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52920257 No.52920257 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next big innovation in crypto?
>LINK has oracles
>GRT has indexing
>AAVE has lending
>FIL has storage
I could see ICP breaking through on decentralized compute to compete with AWS, but it involves KYC and internet identity which is extremely fucking gay. Is the next big wave just going to be gay identity shit?

What the fuck are the normans going to buy? Are they even going to buy shit with assets in the shitter and inflation still high?

>> No.52920285

Buy DeFi stuff with your BTC and ETH. That is going to be the game changer. New cash won't be entering the space any time soon.

The long term ETH and BTC holders will get bored eventually and we'll get an alt szn like we did in early 2019 or 2020. These gambling addicts can't resist.

DeFi dapps appeal to both the gambling addict and people who want to generate stable fees (long term minded people).

>> No.52920287

ICP was sold to VC insiders for $0.03. Its true value lies slightly below, at 0.

>> No.52920317

>Buy DeFi stuff with your BTC and ETH.
What do you have in mind? I like CAP because it's on arbitrum and it's fast and cheap for doing leverage shit on-chain.
The VC insider stain will stink for awhile, but anons have to keep in mind garbage shit like XRP was under a penny and went well over $2 back in 2017, I remember well because I shorted it like an idiot. ICP may take off if the stink wears off a bit more. I still don't like the KYC/net-ID shit though.

>> No.52920413

Cap could do well. Some other stuff might be:
Unidex - Perps aggregator, only 8 mil mcap, makes about 5% a yr in fees and increasing
Lyra - Options Dex
RBN - Coming out with an options dapp chain

Degenerates love options so I think eventually there will be a lot of options trading on-chain

Speaking of degenerates, THALES could also be a decent bet. Since it is on-chain sports betting. I just think they have to make more people aware of the product.

Also there is the older DeFi tokens like AAVE/Comp/Uni/SNX/Balancer/Sushi... It seems Compound has really fallen behind AAVE. SNX could do well if they manage to leverage CCIP well for crosschain stuff.

Uni is by far the most dominant dex, but none of the dex tokens have good method of fee delivery until UNI stops being gay about it.

Out of the classic tokens SNX/AAVE are best imo.

Then there is always chainlink, which I think could do well once they figure out the staking. it is pretty complex so I'm not holding much LINK for now and will accumulate most likely over the next 2 yrs.

>> No.52920483

Nice, thanks for the suggestions.

>Uni is by far the most dominant dex, but none of the dex tokens have good method of fee delivery until UNI stops being gay about it.
I don't like holding dex tokens for too long, I held loopring on it's GME news run up and fortunately sold the the top before it's huge fall
>Out of the classic tokens SNX/AAVE are best imo.
Yeah I'm looking at protocols using CCIP as well, CRV being another one since it's the defacto stablecoin DEX and is pretty much the only DEX I would spend my own money to buy, but CCIP (if it ever comes out) will make me reconsider SNX, I bought it during the bull run and didn't make it out so well but over a year has passed and some of these ground-breaking protocols are still at it.

>Then there is always chainlink, which I think could do well once they figure out the staking. it is pretty complex so I'm not holding much LINK for now and will accumulate most likely over the next 2 yrs.
LINK is the basis of DeFi, in future bullruns when staking hits v1 levels, then the securing of smart-contracts necessitates higher LINK values, they're playing the long monopoly game of giving out cheapies and dumping at high price levels as they work out and fund logistics.

>> No.52920500


>> No.52920512

Yes yes anon, I'm sure you can tell us about all the innovations in transsexual medicine blasphemy all day. Deodorant for the axe-would were your penis used to be? Go on!

But seriously, are you just a stocks fag or did you just stumble onto 4chan from reddit?

>> No.52920547
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Everest ID
suck my dick and dyor

>> No.52920557

I'm not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole, not only is Bob a fucking liar (giving false deadlines and partnerships), but the whole idea of internet identity is fucking retarded, I bought ID as a hedge against that sort of future but it failed anyway lmao

>> No.52920712
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icp, link++, stablecoin (tokenization + payment), and pic related

>> No.52920724
File: 45 KB, 526x506, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, LINK is not new tech, a hidden gem, or a coming 10-100x. LINK is mainstream and is in Twitter roasties bios. It’s a corporate entity now, so Sergey has to dump another 750k LINK to hire talent managers and diversity officers. LINK hasn’t been the biz token for over 2 years now. Just sell anons... i-i-iit’s over. It was a good ride.

>> No.52920743

Your bot sucks.

>> No.52920765

You will find out soon.

>> No.52920838

Spill it, anon. At least drop crumbs.

