough to force him to liquidate half his position. You don't realize how much in trouble he is.

>> No.52925546

>Yeah and you don't hear a peep from him
True. The last time I heard about him was when he was ejected from the company he created because he sank investor funds and was talking about killing himself.

>> No.52925562

I'm bearish until this boomer faggpt capitulates

>> No.52925580

At least Bukake was cold blooded enough to snipe the local bottoms, contrary to Saylormoon who fomo'd in each time a massive green candle showed up. Bukake is a far better slurper, but he came at the worst timing possible.

>> No.52925590

its not saylors wallet

>> No.52925591

>Yeah and you don't hear a peep from him
What? He's shilling buttcorn on every jewtuber podcast 24/7. His last intervention was like 2 days ago..

>> No.52925593


Bitcoin maximalist and co-founder of MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, is stepping down as a CEO. He will be executive chairman of the software firm, focusing solely on Bitcoin.

Saylor has transferred the responsibility to his deputy Phong Le, the company's current president. Following his departure, the company's shares (NASDAQ: MSTR) soared nearly 15% on August 3.


>> No.52925609

>focusing solely on Bitcoin
the ONE THING they had to keep him away from..

>> No.52925634

This. Now he's in full sunk cost fallacy mode. If i were him i'd be on a constant benzo binge just to avoid having cardiac arrests every few minutes. The situation he put himself into is extremely stressful.

>> No.52925638


>> No.52925648

Bukake actually used bitcoin as a marketing thing to attract the meme anarcho-capitalist to invest in his country.
I shit you not. If you take all the money he spends on bitcoin over this time spawn, and give it to a marketing agency, they would still fail to put El Salvador on the map of the world.
Nigga did well.

>> No.52925694
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>there is no second best

>> No.52925701
File: 34 KB, 786x618, 1520806056524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this was very smart from him. Cost way less than hosting a soccer world cup or the olympics for sure, and he didn't spend a penny in infrastructure, bribes or useless jobs to make his shithole relevant.
Seriously this was a great move. The bet in itself didn't pay, but who cares, it's literally pennies for a country budget.

>> No.52925764


>> No.52925816
File: 348 KB, 1170x765, 1668428492017039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This laser-eyed king will HODL and become god emperor post-hyperbitcoinisation while your paper hands will be scooping gutter oil to survive the day. Cope op.

>> No.52925854
File: 12 KB, 886x600, 1654529816609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saylor is a perennial bubble investoor
never learned his lesson

>> No.52925862

>Ok on to your actual post. He didn't step down, he is now focusing on BTC for MSTR you goofball.
Bruh you need to learn how to read between the lines.

>> No.52925875

>Yeah and you don't hear a peep from him
Have you seen his twitter? He is one of the most whiny and loud people in the entire crypto scene.

>> No.52925909

Based dude, same, I bet he will get the power to HODL liquids, like his liquidated BTC;)

>> No.52925941

That retard will rope. Screecap this.

>> No.52926081

>Last, he has stated he doesn't need to worry about the price at all unless it reaches the $3k region

This is for sure a lie. The problem is that when he first started going crazy into BTC he in an interview actually said his number was 23k. That is a problem because people started hunting that number. When it went below 23k people trolled the shit out of the fucker. To get his call price down to 3k would have taken gobs and gobs of cash and the problem is he bought all the way up and he was the most vocal ( i am never selling ) advocate out there.

He is throwing the 3k number out there because BTC going to 3k is not likely. IE is a number that can not be hunted. (shorts don't know what they need to get it down to)

At best he is at 8k or 9k and that is the best-case scenario.

>> No.52926114
File: 7 KB, 179x282, gigakek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao look at this gullible mongoloid coping and seething
>"le diamond hands saylor has no problem unless his investment (with money that's not his) is over 90% down!"
top kek

>> No.52926229

Why doesn’t he just start pumping and dumping the market?

>> No.52926786

Boomers are L-rds

>> No.52928465

It's actually supposed to be buy low and sell high, Saylor would be in the clear if he can hold up till the bulls return. And about altcoins I don't think he would be willing to part with all as some have potential like one I came across which enables decentralised communication in web3 and also majors as a micropayment system

>> No.52930162

He’s liquidated at approximately 7100.

>> No.52930215

o.k. thanks, anon