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52921351 No.52921351 [Reply] [Original]

They straight lied nigga lmao

This was major market moving news. Trillions and trillions of dollars at stake.

What else are they lying about? Inflation?

It’s all bullshit.


>> No.52921358
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Lol… lmao..

>> No.52921364
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>> No.52921378
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>> No.52921421

Yeah but nothing will happen so what's it matter

>> No.52921432

>lockdown forced fired all non essentials
Guys we created jobs!

>> No.52921522

all the data is bad since it was based off other rigged data point. you cant just change one instance without changing a bunch of other stuff

>> No.52921564

Bullish because markets are retarded like that

>> No.52921577
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Imagine my surprise

>> No.52921589

So what will come out of this? Surely someone will get fired right?

>> No.52921612

Posted this 3 days ago …zero replies kek..
only degenerate shillers and financially illiterate here now

>> No.52921615
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>> No.52921653

Liberal sociopathic gaslighting sophistry.

Hate doesnt come close if any group needs a gas chamber and a mas extinction its these baizuo mafia fucks... forget about jews, forget about niggers, i say we release a eugenics lotter jab and trick all the leftists into taking it.

>> No.52921707
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>> No.52921761


How about you explain how this is good or bad in simple terms like I am a retarded and poor shitcoin investor that has delusions of being a billionaire genius.

>> No.52921778
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>> No.52921795

>economy in far worse condition than Fed think
>major financial crash incoming
>FED to commence emergency asset purchases 2023

>> No.52921797

>What else are they lying about?
literally everything

>> No.52921890

Trump had the lowest unemployment ever for Afr-Americans too

>> No.52921895

Was this just one of those things Biden lied about to win the midterms? Cus don’t they technically want low job growth at the moment?

>> No.52921902

no it isn't. after the bullshit they pulled in 2020 this is peanut news

>> No.52921903

theres no accountability in the us of a

>> No.52921912

July was around the time the chart started going downhill I bet the told their buddies to get out while everyone else is just eating the losses

>> No.52921965
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>> No.52921978

>after the bullshit they pulled in 2020
>not the bullshit they've been pulling since 2008

>> No.52921985

there's plenty of accountability if you're not part of the tribe.

>> No.52922023

They lied about this guy winning an election, not being a pedophile and about his party being a group of child murdering satanists. Its not important anymore no one cares. Its orange man bad or this ok?
You have yet to realize the levels of apathy which the modern citizen is willing to show because their survival depends on it.

>> No.52922060

very true. 2020 just seemed like it would be the straw that broke the camels back and yet it just keeps walking.

>> No.52922225
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Wonder what comes next?

>> No.52922237
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>Wonder what comes next?

>> No.52922391
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>What else are they lying about? >Inflation?

>> No.52922592


>> No.52922656

Someone fat fingered a couple 0's. It's no big deal.

>> No.52922687
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Imagine if Trump did this..

Media is completely silent right now..

>> No.52922752

This is bullish AF then.
If the job market is that weak, the Fed would not be raising rates as much.
So its either fake to justify the Fed continuing to raise rates or the Fed's raise to just 4-5% level was enough to kill the economy and we are already well into a deep recession.

>> No.52922812

Fake and gay.


>> No.52922847


>> No.52922868


It's not fake, also the Household survey is the one that actually matters. If one person is working 3 part-time jobs, the government counts that as 3 people working. If you don't understand how retarded that is, then please fuck off.

>> No.52922875
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>If one person is working 3 part-time jobs, the government counts that as 3 people working.

Best economy ever jack.

>> No.52922931

No shit, that's the point. They measure different things.

>> No.52922979

>No one is talking about this
Bro everyone was talking about how the 'new jobs' were just re-instated jobs
This is a mask and no one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.52923012

Goodhart's law : "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure".

GDP, labour force participation rate, CPI, etc. None of these "metrics" measure what they supposedly are intended to measure. Why? because policymakers have strong incentives for the metrics to come out a certain way and tweak them to achieve this goal.

>> No.52923292

you're a fucking retard

>> No.52923403
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Also known as "juking the stats".

>> No.52923428

To be fair that's only two digits, a simple mistake.

>> No.52923445

>a simple mistake

It’s a hugely anticipated market moving event when they release the jobs report. No way it was a mistake.

>> No.52923502

and the funny thing is this is only a partial revision, the reality is likely 3x worse
so yeah image that to all the people that say the fed will continue rising and keeping them high lol

>> No.52923541
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The entire economy is nothing but lawyer based financial capitalism and everyone spent the last 40 years scrambling to put as much money into their pockets while simultaneously destroying the country so as to prevent the masses from exerting any sort of political opposition. This is a fucking smash-and-grab of biblical proportions, wherein they take in good resources, production, and labor and they sell you a "retirement" and "insurance" which is nothing more than funneling resources to the government and Wallstreet. This economy is dead, and all of us are sitting on a big fat stack of toxic paper IOUs.The coming "fix" is going to be a system of rationing. The U.S. does not have the support of the global economy, so all of the leverage injected into the economy is going to be collapsing. And the only way to stave off that collapse is through inflation.
Get your hands on some hard commodities while you can, because the system of passing around paper notes is coming to an end at an EXPONENTIAL rate.
Everything is going to seem fine right up until the bond market breaks.Tens of trillions of dollars worth of pent up demand will likely be seeking new homes in inflation-proof assets. It is only through the control of insurance companies and pensions that the bond market is even afloat.You and I and every citizen are bag-holders of U.S. debt. WE, ourselves, were the fuel being consumed for the last 40 years we worked and saved and toiled.Only to have our savings given to the government and banks to spend.The money is GONE. It has been spent. And there is zero ability for the government to pay its debts without taxing us.The time to be stepping off of the railroad tracks is now, there's a train coming.
You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of reality. If you misunderstand this economy and what is unfolding you have nothing but yourself to blame.America was never the greatest country on earth, it was merely a spending spree that made us feel wealthy.