>> No.52921108

Okay pleb, i’m going to say this once and once only. Privacy will be a primary driver during the next crypto bull run, and DUSK will be one of the frontrunners, if not the fastest growing privacy-focused protocols. If you don’t know about DUSK, it’s an L1 protocol capable of powering privacy-preserving smart contracts (think of the best parts of eth and monero combined in one network). DUSK is currently in their ITN phase, and they’ve been meticulously working behind the scenes for the past 4+ years, perfecting every aspect of the protocol ready for mainnet release. The best part is that their legal team have been working just as hard alongside the development of the project, ensuring their project will be best positioned for regulatory compliance when it comes.

>> No.52921298

Keep an eye on zk-based infra. There will be disruption.

>another L1
>1m raised in four years
>price ticker on the website
>for a four year old token with no mainnet launched yet

I have bad news for you.

>> No.52921396

Your points are moot.

> Yes, it is a Layer-1 protocol. No Layer-1 protocol currently does what Dusk does, so it is a necessary L1

> $1m was from bitfinex alone, and not the only source of funding. Emanuele has also openly stated his distaste for the VC shit sandwich that crypto currently is (and why DUSK did not seek VC funding) which thankfully has left DUSK no exposure to the FTX/Alameda shit show.

> Great, a price ticker. What’s your point?

> Four years for a regulatory compliant L1 protocol with smart contracts. I think i’d rather that than the dog-shit 2-month launched you’re invested in.

>> No.52921405

The next big innovation is toilets on the blockchain

>> No.52921410

Please do share your project though.

>> No.52921697

Everest ID was one of the biggest fucking scams i'd ever seen. Like literally nothing comes close.

>> No.52921708
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Digital IDs are going to be one of the huge narratives in the next year or three.

KILT is the leader in the field and they are already being used by German Banks, civil infrastructure projects (power), and KPMG, among others.

>> No.52921791 [DELETED] 

Under NDA. Never mentioned here before, so no plausible deniability. Can't compromise dealings with details at this time, but it's not a crowded field. Pre-launch, plenty of time.

Bottom line: their timeline to this point shows signs of execution issues and other privacy L1 projects have beat them to the punch. Advertising price on the website screams cashgrab even if not the case, and likely runs afoul of regulatory guidelines in the United States, which makes their commitment to compliance ostensibly questionable. Even if the EU permits it, they're still compromising access to their largest potential market.

>> No.52921817

Privacy for sure
Lick my butt and dyor

>> No.52922078
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have some patience zoomy

>> No.52922114
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0 correct answers ITT
Leemon and Mants are laughing at you fools

>> No.52922132


Which one? CMC has three of them.

>> No.52922169

>Cap could do well. Some other stuff might be:
>Unidex - Perps aggregator, only 8 mil mcap, makes about 5% a yr in fees and increasing
>Lyra - Options Dex
>RBN - Coming out with an options dapp chain
>Degenerates love options so I think eventually there will be a lot of options trading on-chain
>Speaking of degenerates, THALES could also be a decent bet. Since it is on-chain sports betting. I just think they have to make more people aware of the product.
>Also there is the older DeFi tokens like AAVE/Comp/Uni/SNX/Balancer/Sushi... It seems Compound has really fallen behind AAVE. SNX could do well if they manage to leverage CCIP well for crosschain stuff.
>Uni is by far the most dominant dex, but none of the dex tokens have good method of fee delivery until UNI stops being gay about it.
>Out of the classic tokens SNX/AAVE are best imo.
>Then there is always chainlink, which I think could do well once they figure out the staking. it is pretty complex so I'm not holding much LINK for now and will accumulate most likely over the next 2 yrs.

Nice post. Thanks.

>> No.52922208
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ICP doesnt need kyc nigger, I made over 30 Anchors to buy 20 SNS-1. Kill yourself

>> No.52923204

The next big wave in identity management is gonna be ORE

>> No.52923764
File: 201 KB, 1280x800, 821B1C78-A875-41DA-A692-96905BDA3C9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the next big wave just going to be gay identity shit?

Everest is Identity, link is oracles

iykyyk screencap you heard it here first

>> No.52924929

>Self regulations
>Self Custody

One name comes to mind NexeraID

>> No.52927046
File: 93 KB, 250x268, 1658552412681458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC, decentralized marketplace for cloud computing services and dApps

>> No.52927153

DESU the decentralized perp exchange narrative has recently stole the spotlight from the biggest issue still in crypto: Stablecoins

USDT is fradulant
BUSD is just USDT 2.0
USDC is permissioned and soon to be KYC
UST blew up massively

Currently the cool innovations in stable coins as far as I see are FRAX and SPOT.

FRAX is more of a traditional collateralized reserve system but their collateral is USDT and USDC which sort of defeats the point.

SPOT is a novel approach which is still unproven but can be huge.

>> No.52927358

Basic Attention Token (BAT).