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52918656 No.52918656 [Reply] [Original]

If you were SBF, what would you have done differently?

>> No.52918660

Not be so Jewish.

>> No.52918662

the girl

>> No.52918679

Get tf outta the Bahamas ASAP when CZ started tweeting about fucking FTX.
Facial reconstruction surgery.
Buy new identity

>> No.52918680 [DELETED] 

1. Realize i was a jew and therefore responsible for the murder of Christ and forever deserving of damnation
2. Realize the best thing i could possibly do would be to repent against every evil deed that had led to my creation and beg a just God every day for pardon

Haha jk evil kike shit 4eva!!1!1!1!

>> No.52918690

Should have fled to Israel instead of the Bahamas

>> No.52918696

I would’ve minted my own stable coin

>> No.52918837

I would have gave more money to the democratic party.

>> No.52918914


>> No.52918918

I would've taken out the chink before he took me out.

>> No.52918926

I wouldn't have gambled with customer money, seeing as my exchange would make Billions if I just did literally nothing.

>> No.52918941

Propose meeting CZ in Tel Aviv to discuss the merger instead of doing it online. Then just never leave.

>> No.52918966
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>> No.52918969

No women

>> No.52919087

Flee to Israel instead of Bahamas.
He probably chose Bahamas because they charge less in taxes...

>> No.52919182

All exchange gamble with customers money. This is how they pay for their bills. Do you think fintech is cheap? M8. Shit is expensive, and after crypto exploded, you also need to hire your personal politicians to lobby for you. Exchanges can't charge too much for operation, because people would just use another, so they take your money and "invest" in high-risk, high-reward assets, LIKE CRYPTO. Not their fault that crypto collapsed and lost more than half its value in just a year.

If you think this is bad, you should see the shitshow that is stable coins like tether. Literally, a ponzi scheme waiting to go bust.

>> No.52919216

Not sure what you mean so I have 2 answers:

1.) If I have free reign from the beginning of FTX, establish a safe corporate governance standard with security and regular audits to ensure the exchange is backed 1:1, and keep Almada as an entirely separate entity, and establish an additional stablecoin competitor backed 1:1 with full money market backing and build an ecosystem around it; focusing on increasing crypto liquidity, increasing connectivity to tradfi, and interconnecting relevant blockchains.

If everything stays the same and FTX still blows up due to my greed, incompetence, and malicious activity: steal as many reserves as possible, run them through a mixer, call it a "hack," then fake my death in a private jet crash. After which, get facial reconstructive surgery, and live in a 2nd world country where I can blend in as a sex tourist. I would then establish some touristy business like a spa hotel, launder my stolen money through it, donate to local police and municipalities to improve my surroundings, and do hookers and blow until I die.

>> No.52919220

It's easy to say what you would do in hindsight. Everyone and their mom did/are doing what SBF did.

>> No.52919221
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literally everything

>> No.52919232

Put the funds all in LINK

>> No.52919239

Israel won't take him, yes they allow Jews to get away with fraud but not world news tier fraud

>> No.52919272

Israel has US extradition. It would be better for him to go to a non extradition country

>> No.52919278

Basically this.
It's the most high-profile crime of the year. Jews will make sure he fries for this not because of what he did but because he was entrusted to keep the scam afloat

>> No.52919305

I don’t understand why retards keep so much in exchanges. As soon as I buy my crypto I immediately transfer it to a hard wallet

>> No.52919796


Because some people actively trade their stash

>> No.52919946

Seems to have worked out well for them.

>> No.52920013

>Make convoluted methods for moving around crypto that will take months to figure out
>Secure a forever bag, several hundred million
>Fake death with a lookalike
>Build a submarine
>Use sub to escape to a third world country that is favorable to crypto and buy seclusion
>Live like king

>> No.52920183

1-flee to ukraine, take accelerated citizenship
2-ask zelenshit to make me member of the government. Minister of treasury or something like that
become untouchable, waddle in corruption and stolen money. Anjd receive praises in MSM. Get invited to galas and shit.

3-give the finger to ex FTX customers, tell them I have more important things to do

>> No.52920206

by firing the jews wagie parasites.

>> No.52920231

not put my fucking company's name on a sports arena, that's the fucking kiss of death for rising companies

>> No.52920237

>implying Zelensky wouldn't just jail SBF and then extradite him back to the US in exchange for a squadron of F-16's

>> No.52920410

They let in convicted pedos and murderers. No, I'm not joking.

>> No.52920412

when Trabucco resigned i was certain their next plan was to sell ftx to a clueless retard then frame them for incompetence
i'm disappointed

>> No.52921184

skimmed slowly for years instead of a blatant run to not draw attention and not be such a greedy kike