>> No.52923601

So you’re saying gas the WASPs then the Jews?

>> No.52923616
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Everyone already knows it's fake
It doesn't matter

How does anyone actually believe
When eggs cost $5 dollars?
They don't
They just have no hope or care

>> No.52923617

Thanks for playing.

>> No.52923655
File: 186 KB, 1024x762, landlords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enough to kill the economy
What economy?
The only people generating wealth in America are landlords

>> No.52923663
File: 161 KB, 750x647, 556828F0-DA2E-4DBF-94F3-D2DD80F23B5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only people generating wealth in America are landlords

>> No.52923712

No you silly deaf gook, pass the sauce and juice.

>> No.52923754

they've been straight up lying
You can't "catch" them, there will be no "gotcha" moment.
It's an open secret that they lie and there's an implied "what are you going to do about it"
Focus on acquiring capital so you can transcend the chess board, for the players do not care for the feelings of pawns

>> No.52923841

>It's an open secret that they lie and there's an implied "what are you going to do about it"
this is the truth. its demoralization at this point. the scary part is the implication; the rules dont work anymore; they dont protect you anymore, and they have a lot of money and power. basically the govt. is a cartel and will murder you like one and you cant do anything about it

>> No.52923854

The Fed needed to hike either way to deflate the stock market and housing bubbles, the BLS probably just lied to make Biden look good

>> No.52923935

Most of the jobs growth they include as jib growth also is part time and one time gigs. They include everything to bolster the numbers, same with people that are employed, if you worked one day a year you are considered employed by the way they do statistics

>> No.52924030
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Everything is a scam

>> No.52924038
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Taking stats was such a blackpill.

>> No.52924077

>The Obiden administration lied about something
I am shocked!

>> No.52924091

Literally everyone knew the number were fake when inflation kept happening and there were job shortages everywhere

You cant say there's job growth when every store has help wanted signs lmao

>> No.52924095
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The right already knew he was lying, the left don't care, and moderates won't do shit about it.

>> No.52924115

>actual labor
>long hours
>produces goods and value for society

>> No.52924165

Calm down Greg.

>> No.52924531
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it's the big one

>> No.52924554

Unironically priced in.

>> No.52924633

75% homelessness by 2025

>> No.52924761
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>tfw I'm one of the 10.5k

Enjoy being unemployed forever.

>> No.52925166
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>> No.52925173

>Unironically priced in.

It’s bullish because only good numbers (lies) while the pedo remains the king

>> No.52925352

All government numbers are lies. They make the numbers what their bosses want them to be because that's how they advance in the bureaucracy. This happens at every level and compounds upon itself. It gets to the point where in the off chance someone making decisions wants to do the right thing they don't even know where to start because there's no objective data to make decisions off of.

>> No.52926207

That sounds an awful lot like the USSR in the 80s

>> No.52926350

Single digit IQ anon

>> No.52926418
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>in the off chance someone making decisions wants to do the right thing they don't even know where to start because there's no objective data to make decisions off of.
honkily donkily

>> No.52926460

What’s the implication?? So jobs are way down, so really the fed is much farther in their timeline than they say so(since they base the job destruction on 1 mil over estimate), and also that wages are actually much higher despite there being less jobs. So like the Equilibrium wage is actually much higher than we though, so there’s significantly more wage inflation than we thought?

>> No.52926895

bingo bongo
and how did that particular shit circus end up
its not a bug its a feature

>> No.52927115

I am retarded what does it mean? Job outlook doesnt look good?

>> No.52927138

why did they overstated?

>> No.52927256

hes screaming because he steped on a lego

>> No.52927532

uh huh, sure

>> No.52927592

this can't be real. this is very serious, one of the main reasons the fed is intent on running everything to the ground is because of muh hot job market

>> No.52927624

Greg has turned me into a schizo and apparently others as well. Before I couldn't voice my opinions tamely without straight calling out the tribe. But now, now I have 30 different Greg schizo rant points memorized and I don't think I will recover.

>> No.52927646
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It’s real brah


>> No.52927656

>empire of lies does a heckin lie

damn, didn't see that coming

>> No.52927909

seethe, incel.

>> No.52927992

Those people had more fredom than us

>> No.52928032
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>> No.52928370
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>> No.52928376

It’s real kek

>> No.52928493

Hell yeah bobro, the higher they rise the faster they fall. Loaded up with puts. you?
haha I'll always recognize that June drop. Fucking glorious. made so much money.

>> No.52928557
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They know full well. What they are not telling you is they are trying to force people to burn all the savings and wealth that was built thanks to asset growth, stimulus, PPP, and forbearance programs over the past four years. That's what's keeping people out of the job market. They are trying to revers the wealth effect. But saying they're going to destroy all that equity and savings you built over the past few years wouldn't go over well with voters. The next year will be mass liquidation of assets.

>> No.52928587

it's not some big conspiracy, this is just clearly true. this is why we had the inflation, it all needs to go somewhere. they need to bleed all that excess money out of the system somehow.
my theory is that this will mostly be accomplished by the Fed taking a ginormous capital loss on their bond purchases. legally, they are not required to bill the treasury for losses, inversely to how gains are remitted to the treasury, they can simply consider the loss a 'deferred asset' so that things don't implode.

>> No.52928892
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Everything is fine